>Complications: Sealed in, shoot to kill. (+4, +7), 31KK
Let's do this properly.
>Size: Super-Heavy
This is the last dance after all, go big or go home.
>Armour: Layered, RHA, Reactive, Scrap Metal (-4, -8) 19KK
RHA with reactive over the top of it, and a spaced layer of scrap metal over the top. The scrap can stop the less threatening stuff from setting off or interfering with the ERA, and might just persuade the opposition that they don't need to bring out the heavy stuff as soon as they otherwise might.
>Weapons: Ripper, Improved Scoop (-1, -2) 16KK
This is a kill DOZER, not an Ersatz tank, and adding guns, mortars, and flamethrowers (oh my!) isn't part of the fun.
>Extras: Electric Netting, Advanced Optics, Self Destruct, Extra Fuel, Communications (-5, -3, -3, -3, -2) 0KK
The netting makes sure that nobody is going to climb on top of the killdozer to try and cut a way in or set charges. The advanced optics make sure that there are no weak points in the armour, and the self destruct goes nicely with the sealed in, shoot to kill, last dance idea. Extra fuel will make sure that I'm not going to stop any time soon, and communications gear will allow me to taunt the opposition & media, and play vid related on maximum volume over all accessible radio frequencies.