I already plan on keeping F-list/Lit/etc very separate from the rest of my internet life but… lol anxiety.
I'm afraid of making a very good friend, we chat on Discord, I meet their friends, they become my friends too, and then it becomes absolute hell when they confess their uguu anime crush and I politely tell them that I'm not looking for a relationship right now.
Like I said, this was gen RP. Didn't even involve thirsty gay dudes either! I'm a bi dude but I didn't realize that actual girls on the internet would throw themselves at me.
I think I'm okay at turning away shitters on other RP sites, I'm just worried about psychos that go for the long haul. The ones that seem sane and normal but will not hesitate to go full batshit and tell their friends how I'm allegedly abusive when all I did was not reciprocate their weird crush where they project our character's relationship onto me and like the fact that I'm not some thirsty Nice Guy neckbeard.
I'm maybe a 6/10 at best looks-wise but I'm absolutely afraid of sharing selfies with people that aren't close friends now. I'm just that afraid of internet weirdos thirsting for my bland-looking ass and internet stalking me… I've already had to switch internet handles a few times because of crazies like this. Had some crazy motherfucker accuse me of molesting her since we met up offline at a con! And I was allegedly the crazy crush-confessor who internet stalked her too… Right.