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i'll post music and other collections of noise i find pleasing here.

some new to me, some not.

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i haven't played hylics, but i should. i got recommended this randomly earlier today. maybe it's a sign, or something.

i listened to the rest of the ost too because it intrigued me so much. hopefully that doesn't ruin the experience when i eventually try it.

i feel like i could listen to this for hours. hours more than i already have, anyway.

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this one stands out a lot too

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i'm playing through this game right now. this is a really really cool battle theme. apparently it's reused from earlier games, i think. i haven't gotten to those yet though.

i don't have much else to say about it. the whole soundtrack is cool. i tend to use "cool" as somewhat of a filler word, but i think i can definitely describe this as cool without any sort of vagueness or contradiction. it's very cool. radical. out-of-sight. far out.

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this is chara's favorite song. for some reason it just stood out to them while we were out for a walk one night. they always like when it comes on.

i like it too. it's short, but odd.

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Make sure to check it out some time. It's a fun game.

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The ending to this album is pure bliss.

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i listened to the whole thing earlier today. it's very nice, i don't think i've heard much like this before. thank you for posting it.

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i heard this first in space funeral, but this whole album is cool. this one is my favorite though. the entire second half especially is so strange sounding, almost a little scary. i’m not usually into poetry, but it makes me want to read the book the album was derived from and named after.

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i didn't know chara had a song….. woah…….

my new friend showed me this one, which i'm very thankful for. apparently this is supposed to be about the star named chara (beta canum venaticorum), as the rest of the album consists of songs named after stars too. this is actually really amazing to me even though it's after the star, i didn't even know this existed.

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i found this album yesterday, it’s pretty nice. but i was surprised listening to this track because it seems like it’s the origin of the whispering sampled in OFF’s soundtrack, for the tracks “Silencio” and “Not Safe”. it’s also sort of funny then, because i’ve seen people try to infer some sort of meaning from it, perhaps related to the game. but it’s just fittingly creepy whispering.

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in deltarune, if you die and select “no” when asked if you would like to continue, the world becomes “covered in darkness”, and this track plays over a black screen before the game force quits.

and it’s funny, because in undertale, there is no refusing to continue. in fact, when you finally come face to face with asriel, you cannot even stop your SOUL from refusing to die.

but here, you can let this world continue on without you, and even send it off into the abyss. regardless of what actually happens to the world though, it’s interesting to me that you can leave it all behind.

yet, the music seems somewhat peaceful. bittersweet, maybe, but peaceful. it makes me wonder if “giving up” is so bad after all. perhaps it all would be better off. it’s an oddly comforting thought, and it sorta feels like this track reflects that.

it’s hard to fully describe how it makes me feel.

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Yeah well, giving up was what he was trying to convey with the first game. Too bad he wasn't able to convey it good because not only did it stay easy as fuck, but also there wasn't a good ending.

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i wish i knew what song this is. all i could ever gather from where i found it was that it's probably soviet electronic music of some kind. but i keep trying to find it and never do. i listen to it all the fucking time for some reason, just pulling up this webm to hear what little i can of it. i dunno why i even like it so much. i just wish i had the full thing, or knew anything about it. maybe someone out there knows. i doubt it. but i guess i might as well put it here.

the video is nice too. i'm sure this is what "parties" are like. they've got some cool moves.

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saw someone post this in a thread the other day on /v/

it was the one about gaming while on acid

thought it was pretty dope, you should check this out

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i listened through the whole thing earlier. thank you for posting it, i liked it a lot actually. i wasn't sure how engaged i would be in it at first, but i started to get really into it as it went along. cool album.

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i haven't listened to much new music lately. i found this the other day though. i can't stop listening to it, and some of their other albums too. they're very nice. cosmic surfin' keeps getting stuck in my head, heh.

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holy fucking shit i finally found it. i used one of those music-identifier things for the hell of it and it actually worked this time, even though i tried one before a while ago with no results. this time though, i got it. finally. the mystery is solved. and it has the part that gets cut off in the webm too, which is really nice. i'm just really happy about this for some reason. i know that's hard to tell through my writing but it's true. yay.

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i've uploaded a collection of music from a certain artist (seems like one anyway, rather than what people might theorize) named "worldcorp enterprises."

i've been oddly attached to this stuff for a long time now, so i have pretty much everything that they've put out downloaded. i just decided to upload it since worldcorp has been getting a slight increase in popularity lately and a sizable amount of their content has been deleted off of their soundcloud and now-defunct website. so i figured i might as well, plus it's just nice to have it there too. but yeah. interesting stuff. i think so, anyway. i don't think i've found any music yet that scratches the same itch that this stuff does. i'm sure there's something out there, though. but it is still hidden to me, for now.

but anyway, this should embed the first video of the first playlist. there are two, the first one being the "beatsnippets" which are mostly instrumentals and the second one being the "basement mixtape" which is mostly stuff with lyrics. they link to each other as you'll see. hopefully this'll be kind of useful to some other people out there who like this stuff for some reason too. it always feels so nice being "useful," doesn't it?

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i discovered this months ago. something about the second half of the song affects me very strongly. i've cried many times listening to it, recently too even. it's just so fucking good, somehow. i don't know. i don't know what to say about it.

the most incredible and captivating things always seem to be the odd little things that i find so hard to explain. i wonder why that is. maybe it's best never to know for sure.

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something about this song gives me an incredibly odd feeling. it's one of the most emotional songs i've ever heard, somehow. i've cried listening to it many times, sorta like the last song i posted. it feels so otherworldly and outside of time, sort of like the game itself really. cave story in general feels like a game i could have played as a young child, creating all sorts of strange and vague memories full of feeling.

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i feel like shit again. i like listening to pilotredsun when i feel like shit for some reason. one thing i do with music too sometimes is i slow it down to certain speeds and listen to it that way for a slightly new experience. this album is good to do that with, for me. it makes it even more weird and melancholic than it already is (mostly). i like it.

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this is one of my favorites out of his standalone tracks. another good one to slow down as well.

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i really, really fucking love this music. i can't stop listening to it now. it's the soundtrack to some weird youtube series i discovered and watched the entirety of the other day. it was so strange and surreal and depressing to me that it basically sent me into a depressive dissociative spiral that lasted the rest of the night. but what's new i suppose.

i think it was worth it though, because it was really really good in my opinion, especially this music. so, you know, i suppose sometimes it works out. in a strange way. but, again, what else is new. nothing. lovely, so lovely indeed.

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someone sent me this in a youtube comment on another video of mine, and i'm quite sure that it's real listening to it. either that or it's a very convincing copy of worldcorp's style, because it made me really excited to hear and i can't stop listening to it. you can read the description of the video itself for more information about it, but yeah. i just wanted to link it here too.

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really makes me wonder, watch what you speak

by the skin of the earth and the flesh of your teeth

the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

don't pay them any mind, they know not what they seek

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