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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: 1421528618292.png (255.59 KB,352x402,176:201,screenshot-www ballbusting….png)

0b2d73 No.1889 [View All]

Since some people were crying about castration stories in the regular erotica thread i'm creating this one. Post the MOST HARDCORE stories you can find/write.
90 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0b2d73 No.5177

File: 1465058788971.png (1020.13 KB,596x688,149:172,11111.png)




Here are a bunch of stories, I pasted them to ghostbin. If there are any you can think of that I missed let me know.

Happy Mother's Day


Jodie and Knave


Snip Snip


Sugar and Spice




Sister Busts Balls


Mom's Ball-Busting Videos, Inc


Interviewing Mom


Mom Teaches Self-Defense


The Ball-Busting Family


Paying My Sister


Joe and Sarah


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0b2d73 No.5184

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0b2d73 No.5197


Thanks m8. Not sure why he killed his blog.

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0b2d73 No.5207

Any more castration stories like this one?


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0b2d73 No.5240

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0b2d73 No.5241


I need links.

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0b2d73 No.5243



Here's a link, you can click the numbers you know.


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0b2d73 No.5247


What? No.

I was requesting a collection of castration stories link most sites only have ball busting.

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0b2d73 No.5259

does anyone have any more stories from alexh's flash femdom blog? he closed it down a couple of years ago and i've been looking for most of his stories ever since.

obviously the batting cage one is here but he had a whole bunch of them, would really appreciate it if anybody could share them

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0b2d73 No.5278

File: 1466271642493.jpg (48.04 KB,600x944,75:118,Bs4APD4CcAIIizO.jpg)

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0b2d73 No.5298

I read a story online and can't find it anymore. The mistress gets a doctor friend to do a mock castration on him, then he screws up and they repeat it for real. In the end, it turns out she's been fucking the doctor for some time.

The set up was very specific with cutting guide plates and everything.

Any help is appreciated :)

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0b2d73 No.5484

Gonna post some links of stories I like, not gonna spoil but the titles are spoilers anyways so whatever anything most of it is femdom, cbt, castration and wrestling etc.

Aesthetically Pleasing - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc22/aestheticallypleasing2.txt

A Surprise Christmas Present - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc21/christmas.txt

Power Milking part 2 - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc21/powermilking02.txt

Male Jewelry - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc30/malejewelry.txt

Castrated by a Young Girl Fighter - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc20/castrated.txt

Castrated by The Office Girls - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc20/officegirls.txt

Castrated by a girl at school - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc21/schoolgirl.txt

Spectacle - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc22/spectacle.txt

I finally found her - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc21/finally.txt

Castrated by My Sisters - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc7/sisters.txt

At the hands of Delilah - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc25/delilah.txt

Judy's Jewels - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc12/judy.txt

Testicle Festival - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc22/festival.txt

The Pet Groomer - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc22/petgroomer.txt

Vurners Vet Supply - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc23/vurners.txt

An Encounter with Goddess Demoness - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc10/msdemon.txt

Three Ninjas Get Kicked - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/misc/ninjas.txt

Ball-busting Family - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/misc2/family.txt

Mommy's Nutcrackers - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/misc2/nut.txt

My Big Sister - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/misc3/bigsis.txt

The Little Guy part 1: The Big Sister - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc6/walter1.txt

Top Bitches- http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc7/topbitch.txt

STEP SISTER, ANGEL - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc9/stepsis.txt

A Sister's Revenge, part 1 - http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/1misc17/revenge01.txt

These are all the ones I read that are decent imo, you can find a shit ton of stories, probably around like 300? idk If anyone finds more good ones post them, I am mainly like ballbusting/castration. +1 if sister or family. http://www.thevalkyrie.com/library.html Just scroll down to "Miscellaneous One" where all the stories get posted from there on.

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0b2d73 No.5967

Why the hell arnt there more castration stories being written? There are so many people in the world, but nobody seems to be making any?


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0b2d73 No.6277


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0b2d73 No.6678

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0b2d73 No.6694

File: 9056ce9d5ed8a65⋯.jpg (318.2 KB,800x988,200:247,74932f6edcf56bcd44ea9f6466….jpg)

Chelsea and the other students were sitting in the classroom, waiting for the teacher. There were about thirty of them in all, each student wearing their private school uniforms. The girls in white French blouses and kilts, the boys in white dress shirts and black pants. Chelsea was new to this school, as they all were. It was the first week of class, and they were the lowest grade at MacCordum Academy, a prestigious school known for getting results. Its students scored among the highest in the country and its students went on to the top colleges.

Of course, none of that meant anything to Chelsea, who at the moment was chatting with her new best friend, Jody. They had quickly become friends, finding they shared many things in common - they both liked playing soccer, they both detested sitting in a classroom, and of course, they both hated their annoying brothers.

Their chatting came to a halt as the door closed behind them, and Madame Theriault walked in between a row of desks to the front of the class, her high heels clacking on the ceramic tile floor. She walked with a steady and confidence gait, surveying the classroom with her sharp blue eyes, resting behind her narrow glasses. Her blond hair was tied back neatly in a bun. With a similar shade of hair, Chelsea couldn't help but admire it, in fact she admired everything about her. There was just something about her that inspired respect. It wasn't just her, the entire class had fell silent as soon as she entered the room.

Madame took her place in front of the board and addressed the class. "Good morning everyone," she said in her steady tone, which did not sound at all friendly. "Now that you have all settled into the Academy, it is time that I give you the most important lesson of all, and teach you about discipline." At the sound of that word, every student in the class shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

"What sets this school apart from all others is the discipline with which students conduct themselves. We have a clear system of rules. Those who violate it will receive the strictest of punishment," she said, looking at the boys' side of the room. "However," she added with a rare smile as she turned her gaze to the girls' side "those who follow the rules will excel and be amply rewarded."

"How this system works will become clear to you throughout the day. Now, let's begin today's lesson."

Madame dimmed the lights and turned on the digital projector. The students were stunned by what they saw. At the top of the screen it said "Sex Education" and underneath, side by side, were the diagrams of male and female genitalia. Shock soon turned to giggles, as this was the first time any of these students had seen such images.

Chelsea was stunned. She clearly recognized the vagina as something that she had, but she was transfixed on the image of the penis, or more specifically, the penis and "testicles" as the heading over the picture said. This was the first time she had ever seen a penis, and she had never even heard of "testicles" before. Beside her, Jody was equally transfixed.

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0b2d73 No.6695

File: 55d1372c2a23d11⋯.jpg (334.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,4c91ecad91364e4055e815e4c1….jpg)


"That will be quite enough!" The snap of a long ruler on a desk snapped the class back into their fearful silence that had become routine in Madame's class. She went to the next slide. In the hour that followed, the class learned what made boys and girls different. They learned that girls, once they become women, have the ability to create life in their womb, which is well protected inside their body. They learned that the female genitalia is a prize of evolution, something to be respected. Chelsea had never given any thought to what was between her legs, or to what being a girl even meant. She suddenly felt a sense of pride and satisfaction.

Moving on, the class learned about male genitalia, about its two parts, the penis and testicles, or balls as they were commonly referred to. "Unlike it female counterpart, the male is poorly designed. It leaves the male's vital reproductive organs completely outside of the body and open to any manner of harm," she said, again with a slight smile on her face. "A blow that would barely be felt by a girl, would cause some pain to a boy, while a blow that would cause some pain to a girl, similar to the feeling of being hit in the arm, or the leg, would cause the upmost excruciating pain to a boy."

The lesson delved into more detail, about the nerve ending on the testicles and the pain this caused boys. They also learned about how easily testicles could be ruptured, or popped. "Why, given the right positioning, any girl in this room has the weight and force to stomp a pair of testicles into mush," said Madame, eliciting looks of terror from the boys and giggles from the girls, which she did not attempt to halt.

By the end of the lesson, the room had been transformed. It was as if the genie had been let out of the bottle. Only a few hours before, the students had been unaware of something so fundamental about themselves, and about eachother. Jody and Chelsea giggled happily together. "Oh my God," said Jody, "That means that Brian (her little brother) has a pair of balls too! I've tried everything to stop him from annoying me, now I can finally get him good!" Chelsea's eyes lit up. "Oh my God! You're so right! Bobby is going to get it tonight!"

"Now class," Madame returned the class's attention to her - the girls looking enthusiastic and happy, the boys looking as though they wanted to run for the door as quickly as possible. "Now that we have those basics out of the way, we shall return to the point of today's lesson - discipline." Chlesea had completely forgotten the topic with which they had started the day, and was disappointed that they were returning to this, as were all of the girls.

"As I said, here at the Academy we operate on a simple system of punishment and rewards. In fact, I have arranged a little demonstration." She looked to the back of the class, where a girl from another class entered. She looked to be a few grades above Chelsea's class. "Shannon is the top student in her grade level," said Madame proudly, as Shannon took her place beside her. "Shannon works very hard, but she is also rewarded for her work."

Madame turned her attention to one of the boys in the middle row. "Johnny, if I'm not mistaken - and I'm not - you arrived late to my class yesterday. Come up here, now." Johnny squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes full of fear, not knowing what was going on, but knowing that whatever happened was going to be very bad. However, his fear of Madame was strong, and he dared not disobey, he walked solemly up to the front of the room.

