>>around 11 years old
>>still using Depends pads for mild bladder problems
>>drynites don't exist yet
>>going to spend a week with relatives in the middle of bumfuck, nowhere
>>mom doesn't pack enough pads, run out
>>local drugstore doesn't carry them
>>mom: "just use your aunt's menstrual pads, anon."
>>me: "gross, no way!" (or something like that)
>>mom: "okay, diapers then."
>>me: speechless
>>for some reason, tiny drugstore carries adult diapers but not pads
>>mom buys big-ass green diapers that I have to put on extra-tight
>>loud and crinkly
>>younger asshole cousins tease me (until ordered to stop)
>>simultaneously humiliated and turned on for some reason
>>try to use the toilet throughout the day and just wear the diapers in case of dribbling
>>one night, decide to soak them on purpose
>>feels amazing
>>come almost instantly
>>luckily have a room to myself so some privacy
>>keep wetting throughout the trip, often while lying in bed
>>fetish born
(tried to get parents to buy me more diapers when we got back home but they refused)
>>also during stay, get seen wearing just a diaper a few times
>>once, a bratty cousin barges in while I'm still in bed and pulls back covers
>>literally the one time I didn't wear pajamas over my diaper
>>shitty cousin runs around screaming, "ANON'S WEARING A DIAPER!" until stopped/punished by parents
>>another time, I'm changing before bed
>>upstairs bathroom door lock doesn't work (white trash family in shitty house)
>>always stay up late so other cousins will already be asleep (i.e. no risk of them seeing me)
>>adults drinking downstairs
>>have wet diaper off, dry diaper half-on when I hear someone coming up the steps
>>me: "i'm in here!"
>>drunk aunt barges in anyway
>>me, eleven, with a gigantic diaper half-on
>>aunt says she's sorry but she's kinda laughing
>>can't decide if i'm humiliated, turned on, or both
>>kind of want to be seen in a diaper again but resist for the rest of the trip
>>notice aunt smiling a few times when i crinkle by, though it might be imagination
>>kind of leave my diaper sticking out of the back of my jeans one time
>>she tugs on it a little but pulls my shirt down to cover it
>>start to fantasize about being changed, nursed, etc
(I'm sure my aunt wasn't actually flirting with me or anything. She was probably just trying to make light of it and be sympathetic in a dumbfuck way.)
>>also during trip, at one point go to a shitty kids' movie with family
>>wear extra long shirt to cover pants but still embarrassed going out with a diaper on
>>parents dumb and unsympathetic
>>later in theater, feels weird sitting in the dark in a diaper
>>get idea, start to wet a little on purpose
>>feels great but I stop, not quite ready to come next to my parents
not else very eventful happened but here's the last bit:
>>last day of visit
>>shitty cousins staying up later than usual
>>only been dribbling throughout the day but diaper is soaked by now
>>too nervous to change in upstairs bathroom with bratty cousins running around
>>try to play it cool and wait but can feel diaper starting to leak a little
>>consider quickly changing the diaper in an empty room but cousins keep following me, laughing/teasing me
>>pretend i'm not totally soaked
>>eventually, diaper is reaching critical mass
>>only other bathroom is downstairs, off the kitchen, where adults are drinking/visiting
>>kids have been told not to use that and stay upstairs (not sure if adults were doing drugs or what)
>>eventually slip downstairs with clean diaper under shirt, go into bathroom
>>hear dad make some kind of joke about kids being where they shouldn't be but that's it
>>inside bathroom, untape diaper as quietly as possible
>>put dry diaper on
>>red-faced as fuck when i come out, sure they heard the crinkling
>>aunt and mom smile at me but that's it
>>morning of departure
>>mom (loud and clueless as usual): "do you have a diaper on, anon?"
>>me: "um… yeah, mom."
>>a couple diapers left but leave them at my aunt and uncle's for some reason (which i later regret)
>>long drive home, wet a little
>>stop at a gas station at one point, i go in but wet in the diaper instead of on the toilet
>>almost come but feel guilty, take off wet diaper and just freeball it the rest of the way home
>>dribble a little but parents don't notice
>>start wetting pads on purpose sometimes
>>diaper fetish ever since