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Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: c1dcbcf09debc6a⋯.png (3.82 MB,1772x1393,1772:1393,4wha.png)

84448d No.6468 [View All]

and rank them based on your taste

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84448d No.6480

File: f5f871ded5035cf⋯.png (194.3 KB,850x818,425:409,sample_2cfb1dc3f76f760328f….png)

1. Ara ara

2. Smug

3. Cool

4. Disdain

5. Sleepy

6. Tomboy

7. Cold

8. Bully

9. Bratty

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84448d No.6481

File: ba86de3615e6e62⋯.jpg (182.6 KB,1280x1507,1280:1507,5zaGqUt.jpg)

Top 3:

1. Cool - Realistically, this is the dream come true.

2. Tomboy - (what a weird description) - A stronger athletic girl would be hot; if she could overpower you without going for your balls, then her dominance is justified.

3. Bully - This would be so hot, but it would destroy me quickly. The only way I could do it would be for the Cool girl or the Tomboy girl to occasionally become the Bully, then go back to their type.

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84448d No.6484

1. Cool

2. Smug

3. Cold / Bully

The stronger humiliation and being looked down on excite me with the bully and cold types. Even though there would be humiliation in the other categories, it wouldn't be as much as the bully type


"There's nothing more pleasurable for her than to trample on a man's pride, stripe him of his morals and then turning him into a masochistic slave who'll humiliate himself for her amusement."

How far will it go? As time goes by I would probably "forced" to do things I dislike (and maybe grow to like). Would she embarass/humiliate me in front of friends/family? Would she have files with me in embarrassing situations, in order to blackmail me in case I decide to cut ties?

Appealing yet risky.


How cold? Since she believes that all men are cattle, being her slave would probably put you in a lower place than a 'simple' man ("as her slave you are not viewed as a person"). How wealthy/powerful is her family? If we pick the worst case scenario the consequences here could be scary.


This would probably be a full time, what a cool type would be on occasions. Similar to cool but more d/s.

Instead of typing more things on the cool type, I'll just say that If I didn't have an orgasm for a week or more, I'd probably pick one of the above. If I was "sober", I'd pick the cool type.

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84448d No.6485

File: 3700274e207fed6⋯.jpg (98.47 KB,500x700,5:7,qgeqg.jpg)

File: fef00941d9efb87⋯.png (764.1 KB,1092x740,273:185,1482718091311.png)


Bully type simply enjoys the degeneration of your personality by turning you from a normal guy into her masochistic pet who'll get aroused, or even have a orgasm, from being kicked around and verbally abused by her.

And yes, to the cold type, you're not a person, but a tool for her convenience, like a footstool or a chair or a vibrator. She won't do anything weird like using you as a toilet or castrating you if you displease her. If you mess up too much then she'll just kick you out and you'll be back to where you were.

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84448d No.6488


great pic

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84448d No.6494


1. Tomboy

2. Ara Ara

3. Smug

4. Cool

All other choices are shit.

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84448d No.6511


amazing chart, saved

1. bully

2. smug

3. cold

4. bratty

5. disdain

6. cool

7. tomboy

8. ara ara

9. sleepy

tbh any of the top 6 would be a dream come true, but if we're talking an actual, full-fledged, realistic (lol) relationship, then Cool Type wins by a mile

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84448d No.6565


Cool is 1, because it's obvious.

2 bully, because she will break me.

3 Tomboy, because I like tomboy and being physically overpowered must be great.

4 Ara Ara

5 bratty


7 distaint

9, sleepy. What is the point?

9 Cold. What is the point?

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84448d No.6568

1. Bully. I like girls who are actual sadists, besides being a turn on, the raw violence is thrilling.

2. Cold. I've just always liked the idea of being dommed by a princess for whatever reason.

3. Cool. Mostly because I could see myself actually end up marrying this girl.

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84448d No.6635

File: 4a8dc1ab39e002a⋯.png (1017.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,vlcsnap-2010-10-04-08h10m5….png)

1. bully

2. cold

3. tomboy

4. bratty - I avoid thinking about this for obvious reasons

5. smug - what I dislike is that her teasing would make it too obvious that femdom is what *I* want. What I really want is for her to dominate me "against my will" but not really? idk.

I hate all the other types.

Ara Ara: too benevolent

Disdain type: bitch do you wanna dominate me or not???

Cool: your boyfriend? stop recognising me as a person, damn it

Sleepy: this was probably just there to fill in space

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84448d No.6645

I can't decide.

I want her to mostly be Bully type or Cold type, then sometime be tomboy type or bratty type.

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84448d No.6647

God-Tier: Cool, Ara Ara, Tomboy, Smug

Okay-Tier: Bully, Cold

Shit-Tier: Disdain, Sleepy, Bratty

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84448d No.6651

Official Rankings:

1. Cool - Seems like prime A relationship material. The fact she can sense and appease your fetishes is just a bonus. While I love the idea of 24/7 femdom, I think realistically, it wouldn't work.