"Now, normally I would have punished Johnny on the spot for his transgression, but I thought he would make for a useful demonstration of today's lesson. Now Johnny, put your hands on your head and close your eyes." Johnny reluctantly obeyed this odd command. "Now begin counting to 10."

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0b2d73 No.6696

File: 411566d401e289b⋯.gif (559.72 KB,320x180,16:9,d6a05f6722f11355d6d177e7c2….gif)


Johnny began counting. He was facing Shannon, with this eyes closed, hands on his head, and legs slightly parted. This was the oddest punishment he had ever been subjected to, but if that's all he had to do, then he considered himself lucky.

Chelsea, too was confused, but then she saw Shannon adjust her stance and put her right leg back. She instantly recognized this position, it looked like she was readying for a long goal kick in soccer. "Five… six," counted Johnny, but before he reached seven, Shannon's leg released like a piston and landed directly between his legs. Johnny's eyes shot wide open. The look on his face was like nothing Chelsea had seen before, and it captivated her. In that one expression, Johnny expressed shock, pain, and terror, all producing a unique combination that was priceless. Chelsea was not the only who thought so. Every girl in the class watched Johnny's face intently, none more so then Shannon. For her, this was her reward. This was the fleeting high to which she constantly longed to return. The feeling of exhiliration that motivated her to excel at everything she did.

And just as suddenly as the moment came, it was gone, pierced by a high-pitched scream emanating from Johnny's mouth. As the shock faded, Johnny began to feel the true extent of his pain. He fell to the floor, consumed by the fire emanating from between his legs and engulfing his entire body. Still screaming at the top of his lungs, he was frantically grabbing at the bulge between his legs, he then began to writhe uncontrollably, as if he truly were on fire and was trying to put out the flames by rolling around the floor.

Again, Chelsea was absolutely amazed at the sight before her eyes. That feeling of exhiliration that had completely overcome her in that moment after impact now spread throughout her body like a warm blanket. Her body tingled with excitement and energy. Absolute thrill and utter contentment combined within her to produce a feeling that she had never before experienced. She would do anything to feel like this forever.

Johnny's spectacle lasted for many minutes more. The entire class was transfixed on the pain of this one boy. It was as if through his rolling, writhing, and screaming he were somehow trying to escape his body, but he couldn't. All he could do was cup the vulnerable two little orbs that, in return, were repaying him with utter torment.

Shannon was the first to giggle, following by some other girls. Like a contagion, the it spread and soon every girl in the room was bursting with laughter. Chelsea and Jody grabbed one another, trying to steady themselves as they were consumed by laughter. This lasted for several minutes more, and as the girls eventually began to calm down, and as Johnny stopped his writhing and just lay there silently, the feeling that had overtaken every girl in the room - that unknown quantity - began to dissipate and settle into a more calm feeling of contentment.

Madame, who had watched the whole spectacle with a feeling of great satisfaction, leaned down to Johnny and forcefully unzipped his pants. In no position to resist, she pulled them down to his knees, and then his boxers too. His legs spread open, he was on fully display to the class. She looked at his battered balls, felt them (causing Johny to flinch in pain), and then declared, "Well, they're both intact so you didn't pop one" she declared with a tone of disappointment, which was reciprocated by a groan from Shannon. "However, you did a good number on his poor little balls, Shannon. They're swollen to several times their normal size, and I daresay he will be in severe pain for several days to come." Shannon's face lit up, as did Chelsea's, Jody's, and every other girl's. "Shannon, you should be proud, having inaugurated Johnny into the reality that every male should experience in his lifetime." The boys all gulped with discomfort.

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0b2d73 No.6697


"You mean, this was his first…" asked Shannon.

"Yes, the first time he has been kicked in the balls. His mother tells me he has never been hit there." Madame's eyes looked to the back of the room, and up walked a lady, who it soon became apparent was Johnny's mother.

"Yes," said Johnny's mother in a regretful tone. "Johnny doesn't have a sister, otherwise it would have happened long ago. I've certainly been tempted many a time," she said smiling, "but I always intended for Johnny to come to the Academy, and thought it would be special if we waited."

"Oh, thank you so much," said Shannon. "It was great. And now knowing that I was the first girl to do that to him, well, that makes it even better."

"You're welcome dear. Now you girls have fun," said Johnny's mom, as she unsympathetically pulled her son to his feet and guided him, wobbling, out of the class. He wouldn't be back for several days.

"Well class. I trust this demonstration has been useful. I have here handouts for all of you explaining how this system will work. And don't worry, your mothers have all been given the details and can explain it to you tonight. Needless to say, those of you boys who follow the rules can avoid having what happened to Johnny happen to you very often, and those who don't know what they can expect."

"And girls," she said with a wide, uncharacteristic smile, "The more that you excel at this school, the more opportunities you will have to do what Shannon did today, and more." She paused on the word "more", letting it hang in the air long enough for the students to remember the images of ruptured testicles that they had seen earlier in the day. Chelsea's heart skipped a beat.

"Class dismissed."

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0b2d73 No.6698

File: 021081252bcd638⋯.jpg (131.73 KB,1000x831,1000:831,77a2de5ac1043522933a1db1c7….jpg)

Chelsea and Jody rode the school bus home together, as they had since beginning MacCordum Academy earlier that week. Only this time was different everything had changed. They could hardly contain their glee as they adjusted to the new reality of the world in which they lived. What had heretofore been a boring, humdrumb life full of rules, had now become one of excitement and opportunity.

Only hours before they had learned that one half of the human species suffered from an immense flaw, one which it was every females right to exploit to her own ends be it control, pleasure, etc. Of course, being of Middle School age, the girls did not fully comprehend this paradigm, but they understood enough. They understood that boys had balls and girls didnt, and that with very little effort a girl could cause a boy indescribable pain, a pain which he could not reciprocate to her. They further understood that MacCordum Academy was going to be a place where they would have plenty of opportunities to hurt boys. When boys acted badly as theyre prone to do they would be punished, and the girls who acted good, well they would be rewarded by getting to deliver the punishment.

The girls exited the bus and walked together in their upscale suburban community. Chelsea couldnt help but fixate on the groin of every male she saw. Only that morning she had never given any thought to what lay between a males legs, now it was as if she couldnt see anything except that. Unconsciously, she rubbed the area between her own legs through her kilt, as if reassuring herself. It was nice and smooth down there. Looking at another passing mans groin, she couldnt help but wonder what it must feel like to have stuff hanging down there, and to walk around in the knowledge that at any moment you could be reduced to a pathetic heap as a result of those dangling bits.

This brought Chelseas mind to her brother, Bobby. She was quite sure that Bobby had no idea about the weakness between his legs, since she hadnt known. And had he been kicked in the balls before, she reasoned, theres no way he would be so damn obnoxious. No, he would fear her, as he should - and as he soon would.

As if reading her mind, Jody said, I cant wait to nail Brian right in his pathetic little nuts tonight! This is going to be soo awesome! The girls giggled loudly thinking about the tormet they would unleash on their unsuspecting little brothers. As they walked, they would stop every few paces to fake kick one another between the legs after all, neither of them had kicked someone there before, they needed to make sure their aim was good. This would not be a problem for either girl, as they were both excellent soccer players.

The girls parted ways, with promises to call one another and share all the gorish details once they had nailed their brothers. Chelsea walked into her house. Im home.

Up here dear, replied her mother.

Chelsea walked into the kitchen where her mother was doing some baking. Her mother turned to her. How was your day at school? she asked.

Chelsea didnt quite know what to say. Madame had said something about all of their mothers knowing about what happened, and that they would explain more to them about the system at MacCordum, but she was still hesitant to broke the subject.

Seeing her daughters excitement but mixed with hesitancy, Chelseas mother saved her the trouble. Oh dear, I know all about what happened today. I think its marvelous.

You do! Chelsea squealed and embraced her mom. This is so awesome. Thank you for sending me to this school!

I wouldnt have it any other way, she replied. I went there after all.

Really? Chelseas mind processed the information. That means

Oh yes, dear. Ive kicked and stomped more pairs of testicles than I can recall, a devious smile came to her face.

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0b2d73 No.6699


Yes, I wouldnt have it any other way. I decided long ago that you and Bobby would go there.

Really! Chelsea said again excitedly. MacCordum Academy began in Middle School, and Chelsea had just completed the first week of her first year there. That meant Bobby would be starting there next year. As her mind processed this, her excitement turned to disappointment. Did this mean that she would have to wait for Bobby to be initiated in Madames class? She had no idea how she could resist smashing his balls the moment she saw him.

Sensing her daughters disappointment, her mother again alleviated her worries. Dont worry, Chelsea. I have no intention of making you wait to introduce your brother to the realities of life. Chelseas face lit up. In fact, its been quite hard for me these past few not to kick your brothers balls right up into this throat, the little brat.

Bobby had become increasingly arrogant, obnoxious and demanding these past few months, since their father left. A psychologist would have said he was acting out, and would have recommended therapy. Cynthia, the mother of Chelsea and Bobby, had no such sympathy. This boy would quickly learn his place through painful discipline.

As if on cue, the door closed and Johnny entered downstairs. He would be up in a few minutes, he usually would go to his room first to check Facebook on his laptop.

So how are we going to do this, said Chelsea hurriedly. Cynthias mind worked as she surveyed the kitchen. Her eyes stopped on the countertop, to a package of eggs she had out. The devious smile returned. So this is what were going to do

Chelsea explained the plan to her daughter. A few minutes later Bobby came into the kitchen. “What are we having, I’m starving!” said Bobby in the high pitched voice of a pre-pubescent boy. The obnoxious tone grated on both Chelsea and Cynthia. Neither could wait for the moment.

