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/erp/ - Erotic Roleplay

Where bisexual means you don't like men

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 No.276374 [Last50 Posts]

if you're remotely new to the roleplaying STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE GAME OF THRONES UNIVERSE. Even if you're into some of the darker subject matter that envitably comes up, people for some reason always get hung up on the insignificant details like what character is doing what, which part of the war it is, and if they can bring canon characters in it.

Alternative: Shit, I hate to say it, but go with Harry Potter. Most people know about it and the story so simplistic that it's easy to manage. If you don't want a fantasy story set in modern time, DON'T GO WITH THE LORD OF THE RINGS. IT'S EVEN WORSE, as the person willing to agree with it is probably even nerdier. go with Authorian lore; everyone vaguely knows of it and won't go all autistic on you.

Are There Any Other Fictional Universe Not Great For ERPing?

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Don't listen to OP. Don't go with Harry Potter; there's no one to fucking play with.

I've been trying to find just one evil professor to rail my slytherin girl for YEARS now and have found a grand total of one, and he ducked out after several sessions of play, before he even fucked her.

So I guess I would say DO go with Harry Potter, but only if you wanna fuck my slytherin girl. Don't go with it if you don't have someone to play with.

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OP here, it might just be rough find it from the "evil teacher" angle. Hadn't even considered that. Usually when I use the Harry Potter thing, everyone wants to be a student who gets caught in some mishap or their genderswapped somehow.

In my experience, finding anyone willing to be an evil Dom is pretty rare unfortunately. If you don't mind posting your F-list, I'd love to give it a shot at some point.

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shameless shilling: https://www.f-list.net/c/stannis%20baratheon/

>go with Harry Potter

I've been approached by a dozen of those guys on unrelated characters, most are real shit and the few who aren't piles of trash look desperate as hell, if they're willing to approach my boring human characters with little to no special features that tells me that the erp fandom's either really dead or really shit.

>Are There Any Other Fictional Universe Not Great For ERPing?

Dragon Ball, awful and since Xenoverse came out it's full of people's OCs.

Star Wars, everyone's retarded and picky.

Star Trek, it's fucking dead.

Avatar The Last Airbender, it's fucking dead.

Legend of Korra, full of communists and awful dickgirls that ruin dickgirls for everyone.

World of Warcraft, elitist cunts and crawling with furries.

Katawa Shoujo, it's fucking dead aside from like 3 people.

Persona, good fucking luck if you're looking for anyone other than Futaba or dickgirl lesbian Chie.

Shin Megami Tensei, lmao extinct.

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RWBY unless you play one of the characters from the same canon.

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Arthurian. He means Arthurian as in "King Arthur".

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Well maybe it's partly because your character is all but outright stated to be asexual. Asking someone with a canon profile to have even a loose grasp on the source material should not be an unreasonable request.

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Considering F-List is a smut site and that when I go on said site I'm looking to do smut like 99% of other people, I think I'm justified in taking some liberties with Stannis' character like giving him some sex drive, you know?

I've gotten shit because I play him as slightly more sexual than a fucking celibate, but at the same time I've never heard a peep when Jon Snows are played like sexual fiends who'll break their vows to score with their younger sisters, I never see anyone complain that Sansa wouldn't just whore herself out to the first dirty peasant she sees, or Arya going lesbian with Sansa/Danny for no apparent reason, or Jaime hooking up with every other woman other than Cersei. At least I try to excuse my out of characterness with "Oh yeah he just really wants a son lmao".

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>using primarily drawn images when there are tons of images of the actor from the show

It's not that I mind you having some of the drawn fan art, but why not use more of the actor?

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Just remembered that Street Fighter, Tekken and pretty much every fighting game universe absolutely sucks to do RP in. If you're not looking for a mega thick Chun-Li or a bitchbreaker shemale Juri you have few partners to choose from, the main guys from the series aren't rare but a lot of them suck, and the less popular girls are niche as fuck so good luck finding one who shares the same interests you do.


When I first looked around for some pictures to add I happened upon a handful decent 2D images and put them up, haven't much bothered to add more photographic refs for him because I don't really see much point, between a couple decently drawn images, a couple real life ones and another couple meme images I think I have enough.

I was gonna use the actor's refs for Euron but I actually liked his book look a lot better. https://www.f-list.net/c/euron%20greyjoy

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>unfamiliar with a fandom

>wants to play a canon character in it


Adding onto this list;

Tokyo Ghoul; Pretty much everyone interested in it right now just likes it for edgy shit. if you've ever seen Dark City, it's like that. A looooot of Dark City.

DC/Marvel; Lots of players for this, lots of potential but stay away from the Private Rooms. They're complete hugboxes.

