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 No.393662 [Last50 Posts]

Whats the deal with you faggots using drugs so much? Every other trap I meet on this board is either fucked in the head or a drug addict. I don't really understand the phenomenon here.

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are you in a metropolitan area? where i'm from we dont have trains, so maybe it's different there? I dont know. The south has heroin and meth addicts everywhere

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To be Gay is to adopt a lifestyle, one which revolves around cities and social gatherings, one which is arrogant, bigoted and stuck-up, one which is sexually promiscuous, unfaithful, and proud of all of it. Gay people are one of the most vile groups you can deal with as a homosexual or a bisexual: they're all possessed with some sort of superiority complex, and like to brag constantly about how cultured they are. The drug abuse just comes with the lifestyle, as arrogant people tend to fall into two categories when it comes to drugs and alcohol. They're either teetotallers or fucking junkies. There's no middle ground, no one who drinks occasionally, no one who will smoke marihuana once in a blue moon. They're all one or the other. Furthermore, the closet-cases are the exact same as the Gays, they just got good at hiding their lisp.

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It's a good way to cope with your mental illness

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By coming to this board and posting on it, you have become a part of the gay "lifestyle". Have you been magically transported to the city? Have illegal drugs just teleported themselves into your bedroom? Has HIV suddenly appeared inside your blood?

Because either all that happened, or what you said was complete bullshit.

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Coping mechanism. Not exactly a trap but I need to take anxiety meds to stay sane since I can't go outside without my skin itching and going absolutely paranoid about getting stared at, people following me, judging me, or plotting to murder me.

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You can be a homosexual or a bisexual without being Gay.

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The simple truth is that it makes sex incredibly pleasurable at the cost of your mental stability. Imagine giving head to guys for hours and every thrust of a hard cock in your butt as exploding radiating pleasure that makes it all worth it. That’s why shit like hypno, and drugs go together. It’s an escape, it allows degenerates to cope with the fact that as much as leftist media and elitist politicking goes, this lifestyle is not natural and never will or should be.

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Meth seems pretty common among gay people in general. I never used grindr or other stuff like that, but I hear that if you see a weirdly-capitalized T (especially as in parTy), that means they're meth users. No idea how it became such a big thing though.

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Drugs r cool

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If you’re ever unlucky enough to try it you’ll know. It’s like highly pleasurable sex for hours. Too bad it destroys you from the inside out.

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>Every other trap I meet on this board is either fucked in the head or a drug addict. I don't really understand the phenomenon here.

I feel like this isnt just traps its people in general

I dont like it either but I can only think of a handful of people I know at all who do not suffer from addiction of some variety whether they be man woman gay or strait

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I've heard as much.

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Don't mince semantics when you get called out for being a retard. It's pathetic.

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It's not semantics, it's quite literally what Gay means. Gays are the sort who go to pride parades in June, the sort who wave that abnoxious rainbow flag around as if it means anything, the sort who have a pronounced lisp, the sort who have the limpness in their arms and litheness in their manners. Their apparent soft and friendly exterior masks a hard and putrid interior. They're loathsome people from my experience, but I do feel some amount of pity for them.

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IMHO the entire lgbt movement is basically degenerates struggling to through their own neurological problems and coping with being outcasts by blaming society and engaging in completely hedonistic pursuits. I guess the powers that be are using them as useful idiots in some kind of culture war.

I feel sorry for us too, I look around my community and see things I never wanted to see, hear things I never wanted to hear. I am queer but I also understand that longing to be accepted but it’s like being at a pristinely clean supermarket and taking a fat shit in the middle of an aisle and screaming at people to be ok with that.

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As I said before, you don't have to be Gay to be a homosexual or a bisexual. And funnily enough, it seems you don't need to be homosexual or bisexual to be Gay.

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>why shit like hypno

How does hypno even compare to drug usage rates? Let alone, hypno actually being related to drugs? How did you make this connection? Who in the gay community loves hypnosis?

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I think he's referring to sissy hypno

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Sissy hypno is interestingly enough a straight guy fetish for being degenerated into being a faggot. People who are already faggots will not be into sissy porn as they can't turn into what they already are.

Plus the majority of sissy faggots don't even interact with anyone outside their online "domme" that corrupts them into being faggots.

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If you're a "straight guy", you're not into being a faggot. Sissy isn't a straight fetish. Maybe a 'probably in the closet' fetish, but not straight.

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cute pic

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If they're a faggot why are they sexually aroused by a women talking to them?

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If anything they're closet trannies. Are you arguing that trannies are all faggots and belong on /cuteboys/?

