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 No.279392 [Last50 Posts]

Friends, one night stands, long-term relationships getting engaged anything counts!

Just post about happy successes about using zeemap!

Personally I've hooked up with two people, had an okay long term relationship and in my current one I am engaged how about the rest of /cuteboys/?

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I got some very desperate people and that's it.

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I've had only one person near me respond and we weren't really each other's type and they moved away anyway so I don't really expect anything else at this point.

I could try some other people when you start getting on like 500km distance, it's not going to be very appealing.

Congratulations though!

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Met the only guy in town, not exactly my type though.

There's another person the next town over, but beyond that the closest is in Vancouver, and I don't feel like driving to that shit hole.

I'm kinda running out of options, I could cruise the gay bar that doesn't exist here or go on Grindr, though I don't feel like getting pump & dump'd by a 60 something fatfuck.

Sorry for being salty, glad the map worked out for some people.

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Where in BC?

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fug, I'm still like a gujillion km north. I can still give you my deets if you give a shit. If not, that's cool.

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Sure. Could be nice to have someone else to talk to. Fair warning, I'm pretty awkward.

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I'm from Kelowna too anon, what are you into. It's a shame there isn't really anyone on the map here

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met the love of my life on the zeemap, so thats good~ :3

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Grow up anon, this is why people don't take gays seriously. Don't call him that when you've known eachother for less than a year and when your relationship is almost purely lust based. It gets old fast, been there, done that, and these hings normally don't last more than a year or two before fizzling out.

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Ok but what if you're wrong and they really are really happy together? I suppose it's natural to feel that way; bad experiences make us bitter. I'm sorry you're hurting, anon, but it's not really helping anyone to shut people down like that.

Anyway, I met someone through the map that I think is a really great person, but I just don't know where things are gonna go yet, I dunno how I feel about all of this still. Mostly worried I'm gonna fuck something up.

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wow what a downer you are.

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I met my current BF through a Steam thread, we have been together for over year.

It is currently an LDR, so it is tough, but we will be moving together this October

I do not really browse this board anymore, but thanks /cuteboys/!

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Someone contacted me, I sent him a photo, he thought I was underage, and now I haven't heard from him. That's the closest I've gotten.

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Wait, I actually contacted him first. Oh well, nothing lost.

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Mixed results. Made a two friends that I can talk to regularly. Two Friends I speak to very rarely. Everyone one else just kinda ignored me

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Yeah, we're few and far between in these parts.

At this point my standards are pretty low but like, as long as you're more or less normal & don't have tarzan jungle hair that's good.

Skype is john.conq1 if you're still interested.

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I am getting married too except he doesn't know about it yet. :^)

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Only got one msg from the zeemaps. The guy literally sent me only messages even though I was responsive. I really hate that tbh. I need to actually try messaging people on it though. Theres a few people near me that fit my type but I just haven't had the motivation lately to msg them.

I met a qt from the California thread though, he was really nice. I was going through bad break up at the time though, so it was just a hook up.

Youd think it would be easier finding a fellow qt in norcal.

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I meant he only sent me two messages before ignoring me. Stupid phone.

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You sound cute to me. You want to chat or something? Maybe swap pics?

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No success of yet. How do I convince 2 anons who never did anything gay before to try it? These are some heavy gay porn addicts that never sucked a dick or got fucked in the ass but want to try it. However I met up with them twice and they got cold feet each time. Fuck man i almost want to give up but theyre super cute and I dont have a lot of markers where I live. Alcohol? Rope?

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>tfw get lots of responses

>all of them are fats, over 30 years old, or furries


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I ended up disgusting and alienating everyone I was ever approached from.

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Once they find out I'm not a twink, they leave. ;_;

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Had one success, the guy I met was a college boy. He had his own dorm room, after we had sex he'd buy me dinner and I'd sleep with him. I'd go home early in the morning and enjoy the feeling of sexual freedom. ^^

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I'm a twink and a cd. My depression ruins everything i touch.

