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/fallen/ - the fallen human

but nobody came.

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https://fallenhuman.neocities.org/ - for more vile waste.

File: 7e10b489e73568a⋯.jpg (290.94 KB,715x956,715:956,chara.jpg)



this board was created as a replacement for /chara/, because i foolishly neglected it for too long and it was claimed by someone else. this name is better anyway.

this board essentially has the same "purpose" as /chara/ did. though, maybe it'll be a bit more personal this time around. it's not like i'll ever have some lively chara fanclub in here anyway. i shouldn't delude myself into thinking this is anything but a small place to share my own thoughts, about chara or otherwise.

i'll paste what i had written before here regardless:

this is a board dedicated to the first fallen human, chara.

and that is chara as in the UNDERTALE character, of course. this board has nothing to do with anything else that may go by the name "chara". for the most part.

i don't expect that anyone will really visit here, let alone care about the human in question very much, or as much as i do.

i just wanted to make a special place for them, is all. to show how much i care, perhaps. just for fun.

there aren't really any specific rules or guidelines, as again i don't expect anyone to come here for any good reason.

just know that if you make some weird shitpost, or call me autistic for making this board, or something else of little value/not really related to chara, i'll probably delete it. no hard feelings. just gotta keep things clean, for them.

also, you can use this thread to ask questions about the board, or make suggestions, or things like that. just keep the above in mind, i suppose.

that's it. thanks for stopping by.

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hell yeah i got the board back, that was nearly 4 months of not being able to dump my shitty drawings and blogposts and stuff everywhere (but also where practically no one will see it at least), how terrible. but now it's here again. lovely. splendid. wonderful.

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i can't make posts while logged in as a mod for some reason though, it just falsely claims that i am not a mod and stops me from doing so. i have to post while logged out. but i guess that works for now.

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Hey, is it okay if I upload some of the art you made here?


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dunno if you're still here, but sure.

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