How was your day at Cynthia was cut off by her impetuous son. School sucked! I hate it, why do you make me go! Im hungry, wheres supper?

Your sister is making it for us, she replied. Cynthia was in front of the stove frying up some eggs. Eggs and steak were somewhat of a family tradition.

So Bobby, Chelsea said in as pleasant a tone as she could muster. How would you like your eggs? She already knew the answer, but wanted to hear it come from Bobbys mouth.

Scrambled, he replied, with his back to his sister, half a dozen feet away.

Im sorry, I didnt hear you, what did you say? said Chelsea, as she approached her brother and adjusted her legs into a kicking stance. She had not removed her black Mary Janes. The classic black heels with a rounded but extremely hard toe were standard issue for all girls at the Academy.

Bobby paused and began to turn. I said, his voice was now raised. I want my eggs scrambled you dumb bitch! Johnny completed his turn to face his sister. Their eyes met just as he said the word bitch.

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0b2d73 No.6700

File: c15f4b454d7ee3c⋯.jpg (152.79 KB,1000x831,1000:831,c48cc564881c7325c79423970d….jpg)


You got it!” said Chelsea as her strong, athletic leg kicked upward with all of the force she could muster. She had no intention of holding back. A part of her was desperately wishing to her the sound of two “POPS” when her foot landed. In what was only a split second, her hard, unforgiving Mary Janes landed perfectly onto the bulge between Bobby’s legs. Coming in an upward angle, the hard and wide toe of the shoe captured both of his precious orbs and pressed them mercilessly into his pelvic bone. The force of the kick was such that Bobby’s feet almost left the ground, only the tip of his big toes remained on the floor. This meant that his own body weight was working against him, and he felt an unbearable pressure in a region of his body that he had never even give much thought to. He was in absolute shock.

For Chelsea, that moment had returned. That fleeting feeling of absolute paradise as the boy’s face contorted into an expression that it had never before made, twisted as it was by the overwhelming feelings of shock, pain, and utter terror. In Bobby’s face she also thought she saw a hint of betrayal – she was his sibling after all, his blood. How could she do this to him? This truly was the worst thing that had ever happened to this boy in his short and sheltered life. And it was all thanks to his older sister, someone who was supposed to love and protect him.

Something else was different for Chelsea this time, too. Before she had been a witness to the bust, now it was her foot between his legs, it was she who was the cause of this torment for the male victim.

These two facts only multiplied the pleasurable sensation overcoming her, and her knees actually buckled a bit as her kicking foot returned to the ground. She had to steady herself from falling.

Cynthia, too, was experiencing that same feeling as she watched her son’s face. It had been too long, she thought, as this familiar high came back to her. She was also overcome by pride, having just watched her daughter be initiated into the wonderful world of ballbusting. And this was not any male victim, this was her son. This moment would always have a special place in her memory as she sought to capture that expression on his face.

As before, Chelsea noticed that the first thing to snap her out of her daze was the loud, high pitched screams of the tormented male victim. Bobby collapsed to the floor, grasping vainly at his balls in attempt to relieve the pain, and sounding more like a girl than Chelsea did with his high pitched wailing. Again, the wave of satisfaction surged throughout her body as she watched her victim roll, writhe and scream. She thought it was so amusing how he did everything he could think of to relieve the pain, since clearly nothing would work. He clearly did not fully comprehend the reality of his existence yet. He was a boy, and as such a prisoner to his own testicles.

It was this amusing thought that caused her to giggle. Her mother joined in, and soon the two burst into hysterics. The fact that this was her brother writhing on the floor, and that she was sharing this experience with her mom, made it even more intense for Chelsea. Her sides felt like they would burst with laughter, and partly as a result of that, and partly in a desire to mock her brother further, she fell to the floor beside him and rolled and writhed, grabbing at the area between her legs. Only of course, hers was nice and smooth.

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0b2d73 No.6701

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The sight was too much for Cynthia. It was as if the school girl within her that had left long ago had come back up to the surface, and she fell to the floor beside her daughter. It was a sight to behold, the entire family on the kitchen floor, rolling and writhing, only two of them were squeeling in laughter, while the other one was screaming in tortuous pain.

As the laughter subsided, they looked over to Johnny and began hearing these weird sounds – he was dry heaving. Only moments later, he had thrown up the contents of his lunch, that his dear mother had packed for him only that morning.

“Oh my God,” said Chelsea, partly in disgust, but partly in awe at what she had done to her brother. “I had no idea…”

“There are many things you have yet to learn,” said Cynthia, caressing her daughter’s face. “Both of you,” she said more sternly, turning to Bobby. “This was only your introduction. You both have lives ahead of you that will be full of ballbusting. You will reach heights of pleasure, and pain,” again turning to Bobby, “that you had thought unattainable and could never even imagine.”

Looking around, Cynthia looked as though an idea had just come to her. “You know what, let’s eat out dear. Now that you’ve been inaugurate into ballbusting, it’s important that we get you proper footwear.”

A light bulb turned on in Chelsea’s head, she hadn’t even thought about what she put on her foot to kick a boy with. She looked down at her Mary Janes with a new found sense of appreciation.

“Those are marvelous shoes, don’t you worry,” said Cynthia. “It’s just that, well you’ll discover that footwear is to ballbusting as flavours are to sundaes. They’re all delicious, but each can bring a different flavour, each enjoyable in its own way.”

Excitedly, the two females, mother and daughter, headed for the door, leaving their son and brother, respectively, to wallow in the torment of his male existence.

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0b2d73 No.6702

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The school was called into assembly. The first semester marks had come in, and now it was time for some of the students to be cut. For the girls, this meant they had to go back to a regular school, but for the boys it was so much worse. MacCordum Academy’s philosophy was based on the premise of extreme rewards and extreme punishments. This is what drove some students to excel and become leaders in their field. It was generally thought that if a boy’s balls were on the line – literally – then he would perform. For those who didn’t well, they served as a valuable lesson – and entertainment. After all, the girls had to be rewarded somehow.

Of course, the best part was that the boys didn’t know if their name would be called, so they all sat in fear. Likewise the girls, who would be called to perform the awesome duties, it was a surprise as well.

Chelsea and Jody sat there, exchanging smiles and brimming with anticipation. They had both worked really hard this semester, and had hoped they would be chosen.

“Alright,” said Madame Theriault. “We have a day of exciting entertainment for you girls. Thanks to all of you who have submitted your ideas – some of them were very creative. I can assure you, they have been incorporated into today’s events.”

Madame called the first two names. First, the girl, Jackie was called up. She squealed with delight when her name was called, and Chelsea felt a twinge of envy, as did the other girls.

The spotlight then shone a few rows behind Chelsea and Jody. There sat a fat boy whose colour had completely drained from his face, which was usually the colour of a tomato. He looked terrified. Chelsea studied his face, and soaked it in, she loved it. So this is what a boy looks like when he knows he’s about to lose his balls? She thought,and smiled.

The teachers came and grabbed poor Andrew, who started screaming madly. One of the teachers kneed him hard in the balls, then grabbed his groin, and together they pacified him enough to drag him to the front of the room, flailing and weeping. Andrew was placed against the wall in the left side of the auditorium, first his arms and then his legs tied into place so that he could not move and his legs were spread eagle. A teacher tied an elastic around the base of his sack, in order to ensure they couldn’t slip away easily, and the skin became tight. It was easy to see his testicles now.

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0b2d73 No.6703


Jackie was on the other side, doing some jumps to warm up her legs. She was the top track star. Chelsea couldn’t help but admire her beautiful strong legs, which were plain to see as she was wearing typical running shorts. She had ankle socks on and a cute pair of pink running shoes. Andrew was also watching her, still unable to comprehend that he was about to lose his balls.

Madame explained that Andrew had the lowest physical education scores, and since he was a disgrace to himself, his family and the school, it had been determined (with the signed agreement of his mother) that he should lose his balls. Jackie on the other hand was the school’s top athlete. The contrast could not be greater. Jackie’s eyes were on Andrew as she warmed up. How pathetic this fat boy was. He did not deserve balls. And after her hard work, she deserved the pleasure of taking them. She had long thought about that perfect kick – one where she obliterated a boy’s balls in one brutal blow. She shuddered with pleasure. Andrew shuddered in terror.

She crouched down, as if she were starting a 50 meter dash. In truth it was only 25 meters, but it was long enough to give her enough speed and momentum to accomplish her goal – she hoped. The key would be accuracy, which she had practiced ad nauseum on the pathetic boys in her school. In her two years at the school, she had left many a boy writhing on the ground in her wake. Boys doing track and field soon learned to steer clear of her on the track. One of her favourite ways to bust a boy was to wait until they were running opposite one another and then at the last possible second shoot her foot out into his groin, with devastating results. Even when she didn’t do it, she loved watching the boys flinch as they approached her.

BOOM, the gun went and Jackie started her dash. Chelsea’s excitement grew as she watched Jackie speed toward her target, like a lioness pouncing on a gazel. And what a plump prey he was. Andrew began screaming and struggling with his restraints. As he tried to free himself, his fat giggled all over his obese body. Chelsea and Jody laughed, as did the girls around them. It just made him look more pathetic, and deserving of his fate. Laughs turned to yelps and cheers. The whole auditorium (at least the female part of it) worked themselves into a frenzy, and were screaming at the top of their lungs in support of Jackie.