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>this is why people don't take gays seriously

because straight people never say "the love of my life"; they're all super rational and conservative on the outlook of their relationships /s

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Is this the failure thread now? My experiences have always gone 1 of 3 ways.

>whether i message them first or they message me first, i end up realizing pretty quick i'm not even remotely interested (mostly because i found out they're obese "bears", are way too old, etc)

>i start to really like the person

>they don't like me because i'm a sperg

>someone messages me

>try talking

>they barely say anything and always give short responses

The difference between #2 and #3 are that #2 is them deciding they don't like me after talking to me or seeing a pic. #3 is just insanely distant right off the bat before a single word is said or any pictures are shown; and this is when THEY CONTACT ME. I don't get it.

There was one that I got along with really well and who was actually pretty cute, but he got REALLY clingy and I ended up breaking it off with him because of it. I kind of regret it.

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I've talked to one person from zeemaps, but we didn't really click. I've been hesitant to put my marker on the new zeemaps as there's no other markers in Mississippi and I'm not exactly a cuteboy, but neither am I really masc or anything like that.

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The short responses probably just mean theyre looking for hookups and nothing else

#2 is really just remedied with practice I guess. The more interaction you have with people the less of a "sperg" you become. Though that's kind of a vague problem. Do they tell you you're a sperg? How do you know thats the problem and not something else? What I notice about these things is you have to be able to move them along. Like you should be the one to orchestrate a meet up. The timing of when you bring that topic up depends on the person.

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What's wrong with furries?

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I never talk to people so I have no idea how to be social with new people. I only really talk to people I've known for years, and so almost all my conversations are like 90% in-jokes that would just be really awkward without the context.

I think I've gotten a lot better at talking to new people recently due to starting college and actually interacting with people IRL again. Not that it matters, since I've already been in contact with everyone within a very large radius around me at some point.

>tfw currently *attempting* to talk to a #3

>tfw i know nothing will come of it and i'll still be alone

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Yeah, definitely know that feel. You forget how hard it is to actually meet new people, especially when the only available hunting grounds are work, bars, grindr and maybe school.

I'm kinda a #3 so idunno, some people are just more reserved. Especially around new people I get really nervous about what to say and the messages just end up shorter because like, responding 5 minutes later is another super great way to seem distant.

So anyways, I'd say give them a chance, maybe they'll warm up to you. Or don't listen to me, it's probably not very good advice anyways.

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Feels like he's starting to hate me because I keep trying to have a conversation with him lel.

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It's cliche, but you won't know till you try. Your advice is fine.

I hit the point where I need to keep trying. If I do nothing I'll be miscible, but if I try I might not be. Sure I can still get hurt and be depressed if they keep not liking me, but I rather take the risk.

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Wow. Kelowna. Sure is 250 in here.

Prince George represent.

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I've had 0 successes with zeemaps over the last year, no one wants to meetup or do anything past pic swapping.

And it's really demoralizing to write up long messages and get no reply for weeks on end, so I end up reverting to short messages and not getting my hopes up.

I've had better luck hooking up with cuties on OKcupid, etc, but those are just meat markets where people want to fuck anyway, relationships feel like such a distant thing to attain… only serious one I have made without the help of the internet.

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>trying to force the "bear" meme

It's time to stop

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are you two excited?? :3c i must know more

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>whether i message them first or they message me first, i end up realizing pretty quick i'm not even remotely interested (mostly because i found out they're obese "bears", are way too old, etc)

That's basically the entirity of my experiences, after the intial flood of emails (that were all ^) I barely get anything at all. The only person I met seemed chill, then we met and the unattraction was off the charts, now they won't stop messaging me.

t r u e p a i n

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Don't be a pussy and not tell him you aren't attracted or he's going to keep messaging your ass

So let me get this straight you met up with him and then you stopped being attracted to him? Didn't you exchange photos first?

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Met a guy from here (big bara bodybuilder dude), had a relationship with him for a few months, then dropped it when I went to boot.

I can't do big guys or someone that clingy yet masculine.

