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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: d63c270a5c69179⋯.jpeg (148.85 KB,800x600,4:3,image.jpeg)

2de30b No.10409

Does the thought of misandrist women or even being a misandrist yourself turn you on? The thought of a man-hating woman asserting her authority over me excites me, and I've noticed that I myself like to adopt misandrist thoughts whilst engaging in these fantasies. I don't even want to look at men in porn because I find the male form inferior, whilst the female form is divine and worthy of worship. I even fantasise about encouraging misandry so that I eventually have to denounce men and swear loyalty to female sex so that they'll spare me.

I'm speaking from the perspective of a sub male, but does anyone else share similar fantasies of hating men while revering women as the greatest thing on earth?

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ad3690 No.10412

File: cf97b16b338aaab⋯.jpg (59.98 KB,720x720,1:1,17630024_1868554596751432_….jpg)


No. Misandrists don't like boys and I don't like them.

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7a8375 No.10416


Misandristic women are my favorite kind. I dream of one day sending my life savings to one.

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2de30b No.10420


I was once told by one guy that dating a misandrist woman was really nice because it meant that she saw you as special and as an exception to the rule. That got me really interested in the idea of winning one over. I have some misandrist views myself despite being male. I think women as a whole are superior to men. I hope society would move in a more matriarchal direction. I'd much rather have daughters than sons were I to have children.

I could only dream a misandrist woman would show mercy on me and I could offer myself as a loyal servant of the superior female sex.

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2de30b No.10421


Meant for >>10416

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ad9f04 No.10427

File: 197dad53e1c7748⋯.jpg (135.79 KB,1002x768,167:128,amazon_slave_man_auction.jpg)


>I was once told by one guy that dating a misandrist woman was really nice because it meant that she saw you as special and as an exception to the rule.

lol. how delusional. you aren't so special that she will hate boys as a whole but love you because you "aren't like them".

Basically, misandrists hate ALL males. You will face her hatred that will make your life genuinely shitty just like any other guy would.

I don't really believe it is possible to be a misandrist and a straight femdom. A straight domme wants to dominate because it's how she expresses her sexuality towards guys she likes and is attracted to.

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392a51 No.10430

No, I think once you've gone that far then you've gone too far.

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7a8375 No.10434


This nigga gets it.

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c6cc40 No.10615

No. Same goes for people working feminism and politics into femdom.

I find it far hotter when a woman enjoys toying with men because she can and because she enjoys it in its own right, rather than because she's got some kind of political chip on her shoulder and it's consequently the only way she can justify sexual contact with men.

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9a9ef7 No.10627


>she saw you as special and as an exception to the rule

until you disappoint her by accidentally leaving the toilet seat up just once and she pulls a Lorena Bobbitt

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141caa No.10628

File: f5a15aac2f570c7⋯.jpg (13.12 KB,159x222,53:74,tmp_6419_tesla1759312331.jpg)


This guy also believed that women are the superior sex. He was voluntarily celibate and had a special relationship with a wild pidgeon.

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ba596a No.10649



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