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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

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 No.402209 [View All]

I'm a feminine, gender nonconforming guy and I've been struggling with dating ever since I came out. Either guys just aren't attracted to me because I'm feminine (or look androgynous non-conforming) or they are closeted men who only want sex and bail the moment I try to get to know them.

The biggest thing I realized is that I've never had gay men interested in me. I was on POF (Plenty of Fish) about a month or two ago and I remember messaging about 15 or 20 gay men (or at least men who put Man Seeking Man) and not one replied back.

> How do you know it was because you're feminine?

Well on my profile, I have my pics and my look is well, feminine and androgynous but I also put in my profile that I'm more on the feminine side as I just feel it's better to be honest about that as to not waste anyone's time.

A lot of these closeted guys who expressed interest in me my whole dating life were bisexual and I never have had any gay guys into me before. But that experience of not having even one gay guy respond back just totally cemented it.

Sometimes I wonder if feminine guys can ever find love but I don't like generalizing because while dating is the pits for me, it could be different for another Feminine guy and I'd just like to hear from you guys and how the dating life has been for you.

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>waah i'm so lonely

>wtf you want to talk to me fuck off

this is why you're alone

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Why would I wanna date someone who isn't a cuteboy though?

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Are guys here only looking for other cuteboys? Genuine question. From reading this thread it didn't seem to necessarily be the case. If it is I'll indeed fuck off.

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I'm a "cuteboy" that prefers masculine guys but there are some on this shithole that think that yes

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i like masc tbh

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Because you have a shit personality…

Plus opposites are ideal. If you want to date cuteboys be masc. If you want to date masc guys then just be cuteboy.

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Typically I'm only into cuteboys but i can do masc if they have a very nice face.

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idk i find masculine & boyish features very cute in a different way than what i like in fems. but maybe that just comes down to being really really gay

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Well that's all fine and good but if you seriously lean more towards masculine/masculine leaning guys, a Feminine guy is probably not the best choice for you in terms of long-term relatioships.


Yes I would be adapting but I vehemently believe it's possible for a guy to look feminine yet mature without having to force himself to look masculine like what Boy George did for example. And I'm definitely going to test this. If older women can tweak their looks to appropriately fit their age as they age, I don't see why a feminine guy couldn't do the same, just taking some tips from older women. Yes of course it's going to look a bit unconventional because feminine men are not seen a whole lot in general but I definitely want to take this challenge when I get to that age.


If "Cuteboy" is just another word for feminine (which I assumed it is), then no we aren't all looking for other feminine guys to date. I come here just to talk with other feminine guys about all kinds of things but with dating, I prefer to be with a masculine-masculine-leaning guy.

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well im taken but i personally like all types, this may be cuteboys but i wouldnt mind a thread for masc dudes to show off too. nothing like resting your head on a big, manly chest after all.


my thoughts on this is to slowly fade to a more mature version of the same aesthetic. ditch the slim, femmy frame for a more toned, well built one. wear more shirts, wear smarter shoes, and most of all work on my mind so i can at least say i have something i didnt have at age 20 when i was at my cutest, a bit of wisdom and insight into the world around me.

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>I'm a feminine, gender nonconforming guy

>gender nonconforming

I think I found your problem

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>my thoughts on this is to slowly fade to a more mature version of the same aesthetic. ditch the slim, femmy frame for a more toned, well built one. wear more shirts, wear smarter shoes, and most of all work on my mind so i can at least say i have something i didnt have at age 20 when i was at my cutest, a bit of wisdom and insight into the world around me.

My style is very darkly-inclined and it's going to stay that way when I get into my older age. I've seen enough examples from older women who manage to keep a dark look while looking prim and mature and I'm going to be following their examples and adapting their stuff into my own look.

As for my body, I already workout and I'm going to continue when I get older. Working at a gym and seeing older people come in who manage to retain a nice figure just makes me know it's possible to keep things up so I'll be continuing my regimen.