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Man, that's some success story

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I think im the bara in his story. If not here's a tale of fail for the thread. Basically, I got wasted and told him I liked him and wanted to go out officially(which was just the "liquor" talking tbh) but he blows me off like we just met yesterday. Gives no reason why or anything. Meanwhile i told this kid my entire sordid life story, shared over 100+ emails that we both sent almost everyday, hung out and had sex a couple times. What confused me even more is that he seemed like he was pretty into me. That's a typical female thing to do though; the guy has to be a mind reader or he's not good enough. If I knew he was like that things would've been different. I also thought we were cool enough that he could ignore/cope with a drunken email but apparently not. Dude is being really choosey even though he's a virgin(before me) pushing 22… I was a good looking, experienced, freak accident in his life and he should have rolled with it. Maybe told me how he felt about what annoyed him. Too late now though.

Live and learn I guess. I need to vett people more before I let them into my life. I have a policy not to burn any bridges so I kept it friendly with him until the end. I'm just gonna give him his space. Dont care if he hits me up or not. Its hard to worry about things like this when you catch a new girl's phone number every week. He knows that though yet he still calls me clingy…

It didnt matter to me that it ended, just confused me that it ended the way it did. I think what happened is this guy who was fairly good looking(me) was attracted to him(average at best), giving him a semblance of affection and he gets overconfident, like he could somehow pull more dick than before. He was my type thats why I was into him, not because he was so good looking. To me he was cute, but objectively, not so much. Dude looks like a weird lanky alien. Like last time we hung out he almost got captured by men in black lol.

From hanging out with me, dude loses his virginity, gains a wealth of worldly knowledge and sexual experience. What did I gain? I got introduced to muv luv

If I wasnt his taste in guys why did he bother with me to begin with? He knew what I looked like. Plus I'm bara now? I'm a little toned, but not hairy nor fat. Dude's still cool with me but right now he's too much of a flake to waste time on. And my time is $

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>Dude looks like a weird lanky alien

>Like last time we hung out he almost got captured by men in black

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File: 2b2f90a4d462b73⋯.jpg (127.93 KB,622x570,311:285,ss (2016-09-21 at 12.51.49….jpg)

After 2 years of absofuckinlutely nothing happening a guy wants to meet up for coffee with me tomorrow, I'm so excited

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>2 years

…my body is ready.

Just..have..to endure.>>297551

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> "a wealth of worldly knowledge"

> "freak accident in his life

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I think that guy is me.

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File: cdfecfaa8290e3e⋯.jpg (52.67 KB,500x437,500:437,247823.jpg)


Oh, hey~

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File: 87a933c93c24cc8⋯.gif (453.55 KB,500x281,500:281,consider the following.gif)


You're a cutey pie.

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Your qt 3.14~

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Have you tried putting yourself on the map anon?

The steam thread is also a good place to start.

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Would recommend Steam thread with caution.

Which is to say it's great but you should post and say "Hey I want lewd" or "Hey I want friends" explicitly.

It's a good place to at least meet people you can talk to sometimes, but from repeated experience you put yourself at risk for some bad experiences if you leave stuff open to interpretation.

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As a long time Steam thread user of like

Fuck 5 years at least

Unless you find a local Steam friend relationships probably not gonna last

Focus your efforts on locals, always always always.


Hey now, it took us over a year after first meeting on the map to actually end up like this. Dont get their hopes up too much~

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Personally I'd say the issue of local/long distance is a user preference matter.

I mean in terms of practicality local is definitely more practical but that doesn't always make it more fulfilling.

But nothing is certain so it's good to go with what feels best :D

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>no western ma qt balls

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I've participated in several of this board's steam threads including the current one and I can't even disagree.

The amount of guys that use those threads and act like you're best friends or like they're in love with you after maybe a day of knowing you is really weird. Pretty bottom of the barrel stuff tbh

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Litterally 0 success off of Zeemaps…

A couple boys live in my city.

I met up with one, that went absolutely terrible..

And the other doesn't really care to respond to me very much…

Fuck I hate BC and Vancouver… It really fucking sucks.

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Isn't Vancouver like one the best cities in Canada though? Move to Cali?

