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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: c0b253ddc450b35⋯.jpg (143.87 KB,951x706,951:706,d79jhsh5fag31.jpg)

98815c No.10755

What are some memories in your life when you experienced a moment that triggered this femdom kink? Past experiences, things you've seen first hand, things you've seen in entertainment media, that sort of thing.

The more mundane stories are the best, but pretty much anything goes.

*OP pic isn't a great example of this thread, but it's hot.

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86f39e No.10763

Reading Sacher-Masoch' Venus in Furs for the first time. Great classic. Author is namesake of masochism and its one of the first and mist most famous literary work on Femdom. Read it!

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4fad4e No.10804


Don't read it. The "domme" in it is not dominant at all, the sub constantly tops from the bottom ruining the whole femdom dynamic and it has a sad ending with cuckoldry. Total trash book, no wonder normalfags think this is a good representation of femdom.

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5cd7e5 No.10805


Worked for a realtor years ago. She looked down on her husband for not being as succesful as she was and bossed him around and treated him shitty sometimes, but I always found it incredibly hot. I loved working for her.

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584b90 No.10816

I got strapped down to a gurney by two very attractive EMTs when I had to get in an ambulance once. It turned me on a lot, definitely the highlight of the experience, the rest of it kind of sucked.

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4b2e74 No.10899

File: 1978d228b4d590e⋯.png (617.06 KB,800x800,1:1,800px_GM6_Lynx_D.png)

Getting beat up by girls on school - am I the only one who misses this? Or when they'd chase us down make us cum too much on purpose.


Needing a strong mom for future children-

I got serious mommy issues from lack of this so ya.

I don't wanna be with a fragile twat-like what does that offer besides sex, I can't even slam her on bed without her whining

A dominant woman appreciates and pushes me to challenge myself- I've been through some shit with them I know what to avoid

been out the game too long at this point though…I think kek

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