Uh yeah, I already acknowledged that it's most likely my sense of personal style that is detracting but I like what I like and I'm not going to dress in a way I don't like (in masculine fashion) and if it means that I'll most likely never find a guy so be it. Because changing myself drastically like that just to get a guy is not worth it and the relationship will only combust when I've had enough of suppressing my true likeness and if he can't accept me for who I truly am, it's just not a recipe for a good relationship.

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honestly i've seen some fems in their mid/late 30s that still look incredible & it sounds like you take pretty good care of yourself already so unless you get really into meth over the next decade you're probably gonna stay cute for a good while.

>I'll be continuing my regimen.

could you share it?

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Lol Yeah I'm not into drugs and I only drink Alcohol once in a blue moon so I'm not worried about following into drugs or alcoholic addictions.

As for my regimen well I mostly just focus on my lower body. I've been doing these workouts since 2013 and it's always been changing. Back in 2013-2014 I would workout Tuesday-Thursday but when I hit my plateau around 2016, I kicked back and now only do it Wednesday & Thursday.

I mostly do Squats, Sumo Squats, Pulse Squats, Donkey Kicks, Raised Donkey Kicks, Side Squats, Fire Hydrants, back lunges (Front lunges are just too uncomfortable so I do the back variation), Back Lunge Kicks, and Bridges

However I started working out at the gym using weight equipment towards the end of last year and I use the Seated Leg Press, Hip Abductors, Leg Extension, and sometimes the kickback machine.

For eating, I don't really follow a diet but what I do try is not to drink things like Soda until the weekend and don't go overboard and I learned how to cook some simple things like Sushi for example. But most importantly I try not to overeat, only eat when I feel really hungry and stop when I'm close to full. I've always been a thin guy and it's not easy for me to put weight on and I like this because I like being thin (though now stacked in the back lol) but I know that if I don't monitor my eating habits, I can probably balloon up so that's why I try my best to keep a handle on this.

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Got any tips for a masc guy who leans older (26) but would love to be a sissy? I already lift (I haven't targeted any sort of aesthetic, it's making me more masc of course).

I watched this


And all I could imagine was being in his place.

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>Wait are you a feminine guy or another masculine guy?

I'm a twink on my profile (femboy in private), into other twinks and femboys.

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may i see what it is youre shooting for, anon? it might help give me more ideas on what i might be best going with.

body wise the chilean buff femboy here has more or less my goal body, i just need to pick up the iron and hop to it once this fevers worked its way through me.

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Going off that, I am definitely not the right person to be getting advice if that's your end goal, I'm not a sissy, I'm just a feminine guy who likes to look androgynous. It's not a kink or sex thing for me so you're better off asking someone who is a sissy.


Right but Twinks are not automatically feminine by default, twink just means a young thin guy and he could be either masculine or feminine or neutral.


Eh I'm not really shooting for a buff look, I look pretty thin and waif-like on my upper body while my legs and glutes are a the things that have size on it because I target them specifically with my leg workouts. You can see my pictures on Instagram, username is Kai_decadence

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kek, that is an interesting look. still planning to stay goth over time?

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also, seeing as /cutefit/ is dead right now do you mind if i run my routine idea by you?

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>I've tried OkCupid

>No luck. There aren't many guys in my area (which was surprising) and the few there weren't my type and the few who were, I wasn't their type.

As a masculine/top kind of guy I've had a hard time finding femboy types on OKCupid even though I'd be truly open to exploring a relationship with that kind of person. Granted physical attraction in some form needs to be there but it's something where I'd just like to be able to give someone like that a chance and them give me a chance.

Some years ago I tried out Eharmony for a year or two and it was pretty difficult to find any women I felt I'd be compatible with long term and didn't find any long term relationships out of it. Also at least at the time, the filters for what you may be open to or were looking for didn't really incorporate things like transgender, feminine male, or things of that nature like OKCupid has incorporated.