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Yeah, its in the top 10 cities in the world, I still really hate it… No cuteboy or mascboy to cuddle with ;-;

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I live in Florida and

>tfw no cuteboy to be romantic with in any capacity

Trust me it's pretty awful no matter which part of the continent you're in unless you get lucky.

I say we just burn it

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tbh, I wish I had the social capacity to get to know somebody over the internet well enough to go see them irl… I feel like that's my only chance of getting a boyfriend lmfao.

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If you've got Steam or Bnet I'm willing to talk to you and see where that goes

At the very least we could attempt friendship :D

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Or Skype actually now that I think about it, since I leave it open 24/7

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Yeah, shoot me your skype and I'll add you..

Mine has my full name in it lmfao.

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Mine's just one of the plethora of shitty screen names I've got :P


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You aren't that guy.

At all.

Hilarious story though, dude.

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So many stripes and no one to cuddle with?

Man if you don't have anyone to cuddle with i'm fuckin doomed.

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Nah, I'm just not good at searching for people…

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I'm like the only guy in north Alabama so I had a few email conversations

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Post lewds cute boi

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Heh… I'm sorry. I'm trying to get away from being a sloot and stuff like that… I've figured, so many guys I meet on /cuteboys/ just want to pump n' dump… And I guess if that works for you, then thats alright, but personally I'm really naive and want to be loved..

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Ive looked at all of them now sadly… The Aiden guy, who is really nearby, and cute. However he seems kinda slooty, he told me that he was doing things with another guy, and he liked him, but they wheren't dating… idk rip me.

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Hopefully… I'm so close to giving up… Atleast the lean and weed will be here to help me.

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Nothing quite good. A bunch of guys below my standards (seriously I might as well go on grindr) and well thats it. I didn't put my marker ever on there though so maybe people get messaged a lot with a marker on there? From what I hear that's not really the case. But yeah.

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Are you sure you don't burn bridges? You think of yourself very highly. Maybe you should've known better and try to get behind what people are truly like. If you talk to each other online, people are much different in real life even if they don't try to be different than in real life.

By the way its rather gross how you talk about sexual experience being a slut is not really something to be proud of.

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Same, I never really respond to those wanna fuck kind of request. I just want someone long term. I tried grindr, but either the men are too ugly, too far or are only interested in sex. Idk even if I have a hot looking guy whose only interested in sex I just find it a bit of a turn off, to have only sex and then nothing else. I want affection from someone attractive, preferably intelligent as well, not just sex. I don't know why most gays only want just sex…

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>Are you sure you don't burn bridges?

With this kid I didnt really care, but yes I generally dont burn bridges. I guess when I wrote that a month ago I still thought we could be friends/fuckbuddies but that was unrealistic.

>You think of yourself very highly.

Im no elitist/narcisissist but Im just being realistic. Also trying to paint an accurate picture here that I was way out of this kid's league and thats a fact.

>Maybe you should've known better and try to get behind what people are truly like. If you talk to each other online, people are much different in real life even if they don't try to be different than in real life.

Not even sure what this means

>By the way its rather gross how you talk about sexual experience being a slut is not really something to be proud of.

"Slut" shaming? Lol really dude? Yeah im a manwhore(more with women, Im very picky with men) but at least I know what Im doing. This kid couldnt give a blowjob to save his life. But I overlooked shit like that because I thought he was cute and I never had sex/hung out with anyone into weeb shit like me. Kind of a shitty reason to like someone looking back.

Anyways I admit I fucked up in that situation but the way the kid handled it was even more fucked up. Like if I knew he was a shithead I wouldve never bothered with him. I replaced his ass in seconds flat with a cuter, more feminine looking guy. Im sure hes still flailing along in painful isolation haha

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>Im no elitist/narcisissist but Im just being realistic

> I was a good looking, experienced, freak accident in his life and he should have rolled with it.

> Its hard to worry about things like this when you catch a new girl's phone number every week.

