Imagine we could revert our bodies back to how they were at any point in our past. You have some choices on what happens mentally. I am dividing these into 3 different categories: memories, knowledge, and mindset.
Memories refer to events you personally remember experiencing from your own past. So If you are 25 now, and you revert to 12, but keep your memories, you will remember being 25, and also remember being 12 the first time around.
Knowledge refers to what you know how to do. If you choose to revert your knowledge, you will only know how to do things that you were able to do at the age you revert to. If you retain it, you will be able to do all the things you currently are able to do. While this is related to memory, it isn't quite the same. Consider, for example, retaining memory but not knowledge. You would remember knowing how to do things that you did before your body reverted, but you will not remember how to actually do it. This goes both ways. If you retain your knowledge but NOT your memories, you will wake up at your chosen age never having any memory of being older, but everything you knew how to do when you were older, you will still know how to do now. If, for example, you knew how to do calculus before reverting, and someone asked you to solve an integral after reverting, you would be able to do that still, but you would have no idea how you know.
The last category is mindset. This deals with the way you think at the core level. It is the way you process and interpret information and events going on around you, as well as how you respond emotionally. In short, it is how you think and feel. Adults tend to think more logically, more analytically, than kids do. Kids are more creative and learn faster and more efficiently, but they dont have the same kind of logical framework and procedural structure adults use to problem solve and plan long term with. A rough summery is that kids are better at learning what they don't know, while adults are better at doing what they do know. Both ages can do both things, but one is better suited at a particular type of thinking than the other. If you choose to retain your mindset, you will think the same way you do now, but in a child sized body (of whatever age you choose). If you currently have a sex drive and you retain your mindset, you will still have a sex drive. If toys and games no longer interest you at your current age, but they did at the age you revert to, reverting your mindset will mean that you will once again be interested by these things.
Keep in mind that each of the 3 categories can be retained or reverted in total isolation of each other. You can mix and match which categories you retain in any combination.
>> If you were going to do this, what age would you revert to? Which of the three aspects of your mind would you retain and revert? Imagine yourself in this scenario. How would you feel about this on a day to day basis? Would you choose to do this if given the option? What if the effect was able to be switched on or off, either at will, or in certain time intervals? (So you might be able to return to your original body, etc, but only after you wait some period of time after reverting back, be it an hour, day, week, month, etc)