Old Body(+2 PP, +1F, +1C)
- Stuff that doesn't matter: /fit/ bruh - Spikey - Wisp - Ivory - L-lewd.
Powers: Za Warudo T2, Summoning T2, Regen T2, Shape Shift T1, DurabilityT1.
(Time stop is OP and being able to summon whatever would be insanely fun. Regen because I'm a sucker for "Sleep less/nosleep" stuff, shape shift because I might get tired of my aesthetic choices)
Home: Solo Apartment.
Classes: Robotics, Biology, Cooking.
(Most interesting ones, as long as I can just be a slacker and just eat the stuff on the last one)
Clubs: Occult, Snacks and Video gaem.
(Occult and snacks are the only way to go, I needed a third too so eh, vidya)
Friendos: Diego, Zeke, Kirstine.
(One pays for everything, the other finds everything for cheap. Kirstine would be too much fun to bully by hiding her head somewhere)
Sweet-Heart: Lucile.
(I'm taking the 50/50 this better be a loli)
Rival: Tyler
(dude FUCK bugs)