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/e9y/ - Edgyptians

صور أبوك كلها هنا

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guys choose a goddess for the board

preferably a monstergirl from ancient Egyptian mythology a deity or some monster shaped thing from ancient Egyptian mythology

i will put a bounty for someone to draw it on g.e-hentai

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I like Nuit.

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well this thread is up for people to choose between all kinds of deities

i'm waiting for people to answer

and i like giants too so i like Nut-chan-sama

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and we need to choose a form

that harpy isn't her true form, people draw goddesses of life/judgment any type along those lines on tombs to provide a form of blessing so no harpy

well we have 3 forms

Giantess/cow girl/humanoid all with stars covering them and that isn't a pot more like a halo of the moon since she's the goddess of the moon and sky and other related things

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