Personally I'd just like to for once get a message back from someone on a dating site or whatever. I send out a million messages and never really get a response, and they're not low effort 2 sentence messages. Can't really find any femboys and don't get messages back from all the people I send messages to. I feel like I would be a good partner for someone but no one ever seems interested in talking with me to get something started even as a distance relationship.

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i dont have problems attracting men when im presenting more feminine at all, but i'm bi as hell and cannot get pussy for the LIFE of me when im presenting femme. when im presenting masc i can attract both men and women but i literally only ever present masc when i dont feel like going through the effort of looking how i actually want to (cute and feminine)

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> that is an interesting look. still planning to stay goth over time?

Well I mean, I'm always going to have fondness for Goth music so most likely. As for my look, I will always look darkly-inclined but I may tweak things a bit as I age obviously. I just like looking dark but soft and I'm very satisfied with my look.


Hm well do you have pics of yourself up on your profiles because speaking for myself, I never respond to those who have no pics of themselves. And do you take care of your appearance because well… Personality is good but appearances count a bit too, I just have to be honest.

But I'm not surprised you can't find femboys because we're very rare and seeing as how femininity is not seen as an attractive thing in guys, lots of guys don't see the need to embrace a feminine side unless that's who they really are which again, rare.


> i literally only ever present masc when i dont feel like going through the effort of looking how i actually want to (cute and feminine)

Yeesh I can understand that but I've been dressing and looking the way I do for over a decade now and it's just easy for me to do now so I don't see myself ever going back to looking masculine, despite the dating struggles, I genuinely do feel happy being true to myself now.

And while you may be able to attract men, are you able to keep them? Because speaking for myself, that's what I'm looking for more or less, an actual relationship, not a hookup. I know that if I was just looking for hookups, I probably could get them anytime I want but I just am not looking for hookups.

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>Hm well do you have pics of yourself up on your profiles

Yeah I do. On Eharmony back when I used it I had one pic and on OKCupid I have two pics (two so people have an easier time knowing the pics are me).

I take care of my appearance decently, though my build isn't like the best thing ever. I smiled in both pics though so they look more positive instead of just like a generic selfie like some people may have.

>But I'm not surprised you can't find femboys

I wish femboys were more outgoing as far as dating circles or dating sites, seems like the majority that I find that aren't just 'crossdressers' only seem to share pics of themselves online or try to make money off of their looks whether through cosplay, Patreon, camming, or whatever. I understand lewd people may want to make some money and add extra income for themselves but anyone who seems remotely feminine or passable I feel would pass over a guy with a good personality because they feel they can do better than someone who isn't in the higher tier of attractiveness.

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Shemale here so sort of in the same vein I suppose. Don't know pretty androgynous often will take on male pronouns if it's just easier.

For me, I have a hard time attracting guys I love effeminate guys but holding any guys attention seems hard. Being bi I end up being approached by women way more. Which while they are nice I'd really prefer a serious relationship with a guy. Obviously gay guys out of the question and even when I was just a plain old twink.

I've tried a bunch of dating sites and what not but ehh it got demoralizing when I really never could get any interest. I've had most success in the BDSM community like fet life but then it's just a fetish thing rather than an actual interested relationship.

Honestly given up on dating in general. The amount of effort put in just isn't worth the no results. Instead I just kind of jump from Dom/sub relationship to the next. Not as fulfilling but ehh.. best it's probably going to get.