Time seemed to slow down. The crowd’s anticipation grew. Destroying both testicles with one kick would be no easy feat. The right combination of force and accuracy would be needed. If Jackie kicked slightly too much to the left, then she would no doubt crush the left testicle, but the right one would escape. If she kicked too much to the right, Andrew would suffer the agonizing pain of losing his right testicle, but would no doubt be overjoyed to know his left was intact. And the kind of perfection MacCordum demanded of its girls meant that Jackie would not be satisfied with getting the remaining

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0b2d73 No.6704


ball on a second kick. She had to get it right the first time.

Ten meters to go. Everyone held their breath. Chelsea was amazed by Jackie’s flawless form. Her strong but elegant legs were the height of femininity. Chelsea felt inspired by her strength and pose.

Andrew, too, was looking at Jackie’s legs at that moment. He had stopped his vain attempt to get free. Outwardly he was sobbing, tears streaming down his face, but he was oblivious to that. He was in a trance, watching those strong feminine legs speed towards him. When the mind is overcome with terror, it is flooded with a heightened sense of awareness. Although those last few meters couldn’t have lasted more than 10 seconds, he took in a lot of details and thoughts during that short period.

It started with her thighs, which were exposed beneath her short blue running shorts that cut off well above the knee in order to give a full range of motion. As one leg moved forward, then the next, he noticed the v-shape her shorts formed around her crotch. A pang of jealousy overcame him. If only he could be so lucky, not to have testicles, then he wouldn’t have to suffer this horrible fate. After all, Jackie would never be able to fathom the agony she was about to deliver on him, and he would never be able to return that pain. This brought his awareness back to his testicles, still intact, but with only seconds left of existence. He felt his balls now as he had never felt them before. An intimate part of his body, his reproductive organ. He could feel the cool air against them as they hang completely exposed to the world, his legs stretched wide.

Jackie was closing in now, so close that his gaze couldn’t help but focus on her bright pink running shoes with the familiar nike swish in neon yellow. These were long, elegant running shoes with spikes on the soles to allow for greater power and speed for short distance running. They truly were a beautiful instrument of destruction.

It was as if alarm bells were now going off in his head as every fibre of his being fought against the impending destruction of his manhood. He let out a loud continuous shriek that caused even Chelsea and Jody, who were in the middle rows, to cover their ears.

This did not distract Jackie one bit. Her focus had remained solid throughout. It was this killer instinct that would get her far in life – she would not let her eye off the ball, or in this case, BALLS.

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0b2d73 No.6705


She was now a metre away from Andrew. She stepped her left leg forward, but rather than continue in her sprint, she put her weight down onto that muscular leg, which absorbed the impact of stopping most of her body weight. She arced her right leg back. It reached back as far as it could go, and then began its forward motion. Jackie shifted all of her weight to her right leg. Her entire body contracted as her muscles strived to put every ounce of power she had into her right leg, which was now ascending up towards its target.

Andrew watched her foot come up toward him, and in that last split second, it went out of view, as he couldn’t see over his flabby belly. At that moment, it would be normal for a boy or man to close his eyes and wait for the inevitable, but for whatever reason, Andrew’s eyes looked up and straight at Jackie’s face. What he saw in her face was pure determination. Her eyes were not looking at his, but down at his balls.

And that’s where Jackie continued to look as the top of her pink running shoe made direct impact with Andrew’s nutsack. It was dead on, right in the centre. If a male were lucky enough, in such a situation his balls would move outward and avoid most of the impact, leaving him in a lot of pain, but manhood intact. Andrew was not so lucky. They had tied an elastic around the base of his sack, so that there was nowhere for his poor balls to go.

Jackie’s contracting leg muscles and forward momentum kept her pink shoe continuing upwards. His balls began to flatten between Jackie’s foot and his pubic bone. His legs tried to move upwards to absorb the shock, but they were restrained to the floor. The outcome was as logical as it was brutal.

The soft and tender flesh of Andrew’s most vulnerable body part could not withstand the hard plastic and, underneath that, even tougher bone of Jackie’s foot.

The signal from his testicles’ pain receptors now reached his brain. His eyes shot wide open, as if he were being electrocuted. An unbearable pressure consumed his loins. He could not even scream as he did not have the breath, but his mouth opened and every muscle in his face contracted. It was this face to which Jackie and the entire room now looked.

The pressure intensified against the top of Jackie’s foot as it continued to move upward. And then… as if a water balloon had burst, she felt Andrew’s sack give way. There was one loud POP! Both testicles exploded at the same time.

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0b2d73 No.6706


Andrew and Jackie’s eyes were locked in a stare. His face remained frozen, a portrait of terror, like Van Gogh’s Screaming Man. In Jackie’s face, Andrew saw her pursed lips widen into a beautiful, joyous smile. The steely determination in her blue eyes turned to pure joy. Her blond hair flowed behind her. It was as if he were looking upon an Angel. As insane as it was, in that moment Andrew was in love with this girl – his Angel of Destruction.

Of course, his mind had only a moment to contemplate this before reality flooded back into his brain. His body was rocked with convulsions and the whole auditorium listened to the funny noises that he made.

Just then, the silence of the crowd broke. Chelsea let out her breath, she hadn’t realized she had been holding it. “Wohooo” screamed one girl. “Yeeeaaahhh!!” screamed another. Chelsea felt Jody squeeze her hand tightly. She looked to her best friend and smiled. They had just shared a very special moment together. Now they too began yelling, the entire auditorium was in an uproar.

Jackie turned from her victim and faced the crowd. She was glowing. Madame Theriault walked up to her clapping vigorously. The other teachers joined, and soon everyone was clapping. Even the boys clapped out of fear. Most were pale as ghosts as they wondered whether they would be next. More than one threw up on the spot.

The magic of the moment lasted for some time. Eventually, the teachers untied Andrew and put him on a stretcher. Girls were encouraged to come up and assess the damage, although they needed no prodding. Girl after girl delighted in squeezing the mush that was Andrew’s ballsack. Each time they did he squeeled in agony. Chelsea and Jody did it together, laughing as his convulsions caused his fat to giggle. Chelsea soaked in the feeling of what destroyed testicles felt like. She hoped that she would soon be able to do what Jackie did. Maybe I’ll be next! she thought.

Almost on cue, Madame Theriault said “Everyone back to their seats. This show’s not done yet…”

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0b2d73 No.6819

My brother was the blunt of most of my ballbusts back in my early teenage years. I learned early on that a great way to win a play fight or argument with him was to punt him in the nads. I also enjoyed humiliating him by rubbing my stinky feet in his face, and teasing him (especially in front of my girl friends). This was all before I had the knowledge I do now of Foot Fetish and FemDom…but still, I wasn’t completely naïve and I noticed a boner poking through his clothes many times when we'd play fight.

Well, I haven't seen poor Norm in years after our parents split…but I sometimes fantasize about the ways I'd torture, humiliate and dominate him now that I really know what I'm doing…

A Session with my Brother

Part 1

It had been almost five years since I last saw Norm after our parents split up and I was looking forward to catching up with him again. After reuniting via Facebook, he'd agreed to take a trip across the city and come visit me in my new place. I honestly didn't really think about concealing my "alternative lifestyle" for his visit (I mean I didn't have lights and cameras set up when he arrived). However my lack of foresight backfired on me a little when shortly after he arrived when I opened the closet to store his coat and his eyes immediately noticed my impressive fetish footwear collection. "Oh wow! Now those are hooker boots", he playfully pointed out.

He had a point as I could clearing see my Knee High Pleaser Boots, my Pointy-Toed Stilettos, my Indulge Ankle Boots with Buckles, several pumps, peep toes, and wedges, along with my Thigh High's with a Vicious six and a half inch Stiletto heel. "Have you officially become a dominatrix, or what?" He joked as he gave me a playful shove.

I laughed, "You have no idea brother", I playfully shoved him back. "And don't shove me, just because I'm not a teenager anymore doesn't mean I won't kick your balls to your throat." I gave him an evil smile as his face went red in embarrassment and his erection twitched in his pants. Aw, things were just how they use to be.

We headed to the couch, as Norm stayed on this conversation, probably trying to secretly instigate a nut shot as I'd kind of hoped he would. "Well I took some pretty mean kicks from you when we were younger, but I don't think any man could stay standing after a kick with those Thigh High's you had in there!"

"You don't think so?" I teased, and gently and playful open hand slapped his crotch. The slap didn't seem to hurt him too badly, just a surprised "Oh!" as he tried to block but was too late. When my fingers slapped his crotch I could clearly feel his rock hard dick, but I didn't draw attention to the fact that I knew. It was fun to pretend he didn't like it.

"Oh come on Norm, you could take it", I teased.

He laughed nervously as I smiled into his eyes trying to egg him on. He went red again - so cute how I can manipulate him.

He nervously asked, "Well if I survived a kick from those things, what would I get?"

My smile turned to an angry and repulsed look as I shot back, "What do you get? I was your fucking sister! What you want me to suck you off you pervert?"

Norm went bright red, and shook his head, "No-" he stuttered, "that's not what I meant Kel, I meant like dinner!"

I couldn't keep my angry face anymore as I burst out laughing, "I'm just messing with you Norm!” He sighed as he wiped the sweat from his brow, "Geez, you're so easy to get flustered Normy! I'm not really that sensitive. Of course I'll give you a blow job if you take it!"

