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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: 4bda10eb105334b⋯.gif (1.37 MB,300x202,150:101,Kankers.gif)

8b474c No.10458

If it's not genetic i blame childhood cartoons. Early 2000s cartoons were full of femdom tropes

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579c4c No.10463

I think that If you believe on reincarnation and things like that, It's easier to explain.

If You don't have Social Skills to talk with girls/Women, It's because, maybe in your last life You were in the War, and You feel guilty for something (like rape).

In a Biological point of view, I think that Subs/slaves need Zinc (+ Testosterone).

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8b474c No.10465

File: 06cadbca2d7117a⋯.jpg (756.08 KB,2668x2250,1334:1125,87277_Cirith_Ellen_Kingdom….jpg)


I dont believe in that supernatural stuff. Are you saying just take zinc to get rid deeply ingrained fetish?

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d7c034 No.10482

File: 323c36ec408f9d9⋯.jpg (985.44 KB,1600x1143,1600:1143,deathtrap_dungeon_large.jpg)


For me, it was seeing this ad in a gaming magazine. It was the first thing that ever seriously aroused me as a kid. Even then, though, I wanted gentle femdom. I didn't imagine the girl in the ad beating me or anything, just being assertive, using my dick as a leash to lead me around, and taking control during sex.


I think it's more likely that I was a woman in a past life. In addition to being a sub, I also have some other feminine qualities, like being very emotional and preferring to have long hair on my head but no body hair. I also want to be a sex object, be considered beautiful, and so on. I'm not completely feminine, though. I think I look fairly masculine facially, and I have a deep voice.

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579c4c No.10483

Are you saying just take zinc to get rid deeply ingrained fetish?

Not necessarily.

But, the fact is that the Zinc (Boost your testosterone), helps You to become more Masculine. You can not control What You are, but You can change your reality.

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be3be5 No.10486

(((Childhood cartoons)))

It's the jews.

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f28082 No.10488


That's such a freaky ad. I cant imagine a major publisher releasing something like that in 2020

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579c4c No.10495

That's such a freaky ad.

I agree with you.

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bd2993 No.10496


I think characters like Vicky from Fairy Odd Parents and the Kanker Sisters from Edd Ed n Eddy are my earliest memories of being turned on by femdom.

I wish I never was into this shit fetish though. It's one of the worst fetishes to be into as a man if you want to find a female partner into it because dominant women don't really exist.

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3af060 No.10541


They knew what they were doing. We never had a chance.


Yeah, for real. It's hard enough to find a girl, let alone a dominant one.

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c3b0cc No.10547


literally my first 2 gfs loved this shit. date more liberal chicks bub.

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3a91e4 No.10551


This is good advice. Also, instead of looking for a 24/7 domme, look for someone who's willing to indulge you every now and again too.

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7570d6 No.10555


>date more liberal chicks bub

No thanks that is not worth the headaches associated with it.

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b71da1 No.10589

File: 985036521576fa6⋯.jpg (92.29 KB,1200x1200,1:1,128711575589_unf.jpg)


You mean fetishes aren't from birth and develop with your upbringing?

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