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Classic race streams at: Https://Cytu.be/r/8chanf1 Feel free to make any constructive suggestions. For the forseeable future, discussion of NASCAR, WEC/LeMans, Indycar, and other motorsport series will be allowed.

File: 41ed37fe1f76769⋯.jpg (64.29 KB,600x600,1:1,giedoforklift.jpg)

f8a230 No.59643

Story time: I had a computer crash months ago which corrupted a number of files, and those corrupted files were picked up by my automated backup. As a result, I lost my password files and was locked out of the board. I tried to get 8chan to reinstate me, but they were going through their own drama.

Eventually I gave it another shot and the new regime handed the board over to me. I'm glad to be back and happy to help restore this board to it's rightful place as the least shitty F1 discussion board on the web.

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f8a230 No.59645

Keep in mind that the board log only keeps the current name of the mod accounts. It will retroactively make all the actions of the other guy appear under my name.

I don't know what happened with that but be assured that if the previous guy did some stupid crap, it was him not me.

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f8a230 No.59646

a likely story officer

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f8a230 No.59647

File: a7e3bb2e1215f11⋯.png (54.16 KB,975x537,325:179,8chan f1 board creation.png)


Ok doubt me. This was the board creation screen when I started this. The password was changed since then of course.

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f8a230 No.59648

File: 042690bdc85047d⋯.png (26.74 KB,968x205,968:205,istheboarddead.png)

I still have some pictures from days of legendary shitposting.

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f8a230 No.59652


I'm not gonna doubt him and even so as long as he isn't a fucking idiot I haven't got any issues with who owns the board.

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f8a230 No.59661

Did you at least let the other guy who took over have a mod position here?

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f8a230 No.59663


>64 users

What can we do to get similar user counts back here? Where do we shill?

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f8a230 No.59666


the other guy who was board owner when I was gone I have no contact with. I only was able to reclaim the board because he stopped logging in to the board.

The other Moderator who was here since the beginning is still around.


Some degree of that is because of the decline in the sport. It might be worth it to have other events and interactive stuff here in order to give people a reason when there isn't a race going on.

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f8a230 No.59669


You better not ban people for stupid shit, Satan.

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