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0b2d73 No.6820


Again his face went bright red, his expression searched mine trying to read me, but I was a stone as I waited for his response. "Errr- you sure?" he managed to whisper out.

"Oh my god!" I burst out laughing again, "You're so easy to mess with!"

We went out for dinner later that day and returned to my place for the night. I slipped into the bathroom, and as I was in there I heard my phone ringing. My generic answering machine clicked on, and after the beep I heard a man’s voice, "Hi Princess Kelly, this is Slave Chris, I was hoping you were free for a session tonight? I'd even be available for a full shoot if you'd like? Let me know."

I rushed out of the washroom to try to pick up the phone but it was too late. Norm was standing there dumbfounded staring at me with his mouth open.

I strod

"So what do you do in these videos or sessions?" Norm asked as I half listened to him, half listened to the message on my machine.

"Pretty much the things I used to torture you with," I giggled a little as I remembered. "I force the losers to smell or lick my feet. I smother them with my ass," I pressed a button on the phone to save the message, and turned to Norm, "and I kick them in the balls until they puke!" I laughed as his face went red with embarrassment and excitement. "And if you're staying here tonight, that means you just cost me a full session and a video shoot. You just cost me a lot of money Norm, and the chance to really bust some balls tonight." I pouted.

Norm looked worried, and like the little bitch I always knew he was, he immediately apologized and offered to leave.e over to him confidently, put my index and middle finger under his chin and manually closed his mouth as I smiled into his eyes. "Don't act so surprised brother. I LOVE dominating the fuck out of guys, I might as well make money out of it."

He stared at me dumbstruck, with shocked, but non-judgemental eyes. "Wow." a grin began to materialize across his face, "S

"So what do you do in these videos or sessions?" Norm asked as I half listened to him, half listened to the message on my machine.

"Pretty much the things I used to torture you with," I giggled a little as I remembere over to him confidently, put my index and middle finger under his chin and manually closed his mouth as I smiled into his eyes. "Don't act so surprised brother. I LOVE dominating the fuck out of guys, I might as well make money out of it."

He stared at me dumbstruck, with shocked, but non-judgemental eyes. "Wow." a grin began to materialize across his face, "S

"So what do you do in these videos or sessions?" Norm asked as I half listened to him, half listened to the message on my machine.

"Pretty much the things I used to torture you with," I giggled a little as I remembered. "I force the losers to smell or lick my feet. I smother them with my ass," I pressed a button on the phone to save the message, and turned to Norm, "and I kick them ined. "I force the losers to smell or lick my feet. I smother them with my ass," I pressed a button on the phone to save the message, and turned to Norm, "and I kick them in the balls until they puke!" I laughed as his face went red with embarrassment and excitement. "And if you're staying here tonight, that means you just cost me a full session and a video shoot. You just cost me a lot of money Norm, and the chance to really bust some balls tonight." I pouted.

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0b2d73 No.6821


Norm looked worried, and like the little bitch I always knew he was, he immediately apologized and offered to leave.o my little sister actually grew up and became a dominatrix?"

I smiled back, kind of relieved that I had someone to share my secret with. I turned my back to him a little as I picked up the phone receiver and re-checked the voice mail. "Something like that" I replied.

"So what do you do in these videos or sessions?" Norm asked as I half listened to him, half listened to the message on my machine.

"Pretty much the things I used to torture you with," I giggled a little as I remembered. "I force the losers to smell or lick my feet. I smother them with my ass," I pressed a button on the phone to save the message, and turned to Norm, "and I kick them in the balls until they puke!" I laughed as his face went red with embarrassment and excitement. "And if you're staying here tonight, that means you just cost me a full session and a video shoot. You just cost me a lot of money Norm, and the chance to really bust some balls tonight." I pouted.

Norm looked worried, and like the little bitch I always knew he was, he immediately apologized and offered to leave.

"No", I replied, still visibly upset as I flunked into a chair. "You drove a long way to come visit your little sister, and I'm not gunna bail on you". I paused before planting my first little seed of manipulation, "It just sucks to lose out on $500 and a shoot". I pouted a little before adding, "and I had a really sexy new outfit to try out too!"

I knew theses idea must have been driving Norm wild with excitement as his wildest fantasies (no doubt) were playing out in his mind. "Kel, I'll give you the $500, I'm sorry to cost you work."

I smiled up at him, grateful for his offer. I stood up gave him a big hug and smiled right into his eyes. In my mind I thought, oh predictable Norm, always jumping to do as his little sister demands, he might always be my best Slave. Then audibly I said, "Oh, thanks so much Norm, you're a life saver!" He opened up his wallet and started counting his $50's and $20's.

"Hey, how about I at least model my new outfit for you?" I offered.

Norm stopped counting bills and tried to read my face, probably guessing I was messing with him again.

"Oh don't be nervous Norm, I'm your sister, we're not actually related! And technically you're not even my brother anymore".

"Ya, I guess", he replied, still tentative.

"Fabulous! You're going to love it!" I grabbed the cash from his hands. "Sit down here", I shoved him into the chair. "I'll be back in a second!"

I strode back into the room 10 minutes later wearing my yummy new black pvc romper. A romper is like underwear with a shirt attached. It fit tightly on my upper body and booty, and showed off my long, pantyhose covered legs. My feet were concealed in a sexy, and vicious pair of stiletto heels. In my hand I carried a camcorder that I started to set up.

Norm was taken aback. Clearly turned on by my outfit he couldn't take his eyes off his sister. "Cameras?" he asked.

"Oh ya", I replied. "No biggy! But I'm pretty much gunna do a session on you, and tape it for my clip store."

"I dunno-" he started to protest as he stood up, but I cut him off with a playful backhand to the crotch which folded him in half as he fell back to the chair. I continued setting up a camera behind him.

"Oh, shut up and take it Norm…it's nothing we haven't done before", I finished angling the camera and pressed the record button as I came around and went face to face, "It's just going to be more intense", I flashed my evil grin as my hand skillfully slipped into his crotch and grabbed hold of his testicles. I felt the familiar orbs in my grasp and I could feel his cock stiffening even more above my hand. He moaned as I slowly squeezed his nuts and smiled into his eyes. "Do you like my outfit Slave Norm?" He was blushing like crazy, still pretending not to like it, even though we both knew his fantasy was coming to life. "I didn't hear an answer", I tightened my grasp. "Do you like my outfit Slave?"

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0b2d73 No.6822


"Yes", he replied through the pain. "It's a hot outfit Kel."

"Kel?" I replied, squeezing even harder now. A gurgle escaped his throat as the pain really kicked in. "From now on, you call me Princess Kelly!"

"Ok", he replied.

I stared angrily at him as I crushed his nuts to the max, "Ok - who?" I hinted.

"Ok, Princ-" I squeezed his nuts with all my strength, forcing him to lose his breath mid-sentence.

"Yes, Princess Kelly," I hinted again, "say it!"

"Yes, Prince-" Again I squeezed him hard causing his sentence to be cut short as he folded over in pain and grasped my wrist to try to reduce the pressure.

I could feel his juicy balls being squeezed between my fingers. His erection above was so strong I swear I could feel his pulse as I tilted his chin back up and guided his gaze to mine. "Say, Yes Princess Kelly, or I'm going to crush your little balls right now Slave!" I squeezed again threatening to burst his testicles.

He winced in pain and finally blurted out "Yes, Princess Kelly!"

I smiled broadly as I released his balls and let him hunch over in pain. "Good Slave." I walked around him seductively as I allowed him to recover. "Oh Norm, my perverted brother. I'm finally going to get to do what I always wanted to do to you." I looked him straight in the eyes, I'm going to humiliate you, dominated you, beat the living crap out of you, and then CASTRATE you!" My pussy grew moist at the very thought, and Norm went white.

…To Be Continued…

Kisses and KICKS!

Princess Kelly xoxo


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0b2d73 No.6823


As Norm laid on the ground, curled up in pain, I had no intention of slowing down anytime soon. I walked around him, my stilettos clicking on the ground for intimidation. He still moaned in pain, and was too curled up to notice me. I kicked him in the ribs. “Flat on your back Slave!” Norm ignored me as he cupped his aching nuts. How dare he disobey me, I thought, I gritted my teeth and slammed another hard kick into his side. He squealed in agony. “On your back NOW!” I kicked him a few more times to hear that sexy squeal. After a short moan he managed to steady himself flat on the floor. “Legs open!” I commanded. He struggled, but he obeyed. “Good Slave”, again I walked around him, deliberately stepping heavily on the floor between his legs to make him nervous. More sweat glistened on his forehead. “You have to trust your Princess, I know what’s best for you.” I seductively rubbed my brothers crotch with my foot. I gave him a light love kick, and smiled down at his predicament. I took a step forward and straddled my feet on his sides as I squatted down and sat directly on his chest. I smiled down at him from between my legs and blew a cloud of smoke in his face. He winced as the smoke burned his eyes. “Pants off! Now.” I slapped him again, and stood up, allowing him to wiggle his pants off. He lay below me, in only his tighty whiteys. “You’re so f***ing pathetic, I can’t explain how badly I’ve wanted to really kick your ass over the years”. I positioned myself inbetween his legs, and steadied myself on the counter for more kicks. I took another puff from my cigarette and asked, “Ready?”

“Yes Princess”, he replied.