2. Cold - This is pretty much one of my top fetishes. I once had a strange pseudorelationship with a girl like this. Being used and abused, and turned into an object is just hot. She used to come by and sit on my face and make me lick her ass when she was bored. We grew distant, and I'm dating someone now.

3. Tomboy - Badass, can protect you, and a lifting pal to help motivate you is great. Besides, I imagine her being tall, which is a plus.

4. Bully

5. Disdain

6. Ara Ara

7. Sleepy

8. Smug

9. Bratty

Fun chart, OP.

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84448d No.6652

File: e9b43a29359aa22⋯.jpg (803.54 KB,860x1400,43:70,81ce9a9308ee1223cdcb3dc354….jpg)

1. Ara Ara type, because I'm a "little"

2. Cool type, because this one is a given

3. Sleepy Type, because there is just something really seductive about a lazy girl who tells you to do things very smoothly. It's a hug turn on.

4. Bully type, because I'm a masochist

5.Disdain type, to confirm my worthlessness

The rest would just be annoying. Especially the "smug" type.

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84448d No.6676


ara ara type all the way

tho i like the cool one

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84448d No.6790

From top to bottom:


ara ara








Cool, ara ara & maybe smug are desirable & achievable.

Cold & bully are more fucked up fantasies and not for real life.

Disdain would be my absolute horror.

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84448d No.6792

Tomboy because licking off the sweat of a hot strong woman is literally my fantasy

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84448d No.6794

None of these have extremely obsessive/possessive personality. That is best.

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84448d No.6797

File: 60f1a508191d99c⋯.jpg (638.22 KB,700x812,25:29,1469188376835-3.jpg)


A smug bully type would drive me absolutely crazy.

Someone who is open about wanting to go on a psychological power trip. The type of girl who enjoys being feminine because of all the doting male attention it gets her. Who understands that male sexuality is like a slavering dog that can be trained and convinced to do ever more degrading tricks. Dignity is worthless to a man who will never have the privilege of planting his worshipful kisses on her bare ass cheeks. Meanwhile she texts photos of the act to his girlfriend.

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84448d No.6839

My preferences would go to

1. Cool type

I would want our relationship to resemble a fairly normal/vanilla one most of the time (24/7 femdom would be pretty exhausting), so this type is quite perfect.

2. Smug type

Basically seems like the cool type, but with much flirting and teasing. I'd say the spots for these two are fairly interchangeable.

3. Tomboy type

I did date a girl once who fitted this stereotype, though she wasn't at all dominant.

I did lick her sweat a few times; I thought it would stink but it instead had this really erotic and spicy scent to it (for whatever reason, my mind thinks the smell was fairly similar to cayenne pepper).

4. Ara-ara type

While I'd like the affection, I fear the doting might become annoying.

The rest are a bit of a hard sell, especially for anything more long-term.

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1684bd No.7270


Sauce on that second pic pls

Looks really hot

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7d80fc No.7455

Is that even a question? Bully, of course. She is sadistic by nature and really enjoys treating boys like shit and humiliating them for her amusement. If she is into public humiliation then it would be even better. Tomboy seems great too. Would love to be seen carrying her things around and be told by her in front of my friends how weak I am :3

Cool/disdain/ara-ara aren't really dommes.

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031c35 No.7460

>Which one would you be a slave to?

Any and all obviously

As for ranks:

1. Smug- How could you ever get enough of this?

2. Tomboy- Since reaching maturity, I've never met a woman taller or stronger than me. Could be exciting.

3. Bully-I might not be able to handle this irl, but damn if it isn't a sexy fantasy

4. Cold- See Bully. Ranked lower than bully as I want some passion.

5. Bratty- Thought this one would go lower, but "What are you saying Onii-chan? You're already my slave." is pretty hot.

6. Cool-Almost so generically perfect as to be vanilla. Outside of fantasy land, she'd probably be my number 2 or number 3 pick, but even then, nothing beats smug.

7. Ara Ara- Hardly even counts as femdom

8. Sleepy- Boring

9. Disdain- Just no

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4a0d8a No.7462


>Any and all

>Just no

This is why men need to be ruled over. They can't think beyond the length of their dicks.

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031c35 No.7463


You're right.

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055953 No.7478

#1 Cool, without a doubt. Especially if she's really open-minded, then she could roleplay the other 8 types depending on my mood or preference at the time.

#2 Smug: Absolutely LOVE the teasing type, especially when they know exactly what they're doing and they love the power it gives them over me making me desperate for them.

#3 Disdain has been one of my longest-standing fantasies, from senior year high school when I had a couple freshman female friends, to grad school when a lot of my friends were undergrad girls.

#4 Bratty sounds little more than a younger version of the Cold type, but for me that's a huge difference; being dominated by someone younger is always a turn-on.

