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File: 4c3dcad2b71b2df⋯.jpg (80.12 KB,1280x643,1280:643,1280px-Foreskin_Restoratio….jpg)


I've been getting into foreskin restoration more lately, namely because I like the intact aesthetic way more than the cut one. Not only do I like it way better, other guys seem to like intact cocks better.

I was unfortunately circumcised. But now I've started restoring with T-tape for about a month now, and I already have a noticeable amount of skin increase. I absolutely love how my dick has more skin and it's starting to feel better already as opposed to having little skin at all.

If you're circumcised as a cuteboy, you should really get into foreskin restoration. I've seen pictures of restored foreskins, and they're pretty indistinguishable from intact cocks. I even saw some stories on a subreddit about how most restored guys are mistaken for uncircumcised guys. It's pretty neat.

Don't use bi-directional devices though, only use devices that pull outwards. Also, don't use retaining or anything that pushes the dick inwards. I prefer to use all methods that pull outwards, simply because it won't ruin your dick.

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AHAHAHAHA oh wow! Once you lose the foreskin that is eaten by your rabbi, then all of those nerves are gone you stupid fucking Amerikkkocksucker. You can stretch out your remaining shaft skin, but it will only visibly look like you aren't a mutilated mutt at best.

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>then all of those nerves are gone you stupid fucking Amerikkkocksucker

Not really. The science on how nerves regenerate would disagree with you. Not ALL of it is lost, if you create more skin. you create more room for the severed nerves to re-innervate into the tissue.

>You can stretch out your remaining shaft skin

Except this isn't "stretching" the tissue, this is creating new tissue, you brainlet.

>but it will only visibly look like you aren't a mutilated mutt at best.

Not only will it look way nicer, it's actually very functional and does almost everything that an intact foreskin does. You should do some more research, friend.

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Amerikkkan is perhaps thinking that simply because there is new tissue for nerves to be formed…that somehow reality is to be responding appropriately. Over time the body's own rebuilding system loses all but the most mundane aspects to recreation of tissue. Thus, unless you are getting a skin graft itself on your penis, then you are much like I had said earlier only having a new scartissue covering without appropriate nerve endings ohhhhhbooohooo fucker. Maybe you dick make itself wet and renewed, but slapping on newsking does not do what your obesebrain thinks it wants.

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>Amerikkkan is perhaps thinking that simply because there is new tissue for nerves to be formed…that somehow reality is to be responding appropriately

It is. The mechanism still exists even in adulthood, or else your body would be unable to repair itself. When you stretch out the skin and mucosa, the vascular system innervates it. Why can't the same be said for stray nerves?

>Over time the body's own rebuilding system loses all but the most mundane aspects to recreation of tissue

The mechanism to generating more tissue is pretty mudane itself. You don't need to be an embryo to create more of one type of tissue.

>Thus, unless you are getting a skin graft itself on your penis, then you are much like I had said earlier only having a new scartissue covering without appropriate nerve endings ohhhhhbooohooo fucker

Not really, tissue expansion is a very common thing in the medical community. Skin and mucosal tissue expansion isn't unheard of.

You're creating new tissue by doing foreskin restoration.

>Maybe you dick make itself wet and renewed, but slapping on newsking does not do what your obesebrain thinks it wants.

Except it does, brainlet. It does do almost everything that an intact foreskin would do, which is a huge upgrade from being circumcised.

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What is neuropathy you fucking redditboy? Tissue repair is constant, but NERVES never regain resilience after being crushed or fucked up. Now imagine how your body is responding to your mutilated dick? Maybe you skingraft with skill, but feeling your body never has known cannot come back that I have heard of because they were disconnected at birth.

>it does almost everything

Besides nerve restoration you motherfucking 3rd rate burger. How many times do I have to tell you or do i have to kick you in the dick and see if nerves are come back for happy fun time?

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>Tissue repair is constant, but NERVES never regain resilience after being crushed or fucked up

This applies to major nerves that get severely fucked up, not single sensory neurites or nerve bodies close to the target tissue. Large nerve bodies will repair imperfectly, of course.

>Besides nerve restoration you motherfucking 3rd rate burger

Some nerve restoration DOES happen. That's far better than NONE AT ALL. The reason there is feeling in the scar tissue is because the severed nerves DO grow back to an extent.