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Let me start with the truth, I'm a two-spirit… this wouldn't be a problem if I was born female… but as a male it's pretty much a curse. If I gave up on having kids, I'd go all-natural new-half nya~


I'm only on one site looking for rich men, and I pose as a bisexual woman because facially I can pass as a woman when all the ugly fucking facial hair is removed, and I wanted to see what reaction I'd get. Not one message in a year, then again the user base didn't really exist so I suppose I should try another site. I was also on Hilly as a male, the new dating app because I could use my fake phone number to sign up, and despite getting a few likes from women age 38+ I didn't get a single message from them nor a single response from all the hotties I messaged, except one bitch. I varied my initial messages from simple 'Heys' to being extremely direct about my desires. No luck. I guess I should try POF again, OKcupid is obviously owned by BLACKED.com loving jews so I've taken a pass on that one nya~

So no I've had zero luck in dating as a feminine male looking for females. As a fake female it's hard to tell because I haven't really put the effort in… not that I have the health/energy/time to do so anymore. I'm wasn't really comfortable in looking for guys as a guy, because I would be seeking to express my feminine side in any such relationship. Basically that would mean no affection beyond the friend-zone unless I can pass crossdressing, or we're in private… I would need to be a 'female' nya~

Anyway, basically I need to try looking for males and females as a 'female,' and males as a male. As for the males I'm interested in, I'm looking for proactive blonde/redheaded Traps or at least males with prettier faces that want to permanently get rid of their body hair… so someone kind of like me. I suppose I might also consider getting married to a man that would take care of me. But yeah, I have no interest in males that don't take a proactive interest in me, and yet also have an interest in Trap x Trap… part of the reason I've remained single so long, besides my poor health, would be my high expectations nya~


/random unorganised blog post nyaa~

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Oh let me add, I did get some likes from some 8/10 youngish females, so I would take that to mean I'm not ugly like I feel when I'm sick and am not clean shaven/plucked, but they never seem to respond. At least in person you can tell their real people ignoring you nya~

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I have lots of trust issues. So it takes more time to get to know them so I don't end up finding out they're a careless dick later on. If I can see good things long term, communication, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, compassion, they're caring, romantic, and sweet I'll go for it. Extra points if they make me feel safe and are down for cuddling.

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Only found one boy I'm really interested in and I found him here. He doesn't talk to me anymore, but it shows that you can find somebody on /cuteboys/. Grindr is stupid, it's all bears and ugly cocks looking for somebody to suck them off - not really for relationships/friendships. And I'm not really a qtboy per se, though apparently I don't look half bad either (basically just a dude). Been told I have a qt hand though :3


Idk, there's wide amounts of information on tobacco and people still do it. Agree on the slut thing, I've almost ended up doing that and fucking a dude I know from uni but did not due to unforeseen outside circumstances (and when sobered up thought to myself what the fuck were you doing)? I'm happy to this day I did not do anything with him. I think people just thot around because it boosts their confidence that somebody is attracted enough to them to lewd them. It's a quantity vs. quality issue u.u


I can understand the trust issues. There are some pretty vile pieces of shit in the gay community (who ruin peoples lives and relationships they just met 5 minutes ago because either they're rapists or just sick enough in the head to enjoy harming others like that).

But, what if you meet somebody and they change temporarily? Like, they go through a rough spot, behave like a total dickwart, and then whatever happened for them is over and the relations are ruined? Even though they are deep down really caring?

I know people shouldn't make their problems others problems as well, but sometimes life just doesn't play ball. Then again, somebody who is serious about a relationship would probably say "ok you've got some troubles I'll help you deal with them" if they really like that person. Otherwise it just sounds like you'd be exploiting whoever you're trying to get with for your own needs instead of respecting theirs as well.

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I realized after a big breakup (we dated for 4.5 years) that I wanted to present myself more feminine. Since then I've had hookups but haven't dated anyone. I'm bi but I feel like I'm marketing to such a niche audience. (Tfw no dom gf to sweep you off your feet)

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> even when I was just a plain old twink.

Are you saying that even when you were living as a gay twink, you still couldn't attract guys, well I mean, attract gay guys?

But yeah it's a pretty shitty feeling when you try to put so much into dating with no results. You'd think that with all these apps and sites out there for dating, it'd be easier to find someone but it isn't and that is what sucks so much.

I could never do the BDSM thing neither, it's just not for me but more power to you.


