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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

minmax wishfufillment
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 No.13045 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

A Christmas-themed Waifu-Picker

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I bring good tidings, just in time for Christmas!

Never made a waifu-picker before. I hope I did a good.

Criticism welcome. Thank you!

Love Miser…

Here's your chance to bag a waifu AND become a powerful superbeing. A perfect Christmas Present!

However, in order for your Christmas Wish to come true, you must match the remaining waifu with another person… preferably a good friend!

You get a gift for giving a gift!

Choose carefully! (Or don't, and tell me about your shenanigans!)

Here is the low-fi version. Below is my sta.sh, where you can also find links to sources used.


Which Miser is best Miser?

You'll get yours, but who gets the other one?

What escapades will you and your fellow demigods undertake this holiday season?

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 No.13047>>13052 >>13054 >>13061

I must say this is a rather long CYOA considering it's just "pick one out of 2". And I think it's the only one waifu-picker I've seen with only two choices.

BTW, shapeshifting or not, I can't help but notice their chest sizes seem to range between small and flat

>you become a demigod and Defender of Earth

According to the flavour text this is very important… Except it's not elaborated, at all. The only thing I get (in passing, too) is that demigods can visit pocket dimensions and are resistant to heat ("a perk of being a Demigod is having many abilities, none of which I'll tell you about"). I'm guessing it also implies immortality but I don't believe it's ever mentioned.

>while your presence and actions may be known to humans, it must be kept secret

Uh… Huh?.. Which is it then?

>mountains near the North Pole

What mountains?! It's in the middle of an ocean!

>agrarian lifestyle

I'm intrigued. What can you grow on top of ice? Then again, building a castle on top of it is likely even more challenging… But even if there was ground, what crops grow in sub-zero temperatures?

>they were born around XV century

>they got bored more than a decade ago

They kept doing their stuff for five centuries but only got fed up with it now? (And saying they were admiring humans doesn't sound very humble BTW.) Not to mention that it took more than ten years for their mother to start listening…

Also, why did you put "general backstory" flavour text in the middle of a choice section?

>bring your friend in three days and pick one of the waifus

Suppose I don't have friends (or at least unmarried ones), what then? Do I have to find a decent unmarried stranger and convince him to marry a heathen goddess and to abandon his mortal life, all within that timeframe?

…Come to think of it, would someone willing to leave his mortal life in three days' time actually have any friends to choose from?

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Thank you for reading!

You've given me reason to consider editing my work a little. Maybe a line or two.


You are generally free to use your imagination, though the key points are:

You are immortal, but not invincible.

You are generally unhindered by extreme temperatures, and can regulate your own internal temperature at will. For the sake of argument, say you can tolerate between -100C and 100C before you start to feel a difference.

You can shapeshift, but nothing outrageous like making yourself supermassive/gigantic.

You can create your own pocket dimensions, but only a few at a time, because each formation of a new rift will risk drawing in extradimensionals. Basically, like an interdimensional Russian Roulette.

You are superhumanly fast, strong, agile, the works. But to reiterate, you are not invincible. Just very powerful by human standards.

As a noob, don't expect to be amazing at demigodding the second you become one. Your new wife is willing to help you learn and grow into it. I know it isn't explicit in the writing, but they are both kind and patient beings. More comfy, less hardboi.

>Known, but Secret

You are not completely barred from communicating with humans, but you can only trust a handful of people to know your true identity, like any classic comic superhero.

Instead of involving yourself in human affairs, your mission is to protect the world from extradimensional threats. You have entered this scenario during a time of relative peace, but it will not always be so.

>Mountains near the North Pole

"Near" is a point of view [lenny face]

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I could have called it "Neo-Agrarian", but basically what they are doing is a combination of [insert spirit magick here] and things like Greenhouses (which Snow Miser allows, because she's COOL like that).


These girls are no slouches…

>BTW, shapeshifting or not, I can't help but notice their chest sizes seem to range between small and flat…

pic related

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All of these details are supposed to be inside the CYOA itself

>>Mountains near the North Pole

>"Near" is a point of view ( ° ʖ °)

So "near" means "across the ocean"?


>These girls are no slouches

It's not the question of effort. Any building bigger than a hut needs fundament (made of stone and resting on solid ground) so that it doesn't collapse under its own weight. Kinda tricky to have that if digging a foot below surface leads you to a very deep ocean…

>pic related


>shapeshifting or not

Show me a single image in this CYOA with boob size above "small". Oh wait, there isn't one… Nor is there any elaboration on the matter beyond saying "'true' form is a matter of preference". If they have portraits, then those are what the player will see the girls as, first and foremost.

…Speaking of which, I just noticed: the guitar doesn't have same clear outline nor shadow as the girl even though it's supposed to be the same image (think "sprite" in terms of videogame animation). And no one ever carries a guitar strings-to-back, that's a sure way to put it out of tune. Although, kudos for making the image yourself instead of using pre-existing ones only, I guess.

(While we're on the subject: is that a harp standing in the middle of a snowfield?..)

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Perhaps you should consider you aren't the target audience.

