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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

minmax wishfufillment

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File: 372469386679db6⋯.jpg (1.88 MB,1203x6950,1203:6950,Monster Cave Choice.jpg)


Can you defeat the monster of the cave?

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I’m going to play this without looking ahead making and sticking to choices as I go.

I accept the quest. The prophecy is explizit I have a chance and my conscience wouldn’t allow me leave these people to their misery.

My weapons of choice will be sword and shield. Versatile and great in the narrow environment of a cave. Never underestimate the protection of a shield. The magic of the staff was tempting, but lacking in the ability to actually deal lethal strikes.

I choose light amor, from experience I can tell I’m still able to keep stealthy and the protection might be needed. I’m not going naked.

The next items are all good, but I choose the magic ring. I was already tempted to take the staff and the utility of the spells might come in handy.

Equipped and after three days of workout and rest I return to the magic man to discuss the next steps. He explains that I can choose my path once and that it may affect the power of the monster.

I choose the path with thorns. My sword should be able to hack me a path through and the light armor should give at least some protection against scratches. At least it isn’t as deadly as 60 hyenas.

For the cave itself I choose to go through the dwarves. This will be the time we’re the ring will make me invisible and I trust myself to be sneaky enough to pass by them without being recognized. The magic man said that this path might give me a stroke of luck in the battle against the monster.

As I’m about to leave the magic man offers to divine the nature of the beast. I accept, forfeiting the blessing I just received (which otherwise would not have helped me at all as I suddenly realized).

The monster is the size of a dog, which sounds not too terrible.

And it has the body of a dog, which still sounds okay to fight against.

Finally it has two heads. Heads of a human male.

I pause to look at the magic man.

“What can they do? Cast spells?”

“They can talk.”



I guess the prophecy didn’t care about me as the chosen one at all.

Today was just the day where the monster choose to transform in the most harmless and stupid shape possible.

A few hours later I’m exhausted and slightly injured back in the village.

I choose the sacred herbs and enjoy a very long life free of diseases.

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I don't accept the quest. The scrying has foretold I "may be able to defeat" the monster, but it doesn't say how good my chances are. There are many weapons here, but none of them give me the training or ability to use them well. I have physical injuries that limit my mobility, that could be cured if I take the healing potion, but the potion wouldn't give me the training or strength to wield any of these weapons in combat. They chose the wrong man.

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I'll complete this cyoa without looking ahead for fun too. I hope the rewards are worth the risk. The wizard should have equipped the people on the island with these weapons.

>Spear and shield

When in doubt, poke it with a stick

>Light Armor + Helm

A good mix of mobility + protection

>Magic Ring

I have to write down these words on a piece of paper.

>The cave is a two hour, leisurely walk from civilization

The path is clear for now

<+1 Special ability

>The way to the lair is past quite a few twists and turns

I'll drag my spear on the ground to mark the areas I've been. Would that work?

>Creature and ability chart

I rolled here


The creature is an elephant sized bull with a head of a human and a spiky, venomous tail.


>1 reward

>No celebration

>I can't return to island

Complete bullshit and none of the rewards are worth it. I let my greed cloud my judgement and paid the ultimate price. If I somehow win i'll take the gold but I know some piece of shit will try to steal it.

In the next life I should leave people alone.

>Please defeat the monster in the cave hero!

<You better pack up your bags and move because I'm not going out there.

<Seal the cave with a giant rock if you have to!

<Ask the wizard to teleport the creature to the moon

Damn wizards

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*leave some people alone

And baiting the monster into a trap would be better than entering its cave

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>none of the rewards are worth it

The potion should allow you to live 300-400 years thats pretty good imo.

As for why the wizard didn't just give the weapons to the villagers well its because the monster can only be bested by a hero of fate which you are.

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Why can't I take a fucking gun with me? Fuck you OP I'll build a slamfire and molotovs. If nothing else I want a poleaxe. Fucking savages.

What are those retarded armor? Loin clothe? Le heavy arnor is heavy and uncomfortable maymay? LIght armor emcumber? Fuck the redditor who make this. I'll demand the native make me Light armor to wear on top of my clothes.

I want the D. Dragons teeth

What is this rearded shit, mychoises determine how the already existing terrain and mosters are? Fucking normalniggers have NO notion of reality, as expected since they understand reality by what the are told. Fucking vermin peasant slave zombie cattle.

Cant I just take the tribe warriors with me? At least till the entarnce? Fucking hell A

A fuck this. Shitty cyoa Go back to reddit

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>Magic Staff

>Light armor

>Poison dagger

<Turn invisible

<Summon monkey distractions

<Stab monster in the butt with dagger

<Run like hell through cave maze until warped out

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consider remaking the whole cyoa, it's terrible

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