I smiled down at him a gave him a light kick to the crotch with my sexy pumps. “Ask for another Slave”.

“Please kick me again Princess Kelly”.

I complied, and kicked a little harder. “Ask for more”, I instructed.

“More please Princess”, he said.

Again, I kicked his sack with my instep even hard. Norm moaned in pain. “Every time I kick you, you beg for more!” I demanded. “More please”, Norm said mercifully. I kicked him again. Hard. He moaned and squirmed, then eventually asked “More please”. I slammed my instep into him again, almost full forced. He cried out a little. “More please”. I placed my cigarette in the dish, and slammed another kick into his swollen balls.

“Beg faster Slave!”

“More please”, Kick! “More please”, Kick! “More please”, KICK! “More please”, KICK! KICK! KICK! He screamed in agony, twisted and sat up, his body was resisting knowing that his testicles couldn’t take much more. Mercifully he could barely stammer out, “Moo-re please”, but he was so twisted in pain I no longer had a clear kick. I grabbed my cigarette and blew one more cloud of smoke in his already tearing eyes. I stood up straight, placed my foot on his chest, and stomped him back down to the floor. I placed the cigarette back into the dish, and steadied myself on the counter as I rubbed his aching groin seductively with my instep. Occasionally I would tease I kick, making him hold his breath, before resuming the seductive rub. I slid my shoe up his chest and held it to his face. “Kiss my shoe!” Norm leaned up, now recovering, and kissed my shoe. “Good Slave”, I steadied myself on the counter, wound my leg way back, and swung it into his groin with all the force I could muster! The “Smack” echoed through the house, and his scream was fabulous! His body probably slid along the floor a few inches as my instep drove deep into his balls. I could feel a crunch in his crotch, instantly followed by a tingle in my own as my lady parts grew wet. Norm convulsed uncontrollably as he moaned in pain. I was pretty sure I just crushed some blood vessles…a ruptured testicle produces a much more satisfying CRUNCH, and a far higher pitched scream. LMAO! I sat down and crossed my legs, trying to control my excitment, and stretch this session out. Norm cried in a ball on the floor, desperately massaging his nuts. “You have no idea how badly I’m going to mess you up tonite!”

…To be continued

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17f681 No.7200

404 fix

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bfa0ce No.9995


thank goodness. May this thread live forever, and more content like it keep coming.

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bfa0ce No.10299


Honestly the best story I've ever read, a shame there's not many more like this.

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54daa9 No.10435


Elijah was an accountant of an small legal firm on the outskirts of Tottenham, London. He was 80 years old and had started work as an apprentice at the age of 15.

Often he worked late into the night and by the time he left the offices, it was dark outside, the streets illuminated sparsely by flickering lamps. To get to his house, he often took a shortcut through a nearby park.

He had heard in passing that there was a reduction in police presence but he paid this no heed. After all, Elijah was not one for gossip.

One day, he was in the office until midnight completing forms for a detailed and complex dispute between a charity and a local council.

On a bridge on the park, he heard a rustling.

"W.. Who is there", Elijah stammered holding his walking stick in front of him.

Three figures emerged from behind a hedge and emerged into the flickering light and he could hear four more sets of footsteps behind him.

There were reports in a local paper of a girl gang of Asian descent in the area who patrolled the streets at night and he swallowed instinctively.

"What do you…" Elijah began before a hand covered his mouth and a stocking was pulled over his head and he felt himself being dragged into the back of a van,

"I haven't washed that in ages", a taunting voice whispered in his ear.

The van drove for what felt like an eternity before stopping abruptly.

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54daa9 No.10436


Hands pulled at his belt buckle and trousers and he suddenly felt vulnerable. He tried to scream but a hand was held firmly over his mouth and his head was held in place by thick, bare thighs.

He tried to move his arms but he found that they were tied behind his back. After much tugging, his trousers were finally removed.

"Fatima, Nadia, get his legs", a harsh voice intoned and strong arms held his legs open.

The sensation of his leg brushing against the breast of one gave him an uncomfortable reaction. The girls giggled including the one who held his head. One of them took the sock fro his head and he could only stare as a ridged needle was pushed through the delicate skin of his member followed by another and another until he saw what looked like a penile hedgehog between his legs.

Elijah ejaculated and quivered as the needles were removed.

"Why are you doing this to me?", Elijah asked, blushing as he saw that all of them were now completely naked.

"Because we can", the one at his head smiled. She whispered something to one of them, a plump girl he had heard called Samyah, who retrieved a funnel from the van and roughly forced it into his mouth.

"Hold still," Samyah instructed and Elijah could only comply. "Hanan, you first".

"Why thank you", the girl at his head smiled before stroking the back of her throat with her fingers. Elijah felt her ample paunch rub against his forehead as she wretched, her gag reflex stimulated and before long a deluge of partially digested food descended into the funnel and into his mouth.

"Mmmmmppphh!" Elijah protested and shook his head.

Hanan held his nose between her thumb and forefinger and tilted his head back. "Swallow"

Elijah did just that. The slimy remnants of lettuce, seeds and partially digested bread descending down his throat.

Before he could recover his vision was filled with Samyah's posterior as she began to pee. The acrid taste filling his mouth. He coughed and sputtered but this time, there was no resistance.

The girl called Nadia spat, deliberately missing the funnel on the first attempt and hitting his forehead. Fatima laughed and 'corrected her' by spitting directly down into the funnel with such force that Eljah nearly choked.

"This game is getting boring, let's try something else" a skinny girl said.

Elijah was then tied spreadeagled on the ground, completely naked and blindfolded as remote control car with an ovipositor dildo was piloted by each girl in turn. By the time they were finished, Elijah had ejaculated and laid a clutch of 24 shit covered silicone eggs.

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54daa9 No.10437


The skinny girl then whispered in his ear. "It's not fair that you get all the fun, now it's your turn to serve us".

"You are right Nizam", a rotund dwarf nodded sagely before untying the ropes. Elijah did not move, exhausted from his earlier exertions.

"Get up old man," the dwarf snarled, applying pressure to his fingers with her feet. Elijah attempted to rise and managed to get to his hands and knees when the dwarf mounted his back in one swift leap and pulled his hair. "You're my donkey now"

Understanding his position, Elijah started to make donkey noises and crawl.

"Faster!", the dwarf urged excitedly. "Faster!"

When it was apparent that Elijah had reached his limit, the dwarf smiled and went to the van and fixed a strap on. She took care to stand directly in front of Elijah so he could take in the sight of the eight inch ridged rubber phallus.

"A carrot for the donkey…" Elijah murmured, his lip quivering with a combination of dear and anticipation. The dwarf nodded and thrust it into his mouth in an increasingly violent rhythm. before withdrawing. "Obaida, your turn"

The dwarf left and he was left staring at a pair of legs. He looked up to see a 7 foot tall SSBBW staring down at him. Legs as thick as his wist enveloped him like the tendrils of a cuttlefish around a minnow or the coils of a serpent around a deer.

They tightened around his waist until he could barely breathe before relenting and Elijah reached that space of semi consciousness.

He was dimly aware of being her soft belly beneath his head. and the sensation of this shifting as she shifted his position. Moving him onto his front and pushing his head lower. until his nose touched something soft. Hair?

The vice of flesh tightened about his head and he felt the surface beneath his nose rapidly moisten as his head was rubbed against it by with increasing vigour. Elijah stayed there, his head buried in that place for what seemed like an eternity and his eyes flickered.

Obidah then called another over, a girl called Yalina who looked to be in her mid 20's. Plain but not unattractive. She smiled sweetly at him and he was just about to smile back before she kicked him in the groin.

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54daa9 No.10438


Elijah squealed as Yalina twisted his penis violently. "Do you like this?"

Elijah, aware of his vulnerability, nodded and Yalina smiled again before stroking it against her teeth. Elijah's eyes widened as Yalina bit down gently at first but progressively harder, clenching his balls in her fist. When the pressure relented, he sighed in relief.

Perhaps a little too relieved as Yalina squeezed his mouth open, spat his piss and cum into his mouth before kneeing him in the groin a number of times.

The others take it in turns to toy with him.

Soon every other consideration of his life melts away until only servitude remains.

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d4337c No.10565

Excerpt from "2003 ballbusting championships"

A girl, who looked about fourteen, ran out of the crowd and onto the floor. Brooke’s voice was heard as the camera followed the trespasser, “Think she wants to join in? I’ve thought about running in there and ripping into a few sacks myself several times.” Both Brooke and Rebecca laughed in approval.

“Wait, there is more activity.” The camera panned from the girl to show a much larger boy running onto the floor as well. He appeared to be limping slightly; he had one hand on his crotch and was chasing the girl as fast as he could. Both ran past the women dressed in black before they could be grabbed and were quickly in the midst of the men and their tormentors.

The girl suddenly stopped, as if unsure where she was or scared by the sights around her. She was not looking as the boy ran up behind her, tackling her, pinning her to the ground. The celebrity women had all stopped their assaults to wait for security to clear the field. “Hey!” Tia Carrere screamed out at the boys handling of the small girl. She was only twenty feet or so from the two and ran over, shoving the boy off when she arrived.

Tia then reached down and helped the girl, who was almost in tears, to her feet, “You okay sweety?” The boy scrambled to his feet as well, but before he could take a step toward the Hawaiian beauty and girl, he was grabbed from behind. Looking to his right and left, he saw two women who he immediately recognized as Tiffani Thiessen and Courtney Cox.