#5 Cold: I'm not sure about this one. The examples in the description (using my face as a chair and footstool, making me lick her through her panties) all sound fucking hot, but I'm not sure what she's supposed to be. Is she like this to EVERYONE beneath her social status, or is she just like to ALL MEN, regardless of social standing? if it's the former, then no thanks, but if it's the latter, then yes please.

#6 Sleepy: Similar to the Cold, the description of her just giving me her panties to jerk to or just lying down bored while I desperately try to cum sounds hot as fuck. But if this is meant to mean OVERALL boredom just with life in general, then maybe no thanks.

#7 Bully is something that would be an amazing fantasy, but just that; if I knew a girl who was genuinely a fucking cunt, I doubt I'd want anything to do with her, much less share any of my fetishes with her.

#8 Tomboy doesn't attract me. One of the biggest reasons I love femdom is the idea that a girl who's physically smaller or frailer or younger than me can still dominate me. If the girl is already physically stronger, what's the point?

#9 Ara Ara doesn't absolutely nothing for me.

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8b8117 No.7479


Yeah, feel free to not explain that at all.

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8b8117 No.7480

I feel like we need more types.

Some ideas: lazy, happy, experienced domme, classy, nervous, and nerdy.

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8c9c0c No.7484

File: fc5d944143db5c5⋯.jpg (278.08 KB,2264x2003,2264:2003,7fmp66hi1rny.jpg)

These are all gay, best one is a combination of Bully, bratty, loving and smug. Cold and disdain is gay as fuck. She has to be a little bit mean, but it's only fun if she also likes you.

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8b8117 No.7490


>burqa type

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8d2d2b No.7500

smug type, cool type and ara ara type

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8d2d2b No.7501

File: a84ca51f051d3f0⋯.jpg (2.23 MB,1772x1393,1772:1393,emojis.jpg)

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3844e8 No.7506

A mix between bully, ara ara and tomboy would probably be my absolute dreamwife.

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8c00c1 No.7526

1. Ara Ara

2. Smug

99. the rest

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34dc9c No.7623


1 - Bratty type

2 - Sleepy type

3 - Ara Ara type

4 - Tomboy type

5 - Cool type

6 - Cold type

7 - Disdain type

9 - Bully type

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9ffe61 No.7634


oh look it's me! :D

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c85b13 No.9486

Cool + Ara Ara = ideal human being for me

Between those two, I can't honestly decide.

Cool + Ara Ara + Sleepy + Smug = realistic girl close to perfection

Smug is too hentaish and if real might have some issues in the noggin, I'd totally stay away.

Sleepy = good enough to have living female cozy around, I've been in too many shitty relationships. Would settle for it, despite being boring.

Bratty is a major turn off, pedo nuances repulse me a lot. Plus, I'd buy her that ice cream cone. Then stick it in her forehead and give her a kick in the butt. I hate misbehaved children, specially kid-like young people.

The rest should undergo a major fuck off case. I may have a lowkey submissive ego, but my shadow leaves no room for enjoying shitty treatments, on the contrary.

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8331d9 No.9540

S tier

1. Smug

A tier

2. Cold

3. Bully

4. Ara Ara

B tier

5. Cool

6. Tomboy

C Tier

7. Sleepy

8. Disdain

F Tier

9. Bratty

My criteria is mostly how much the sexual domination seems like her idea and desire. Smug, cold, and bully all seem like they need a sub in order to be fulfilled sexually. Even Ara Ara types want someone someone meek to be comforting to. So that's S and A tier. Cool and Tomboy seem like incidental doms–they definitely enjoy domming but it isn't a high priority. Disdain, Sleepy, and Bratty don't seem to feed off of their submissive's desire at all, so C and F tier. It seems like the disdain type only fucks you after she abuses you because the abuse turns her on and you're the only guy available. If there were any other guy in the room she'd use them to get off.

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8331d9 No.9541



we seem to be on very similar wavelengths

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b5a168 No.9545

Probably Disdain. She is still affectionate for me, but she is also giving in and letting me become her slave. The ridicule makes the arousal stronger, flooding the mind with mixed feelings of shame, regret, guilt but also with pleasure.

Cold is pretty much 24/7 slavery, Bully will easily backfire on me, Bratty sounds fun but all the errands and busywork will ruin the fun.

Sleepy sounds a bit dull, but the disinterest angle works quite well. Smug, Cool and Tomboy would be fun. Ara Ara doesn't really do it for me, patronizing in the wrong way.

Ideally, Disdain is the primary girl with elements of Bully, Cold, Bratty and Smug in there too.

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abd239 No.10949

File: ad9258e2a0a11de⋯.png (297.92 KB,478x694,239:347,1655881619064.png)


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abd239 No.10953


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000000 No.11125


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000000 No.11126


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ce59d2 No.11161


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369d67 No.11182


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38757d No.11199


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afef76 No.11205


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83d008 No.11208

join joinasdda

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83d008 No.11209

how the fuck do i join a thread or a board i dont fuckigggn comprende

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