Dragon Ball; Apparently there are okay parts to this but honestly, just seems like garbage.

Naruto; Avoid unless you enjoy BBC/NTR/race play

Any fighting game; There's so many characters and designs you can use that all you need is a single good partner to have an entire bunch of stuff to do.

RWBY: Drama bullshit.

Kancolle: Infested by cuddle posters and people who hate 'edge'

GFL/Most gacha shit: Rooms suck, individuals don't.

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>Persona, good fucking luck if you're looking for anyone other than Futaba or dickgirl lesbian Chie.

What are you on about? There's plenty of quality, story-oriented players for P3, P4, P5, and even P2 canons. I've also seen some somewhat interesting OCs.

Of course there's going to be oversexualized versions of these characters, you just gotta have a bit of patience to sort through that crap and go for the gold. You know, like every other fandom.

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bumping to get rid of flood.

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Warcraft is awful on FList. It's a fucking default room, yet no one roleplays. Plus there's always the same 10 or so people in chat circlejerking.

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>Katawa Shoujo

please don't remind me it's 2019 and I still haven't made a Saki profile


I've only had shitty experiences with people who play fantasy characters and are anal about being lore-friendly to whatever D&D edition they like the most. It's awful, and these are the same people who memed me to death when I made a orc who was gray instead of green.

Besides that: League of Legends should be self-explanatory

pic unrelated

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and 90% of the playerbase is futa or lesbian

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>STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE GAME OF THRONES UNIVERSE. Even if you're into some of the darker subject matter that envitably comes up, people for some reason always get hung up on the insignificant details

I dislike playing in canon universes for the most part, so I can avoid this despite liking GoT by saying "GoT is fun including the darker stuff so let's play a setting inspired by it!"

Same goes for Harry Potter >>276376 and Star Trek >>276402 By all means let's do magical school or space opera ERP, and use those mediums (and others) as inspiration, but not canon, so no worries about sticking to the franchise or not changing things to suit our fetishes!


Funny, D&D settings are among the few I'm okay with canon playing. Probably because the canon is pretty flexible and open anyway, since that's what it's meant for, roleplay. All ERPing does is add sexy. I prefer orcs being grey too thanks to D&D.

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Yeah, this is a really good strategy, especially if you have characters who are semi-flexible and can fit into multiple settings.

That's the hardest part about canon settings. They're usually so inflexible.

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I find that inflexibility not just difficult for getting the RP to make sense, but also stunting for the imagination/potential. There's so much that can be done with any of those settings, gritty low fantasy, magical school, space opera, that just doesn't fit with that particular continuity. For small reasons or huge ones. And when two similar franchises have different hot ideas, which do you play? Neither imo, just combine the sexiest from both!

I feel the same for canon characters really. I like creating my own and giving them a personality that feels right for me and fits the story my partner and I want to tell and the setting we've made, and plays well with the other person's character. But maybe this is a personal thing? Like, I've never been into fanfiction, I'd rather write my own setting and character just like I'd rather ERP them, but many people feel the other way and love reading and writing fanfics. I accept that as just different taste, so I shouldn't look down on people who aren't into OC character/settings in ERP either.

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I've always had the impression that people who are sticklers for canon just don't want to be surprised – maybe they had bad experiences with partners pulling stuff out of their asses thay they didn't like? I find it hard to breach because I can't be arsed either way when it comes to settings. If I have an itch for, say, a cyberpunk setting, it's not the minutia getting mangled that's going to bother me you know?

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Yeah, theres lots of people in the Persona fandom who are pretty good at portraying the characters and doing in universe stuff. I have a few girls myself, but I wouldn't go around saying I'm looking for the most story driven stuff with them.

To add to this conversation, I'll say good luck if you want to do Homestuck stuff. There are some players still around, but most of the people who RP that canon do it outside of the site or have moved on from it. Hell, I don't even have any of my Homestuck profiles any more because its just easier to out source them.

I will chuck in some positivity though and say the BNHA, Danganronpa and the Touhou communities have been rather pleasant. Even when I'm interacting with some of the degenerates who are into the weird stuff I'm into, they are still able to play the characters off really well despite adding in the perverted undertones to the characters. I even know a decent amount of DR players who really nail down what their character is about.

There are characters who just attract people who just want to slut them up for quickies though, you got characters like Futaba from Persona, Himiko from BNHA, and a few for DR such as Chihiro, Junko, and as much as it pains me to say as I play her too, but Chiaki as well.

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Possibly that's something that keeps them favoring canon settings over OC, but I feel like it's not the core thing, the same way some people naturally like fanfics and others like me prefer original stories taking inspiration from established ones. Interesting that people with no preference like you exit too!