> this guy who was fairly good looking(me) was attracted to him(average at best)

>From hanging out with me, dude loses his virginity, gains a wealth of worldly knowledge and sexual experience

>And my time is $

You spend half the story talking about how good looking you think you are and how much sex you have, and then say you're "just being realistic". That's why you come off as a narcissist.

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>Yeah im a manwhore(more with women, Im very picky with men) but at least I know what Im doing

>This kid couldnt give a blowjob to save his life. But I overlooked shit like that because I thought he was cute

>I never had sex/hung out with anyone into weeb shit like me. Kind of a shitty reason to like someone looking back.

haha holy shit people like this exist? Or am I just a newfag getting trolled by a parody?

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Hate hate hate hate!

AYOOOOO Get it funky with me!

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I have met a single person from the zeemaps, when over to her place, she has a penis and normally I object to calling guys girls but she is trans, she was the first person I ever put my penis in, not my first sex happener, just the first one I topped.

it was pretty sweet, we met up, she called me cute, cuddled me, basically treated me like a cuddle pet that she could fuck or would fuck her, and then one of her friends moved in with her and I got some threesomes, it was even better, she had some kind of emotional breakdown or something as far as I can remember so it is a shame I can't get anymore of those threesomes or hang out sessions, it was really nice to just chill even if she could be a very mean person.

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This, smoking is a red flag. Pot is just point of no return.

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File: efc47bf1788e470⋯.jpg (40.39 KB,642x361,642:361,Yep-this-happened-Courtesy….jpg)

Posts in threads looking for friends… Get's ignored nobody sends shit to my email. Lel hyphymustard@gmail.com I need more people to play games with…

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holy crap that was me I'm pretty sure

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lool, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing really, either way apparently you're cute

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I messaged him…hehe it was him YAY I'm cute :3

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Someone added me from the Maps. Hes asking coworkers about me but won't agree to actually meet up. I have no idea what he looks like either. I've invited him to go do all sorts of things, to provide transportation, and to pay his costs of any outing but he still flakes or avoids agreeing.I tire of it honestly.

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I have those socks!


We used to be two of the markers in that image ^_^


My BF and I are nearing 1.5 years. He's a big bear with chest hair who makes my second hole twitch, and a sweet gentle boy. Thanks, /cuteboys/!

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tfw only one hole down there

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the 2nd sphincter, which is an involuntary and very sensitive muscle, about 7" deep, his dick is 8" :3

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not really, for me at least it's never been an issue, but i sometimes don't need to clean out at all

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Haa, favorite part of this was that that's the main thing you got out of a post saying you were an emotional wreck and were very mean, though.

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Tell us the last guy's story anon, the one you got along with!

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Well, I took the cutest boy I've ever met on a coffee date last month. We made out, cuddled, and dry humped for several hours straight. We're a couple now :3

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post gmh, post cute selfies with him anon

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Can't lie I haven't been to either one I am just shit at posting. Sorry bro :(

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I actually met and am dating/fucking a cuteboy thanks to the map (It only took a whole year) Never give up on your dreams :^)

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I met my boyfriend in a steam thread two years ago

He's very nice and cute!!!!!!!

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I met a qt who lives nearby in the slut thread, planning to meet up next week and do all sorts of fun and lewd things.

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Passionate. Firey. Sex.

We were fucking animals.

Possible "true love."

Great compatibility.

That is my success story.

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Really late on replying. But what area in California?

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Since when are there transgirls in Australia? And when did they get on zeemaps?

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It wasn't through zeemaps but I met my boyfriend through halfchan /v/ and we moved in together last year

I like it

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They're a myth for the most part, unless you happen to live in very random areas like Adelaide or Perth or Tas, idk

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met my bf and absolute love of my life on the map and here's the greentext

>be me

>come back to 8ch after having successful meet ups on map

>around this time admin made the new map thread

>put my info on there

>start scanning the map

>find qt just up PCH (califag)