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i would love to have a boyfriend to trip with me

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im not a "trap", whatever the fuck that even means these days, but every "trap" i have ever met has been pretty fucked. borderline personality disorders, serious health issues, not to mention the obligatory identity issues that come with being a "trap" and taking it seriously. the epitome of this to me is the existence of the term "chaser" as a serious term to describe people who are into them specifically because they are a "trap".

though every one of them i have met seems to be at least moderately intelligent ive also noticed that a lot of them are either stunted in some social capacity or outright socially retarded. ive had conversations with them about philosophy, comp sci, all manner of things really, and they typically hold their ground quite well. personality wise however every fucking one of them is grating, i cant imagine actually wanting to be around them for any extended period of time. its like they dont understand that the way they come off is repulsive to people who arent like them.

not sure if my experiences are true in all cases or even in a general sense, but this has been my experience of "traps".

as for drugs, i think that just comes with the territory of being in a community full of people who chase sexual highs. if youre constantly looking to indulge in better and better sex, why not throw drugs into the mixture?

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It's an incredibly beautiful and bonding experience. Defenitively try it.

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"Gay" originally meant straight people who were promiscuous. Then, it became a byword for homosexuals.

Bc "men are happiest in their vices."

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I smoke weed but that's it. I hate hard drugs as in I smash hard drug pushers heads on the curb when I'm out and about, all dressed up. If you push hard drugs in the LGBT community, watch out. God help you if one of those addicts dies.

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Im bored like 80% of the time and really a couple beers or a spliff is a good way to somewhat alleviate that every now and then

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Doesn't really do anything for the problem, just covers it up. Being drunk or stoned makes you really comfortable at sitting around doing nothing for hours. That doesn't give you something to do, just makes you okay with the state of boredom. It's certainly not going to fix anything.

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you need something to do man, join a club or something.

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This for fucks sake.

at least not everyone in 8chan is a party pooper that hates drugs.

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spotted the druggie

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come on don't be a dork and try them, they are fun.

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ill try them and use them as i see fit, but some are not worth trying and no drug is worth it for the direct pleasant effects alone.

ill probably smoke weed at some point but that i think is about as far as i am interested in going, and anything involving a needle can get fucked.

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well that's pretty reasonable, just stay away from hard drugs like opiates cocaine and crack.

but give acid and other psychedelics a try they are really fun, I use weed all the time and it's fine, but it is not anywhere near as potent as mushrooms or acid.

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>but it is not anywhere near as potent as mushrooms or acid.

psychedelics seem like a fucking dangerous thing to play with tbh. im inclined to stick with good weed if i want a social drug.

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I will suggest you give them a try with a close friend, that can take care of you for at least 4 to 8 hours on psychedelics, that could be both fun and safe.

Marihuana can be social on small amounts, which is really boring, getting stoned and listening to music is pretty lit.

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Funny you mention this, while my script is legal. I am more interested in using my adderall to lose weight. Instead of the intended usage. I'm not even trying to get high. I'm literally using it so I can be cuter. Its actually working. I hear about people who take low doses of street meth to lose weight. I'm essentially doing the same thing. I should feel more disgusted, but I'm not. Trying to look cute and fem isn't so easy for some. Especially since I have a lot of weight to lose (I'm at the high end of Overweight).

I've been rejected a few times for being too fat, but at the same time I've had some wonderful reactions and they ignored the weight. I honestly think I'm doing it for myself. I want to wear more cute womens clothes.

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I find this to be quite opposite with traps I have met. They put a lot of effort into their looks to destroy themselves with drugs. On the other hand, I have met a lot of CDs and gays that are hardcore addicts. I'm talking nearly gutter trash.

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I'm closer to a normal weight than you, but can confirm low dose adderall will help you lose weight. (Strangely, I've noticed it also has some effect on my sexuality; I'm bi, but when I take adderall I definitely swing way more into the gay zone.)

I also sometimes combine it with nicotine gum, as that can increase lipolysis.

Used to use kratom too, and that also has an appetite suppressant effect but wouldn't recommend it.

In general though, you should look into weight lifting. After a session of weights you'll have a higher metabolism for up to 2 days afterwords, really helps a lot.

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>street meth

nah bro, come on. There's impurities in that that are really bad for your brain.

There's probably heavy metals from the synthesis and all this other nasty stuff.

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i want to escape reality and have weird fantasies, so what?

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im going to die

might aswell

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Most people dont know anything about healthy drug use or addiction.

You wont "destroy your body" by just taking a couple eccies or doing some stimulants once in a while. But if you haven't already taken the initiative and researched this already you probably aren't the kind of person who should be taking drugs.

