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/fallen/ - the fallen human

but nobody came.

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https://fallenhuman.neocities.org/ - for more vile waste.

File: 563292271f53c72⋯.jpg (37.61 KB,500x500,1:1,DdALXg1U0AAk1kW.jpg)


Hey there. I just wanted to say that we really appreciate all the work you put into this board, and that there *are* people reading. I'm very glad you enjoy Chara, much like the rest of us!

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File: 66683dc09f2fde8⋯.jpg (165.44 KB,1024x891,1024:891,chara.jpg)


hello, and thank you. i don't know if i would imply that this board is much "work" really, but i appreciate the sentiment. i just write and draw dumb stuff a lot and talk to myself. i don't know. but if you like it, then that makes me happy. it makes me curious though what you mean by "we" and stuff, if that's not too much to ask about. sorry if it is. but i just wouldn't expect a whole group of people or something to be watching my board, i dunno. so it makes me curious.

but yeah. it's nice to hear you like chara too and stuff. thank you again for the kind words.

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