Each grabbed him by the wrist and wrapped their other arm under and up around his upper arm, trying to pin them in place. He immediately began struggling to break free. He was young but still was several inches taller than even Tia. He most likely could have overpowered either girl one on one, but they had him from behind and each twisted his arms harshly behind his back.

Tia, after waiting to be sure Tiffani and Courtney had the boy under control, turned her attention to the girl. She took a microphone from a nearby judge and, speaking into it to broadcast to the crowd and the home audience, “What’s going on here? What happened darlin?” Her voice boomed through the speakers located in the arena so the spectators could hear every word. “Hey leggo of me! She started it! She punched me between my legs. The little bitch!” the young man screamed out.

“Quiet, I’m not talking to you boy!” Tia screamed at him. Her voice was made much more terrifying by the fact that it boomed thru the entire coliseum. The girls holding the boy pulled his arms to quiet him.

“What’s your name?” “K-katie,” the small girl who was obviously scared said. The microphone picked up her quiet voice as well. “Don’t be scared darlin, you’re not in trouble.” The girl seemed relived at the words. “How old are you?” “Almost fifteen,” she answered. She was petite with strawberry blonde hair and freckles. She wore shorts and a pink t-shirt. “And who’s that?” Tia asked, indicating the young man. “My brother, Eddie. He’s seventeen.” Eddie was tall but lanky and thin. He wore a t-shirt with a rock band logo and blue jeans. “He seems mean.”

“He is,” Katie answered and made a face at her brother. “Is what he said true? Did you punch him?” Tia couldn’t conceal her smile. “Yeah,” the girl seemed embarrassed and looked down at her shoes. “Where did you punch him?” “In his balls.”

“Really!” Tia said with false shock and surprise, “Bet he didn’t like that, did he?” Katie began to smile slightly, “No, he didn’t, that’s why he was chasing me.”

“Wow, you know what that means, right?” Tia asked the small girl. “No, what?” she replied slightly scared, still thinking she was in trouble. “That makes you a ball buster.”

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d4337c No.10566

The crowd, which had been quiet, roared in approval. Tia stood up, took Katie by the hand and led her towards her brother. “You want to get back at him?” Tia asked her small companion, who nodded eagerly, beginning to realize what was going to happen. Eddie too, realized the danger and began screaming for them to let him go. “Shut-up stupid!” Katie yelled at him and kicked him as hard as she could between his legs. Her brother’s screams of anger turned into screams of intense pain as the agony shot up from his nuts when his sister’s small foot slammed into his balls.

Katie jumped up and down in glee at what she had done and the crowd applauded and roared loudly. “Cool,” she said, grinning widely. “Well, don’t stop there,” Tia encouraged her and was quickly followed by the others, Courtney, Christina, Alyssa, and all the others agreed her brother deserved more punishment. Tiffani and Courtney each slid a foot behind his ankles and pulled them wide.

Katie began kicking him over and over, square in his nuts. Eddie’s face was contorted in a grimace. At first he just grunted with each kick, as his sister was not that strong. But as the number of blows added up, the pain grew unbearable, “Stop, please, my nuts, don’t Katie! Ahhhhhhh! I love you. You don’t want to do this. Please stop. I’m your brother.”

“This is for my Barbie that you burned…” and she kicked his balls. “And this is for my birthday party you messed up…” Another foot slammed his crotch. “And this is for my puppy that you shot with your bb gun…” even more kicks were landed. The crowd had begun to count along with the kicks, “five, six, seven…twelve, thirteen…twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four…sixty-five, sixty-six…” and so on. “And this is for leering at my friends when they sleep over…”

The screen was split and suddenly Rebecca could be seen, along with the small girl torturing her brother. “I’m here in the stands with the mother of the girl and boy you’ve been watching.” The camera pulled back slightly and showed a woman in her mid-forties. “What are your thoughts at this point, ma’am?”

“Oh, I’m all for it, Eddie has been a terror for years and he needs to be disciplined. He can be really mean to his sister and I’ve been hoping Katie would stand up for herself.”

“There you have it; even his own mother wants his nuts smashed; that’s harsh! Back to the action,” and the picture changed back to the floor shot. As it did, the mother of the two children could be heard saying, “Wait, I don’t want his nuts smashed…” but was cut off as the camera shot changed.

Eddie was screaming in terror and pain as his balls were pummeled. Katie had kicked him well over seventy-five times. Tears flowed freely down his face and his high-pitched cries were picked up by the microphones and broadcast to the cheering crowd.

Katie stepped back panting, her small body tired from the effort. “Wasn’t that good everybody?” Tia asked the crowd, prompting them to give the girl words of encouragement. Tia led the crowd in a round of applause. “You should be so proud. I don’t think your brother will ever bother you again.” Eddie shook his head side to side in agreement.

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d4337c No.10567

“But now, Katie you have a decision to make.” Tia walked up to Eddie and unzipped his pants. “No more, please don’t,” he begged.

“Come here Katie.” Tia took her little hand and placed it in her brother’s pants and Katie wrapped her small fingers around his nuts. “The decision you have to make is whether to pop your brother. I’m going to let you decide. What do you want to do?”

The small girl looked unsure, but the crowd had no doubts and made the fact that they wanted the teenage boy to suffer well known. Obviously influenced by the crowd, Katie spoke up, “Okay, I’ll do it.”

“Great. Now pick one of his balls and grab it in your hand.”

“Don’t Katie, please!” But his sister ignored his pleas as she followed Tia’s instructions.

“Now squeeze as hard as you can.”

Katie set herself, staring at her target. She began squeezing his right testicle. Eddie screamed at the top of his lungs. He couldn’t believe the pain his tiny little sister was creating in him. “Stop, Oh God!”

Katie kept up the pressure though. She could feel his ball in her hand. “Katie, use your fingertips. Dig them into the nut.” Katie followed the advice Tia gave her and dug the tips of her fingers into her brother’s ball. He yelled at new levels as the new agony hit him.

Katie was squeezing as hard as she could but after several minutes she had been unable to pop him. “Now, Katie I want you to use both hands. Put his nut between your palms and flatten it.”

Katie did as she was told, compressing his ball with both her hands. Eddie’s screams continued and his body started to shake. He could feel his nut being crushed. He could tell it was about to pop. “Please, someone help me! Make her stop!” he begged the crowd to prevent his violation. Tia held her microphone near his nutsack and the entire audience heard a tiny ‘POP’ through the speakers. This was quickly followed by an “Aaaiiiiieeeee!!!” from Eddie and his body began to shake uncontrollably. He was flailing so violently that the women holding him had to let him go. He fell to the ground and curled up, holding his groin and crying.

“I want to do the other one!” Katie screamed. The crowd roared with approval, happy to see the bloodlust of the tiny girl. Tia knelt down, “Well, I want to too, but I got a better idea. Why don’t we let him keep that last one and whenever he doesn’t do something you want him to or he gets on his nerves, you just threaten to take his last little bit of manhood. I’ll bet he’ll straighten right up. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

“Yeah!” Katie hugged Tia, as Eddie was drug away still convulsing. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Katie. See ya.”

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ba9baa No.10594

Chloe was beaming with excitement. "Let's burn daddy's first!" she said.

Mom got a butane lighter from the kitchen cabinet and handed it to Chloe. Chloe reached out with one hand and pinched the head of daddy's cock, pulling it toward her and stretching it to about twice its previous length. She held the lighter underneath daddy's shaft. "Look me in the eye," she said to daddy.

"How does it feel, daddy?" she asked, staring him down with a smug little smile. "How does it make you feel to know that your daughter is about to light your peener on fire, just for fun?"

"It's… it's an honor," he stammered. "I would give anything to please my little girl."

At that, Chloe flicked the lighter on and a tall, blue flame shot up to dad's shaft. She moved the lighter higher so that the flame circled his penis on both sides, thin white smoke drifting off of his smoldering skin. She moved the lighter back and forth, so that the flame ran up and down the underside of his shaft, leaving a thick trail of blistered red burn marks. In some places, his skin started to bubble.

Chloe laughed. "I can hear it sizzle!" she said to Mommy.

"Ooh, you're right," said Mommy. "I can smell it burning, too!"

Chloe continued to bathe our father's shaft and cock head in hot flames for a minute or two as he whimpered in pain.

"Shhh, shhh," she said gently. "Try not to make any noise."

Dad remained quiet for a moment, but couldn't refrain from yelping in pain as Chloe moved the lighter up to scorch the head of his cock. She let go of the lighter and stood up. "I said be quiet," she told him. "You disobeyed me, daddy."

Then, she made a fist with her right hand, cocked it back, and punched daddy in the face as hard as she could. He started to tear up, and his lip began to swell.

"Wow!" said Mommy, clearly impressed. "Way to go, Chloe! I didn't know my baby girl could punch like that." She turned to dad. "Thank your daughter for punching you in the face," she said.

"Thank you," dad mumbled through his swollen lip. As he opened his mouth, we could see that his front tooth had fallen out and was sitting on his tongue.

"Oops!" said Chloe, still grinning. "Looks like Daddy's gonna need to go to the dentist tomorrow!"

"Don't be sillly," said Mommy. "We cancelled Daddy's dental insurance years ago. That tooth is gone for good!"

Dad was doubled over, sobbing, his cock covered in swollen red bumps and blisters.

"I hurt you pretty bad, huh daddy?" Chloe said in her soft, precious little voice, feigning sympathy.