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>doing something won't hurt bro just try it XD

Said everyone ever who has become a drug addict. Or went mental afterwards.

Not saying you're a drug addict or anything, you know what I'm getting at.

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This is really almost always the case with people who have addictive personalities. They start of with doing drugs 'every once in a while' or 'for special occasions,' then it becomes once a week, then every few days, once a day, a lot a day, and before you know it, you never really see them sober. It's a terrible way to go, but it happens a lot.

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Peer pressure is actually more common amongst young men actually

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How so?

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Looking into yopo seeds.

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Used to smoke weed from time to time until I got bored (and the stuff got way too strong). Literally got high one day, lay down and thought … "eh man this can't be it" . Took a shroom, low dosage once. I think it's mostly a coping mechanism and curiosity.

That my hometown was flooded by drugs in recent years has not helped.

The utter irony in it is that I was able to maintain a relationship while getting drunk and high rather regularly, but the moment somebody spiked me with what quite possibly was cocaine it all went to hell REALLY quickly. Didn't even know that shit was soluble in beer


Using meth is dumb as fuck. Impure, and a shitty drug.


Yep, battery acid and such. I could go into detail more, but I'm not gonna post how to cook that shit. Like cocaine, it's a disgusting process.


While it is possible, not many people are capable of doing that. Most will become addicted and be in denial of addiction. Same with alcohol (yeah it's a drug).


Needles suck mate. IV drugs are much more potent, and also more addictive afaik.

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almost like they're mentally ill faggots…


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wouldnt know tbh m8

ive since tried weed, kinda underwhelming tbh. makes us burn through less drink on a party before we get in the same kinda relaxed mood but eh tbh.

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I used to do a looot of ecstacy and mushrooms before my friends move onto opiates and I noped the fuck out. Several of them are dead now and part of me feels bad but part me knows they did it to themselves.

Now I might have a couple drinks with friends and smoke too much weed but left everything else behind. I don't think it's just cuteboys that use but a larger part of the general population than people want to admit.

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Tbh, I find it disrespectful to get into a relationship while being on drugs, legal (alcoholism) or otherwise. I mean, if you really love somebody, they're definitely worth quitting that stuff.


OwO somebodies been locked.

Good for you for noping out, you really don't want to to go down the opiate road. "Christiane F." (the book) shines a bit of light on that, and it's nothing for a weak stomach.

You'd be surprised. When wastewater is tested for drugs you can calculate back how many people use it. Next year they will have data for the town I currently reside in, but if they really wanted to know what drugs are used here they'd go to a certain bar. If they're unlucky they'll have one hell of a trip and ruin their personal relationships. And remember nothing at all.

You can find that data for Europe here:


> tfw not locking qt dicks up and also now I have to fap brb

> tfw I should totally keyhold some qtboy and basically never let them out because I'm evil >:)

I think there's generally more drugs in the gay sphere, but I haven't read any studies supporting that (although there is a lot about chemsex and MSM). Although I never needed any drugs to fuck personally (it's much nicer to be sober when fucking anyways. When there's drugs involved, you'd quickly get into issues with consent and all).


Not all of them. Met some cuteboys who are just people who happen to like dicks and are wonderful people in general. Modest in the streets and lewd af in the sheets. But also met some cute boys (not from this bord as far as I can tell) who are the most vile, manipulative, opportunistic, selfish, sadistic little cunts imaginable fuck you E.


I have some weird predisposition towards weed, takes me a very small amount to get higher than a space rocket. I do not like it anymore. That the THC content in weed has been increasing doesn't make it any better. Nowadays all I know about drugs is study related (NPS/drug testing/etc, it gets really complicated really quickly).


Depends on the weed, but that can also happen depending on a person. But as my ethics teacher (who was a recovered heroin addict) used to say - once you start trying out substances there will be one you get hooked on. luckily for me it was nicotine and not cocaine or something and vapes exist now.

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Weed, LSD, MDMA, DMT, 5-Meo-DMT, Mescaline, 2C-B, Ketamine (IM + Insuf). Psychedelics are a great tool for learning about oneself. They're not for everyone and should be done responsibly with drug testing, trip sitters and habit tracking (probably only needed for ketamine, but it's good to have a picture of what you've been taking).


>Nowadays all I know about drugs is study related (NPS/drug testing/etc, it gets really complicated really quickly).

Any NPS(s) you're specifically interested in? I'd love to get a hand on some 2C-T-4.

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Tbh all homos should try psychedelics at least once. It's actually really good for mental health, and it's known to treat depression and anxiety.

Kratom is great, but not really a hardcore drug more than coffee or weed. It's great for getting off of opioids, as it gets rid of all the withdrawal effects. Makes you think about why big pharma's trying to ban it.

