| Rolled 136 (1d150) |
List of Powers
<4. Super Sense
>See in the dark, hear a pin drop, track a scent like a dog
>38. Angelic
>You can grow huge white feathered wings from your back allowing you to fly at 350mph, you look very impressive with your wings out and can absorb them into your back at will. This process takes about three seconds.
<65. Electrical
>You can control electricity, create it and absorb it, you are immune to damage done by electrical energy. You can charge electrical devices just by holding them in your hand, jump start cars and restart hearts with a touch or just Taser people with short sharp bursts. You can remotely turn on and off electrical systems in your vicinity at will.
>77. Heat Vision
>You can project blasts of heat from your eyes that can burn through stone almost instantly, you can still see when you do this, though everything has a red glaze.
<102. Things That Go Bump
>You can manipulate the dreams of others, give them a blissful dream or horrific nightmares. You can trap the person in sleep for as long as you like provided you maintain concentration. You must know their name to use this power on them. You can make people fall into a deep sleep with a touch.
<107. Acid
>You can generate a clear acid from your skin at will; you can also spit this acid. The acid will eat through steel and flesh in seconds. Your body becomes impervious to acid.
<108. Hyper Piss
>You can urinate with enough force to cut through steel, you will not be hurt by the force of this piss.
<116. Plague
>You can instantly make any one you touch come down with any form of none lethal symptoms you like. A second touch is required for lethal symptoms or to lift the symptoms you previously bestowed. The symptoms you induce can be cured and treated if possible.
<123. Random Power
>Every 24 hours this power will be replaced by a different power from this list.
<125. Fix
>You can restore any object to its original state of being with a touch, you can make cracks and scrapes disappear, provided you have all the pieces. You can’t fix people.
Powers i've lost
<123. Random Power
Excluding this power and other powers i've chosen right? This is not very consistent.
<108. Hyper Piss
A machine gun for a penis sounds pretty cool but my bladder has its limits. I could melt through steel with my acid anyway.
<116. Plague
This isn't an adventure so I don't really have a use for this power.
Things that go bump vs Plague
<Things that go bump
I can plant suggestions in dreams.
>Tell me your darkest secrets, you can trust me your dream fairy :D
But i'm not sure when my target would sleep. I'd get more use out of it's secondary effect to cause instant deep sleep in my targets.
>Punch someone and they will be instantly knocked out.
Plague can cause paralysis, blindness, bigger tits, narcolepsy, and even death. One tap to set the stage, the other to seal the deal. Discretly killing a person via a heart attack is ok but why would I need to do that?
125. Fix
What do you mean "have all the pieces?" Every single piece that chipped off the object and strictly no replacements? I would use this power to restore objects that were cut, torn, or bent but really not for things that were shattered. Offensively I'd use compressed weaponry that would instantly reform with a single tough. Defensively this is used to set up traps. I could even compress a bicycle for easier storage in my bag. When it's time to go the bike would be repaired to working condition. Because flying everywhere could create a scene and a car block is too heavy
4. Sense
I wonder if this power is worth it? I could shut down all electricity in an area and hunt something at night. But why though? Invisible opponents are easier to detect since I can hear and smell them.
If I am challenged then I would probably give up either senses,acid, heat vision. Whichever I find least useful over the year.