But like, I can imagine getting particular about minutia mangling even in original settings, when it's a detail that contradicts something my partner and I established already, or even just how I pictured it. Conversely, on other occasions I'm happy just going with whatever the other player says, and I think canon wouldn't change that, since the ass pulling thing must happen in canon ERP too.

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Basically any series that's had lots of mainstream appeal is going to be majority shitters. That said, flavor of the year Ovewatch is on the shitlist.


Link Slytherin girl?

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Because shockingly enough people don't like straight-up BLACKED.com only with horde races. Gotta add that girldick spice

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That's 90% of all MMOs.

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You're all fools for wanting to use canon universes that aren't designed for fan input. A D&D setting may have its own lore and decades worth of novels to read up on, but in the end it's up to the player to decide what is used and what is thrown out. Superhero continuities are similarly fucked from constant reboots and alternate timelines, so it's fair to just do whatever the fuck you want with the characters and setting, because how can you make it worse than what the actual paid writers have done to it?

Single creator universes, however, are so specific and detailed, and have such strict lore and histories that anyone trying to roleplay canon characters in uncharacteristic scenarios will be in a heap of trouble. Why are you wankers so be boring you have to take someone else's work and corrupt it to suit your shitty fetishes? Just rip them off and use a modicum of creativity to make it more of a parody and less of a fan fap fiction. You can steal ideas and insert them into your own universes, with your own characters. Ya'll that fuckin' lazy?

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Yeah? Is there something wrong with being uncreative and lazy? It's a hobby centered around getting your dick hard man, chill out.

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For many of us it's more than that and you know it. We all play our own way, and your way happens to be unsatisfying and creatively corrupt.

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>tfw there's not enough gay Star Wars characters so you'll probably never get steamy, wonderful Boba and Luke hatesex

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>We all play our own way~! ♥♥♥

>By the way, you're all fucking fools for playing in a particular way.

Fellate a gun.

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>For many of us it's more than that and you know it

That's your problem, not mine. Some of us use our creativity on efforts that aren't cheap.

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And yes I absolutely mean 'cheap'. Much like people who write stories/music for kids. It's cheap but effective because there's an audience who will simply eat any shit you feed them. Not only that but it's ROLEPLAY, for fucks sake. It's already easy to do because you are typically only writing for a single person. You can find someone to enjoy literally any piece of shit turd you pull out of your ass, especially with the context that you'll get their dick hard.

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>we all play our own way

>but the way you're doing it is wrong

>inb4 "i said unsatisfying not wrong!!!!"

I doubt you get much play at all, being this obnoxious.

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Looks like you triggered the shitters who don't have a creative bone in their body

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My creative bone goes into someone else's body, ba dum pssh.

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>I spent hours crafting a completely original and not at all generic high fantasy elf with depression and no one wants to take the time to learn about all the incredible and totally non-derivative lore I have created!

>All these people making canon characters and having fun playing while also interacting with other users who potentially share their interests are WRONG! Why are they having fun?!


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Seething gacha tard

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nice rebuttal gayboy

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Roleplay is a two way road, though. You act as if all I need is a person to felate my ego for being such a good writer, for being able to produce such impressive walls of text while others barely have the attention span for a single paragraph. Truth is I struggle to find anyone who can keep my desire and interest up in a given role play. I want a creative and intellectual equal, a person worthy of a role playing partnership, where there is give and take, and we both get what we want. Most fall short. I haven't enjoyed a RP in a long, long time. No one makes it past the trial period and those I do actively enjoy writing with have incompatible schedules and inconsistent availability. I might just go back to forum posting where there's a higher demand for literacy and long term stories. I know that to get what I want I have to wait, remain persistent, and hope for the best while expecting the worst.


Obnoxious is a funny way to say "has standards".


>Implying anything I make is generic

>Implying a depressed person wants to play a depressed character

>Implying the shitposting and banal /me posting canons do is "fun"

I don't believe anyone enjoys low effort shitter role play. I don't want to believe that the human race is that fucking desperate and stupid.

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>go with Arthurian lore; everyone vaguely knows of it and won't go all autistic on you.

Arthurian lore is all about nobility and chivalry. Very different from the gritty and grim Game of Thrones.

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>Truth is I struggle to find anyone who can keep my desire and interest

I am entirely willing to believe that you are amazing at roleplay. You can very well be the Rembrandt of the erotic roleplay world and have few equals who can satisfy you. I am more than happy to believe this because as you've already pointed out, this makes for a very poor position to be in. You aren't satisfied and you're hard to please. These are not good qualities to have in a hobby and it's why you come off as so bitter.