>we'll call him Alex

>get Alex's kik and we start chatting

>exchange nudes

>holy fucking shit his body is perfect

>get his discord

>start chatting more

>we agree to meet up

>see his face for the first time

>exactly the face a qt should have

>we eat tacos and have a very awkward first date

>thinking the whole time if he should come home with me

>forgot to mention that i live with my father

>he knows i'm a fag but i don't want him hearing his son fucking/being fucked quite yet

>back to date

>he drops me off at my house

>he texts me later

>"hey, actually, i brought my Rex with me in case things got a little more heated…"

>holy shit

>tell him to bring it over

>he comes back, hands me the toy while trying to have more awkward small talk

>drives off again

>start thinking i really should've let him come up

>get another text

>"…i know it's a bit late for this, but do you want to do something quick?? like nothing too involved?"

>fucking yes

>invite him back

>head on up to my room

to be continued…

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>we go upstairs

>things get even more awkward than they were before

>but holy shit he was cute

>he is also a virgin at this point

>like hand-holding virgin

>the undressing is very slow but very adorable

>we both get down to underwear

>he reveals he's been wearing panties this whole time

>i swear to god he just kept getting hotter

>i invite him to touch my dick

>we end up sucking each others dicks for a while

>i end up cumming buckets on him, which i was never able to do in front of someone before

>i also finish him off

>hottest orgasm for both of us

>we shower

>hug him on the way out because he's not comfortable with kissing quite yet


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The only one of you I met in person was an emotionally unstable autist and a massive attention whore. Fucking never again, I'm sticking to women at least I know to expect that shit from them.

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Part of my problem with services like this, and really the chans as a whole, is this gigantic emphasis on sex. I mean yeah, okay, I get it, but I'm a very mellow dude and prefer sex only with people I've known really well. It's really hard to get to know people who are expecting casual acquaintances to bang, yanno? Or maybe it's just the ridiculous conservative Christian brainwashing I had as a kid, or I'm not that comfortable around people, no idea. But all the guys around me seem to want something casual, I want actual dates and shit.

Maybe I should put myself out there anyway and just say I'm hoping to get to know people. I dunno. What do ya'll think?

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The map needs more people who aren't trying to use it as some fucking hookup app. The more liberal areas seem to have nothing but whores, but there seem to be some decent people in conservative areas. Spread the purity, anon!

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Yeaaah I suppose the stupid cliche of "put yourself out there" and "you miss all the swings you don't take" apply. I'm in one of those liberal areas and it's kind of creepy to be frank, like all the people who think Trump is literally Hitler. If anybody found out I didn't vote for Hillary they'd forcibly feed my testicles through my bellybutton. Crazy, yanno?

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last part

>meet up for second date

>watch hacksaw ridge

>great movie btw

>we're still in this weird FWB phase where we don't know if we like each other or not

>go home

>do the stuff in the pics

>I'm getting fucked in the photos but I fucked him as well

>best night of sex ever

>go to bed

>should also mention neither of us has slept with another person in bed before

>awkwardly sleep next to each other

>wake up

>really want to cuddle

>don't know if he wants to so I hesitate

>just roll over on my side

>sad because I want a cuddle

>Alex throws his arm around me

>I try my best not to squeal like a little girl

>we end up cuddling all morning, and every date since

I can't believe I was this lucky to have him in my life. We've been going strong for 6 months and I don't see a reason why it has to stop.

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Yeah, it sucks. I've met a few people who seem to be in your situation, though. None of them want to put themselves on the map because they think it's just all sluts. But that's WHY it's just all sluts. You could be the shining beacon of purity in the cesspool of degeneracy!

Where do you live, anyway?

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oh hey look its my post about my boyfriend and the love of my life, and guess what, we're still together anon, and its been well over a year since we started dating (made that post 4 months in),

so hows that shit life going for ya

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>gays thinking 1-2 year relationships are "long term"


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Am I allowed to post myself on the zeemap if I'm straight and just want to find local friends to hang out with?

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will you play virtua fighter with me?

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never played it, but I'm not very good at fighting games.

