>Ship: Sloop, Spider SIlk, Reinforced Hull, Tardis, Submersible, Thruster, Improved Galley, Seasoned Pirate x 25, Gifted x 2
It goes really fucking fast, can go underwater, and can travel underwater pretty fast. Decent enough amount of cargo can be brought due to Tardis and I'm pretty sure the two "Gifted" can easily command 25 pirates.
>Ship Items: Armaments, 4 Harpoons, 5 Swivels, 5 Large Cannons,
Harpoons seemed pretty much required since the ship is a sub too, the rest is standart stuff.
>Race: Angel - Boons: Enhanced Toughness, Mental, Speed, Strength, Resist Weakness, Magic, Final Form(Souls)
Without the drawback angel is just the strongest class. Soul gimmick on the final form option seems like it'd scale really well with time.
>Personal Items: Explorer's Spyglass
10% better than an elf.
>QM: Jora
Now we can destroy ships for shits and giggles if we want.
He looks smart, I dunno dude. Doubles as 12% weaker explorer's spyglass if I ever want two.
>MG: Alorwyn(200)
Meme fruits are OP.
She can heal whatever I can't.
A tireless worker is just too good for this role.
I don't care anymore he just looked cool