This looks like an interesting cyoa, but there are some problems.
1: The entire thing is designed as a build up to a war game, which does not exist. There is no map, no interactions. Because of this the cyoa feels like it is only half there.
2: Too many choices. This can result in decision fatigue before the readers are even halfway through. There are so many choices, linked to each other, and unlike the previous version you receive 500 token instead of only 150.
3: Confusing bonuses. The way the HMSAT bonuses are first presented, they look like a direct bonus(S +1, to S 3 becomes S 4), but later it is explained that these are % bonuses (S +1, to S 3 becomes S 3.3).
4: Confusing abilities. There are many abilities and modifiers in the cyoa that are confusing. If you have 2 modifiers to double the damage do they stack? and if so how? Are there limits to the SAT stats. They all say out of 10, so is that a cap or unrelated because it is easy to exceed it.
5: Restricted choices. The XO you choose effectively determines your race, since they will only do anything if you are of the right race. You do get the choice to not take an XO, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.
6: Balance. The XO that you choose is extremely powerful. Beasts double you number of units, Humans deal double damage, etc. There are some other units that face similar problems. Units are simply over/under powered in strange ways.
Overall I have enjoyed reading it, but any attempt to make a build has fallen victim to the above problems.
Note: I looked around a bit to see if anyone else had made a build for this cyoa but I could only find the previous version. This version did not appear anywhere else. Maybe it was posted elsewhere but I have to ask:
Did you make this CYOA or did you find it somewhere?