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Let me just stress on this a bit more. I think it would be fucking FANTASTIC if I could be satisfied by one sentence roleplay, but I'm not. I can go as low as semi-para, and I can go as high as 5k characters per post (perhaps more but I've simply never run into that). I enjoy canon roleplay, I enjoy original characters. I can go along with voidsex, cliche scenarios and original concepts. Quickies, short-term, scenarios that are still on-going for the past few months.

To be satisfied by this wide range means having very few barriers to get into something enjoyable on at least some level. So when someone says they have very high standards I feel at least a little sorry for them because it usually means they aren't getting what they want.

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>M-My shit isn't generic…!

>I-I'm depressed so I can't possibly be a boring piece of shit…! E-Every good creator is depressed so that MUST mean my purple prose is good!

>Y-You're not actually having fun, you just THINK you are! I'm the only one who can define how others have fun! You're doing it wrong!

Top fucking kek.

Post a profile then, Shakespeare, otherwise you're talking out of your ass.

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>long term stories

Okay now I know you're a retard. Let's see your profile if they're so intensely creative. Or let's see some of your old forum posts if you're worried about being harassed on f-list.

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Dismissing all of this drama, what is wrong with long term play?

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Nothing. But in my experience, anyone who just sits down and says, "Let's do something long term/story driven!" is bad and usually have really boring ideas for story beats. They're the same kind of people who like worldbuilding and just want to talk about the world without actually fucking roleplaying in it. Demanding a long term story means you're basically forcing two characters to act together in a way that's useful for long term interactions, which really limits how you can act.

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I've found plenty of people who want to do long term story driven stuff but we always started with something more condensed. It makes sense. Why even plan out a long involved roleplay when you don't even know if you're a good match for each other?

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>Demanding a long term story means you're basically forcing two characters to act together in a way that's useful for long term interactions, which really limits how you can act.

Limiting in what way?

There's ways around that, like characters within a single story. If your chevalier likes one-night stands, I can play a chain of squires, whores, desperate village women needing aid, captured villains, etc. Maybe even surprise you by bringing back an older character in new circumstances.


You could decide if you're probably good matches from the preliminary talk about characters, kinks, worldbuilding, etc?

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That's the right way to do it, of course.

But then you have fuckers furiously jacking off over the fact that they exclusively do long-term, story-oriented, multi-paragraph roleplay with original characters, almost as if that automatically makes them the next J.R. Tolkien, when they're actually just barely in the league of Ernest Cline.

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So you *are* the type of mong who only ever wants to talk about their "totally original" world instead of actually playing. Got it.

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>You could decide if you're probably good matches from the preliminary talk about characters, kinks, worldbuilding, etc?

You could, but I'd still prefer to just get a feel for them right off the bat and see how they write, but it's definitely doable that way. I just hear a lot of people have trouble finding people interested in long term story-driven scenes and meanwhile they're falling into my lap when it's not something I seek outright. I've taken it as something akin to proposing when you haven't even been on a date.

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>talk about characters, kinks, world building

Limiting exactly like that, predisposing yourself to outcomes from the get go. That's fucking boring. Go back to doing forums, I'm sure no one on f-list wants you to begin with.

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People will praise you for any stupid, overcomplicated, unexciting plot devices you put on your profiles as long as the character you are playing is a reasonably attractive female who is open to other females.

I could post quite a few but I don't feel like having Baron delete my post.

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Honestly imo any plot devices are praise-worthy, compared to the average profile with zero hooks at all.

>I could post quite a few but I don't feel like having Baron delete my post.

Is there a rule against screencaps now? Just cover up names and don't post profile links.

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Hell most profiles are either 1) empty, 2) a single inline or 3) a few sentences of text. Those are the vast majority.

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I was going to post censored screencaps but I'm pretty sure someone will be mad if I put a picture of their waifu's profile here to illustrate a point - you can just go down to /erp/ lounge, pick out a few bi/lesbian pink profiles and see it yourself without me causing an upset.


I see a lot of profiles, regardless of gender/orientation, that just read like a list of demands. Where do these people get off? How come they seem to receive constant attention like that (otherwise they'd change it up)?

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>I see a lot of profiles, regardless of gender/orientation, that just read like a list of demands. Where do these people get off? How come they seem to receive constant attention like that

I have the opposite problem when I look at profiles. They seem to have no clear desires or wants and just outline what they wouldn't like.

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>I could post quite a few but I don't feel like having Baron delete my post.

Why would that happen? If it's breaking some F-List rules or something, that doesn't apply here, Baron's made it pretty clear in the past he doesn't give two shits about F-List.

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F-List has kink lists for exactly that purpose, "limiting" yourself to outcomes you and your partner both enjoy…

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Who would even want that filthy NEET anyways? I bet she doesn't even shower and barely grooms herself. Eating out her hairy, smelly NEET pussy and her sweaty tiny ass would surely be torture haha.

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