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 No.13061>>13063 >>13064


>What mountains?! It's in the middle of an ocean!

magic mountains

>what can you grow on ice

magic crops

>how can you build a castle

magic castle

really though, a magical goddess person just said she wants to marry you and make you a demigod with magic powers- the fact that her house doesent compute within human building procedures is rather irrelevant

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The target audience are DFC worshippers? How peculiar, I can't seem to find that in the CYOA title…

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At this point I'd suspect she's trying to con me somehow

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>magic mountains

There are no mountains over there, so saying "they're magic" doesn't do anything

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>There are no mountains over there

there are also no demigods you dummy

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 No.13080>>13083 >>13085

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Three days and not a single actual player.

I suppose my failure is more profound than I originally thought.

Well… back to the drawing board

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I'm down for Heat Mister, she seems cute and compatible with me.

I do agree that it's kind of odd to have this much text for a binary choice, but at the same time, I don't mind a lot of detail about what a choice entails, especially since it's pretty much "Here's all the cool stuff that happens to you." So I'm good with that.

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I guess I'll go with heat. So long as she understands that I'm in charge of her and she keeps a lid on her temper, I think it could be a great relationship.

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 No.13083>>13085 >>13226

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I read it, if that is any consolation. I'm just not sure what to do other than pick one and have that be that.

Not that you are asking for critique here but there is also not much to pull the player into the story. It's just, "Player is now a demigod, whatever that might mean in this context". You set up a struggle against the evil forces that will bleed into the snow world but the player has no idea what their path towards victory is. Player is just an undefined "demigod".

Instead of taking the power fantasy and just proclaiming that the player now has power, why can't, for example, the waifu be so excited to be chosen by the player that she promises to bind a part of her soul into an item to imbue the player with powers. But she can't give all of herself away, so you have to pick from these X number of items. And if you train really hard the pure love of the waifu will make the item even more powerful. But be careful, the items have side effects. Pick item X and your waifu will get a larger X or develop a disposition towards Y the more or less you train or whatever.You get the point.

When you add things like this you are giving the player the context he needs to insert himself into the world. +You can give the aussie shitposters that are legally required to scoff at small boobs something to chew on other than you.

But also, Player have to choose some dude to bone the other chick for some reason? Is this some reddit tier cuck psyop? Why can't the player have both if there are only two and they synergize so obviously with eachother? Instead the player feels the heat and cold or is burdened in some other way. I really don't understand why this aspect has to be mentioned at all otherwise. Also what the hell are these minion creatures? Call them hobbits or something cute or mythical not minions or refugees. Saying that they are refugees makes one think of fresh off the boat north africans. Calling them minions makes one think of those yellow looking guys. Who wants those kinds of things in their waifu castle?

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 No.13085>>13089 >>13226


Waifu CYOAs are shit. They're plainly just simplifications of the "companions" section of CYOAs which I might add generally are also simple and worthless. I know I generally don't even bother looking at those (and I normally don't bother reading these either). Those normally have at least ten girls though, this has only two and neither are particularly interesting or useful.


Minion is a fine word. Normalfags and hypersensitive niggers might immediately think of those cancer spongebobs but the word is perfectly adequate. That's like saying you shouldn't call your servants "servants" because phone games, "thralls" because warcraft, "pawns" because games and "slaves" because niggers. I'm particularly fond of "thralls" myself, but I like to rotate my titles.

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>Minion is a fine word. Normalfags and hypersensitive niggers might immediately think of those cancer spongebobs but the word is perfectly adequate. That's like saying you shouldn't call your servants "servants" because phone games, "thralls" because warcraft, "pawns" because games and "slaves" because niggers. I'm particularly fond of "thralls" myself, but I like to rotate my titles.

The problem isn't the word itself. The problem is that there is no reference point to narrow down what the player is supposed to be thinking of. So when the word 'refugee' or 'minion' is the only thing you have to go on you have a problem since the person reading it is has no easy pathway to understand what the story teller means but is forced to consider stupid possibilities instead. You want the player to have an easy time imagining things, not a hard time. So you need to eliminate stupid possibilities.

Even just an image to denote what is actually being talked about or a short description is enough to remove the confusion. There is no problem with describing something that calls on some fantasy or another world as long as it is consistent with the world being described. A goblin like thrall or a hobbit servant, you will probably be thinking of Lord of the Rings or WoW. That's not a problem if it fits the world. I have a clear image of what a hobbit servant is. I don't know what a "servant" is. There needs to be context.

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 No.13105>>13226 >>13227

Snow Miser seems pretty chill.

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Thank you all for your feedback.

I didn't want to be too autistic about the world setting. But I suppose as a consequence, being too vague leaves too much unexplained.

>reddit-tier cuck psyop

That certainly wasn't the intention. When I was writing this, I was thinking about a close friend who I think also deserves companionship.

I am also not polygamist. So the idea was to match two guys who are compatible as friends with two girls who are compatible as sisters.

I think it goes well within the "spirit of Christmas" to share joy in the holidays with you and your kin, but I think I can see how the writing can be interpreted differently.

It's true that "refugee" without much context can spark images of sand niggers being given a free lunch, but what I had in mind were benign -albeit somewhat odd- beings from alternate realms that found their way to Earth through dimensional tears after they were forced out by [insert evil and/or hungry things here].

Merry Christmas, and happy new waifus>>13082

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Heat misers way hotter tho.

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