It's not degenerate to use drugs entheogenically or for mental health purposes, and anyone that tells you otherwise doesn't know history. Fight them.


>kykeon in greece

>kava kava

>sacred blue lotus in asia

>peyote in navajo tribes

>mushrooms used by mayans and east coast natives

>amanita muscaria used by siberian shamans

>where dmt is found (protip; it's in the grass, in the trees, in your brain, in the roots of bushes, it's fucking everywhere - the ban on it is literally fucking pointless)

>anti-psychedelic campaigns in the 60s

>microdosing in silicon valley (even elon musk does it, anti-drug puritans)

Check out these infographs on making it yourself;


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One guy I knew asked me right off the bat when I'd added him off steam if I was doing any drugs. Gonna be brutally honest we should kill people who abuse shit like Heroine or crack their a waste on society and are an amazing example of how the west is how it is at this point , also Trans folk aren't far behind apart from the fact that most of them aren't even doing it because they want to be the a male or female (which btw whenever they use terminology like dysphoria most of that stuff didn't even exist until the 1950s with John Money and his experiments on David Reimer and his brother both of which killed themselves along with the fact he made them perform in sexual manors one of which was a bottom and other as a Top whilst making them doing genital inspections at least once , he also believed in morale pedophilia) they just would like to look like some dumbass on an anime which will never happen because 1. it's a cartoon and 2. They don't understand male bodies don't work that way even with drugs , they hey since my body has ungodly amounts of estrogen I can give them advice on looking nice so when their chemical imbalances make them so unhappy they kill themselves I can have a nice sense of irony or pleasure in myself for making them feel better right before they offed themselves with their own stupid ass decisions. Seriously men who do HRT or more specifically men who want to do this sort of , "I'm gonna be a cute anime gf while taking huge amounts of hormone medication and ZOMG look at how cute I look in this SS uniform XD" "btw screw girls I'm more cute than them >:(" are normally incels who just wanna act their better than another sex while not understanding that they've never done anything to prove their natural beauty to begin with or simply are too fucking dumb to understand that their someone who is a degenerate who wishes to leech off society in some fashion with their snowflake beliefs like commentating on how bad Jews are while they themselves are a drug taking NATSOC Tranny who by most accounts is simply going to die by the age of thirty or be found with CP on their hard drive. I'm kinda shocked how fucking ignorant everyone is of everything on this board over the last 2-3 Years like with the leftists shilling for Venezuela , yet like less than a year ago you could literally see them begging for food on here. I've found people coming here who aren't even fucking gay most likely , not gonna give out names. Some guy who simply looks Traps or some shit who comes here to add people while acting like this being Trad Tough guy , what fucking pussy. Most people here aren't even gay anymore it's just people coming for Trans folk

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Personally I don't use such substances, I don't want to use such substances. However, 4-FA was pretty interesting and might be worth further investigation as a mild stimulant for psycho therapeutic treatment (same way as MDMA is considered) in low dosage, as it seems to open people up.

Designer benzos and opioids are interesting study wise because they could be abused in DFC related incidents. And no, I don't mean "study wise" like in "research chemicals", I mean actual studies. Thing is there's little to no way to test it (nowadays it is possible to test for GHB in hair, though it's a very recent development). Research on that is definitely lacking. I mean benzos on their own, as well as barbiturates, are pretty disgusting already as they are difficult to dosage from what I read. Flubrimazolam and Flubritrazepam are two I'm interested in testing wise, I mean testing blood/urine/hair.

I think I was on one of those two or a derivative thereof when I ended up also on cocaine, but honestly I don't remember jack shit other than being absolutely emotionless and carefree and selfish for a while, those benzo things are weird

Ethyl- and Methylphenidate I have seen being used as a "study drug" in my hometown, but it never ends well. Sure, short term grades might improve, long term it seems to turn the brain into soup.

Generally it is advisable to stay away from RC's - they are so poorly researched and long and short term effects are unknown.


My ancestors used pervitin, but I sure as hell don't wanna touch that stuff. As a chemist I find those instructions to be as good as "Banes" in "Payday 2" (nothing EVER goes to plan). Using normal jars for chemistry is a dumb idea. Pyrex glass exists for a reason.

The mushroom was interesting, yes, but it was a low enough dosage not to cause hallucinations. All it did was make me feel empty and think of somebody all the time.


Don't like trans either, but man your wall of text is barely readable. It's not just the gays, I have known many straight people with gfs (female) and such, they did drugs too. Didn't have anything to do with far left or far right either, it happened in both spheres. Basically it's one party pointing the finger at another while doing it themselves. Bidirectionally. The fuck is a Trad Tough guy though?