Sure but how often do you find guys?

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> apps and sites

All superficial. They actually make it harder because everybody is looking to that as some kind of savior while other channels are not considered.

> BDSM thing

Funny thing I get turned on by topping and light bondage and stuff, but it doesn't get any further than that because you've just go such a cute boy before you and you don't want to hurt them…and then they ask you to slap harder. and if you do want to try bottoming they won't want it ;_;


A criminal always finds a way. Common sense is good though. I wish I had more of it, but it's making vacation at the bahamas.

> discord and shit

It's just a communication platform fam.

> oh arent there fucking just?

Yep. Surprising in a way, you'd think being gay you'd have a common denominator but the moment you get lucky with a boy it appears all other gays are to be treated with distrust and as enemies.

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Don't wory, Slovakia soon will be included in Hungary once again.

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>It's just a communication platform fam.

yeah, but its the people that make the platform in the end. something about discord seems to make it really appealing to people to be downright fucking evil to others. the kind of people you would want to see taken out the back and shot like a dog.

>but the moment you get lucky with a boy it appears all other gays are to be treated with distrust and as enemies.

potentially, ive only really had one dude try and play that game with me and he got told to fuck off at every turn.

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Idk. I didn't have that kind of experience with discord. Although, I did not talk to that many people. I think it's because discord used to be a platform adopted by people one could consider "more vulnerable" (gays, people who are slightly autistic, etc), which could have attracted the kinds you are talking about.

> potentially, ive only really had one dude try and play that game with me and he got told to fuck off at every turn.

You are more lucky than me then. The only solace I found was that one of the people who wanted to get with the boy I was with at the time was 34 and I doubt the boy would want that.

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Come meet the qt femboy or basedboy of your dreams. Autistic cute lonelybois are waiting for you! No evil weird shit just funposting and gaystuff

discord gg/QerCtS4

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You should continue to look for your man even if you have to go through a thousand of profiles. If you choose to just sit and wait as Assol did you may spend years for that. And if some man will pay attention to you, it`s not a fact https://bride-ukraine.com/an-easy-way-to-be-happy/ that you will love him and he will match you. Some nationalities are not supposed to show the first initiative, the mentality is you know a terrible force. Do not think that you are imposing, just look for your destiny! This nobody forbids you to do!

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how common is it for girls(female) to like femboys?

asking for a friend

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28 years and I've never met one

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Feminine guys, sure. The type that is glorified here, close to none.

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Not so long ago I decided to ask for help from the online service and ordered from them a custom essay writing service https://studyfy.com/custom-writing. I was very satisfied with the completed task and I recommend everyone to contact them

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I really like dating sites like https://www.bangmatures.com/ because I am looking for mature adult dating ! now I'm not looking for a serious relationship, but on such sites I can always find a girl with the same desires as you 1 I really liked this site and I advise everyone to do it!

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When you are going to start chatting online, it is always really important to get to know what is the best option in order to make it work. I was checking a lot of different tips and https://datingserviceusa.net/romanceticket-com-review/ is the best one for me. On this platform you can always read a lot of reviews that are really helpful and it is important to know it as well.

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Online dating sites are about love. it is really easy to find a trusted service.

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Hello. I have been along for a long time and now I want to change something. I read about online dating, can you tell me is it really works? I know several successful stories about online relationships and I want to try https://ladadate.com/belorusian-brides site, these belarusian brides are so beautiful. What do you think about my idea?

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File: 13578d0ee0f29a3⋯.png (2.7 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

Dating platforms like DoULike, but black senior dating categories on such platforms aim to provide a space for mature individuals within the black community to connect and build meaningful relationships. These sections often cater to the specific preferences and interests of black seniors, emphasizing compatibility, shared values, and life experiences. They can offer a platform https://www.doulike.com/black-senior-dating.html for fostering connections based on commonalities and genuine chemistry among mature individuals seeking companionship or romantic relationships.

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