>there's way too much 3DPD and scifi stuff
What the hell are you smoking? This has neither.
A small sampling of the actual issues is as follows:
>Using the metric system
>Symbol frequency retardery
<One hourglass is five seconds, two is one minute (20 times the previous tier), three is one hour (sixty times the previous tier)
<One star is one hour, Two stars is five hours (five times the previous tier), three stars is one day (20 times the previous tier)
>Outrageous costs
<4 stars costs your entire takes-four-days-to-fill reserve, and it only gets worse after that
>Mary Sue angels
<Can't be bound, can't be hindered in any way, can cast spells, amazing at everything except "free will" which is meaningless, since I seriously doubt that means "lacks autonomy"
>Contract magic only works if "all of the parties involved think that [the conditions] were fulfilled"
<This means if either party deludes themselves, magically or otherwise, that something isn't so, it doesn't work
<This also means if either party convinces the other (and perhaps also themselves), magically or otherwise, that something is so, it does work
>Markings which stop working if the drawing you made is in any way damaged
<Something that could theoretically happen with something as simple as being sweaty
>Defense is at least exactly as costly as offense
<Hexproof is a channel that is 1+, while counterspell is equivalent but requires directly witnessing a caster
<This means blocking is just delaying your inevitable death/slavery/what-have-you, that is, if you even have the time to block
It's enough for me to add this "god" character to my list of "entities who've incurred my wrath". Especially the angel slight. That implies that she, the god of this gay place, is so fucking sick that there's no way you could possibly wrench away control of her precious angels. Makes me want to unleash every single devil. Too bad you'd only be able to do that a handful of times before being impotent and drained of metric magic juice, if you even could summon one with a full takes-four-days-to-fill tank. "But just use the extra mana acquisition methods" I hear you mewling. No: they're all intentionally clunky and/or gay. Now that I think about it, this sort of smacks of a masochist CYOA.