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Trad is another way of saying Traditional , he was like one of those people who claimed they didn't do anything degenerate while looking down on people who did degenerate stuff. he was generally a fascist larper and an idiot. One of those people who really subscribes to a certain ideology without knowing jack shit about it , he's also one of those people on the right who really likes Traps. so he comes here and adds people while never speaking to them. He's a bitch and generally someone I've noticed are in quantity on this board these days. also people who use drugs are disgusting doesn't matter their sexual preferences , it's disgusting if your gay or straight your still a degenerate. I've known people who sold heavy drugs growing up , got their younger brothers addicted to drugs , offered me drugs at their friends house (being the parent themselves) while getting drunk and generally doing nothing for the son themselves even wasting wifi money on porn. People who use drugs should be shot to death

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is there any truth to mdma being good for autism and trauma?

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Before turning 21 I was pretty clean. I'm turning 22 in a few months and I'm a alcoholic.

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Lol. I hate those types. Then again I never had much of an ideology myself as I find most have some equally retarded points that I can not support. Considering I grew up where the Nazis originated from, and talked with my grandparents about it (makes it hard to swallow the food when you're gramps talks about his dead brothers on the russian front while you eat), I don't get why anybody would subscribe to that ideology. Although I make fun of it from time to time because it's ridicolous (the funniest thing was a neo-nazi at the bar when I still drank, I told him if he'd take it seriously he wouldn't drink or smoke cause the nazis condemned drug use most of the time if you don't count in government provided meth for the soliders). I do like traps though to a certain degree, but when it goes full tranny it's just a bit too much.

I'm guilty of adding people sometimes and not really talking that much to them, but that's mainly cause I'm busy or because I have nothing to talk about (if you don't have anything to say it's better to stay silent).

I think it depends pretty heavily on the drugs and the frequency of their use, I'm not going to shame anybody for smoking weed or doing shrooms every once in a while. Pretty sure somebody I know closely was involved in heavy drug trade but he never got me addicted (and has changed to the point I was postively surprised last time I've met him in person he cut all ties to that world and even left an MC in which he was because they were starting to get involved with the HA). I know classmates who do speed, and I don't like it all though, they used to be nice people then suddenly they are not anymore. It hurts the soul to see that happen to somebody you know.

I have to disagree with the "shot to death" part, it's part of what perpetuates the problem. I can't find any statistics that quickly, but I am sure Duertes drug war isn't mitigating the problem. What does seem to help is getting those people sober, but it's a hard and costly thing to do. Considering how shit people on drugs generally behave, I'm not surprised some of them have no conciousness towards others and try to force them on drugs one way or another, which makes me sad.

When you look at statistics and what actually helps, it's to create job oppurtunities and give people some incentive to get off the drugs in the first place. Portugal has been doing really well with that. HIV rates are down, so is drug use. Netherlands too, actually less people smoke weed there now because a) it's harder to get for minors and b) they know the risks of the drugs they are taking. So respectfully I cannot agree with your prohibitionist stance.


Not good. Been there, done that. It can ruin a lot for you. Isn't easy to stop drinking, but it is possible. Have you tried that? If you really want to, you can. Seen it happen three times in my life with different people and one of them had hit rock bottom (had to be institutionalized for a while). At least you're admitting the problem, next would be to adress it, see when you drink and make incremental changes towards sobriety. It can be a lengthy process though, but it's well worth it.

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I don't know about autism, but MDMA is considered research material on PTSD.

Here's two studies on that:



Read their conclusions and come to your own conclusion.

I strongly advise against self-medication though. It's an amphetamine and comes with the same pitfalls as such, therefore it should only be used in a controlled environment with a physician present. That, and the fact most MDMA sold on the street is not actually MDMA, but dangerous RC's. You do not want to put that in your body.

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I as a MTF don't really understand it either. I get it's a way to cope, But like why get into it? Usually what i hear is that it just pushes your problem but never deals with them. I usually like to tackle things head on but idk.

t. Straight edge transgirl

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Uggggggh I'd love to get roofied at a party 😍

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I don't think that I'd want to get involved with a cuteboy who did anything other than stuff like weed or entheogens.

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Why do people treat drugs in a bad way like this thread yet are fine with alcohol? Alcohol is just as worse as drugs and shit.

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That's a good point. I think it would be better if someone took some shrooms or something every once in a while than drank alcohol regularly.

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Here in the United States, college kids who smoke weed every third week are "arrested development", yet grown men who drink every third hour are seen as "mature."

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