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File: 3e87ab7ecb44ba8⋯.jpg (9.45 KB,224x225,224:225,Z3ET.jpg)

 No.402628 [View All]

How does /cuteboys/ feel about the idea of a white ethnostate?

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File: eb1b58e51b9f8c4⋯.png (220.49 KB,600x363,200:121,europe.png)


You are right. Russians, Poles and Romanians are not white either as they don't cluster with the rest of Europeans.

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File: 0e0af77cb645037⋯.png (252.75 KB,600x363,200:121,eb1b58e51b9f8c4dae0adc202d….png)


They all form a single string, romanians are not white, fuck 'em.

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File: ebfc013d624fc15⋯.png (51.46 KB,500x509,500:509,europe me.png)


>They all form a single string

You are absolutely right, Europeans and Middle Easters form a single string. Arabs are white.

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File: 9d9a6c59a449813⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Russorealism the book.JPG)



Slavs are the niggers of the white race, what else is new?

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I find it ironic how you screech at me to notice the "ethno" part of "ethnostate" while ignoring the "state" part of it yourself.

As ambiguous as "ethnostate" is, especially in this thread, it can absolutely not refer simply to "ethnic makeup".

Since it is obviously too difficult for you to deal with compound words, I will cut it out here for you.

For the [STATE] part

The German state outright works against its own people's ethnic purity. This by default disqualifies them from being an ethno-STATE.

They cannot really stay seperate like in Laos, because the immigrants don't give a shit, and because the government will put them wherever they please, which is in the middle of the capital fucking city.

Laos does indeed have more significant numbers of non-Lao people, however they also live mostly seperately inside of a greater, unified country.

Because the Lao government does not actively try to reduce the purity of Lao or any of the other peoples to my knowledge, this by definition makes them politically more of an ethno-STATE than Germany.

If they are interested even in the slightest in preserving the individual ethnicities of Laos, especially Lao people, then they are already doing miles better than Germany and Merkel.

For the [ETHNO] part

You could argue that Laos is less ethnically pure, which would be wholly correct. However, Laos is not being flooded by these people from the outside en-masse into the Lao people's homelands to my knowledge. The borders moved onto THEM, not the other way around.

Additionally, these people, being """muh""" Asians, are indeed Asians. Asians that stay seperate from eachother, despite living inside of the same borders. This is important because the Lao people can still exist generations from now, a quality Germany does not share.

As for Germany, the foreigners (who live on the same land as Germans), are not even European. This is important, because Asians are obviously more compatible with other Asians than they are with Arabs. Europe is no different, despite facing a clearly different situation.

These immigrants come from the outside, settle here, have far more children than the native population (an issue i don't see present in Laos). This means that in the future, Germany will fast become less ethnically pure than Laos due to its policies, this would fast undo the "ETHNO" part of "ethnostate" and already invalidates the "STATE" part of ethnostate. This is relevant because for an ethnoSTATE, the future obviously matters. Added to this to this is that the state will allow gross offenses like rape and murder against its people (for who they supposedly are an ethnoSTATE for) to continue.

Germany is therefore facing greater threats to its ethnic purity, which is already far too low.

Arguing that Germany has a 90% ethnic majority when "German" OBVIOUSLY only makes up 75% (+3% ambiguous) of the microcensus that YOU chose to use (actual method of determination ambiguous because you chose source material in —fucking German—) while splitting Laos into its component parts is either incredibly retarded or outright just you hoping i'd be dumb enough to buy it. If you're going to accuse of "muh asian" then don't "muh european", way to live up to your own standard.

Since you are obviously foregoing the STATE part of Laos, then is it not wholly valid to count the individual, seperate ethnic communities? The answer is no, because the state obviously does count, because we are not discussing ethnic purity of people inside borders without taking into account the state that those borders belong to. Otherwise the borders would be fucking arbitrary now wouldn't they?

If you wanted to argue PURELY ethnic purity, IGNORING genetical/racial, cultural, moral and religious differences, then feel free to do that, at the same time abandoning your original arguments that Asia is being flooded with violent shitskins in the same way that we are, or that whites make up any sort of significant immigration group in Asia, and all the other stupid shit that got debunked.