Also you didn't account for how restoring removes the dead and kernalized tissue blocking the sensitive tissue beneath.

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I've been doing it for almost a year at this point. I've used DTR with set screws, hyperrestore, TLC Your Skin Cone, DTR retainer with the tugging pin cut at the end and glued in place to use as a tugger with a strap… And red light therapy but I can't tell if it's just voodoo magic. It's not about getting new nerves like those two anons are having a shit fit about. It's about covering the mucosal skin so it dekeratinizes and goes back to acting like mucosal skin. It's also about gliding action and having a mobile skin tube. But mostly it's about feeling really cozy and tucked in, but at the end of your dick, all the time. I'll probably have to keep doing it for another couple years but using the tugger during the day and hyperrestore in the evening gave me a lot of skin growth so far. Masturbation and sex are completely different and there are new sensations. The dekeratinization feels like I've been watching a TV covered in grease my whole life and I finally just cleaned it. Dekeratinized penis is sooooo soft. Ask me anything I guess.

Oh and the TLC-X is SHIT. The only good product ron lowe sells is the your skin cone and some people don't like it. If you want to start out use manual methods or get the DTR.

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Oh shit I'm sorry

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Personally I prefer to use T-tape and any method that pulls the skin and mucosal tissue outward, not use bi-directional devices. I don't feel like the bi-directional devices really give adequate tension because it just simply pushes your dick IN instead of putting the force on the skin mostly. For this reason I am a big fan of T-tape and other devices that pull the skin forward. I do agree though, TLC-X is dogshit and is poorly designed. It usually would completely cut off my circulation within 15 minutes.

As a side note, I also use a hyperrestore cone as an outward pulling restorer and anchor the force to a leg strap. All I need to use is a rubber band to hook it onto the leg strap.

>Ask me anything I guess.

How much skin have you gained? Could you also maybe post a dick pic? I wanna see what it looks like.

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File: 97205ac9551c74e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB,967x1294,967:1294,2.png)

File: 4da532948378453⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB,958x1113,958:1113,3.png)

File: 7c0d7bc1ddb6cc6⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB,723x958,723:958,4.png)


before there were no folds like this and if I tried to force the skin up while erect I would only get half way past the start of the head. now when I force the skin up it goes up almost all the way comfortably and if I really force it it goes up to the opening. enables me to fap without lubricant. during sex the anus kind of grips my penis and makes the skin move up and down with it. it actually feels easier to last longer because I can more easily tell if I'm getting close. before I started I would get too close too quickly because I couldn't tell. it used to be a lot shinier until I added the DTR retainer as a tugger, now it's become a little more rough again

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File: 2032c7ee4ef971f⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1525x1358,1525:1358,resto.jpg)

I've been restoring on and off for about 7 years at this point.

Even though I've been massively inconsistent, I've made some pretty great progress with just manual tugging. I've had full flaccid coverage for almost 4 years at this point, and I don't even bother wearing a retainer anymore unless I feel like my glans of keratnized too heavily, then I'll put one on for a few days.

I haven't taken progress pics in a very long time, but pic related is a collage of pictures from the past few years. Tried to get pics of my cock in various states. Love all that innerskin. Posted this in the other restoration thread last year too, if it looks familiar.

The pleasure/sensation gains have been substantial.

I'm not going to bother responding to the miserable faggot who is trying to take others down to his own level of misery, as if he's here to have his mind changed and not just to be a cunt, but the rejuvenation of feeling in the glans/innerskin has been pretty tremendous. I felt a lot of grief and anguish over being cut, but a lot of it has vanished because of restoration.

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What if your head is covered when soft but exposed when hard?

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Great work anon!

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You mean the Dutchfag? That country that people don't even mention Hitler invading on his way to France except in a matter of fact way like, "The Wehrnacht, however, simply went around the Maginot line by going through Belgium and the Netherlands."? That Netherlands, the place that got the International courts as a WW2 participation trophy, at The Hague?

The dutch Have no room to throw the "Amerimutt" around anymore. After they let Theo van Gogh get murdered by desert shitskins, and cucked hard to the EU immigration policy and now have significant no go zones. And geneaology is certainly impossible for an american, and even the nobility of europe never moved from say Russia to France. And they call us mutt?

Yeah fuck that guy. Sorry if someone else reading this is Dutch.

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