"Yes Dear," said daddy.

"Well daddy, if we can't put that tooth back in your mouth, I think I know a good place to put it," Chloe said, holding out her hand. "Gimme your tooth, daddy."

Daddy placed his broken incisor in Chloe's palm. Chloe cleared her throat and spat some thick, phlegmy spit onto it. Then, she put a couple fingers on the tip of daddy's blistered glans and spread open his pee hole. With her free hand, she stuck the slimy tooth in daddy's piss slit, then pushed it all the way down his urethra with her pinky.

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ba9baa No.10595

"Someone's going to have a hard time going pee pee later," Chloe said, giggling. She punched daddy a few times in his freshly disfigured cock, then walked over to me.

"Your turn, Steven! Go turn on the stove," she said to me. I did as she asked.

"Now, it's gonna take a few minutes to get hot," Chloe continued. "What do you think we should do while we wait, Mommy?"

"Why don't you smash your brother's privates for a little while, sweetheart," said Mommy. "That way they'll be nice and tender when it's time to cook them. I'll take care of daddy."

"Ooh, goodie!" said Chloe, skipping over to the counter where I was standing. "Open your legs, Steven! Sis is gonna mash your potatoes!"

I leaned back against the counter and spread my thighs apart. Chloe stared up at me, a sweet, innocent look on her face. She had big, blue eyes and a soft face with perfect, porcelain skin. She looked beautiful. I could not put into words how much I adored her, how sexy she was to me, how ready I was to let her ruin my cock and balls for her amusement. It was the ultimate act of love; the closest I would ever come to real sex.

"They're all yours, Chloe," I said, my voice shaking with the thrill of sweet surrender. "Smash away."

At that, she bent her leg and swung her smooth, skinny little knee into my nuts full force. I felt an overwhelming pain throbbing in my balls and shooting up the center of my body. I was surprised at her strength.

"Do you like that, Stevie baby?" Chloe taunted me. "Do you like it when Sis knees you in your itty-bitty balls?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Do you want me to do it again, big brother?"

"Yes, please," I gulped, bracing myself for another hit. She kneed me again in the same spot, crushing my balls up against my stomach. I started to slide down to the ground, but she grabbed me by my arms and held me up, kneeing my tiny little orbs a third time, then a fourth. She kneed me over and over again, as hard as she could. I began to cry from the pain, which only spurred her to keep going. She kneed me about 50 times before finally stopping to catch her breath.

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ba9baa No.10596

She reached out and felt my balls, which were swollen and badly bruised. The cluster of chords connected to my right nut, which was normally invisible, showed through my sack in grotesque detail. It was stained a deep, blackish blue. Chloe looked happy.

"I think I broke a blood vessel, Mommy!" She called out with pride. "Stevie's bleeding inside his sack!"

"That's my girl!" said Mommy. She was kneeling over dad's body, shaking salt out of a salt shaker and rubbing it into the open blisters on his cock.

Chloe looked over at the coiled stovetop, which was glowing bright orange. "I think it's ready!" she said, her big eyes bright with anticipation.

I limped over to the stove and stuck my hips out a little bit, presenting my bruised and swollen privates to my little sister.

"They're all yours, Sis," I said to Chloe, shaking with a combination of excitement and pain. "Burn them to your heart's content."

"Wait just a second, dear," Mom said to Chloe. "I want your father to watch."

Mom lifted daddy up off the ground and walked him over to where we were standing. Daddy was crying uncontrollably, his cock bright red, blisters throbbing and oozing worse than ever.

"Aww, who's a little cry baby?" Mommy cooed, caressing dad's small, damaged member with her fingers. Beneath all the blisters, dad's cock was starting to grow. She turned to Chloe. "Go ahead, darling."

With that, Chloe pinched my flaccid boy part between her skinny little thumb and index finger and held it over the glowing coil. She looked me in the eyes.

"Do you want Sis to cook your sausage?" she asked, a big, childish grin on her face.

"Yes, Princess" I said.

"Ok, then," she said in a chipper voice. "One, two, three!"

On three, she put my cock down on the hot stove and pressed it flat. It began to smoke and sizzle loudly. I was in agony. An intense, stinging sensation spread through my cock and up into my stomach. I started to scream.

"Shhh, quiet Stevie. I wanna hear your weenie burning," she said. "You saw what I did to Daddy when he couldn't keep quiet, right?"

I nodded, struggling to suppress my yelps of pain.

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ba9baa No.10597

She pressed harder on my burning member, and I wondered if she wasn't trying to force me into making a noise. We sat there in silence, listening to the sound of my cock frying on the stove. Chloe and Mom had big grins on their faces. Dad wore a somber expression, but I could tell that he was getting turned on by the sight of his daughter burning his son's penis. He was fully erect.

After a minute or so, Chloe took my cock off the stove and inspected the damage. More than half of the skin on my cock had been burned off, and what was left was scarred, blistered, and oozing. Then my sister kneeled down in front me and held my cock in one hand. It stung horribly to the touch.

"Now that it's done cooking, it's time to taste it!" Chloe said. "This is the closest you're ever gonna get to a blowjob, Stevie."

My sister opened her mouth, put my scorched penis inside, and bit down as hard as she could. The pain caught me by surprise, but I managed not to scream.

"Good boy," she said, letting my tortured manhood go from between her teeth. "You took that like a champ."

"Thank you," I said. Despite the crippling pain, I was experiencing a thrill greater than anything I had ever felt before. The humiliation of being destroyed by my little sister was like a drug to me, and I wanted more.

"You can still hit me if you want," I blurted out, barely thinking about what I was saying. "In the face, like you hit daddy."

Chloe giggled. "Really? Oh, you're the best, big brother! I love you so much." And then, that warm, childish grin still on her face, she cocked her fist back and punched me several times in the face.

"Thank you, Sister," I mumbled when she was finished. My face felt funny.

Mom looked at me and laughed. "I think you broke his nose, sweetheart," she said to Chloe.

"Oops!" Chloe said, shrugging her shoulders. "It's really his fault, anyway," she said. "He told me I could. Isn't that right, big brother?"

"Yes, Princess."

"You know I'm going to tell everyone at school how you broke your nose," Chloe said. "They're gonna think you're really weird! I mean, what kind of boy lets his little sister punch him in the face?"

"Not to mention fry his privates on a hot stove!" Mom chimed in.

"I'll be sure to tell them about that, too," said Chloe. "I bet some of the girls would love to see what a boy's peener looks like after it's been cooked like a piece of meat!" I started to blush.

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01c85f No.10605

Breaker Campus - Frosh Week:


A Sister’s Awakening, a Brother’s Nightmare:


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0bcde8 No.10606

"Hey everyone!" said Jackie as she and her brother took the stage at the talent show. "For our performance, Robert is gonna read a special poem, and I'm gonna act it out– kind of like a play! Are you ready, Robert?" Robert nodded as he kneeled down in front of his sister and began reciting his lines.

"Jackie, Jackie, perfect Jackie

Hit my eyes til they turn black-ie!"

Jackie hit her brother in the eyes, first with her fists, then with her elbows, until he fell to the ground. She smiled and waved to the crowd as they applauded.

Robert got back up on his knees and faced his sister. His eyes were black and blue swollen and almost swollen shut.

"Jackie, Jackie you're my queen, please set fire to my peen!"

Jackie jerked down her brother's pants and underwear to reveal his flaccid penis, which was no more than an inch long. The crowd laughed. She pulled a butane lighter from her bag, and lit it directly under her brother's cock. Robert struggled not to scream as the flame engulfed his manhood. After about a minute, when most of the skin had been burned away, Jackie turned the lighter off. She pinched her brother's skinless dick and held it up for the audience. In the front row, she saw their mother recording their performance while their father sat beside her, crying.

Robert sat down on the floor and spread his legs.

"Jackie, Jackie, perfect Jackie

Take away what's in my sack-ie!"

Jackie pulled out a knife and slit open her brother's scrotum. She grabbed his exposed testicles and pulled them out as far as she could, so that the chords connecting them to his body were nice and tight. Then she cut both the chords. She held out her hand to show her brother's severed, bloody nuts to the cheering crowd. Robert opened his mouth. She shoved his nuts down his throat, one at a time. He choked them down, then dutifully started his next verse.

"Jackie, Jackie you're so cute,

Knock my teeth out with your boot!"

Jackie cocked back her skinny little leg and swung the toe of her boot straight into her brother's front teeth- once, twice, three times, as hard as she could. Then grabbed his chin and turned his head so that he was facing the crowd. Robert smiled, revealing two missing teeth.

"Jackie, Jackie, perfect Jackie

Give my skull a little crack-ie!"

Jackie pulled out a hammer and began beating her brother's head in. She broke his nose, dislodged his jaw, and then turned the hammer around and hacked away at his temple with the sharp metal prongs until a huge gash opened up, exposing a chunk of his brain.

Robert struggled to remain conscious as a looked up at his sister and delivered one last verse:

"Jackie, Jackie you're the best.

Put a bullet in my chest!"

Jackie pulled out a pistol and shot her brother twice in the heart. The crowd broke into a standing ovation.

As the applause roared on, Jackie pointed the gun into the front row of the crowd and shot four more boys in the head: her Math teacher Mr. Jenkins, two of her classmates, and finally, her father. She grinned and took a bow. She was sure to win this year's talent show!

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01c85f No.10609

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