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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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File: 3dc88e402f93a16⋯.jpg (62.76 KB,423x548,423:548,3dc88e402f93a168f9148e3073….jpg)

File: d501016852a3227⋯.jpg (228.55 KB,999x1500,333:500,57153235.jpg)

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File: 6fecac6c5e4988f⋯.jpg (166.45 KB,1200x800,3:2,135185290.jpg)

File: 46cc66b548d3952⋯.jpg (284.9 KB,1500x1000,3:2,153684061.jpg)

452b9b No.10382

It would be fine if we can have a section of ballbusting pics!!!

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452b9b No.10383

File: 49bf308cc18d863⋯.jpg (44.33 KB,540x720,3:4,ihhrt8kloxi41.jpg)

File: 6b7ee8c0fee6f96⋯.jpg (100.62 KB,800x450,16:9,Copia_de_1664164900.jpg)

File: 14e881cec5c9fa4⋯.jpg (36.17 KB,627x679,627:679,1413785912874.jpg)

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452b9b No.10384

File: 41a998d78f05de2⋯.jpg (297.49 KB,1063x1423,1063:1423,145983115.jpg)

File: 319de2c9447c3d4⋯.jpg (156.9 KB,1200x675,16:9,681033191.jpg)

File: 724f189540f0f52⋯.jpg (174.6 KB,1026x798,9:7,1089546326.jpg)

File: f658c7d2c1b6900⋯.jpeg (222.18 KB,937x1150,937:1150,312957164.jpeg)

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31d50c No.10450

Glasstration and castration with a burdizzo - I hope it was real!


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31d50c No.10451

File: 6533ef773416d29⋯.jpg (125.88 KB,827x900,827:900,6533ef773416d292c70521e615….jpg)

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5a0183 No.10535

File: f8a5e22e69b332b⋯.mp4 (12.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,2443196_rupture_3d534.mp4)

Saved you $35.

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5a0183 No.10536

File: 230249f70921695⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kick_me_in_the_balls_on_Tw….mp4)

Target practice

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f72e51 No.10537

File: b63ab80ae009bf1⋯.webm (2.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Jolene_hexx.webm)

One of those things which are incredibly hot to fap to but that I'd never do in real life. It would be so hot to have a smug girl grab my balls and firmly squeeze them while staring at me in the eyes, not letting go no matter how much I whimper, before finally kissing me once tears start flowing down my cheeks… but still not letting go of them.

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5a0183 No.10538

File: d9335739d54f522⋯.mp4 (702.46 KB,480x480,1:1,53411658_444154026328493_5….mp4)

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5a0183 No.10540

File: 41720ca0486856b⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,_Persian_Goddess_Z_on_Twit….mp4)

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f58eea No.10552

File: fe2521b15ac352d⋯.png (101.47 KB,680x680,1:1,sZP0Jra.png)

File: 44d306232404742⋯.png (54.58 KB,720x720,1:1,e6686Ce.png)

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771f71 No.10554



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e5366a No.10561

Didn't know where else to post this, but I keep seeing people say they want to be castrated. So here's some advice from a /pol/lack:

Cutting them off - unless you have some kind of surgical experience, that's not going to end well.

Banding - extremely painful, takes a long time for them to die, can lead to sepsis.

Burdizzo - extremely painful. You would likely need somebody else to do this for you, preferably while sedated.

Chemical castration - only temporary when you take the medicine and the effects aren't long-lasting after you quit taking it.

Everclear injections - the only good one. The least painful and not only that, but you can get your deactivated testes removed.

Surgery - you're gonna have a hard time finding any doctor who will do this for you. If you live in America, you might have to go overseas, like Mexico, to find a doctor who will actually do this.

~sincerely yours,


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3213c4 No.10599

File: 760fb914cf49b67⋯.jpeg (105.91 KB,720x960,3:4,2CD68DA3_CEEB_4BA5_B660_9….jpeg)

File: da5fcc1b5815a2c⋯.jpeg (212.02 KB,720x960,3:4,3732A159_E5DA_47FC_AE50_0….jpeg)

File: f816810cf09114b⋯.jpeg (114.84 KB,720x960,3:4,80A33C4F_0160_4C90_B692_E….jpeg)

File: fd99d7f2b638c77⋯.jpeg (44.14 KB,496x372,4:3,E8ED90A5_8BD3_458A_9063_1….jpeg)

File: 92858fc2e82c0eb⋯.jpeg (38.88 KB,326x307,326:307,C4560441_FEE5_41AD_9816_3….jpeg)

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3213c4 No.10600

File: d0ea5868108bdda⋯.jpeg (41.12 KB,312x622,156:311,F4214920_8F7D_41A9_90D5_C….jpeg)

File: fe361d22107df30⋯.jpeg (22.89 KB,249x183,83:61,033B2A18_4FBA_433E_8578_D….jpeg)

File: e755a78805b8907⋯.jpeg (83.62 KB,702x455,54:35,A55CAFEA_3826_40DB_9D2B_C….jpeg)

File: edde6365fe8fbf0⋯.jpeg (3.11 MB,4320x2880,3:2,A3421156_D4E3_478C_8C56_3….jpeg)

File: 379225218917cc3⋯.jpeg (791.13 KB,1721x1092,1721:1092,A26CD7FB_2EA5_488E_BA05_B….jpeg)

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3213c4 No.10601


Hot. I want a tiny teen girl younger than me to cut open my sac and exteriorize my testicles before kicking them with her stinky feet til they rupture

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