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/dpr/ - ABDL: Diapers & Babyplay

A board for everything related to diaper fetishism and infantilism.

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File: 9fd647348ae9484⋯.jpg (454.56 KB,987x1560,329:520,p01.jpg)


< Aren't you ashamed? Your child is more potty trained than you are.

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File: a2646483d4ee610⋯.jpg (466.68 KB,987x1560,329:520,p02.jpg)

File: 610a34bdc3f7f3a⋯.jpg (484.14 KB,987x1560,329:520,p03.jpg)

File: b6b5fc75e8458ce⋯.jpg (545.18 KB,987x1560,329:520,p04.jpg)

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File: bb96a80e4b75ac6⋯.jpg (542.12 KB,987x1560,329:520,p05.jpg)

File: 99cfbc2d719d945⋯.jpg (405.94 KB,987x1441,987:1441,p06.jpg)

File: 32d7a3cd6f91dbe⋯.jpg (413.02 KB,987x1380,329:460,p07.jpg)

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File: 6e0e24cce8078e1⋯.jpg (405.2 KB,987x1380,329:460,p08.jpg)

File: 60c530fb9845449⋯.jpg (451.7 KB,987x1380,329:460,p09.jpg)

File: d285c37ea23605b⋯.jpg (393.11 KB,987x1380,329:460,p10.jpg)

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File: 94662c4331725fb⋯.jpg (396.49 KB,987x1380,329:460,p11.jpg)

File: 9974b4f201e2999⋯.jpg (449.16 KB,987x1380,329:460,p12.jpg)

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anymore stuff like this or from the artist

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File: 83934b5c4dfd7a7⋯.jpg (743.31 KB,2550x3300,17:22,sakura and sarada.jpg)

File: 6a0b333b16233d2⋯.jpg (4.01 MB,6000x2273,6000:2273,WbYBsaLRrqDvnwS5LoNxueDX7C….jpg)

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File: 10312e42c1007d5⋯.jpg (171.75 KB,1280x1090,128:109,1458072286.cuddlehooves_po….jpg)


Here's the artist's pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1421980

Gotta make an account to view it.

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File: 3c63fe35b41cc56⋯.jpg (360.49 KB,2000x1669,2000:1669,kali 1.jpg)

File: 52be2d6a962e14e⋯.jpg (356.06 KB,2000x1669,2000:1669,kali 2.jpg)

File: 5c14423018e14bd⋯.jpg (443.47 KB,2000x1669,2000:1669,kali 3.jpg)

File: 95bdf8dc6e3ff3d⋯.jpg (449.4 KB,2000x1669,2000:1669,kali 4.jpg)

File: af73b3854e425a0⋯.jpg (420.61 KB,2000x1669,2000:1669,kali 5.jpg)

Kali Belladonna the mother of blake from rwby

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File: c63963c97abe10d⋯.png (184 KB,900x1000,9:10,kali_by_34qucker-dc01pv4.png)

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File: eecc8e8fbf54612⋯.jpg (194.83 KB,1200x1728,25:36,BULMACOVER.jpg)

File: fd7ba5a2ab9166e⋯.jpg (72.29 KB,972x583,972:583,BULMAEND2.jpg)

File: 21ce19ca14e0df7⋯.jpg (129.89 KB,900x1665,20:37,BULMAROMPER.jpg)

These images are attached to a story that Piece of Soap put out a while back about Bulma making a wish on the dragon balls for youth and waking up in a world where she was a toddler, Chi-chi was her mom and Trunks her brother.

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File: 27213b84a40f0c7⋯.png (706.8 KB,1024x913,1024:913,milp__charlotte_pickles__c….png)

File: 9f169fd418f96b1⋯.jpeg (220.45 KB,1024x1249,1024:1249,milp___chi_chi_and_bulma_….jpeg)

File: 458e0677f2ec4ca⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x1375,1024:1375,milp__rose_quartz__colored….png)

File: a8a6a98a653fb69⋯.jpeg (326.54 KB,1024x1380,256:345,messy_eater_by_shydaddy-d….jpeg)

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File: 476d656b7b75397⋯.jpg (415.87 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Sachiko 1.jpg)

File: dd139530137e3bc⋯.jpg (387.58 KB,1020x1440,17:24,Sachiko 2.jpg)

File: cbad38852e63119⋯.jpg (469.06 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Sachiko 3.jpg)

File: eec9367d2d3add8⋯.jpg (393.63 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Sachiko 4.jpg)

A classic

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File: 044b4df5f4c4911⋯.jpg (343.18 KB,1020x1440,17:24,Sachiko 5.jpg)

File: 75b08091951431f⋯.jpg (431.2 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Sachiko 6.jpg)

File: 01b0e698be25368⋯.jpg (320.12 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Sachiko 7.jpg)

File: 9a55f2f1d4bd3ef⋯.jpg (370.94 KB,1020x1440,17:24,Sachiko 8.jpg)

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Wonderful treatment of a brat!