Again, top genius over here calling people dumb in the same sentence that he literally implies that ETHNOSTATE means ethnic groups and that everything else related to that word is just "unrelated issues".

In conclusion, an ethnostate in ANY case, to protect the purity of its people, must include matters of social, cultural and religious significance, because they are what keeps a PEOPLE (ETHNO) together in a NATION (STATE). You might argue that an ethnostate could exist that successfully keeps the purity of its people while not giving a flying shit about any of those things, but since such a thing doesn't exist, has never existed, and evidently cannot exist, that would be false. Not that any of this matters, as if i have to prove to you in the first place how absolutely retarded it is to believe that ethnostate = ethnic makeup and nothing else.

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>Slavs are the niggers of the white race

But are they white? Because if they are white, then so are arabs.

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File: 9dac5147040179f⋯.jpg (84.63 KB,354x350,177:175,1550544690511.jpg)

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File: 90b743656615019⋯.png (60.18 KB,500x509,500:509,ebfc013d624fc15ca6d19cd502….png)



Look here, you semitic nigger, you are clearly desperate to been as white, but you'll never be, because some overlapping does not qualify as a single race, you can see in that graph already how arabs are seen as their own separate thing.

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>neither of you can explain what the variables in the graphs mean

you are both mentallly impaired

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They don't mean anything, as I already said, they are just two factors selected out of millions because they happen to vary across ethnic groups and thus can be used to measure, for example, which population any given discovery of human remains may have been an ancestor of.

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Not even him, you really can't see how that makes all of you retarded? Fucking /pol/ fags.

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File: b16f4cd7d95b414⋯.jpg (110.68 KB,758x1585,758:1585,a03bfe8d9a547f7a42ccf86c6a….jpg)

White people need our own countries to survive. Mass immigration is just legal colonization.

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To be clear, I am posting ITT only because I hope that it may save some innocent bystander anon from falling into this retarded /pol/ rabbit hole. I don't sympathize with these dumb racists at all.

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>two retards, one obviously not /pol/ going at it means everyone is stupid

what progressive logic my multicultural friend! upvoted!


the truth tends to be a rabbit hole in a world of lies

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File: acdef453c378c76⋯.png (52.75 KB,500x509,500:509,europe2.png)


They are not its own separate thing, they are literally overlapping. There are green dots in the blue cluster, and blue dots in the green cluster. Look at the chart again. Furthermore, there are actually two clusters of European people, so it means that there are some European populations that have less in common with the other Europeans than the Arabs have with those.



I'm just explaining to this /pol/tard with his own retarded logic why he's wrong (he was the one who first posted a graph without knowing what it actually meant), so don't put me in the same camp as him. So let's you call the "white" spic (>>403506) a moron, shall we?

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File: 914efa95fde1003⋯.jpg (404.98 KB,1440x470,144:47,RacesoftheWorld3.jpg)


You're desperate about this aren't you? Middle Eastern folk are heavily admixtured and are nothing like Europeans in terms of genetics, few similarities don't make a single unified race.

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File: bd0275d4dd1dfd9⋯.jpg (209.74 KB,736x916,184:229,buto futo1.jpg)


>Poltards >Proxy Fag

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That chart is flawed because to make the chart the researchers decided a-priori what the races were (Africa, Mid East, etc) to make the proportions of ethnicity. It's basically circular logic if you post this chart to prove European and Middle Eastern people are different ethnicities.

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File: 8ef071f3fd0ce2b⋯.png (269.99 KB,675x1276,675:1276,Arabs are Europeans.png)

What did they mean by this?

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File: 896adb881d3a8e6⋯.jpg (471.63 KB,1746x1682,873:841,708e21856fa7f65ccfeec9aa6a….jpg)



I think that unless a revolution in one of the USA/UK/France nukes required occurs that is openly pro-Aryan in nature, white genocide will continue… also the revolution needs to maintain/expand freedoms for Aryan citizens, so Aryan /cuteboys/ cannot be orthodox hitlerites if they want to live. I also think I should be Queen nya~

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File: a6cf7d884a685c1⋯.jpg (10.13 KB,198x198,1:1,Prohibited.jpg)


Realistically sexual orientation is relatively unimportant to the survival, expansion, and improvement of the Aryan population, so long as the borders are controlled, and dysgenic reproduction disincentivized while eugenic reproduction is incentivised. Currently the opposite exists because the (((elite))) wants to destroy Aryan Civilisation… and indeed even Eastern Civilisation.