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Padded moms are best moms

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File: 577988b5834613a⋯.png (1.53 MB,4876x4000,1219:1000,NickySkirtWet.png)

File: 3702332a8160e26⋯.jpg (2.85 MB,8726x8400,4363:4200,4ea4d98d9968a2d48b251a0d32….jpg)

File: e15d93a315d4d44⋯.png (478.1 KB,1754x1240,877:620,1493233192651.png)


Agreed. Wish there was more mother/son double diaper works.

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File: 59d1abcf951cc0c⋯.png (331.17 KB,1339x1913,1339:1913,02.png)

File: 8aab248442b17f1⋯.jpg (3.88 MB,9872x10200,1234:1275,K.K. Twerkin.jpg)

File: eff52b38c4d32dd⋯.png (6.02 MB,7500x6600,25:22,lbleachcommmessytext_by_th….png)

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File: 7aaa67fc11f17ab⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1654x1500,827:750,6D5AA778-A5F9-4DA7-8257-C….jpeg)


Sauce? Artist?

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File: 12453507b398b4b⋯.jpeg (111.51 KB,1024x717,1024:717,com__baby_lois_by_shydad-….jpeg)

File: 2ab770eaa1c9052⋯.jpeg (123.9 KB,1024x717,1024:717,baby_lois_mess_by_shydad-….jpeg)

File: 43f60882228a547⋯.jpeg (112.23 KB,1024x563,1024:563,paci_punishment_lois_by_s….jpeg)


I think that's Shydad.

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File: 7b2deef92e0a11b⋯.png (2.38 MB,2499x2142,7:6,7b2deef92e0a11b0e02ee0c203….png)

File: abe30b283ff46d3⋯.jpg (224.15 KB,1116x1579,1116:1579,ddks12_2_by_jamjarmonster-….jpg)

File: a5152a9dab5fab2⋯.png (2.11 MB,1701x2268,3:4,j-gwYFP1pnEszd_PRCBqNSWz-2….png)

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I do have a mother/son diaper story, with the mom teaching her son how to discipline a diaper girl


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File: f2038882d35025b⋯.jpg (82.45 KB,880x749,880:749,mama visits p.JPG)

File: 66924d656ec78a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.57 KB,2000x1500,4:3,Misae baby.jpg)

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File: 529ea346e4dcb73⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.17 KB,500x576,125:144,463008c9dd435b1d5e47ca9cfe….jpg)

File: d0cec4a28d0eed6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.83 KB,1280x960,4:3,1546317870.wetkinzpads1102….jpg)

File: 57f2b8713ebbd67⋯.jpg (207.83 KB,1280x977,1280:977,1537237692267.jpg)

File: 57fa4f52b0dec9c⋯.jpg (111.8 KB,523x606,523:606,cute baby mom and her cute….jpg)

File: 8482f70de3b7415⋯.png (1.14 MB,1992x1245,8:5,1549299224.calineproductio….png)


>Wish there was more mother/son double diaper works.

I too crave this.


Thank you for posting. Sons domming their diapered moms is also great.

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File: eed0a03f495ee86⋯.png (1.76 MB,2480x3507,2480:3507,1564551973606.png)

File: aaf0401b9e5a9ae⋯.png (443.03 KB,1280x1351,1280:1351,authoritative_enforcement_….png)

File: af1a8058ad23fec⋯.png (Spoiler Image,537.72 KB,1080x1451,1080:1451,af1a8058ad23fecd754b1ec325….png)

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File: 6c0d106db006e9e⋯.gif (1.78 MB,221x221,1:1,tumblr_pc3kod3YJJ1xvxo5qo1….gif)


so, are the mods here basically HIDING every picture behind a spoiler they don't like?!

thanks for ruining a potential 8chan-follow-up!

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Sounds like somebody got pleb filtered.

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>so, are the mods here basically HIDING every picture behind a spoiler they don't like?!

No, just beneath a common sense level of quality and good taste. And all the vacuous degenerates who gladly eat shit because it's the best they can get keep seething about it.

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The last place that attempted to enforce quality was /d/'s diaper thread, and it will go the same way here as it did there.

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File: 41aa880b55a6b76⋯.jpg (77.4 KB,748x1524,187:381,DivineOmutsu-1114607835462….jpg)


>If you try to enforce quality I'll stop using the board, mwahaha!

And good riddance to you :^)

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