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. I play vidya and post based(ed) memes. I'm a natsoc. Is anyone in here actually trying to date?

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File: fb7e090d8ace270⋯.png (357.74 KB,590x604,295:302,d8efe4ea4070b34bbf246b57f8….png)

Okay, shoot, forgot to embed an image. Here.

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Your mother is a continent of ethnostates too then I guess lmao >>403050

wow someone that has the facts and isn't a sperging misinformation sheeple of the Alt Kike

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File: ccd30085a9bfc0b⋯.gif (711.65 KB,200x86,100:43,Nigger.gif)


>Kafir complaining about Racism

>Nation allows Negroids over Caucasoids to have more inherent rights

oh you ~

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>>402628 Homosexuality will not coexist with such a nation. We need an ethnostate free from the grasp of (((homosexuality))).

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both of you have no facts

now go back to africa you nigger loving kike

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gay ops

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Who counts as white?

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File: 1f8356a0c466b1d⋯.png (839.72 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot (37).png)

File: 07b02b13d648838⋯.png (799.4 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot (38).png)


/r/ClownWorldWar are fundies who want to take away my freedom. Just because I hate Tanya Gersh and Robert Mugabe doesn't mean I want to live in /r/ClownWorldWar's ideal totalitarian state. Just because I used to post on CoonTown and I fucking Ashkepath commies who want to take away the Constitution because "Nazis are bad" and "Karl Popper's intolerance paradox outweighs the First Amendment"

Yes, the draconian sentences given to right-wingers who had the temerity to defend themselves from antifa or panic in the middle of a violent crowd (and make a fat chick have a heart attack without even touching the car) infuriates me every day. But if you go on MDE-related subs like ClownWorldWar and Smuggies, the posters sincerely believe that Leelah Alcorn's parents are great parents, that parents should be authoritarian, give their sons buzzcuts, and stomp out femininity.

Even flag-waving Jew-and-black-loving alt-lite posters on /r/RightWingLGBT are up in arms over dysphoric teenagers getting puberty-blockers early enough to pass; "REEEE that's child abuse!" It's like they've never heard of Thailand.

"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society?" Bitch, I WISH antifa, SJWs and Ashkenazim were tolerant and apathetic and busy snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass instead of on a moral crusade to have governments and Silicon Valley megacorporations unite to "deplatform" and stomp out wrongthink.

>be Anon browsing /r/ClownWorldWar

>watch Tramp Stamp's "Moloch" video

>Gay guy in the first 27 seconds has a nice bod, hairless and cute

>Fursuiter at 47 seconds has an awesome fursuit

>Plushie guy is cute, long hair and a gay voice

>Evander Angel fursuit dancing montage

How am I supposed to be horrified by this?

>apparently dancing fursuiters lead to child drag queens and that leads to bacha bazi, cuz the Slippery Slope is real and therefore legalizing gay marriage directly lead to all the stuff right-wingers don't like

Never mind that bacha bazi is from hyperconservative Pashtun culture that completely restricts seeing women, much less having sex with them, and most of Tramp Stamp's videos like "Whore of Babylon" complain about Western women being too scantily clad and sexually available.

>"We need authoritarianism because the Slippery Slope is real!"

/pol/ should try actually living under a fundie system before thinking that life in 1950s America was like the smiling white families in the ads and TV commercials.

That goes double for WhereAreAllTheGoodMen posters who think that straight men would have a great sex life and marriage if only society Bible-thumped harder. Source: grew up Southern Baptist reading "fapping is bad, normal male sexuality is bad" tracts like Every Young Man's Battle. Lots of /r/DeadBedrooms and /r/exmormon posters married a virgin, the kind of wife TheRedPill tells you is ideal, and they have horrible sex lives thanks to the wife's sexual hangups.

It goes quadruple for incels who think they'd have a great sex life and get laid easily under Islam because of "obey your husband" shit. That great and wonderful system is why there are so many thirsty men in Muslim countries, right?

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Are you jewish.

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Go back to reddit

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File: 411078528fcf0cf⋯.jpg (10.48 KB,229x220,229:220,images.jpg)



But you're a furry anon~

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you faggots realize you would be murdered if the fash took power, right? keep larping if it makes you happy tho

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File: 8bd079f512d92f3⋯.jpg (150.32 KB,675x1200,9:16,DuVEJk_V4AAkVh_.jpg)


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Brenton Femboi Terrent is right lol

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File: 914efa95fde1003⋯.jpg (404.98 KB,1440x470,144:47,914efa95fde1003272b79e4c2e….jpg)


I actually have Coincidence Detector on my browser. Used to be 100% philo-Semitic because the Arab and commie Israel-bashers who complain about "colonialism" and "racism" want to turn said Israel into the dystopia that Arab countries are. Kevin McDonald complaining that Jews want individualism only made them look better to me. Oh, Jews practice endogamy and believe in their superiority? Good for them, whites should copy their example!

I'm anti-authoritarian and I hate SJWs. What made the furfag begin to hate was the consistent pattern of "fellow white people" Ashkepaths–and not merely the switching between "fellow white people" and "I'm proud to be Jewish even though I'm an atheist and never attend a synagogue," but the authoritarian desire to punish–for example, Tanya Gersh going after Richard Spencer's mother.

And when anyone notices the bad behavior of people like Gersh, and how the authorities back it, it's "anti-Semitic" even if you never mention that Gersh is Ashkenazi. weren't low-T pathologically altruistic white liberals, they had an entirely different psychology from baizuo shengmu white women like Amy Biehl and Amanda Kijera. Jesse Benn isn't merely a white liberal cuck turned up to 11, he's a tribalist Ashkepath who hates goyim in a mutated way that's exponentially more harmful to whites than some Hasid in a black hat spitting at white women and yelling "shiksa, shiksa, goy goy goy" could ever do.

Good books on this topic: Laird Wilcox's The Watchdogs in combination with Robert Altemeyer's The Authoritarians for what "oh noes, we're in danger of Nazi takeover, punch Nazis!" leads to.

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Perfectly fine with the idea if it meant all the nazi larpers would fuck off to inbreed on some island or whatever. If it means killing people: you can follow your dear leader's example and swallow a cyanide pill. Nazi punks fuck off.

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seems p degen, you don't appear to be much better than those immigrants :/

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At least do me a solid and beat me to death you limpwristed cuck.

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i hate this fucking board so much i just wanna masturbate and you all go and say stupid crap like this. cis and white genocide when.

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white genocide can't happen fast enough, this thread is why white people don't deserve an ethnostate. thank allah the jews are turning all the men into soyboys and trannies so they stop fucking reproducing

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>i only want to rape people because they won't submit to my cracker sharia law

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Do you read your comments before posting them?

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okay being completely sincere, if your ideology leaves you ending up like an incoherent violent clod, you should take some serious time to self reflect and consider that maybe you've been duped with propaganda by people who need you to be angry and afraid so they can enlist you in their cult. just carefully reread your posts and sleep on it anon

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File: bdd26b965b05de4⋯.jpg (78.21 KB,1074x751,1074:751,1559428590444.jpg)

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Never mind this thread. Theyre NPCs to a T. Maybe they can start with a cyber-nation with r9k.

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>y-y-you can't make an ethnostate here, think of all the aboriginals you killed!

literally who cares, it's just moralfagging. Home(land) is where the heart is desu.

>p-p-pure white people are ugly! you need mixed-dna to be cute goyim

citation plz

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'white' isn't an ethnicity you fucking retarded kraut

>south america is a continent of ethnostates

i laughed

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>hurr why do you want to prevent being assimilated into a low IQ mongrel race that doesnt resemble you or your ancestors when eventually we're all gonne be assimilated into a low IQ mongrel race durr

Do you see the failure in this logic yet or do you need an analogy of circular logic?

>more white people alive now than ever before, including within sub ethnic groups. This is true for every other ethnic group

>not enough to prevent inbreeding


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