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File: a7ed11e142eb6db⋯.jpeg (92.75 KB,800x600,4:3,lovewinsfag.jpeg)

I'm sorry it's not a zeemap success story but I think my dude is pretty cool and I just wanted to real quick say the story

At the time we met I was in a failing relationship and I was so damaged from it and so tired. They did not like me speaking to anyone male or female without massive crying fits and cheating accusations, and in a day we were not speaking I just so happen to be browsing cute boys and i just decided to pick a guy at random from the Skype thread that I thought sounded nice and shared my interests.

I did not know if he would reply to my email or anything and I only messaged him, not any others, because I was still in a relationship and it was only 5 minutes of weakness.

Well fate had it that he was a guy who still checked his email and he replied. We spoke a little every day till we moved this friend affair to the sexy platform of steam.As time passed we learned we had simlair intrests and all that, well he was also just what I needed at the time and let me take all my problems I had gained from my last relationship and helped me work though them. And since no one really cares or will read this I just wanted to say I really like him and I think he is super cool, I hope he does not read this since that would be embarrassing honestly.

So my story is not one of success on Zeemap but on cuteboys skype thread, If I was not so scared of marriage, he and I would be engaged most likely.

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Maryland I put my ASL stuff in the ASL thread if somebody wants to add me on Discord. Feel free.

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faggot level: immeasurably massive

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Do you have room for a third partner in your relationship?

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That sounds really amazing, Im happy for you :3<3

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It's cute how you both fucked but then you were hesitant and nervous to try and cuddle, made me laugh. Congrats anon I'm happy for you

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emailed 2 people who were within 3 hours of me

neither ever replied

that was months ago

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I met up with a trap a year and a half ago

Got the succ

Nothing long lasting came from it

No success since then

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tfw someone emailed you from zmaps but never replied to your reply

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If you're using cock.li, I've found out somewhat recently that sometimes they won't get your email. I've had two people so far reply to a second response, saying they never got my first one. Send more.

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>tfw fat/30/need love too

Zeemaps just makes me sad and wish I were eight years younger.

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You've got to be kidding me. That would explain so much. Now I'm wondering now many times the other person didn't email me back because mine never went through.

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In San Diego, California. Manage to find a cuteboy nearby. Talk on Skype, but being in the Navy makes meeting times pretty difficult because he isn't in the military and our schedules are super different.

One day, at last, we manage to meet up at a Starbucks in Imperial Beach. They're super shy and really cute, totally on pins and needles because I want to make a good first impression but at the same time want them to feel comfortable and relaxed.

We hang out and talk about stuff, mainly they ask me about all the stuff I've done in the military…then I start getting hungry. So I decide to take my cuteboy out for dinner, totally on a whim.

We drive to my favorite ramen joint, 'Underbelly', and I'm going through songs on my iPad until I hit my 'Best of Django Reinhardt' album. They like that, for that music is cozy apparently.

We get to the noodle place and have delicious foods, and talk some more, and I feel so bad because the poor darling still seems to be feeling so awkward and uncomfortable and all I want to do is hug them.

Drop them back off near their place and get one last message on Skype from them about maybe doing the succ next time…and then I never heard from them again.

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>and then I never heard from them again.

Is that really a success story? The way you talk comes off as super creepy, by the way. You sound like some 40+ year old man preying on young boys.

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tfw all these success stories make me sad.

>only one marker in my city/around my city

>I add the person

>we speak a few times

>it doesn't click for them, I guess

>I think they're super rad and want to meet up with them but because conversation didn't go well at all I decided not to ask or pressure them about it

>waited for them to message me back again

>they never did

>deleted me on stuff

I never even got to know their real name but we had lots in common; they just never seemed to enjoy the conversation and it was like pulling teeth. I really wish it worked out, I think we could have been good friends at the least

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>I never even got to know their real name but we had lots in common; they just never seemed to enjoy the conversation and it was like pulling teeth. I really wish it worked out, I think we could have been good friends at the least.

This is every interaction I've had with anyone from cuteboys. You can be completely outgoing and reveal everything about yourself and you'll get terse replies like they're messaging you with a gun to their head - if you get a reply at all.

I don't have the patience for it anymore. My new approach is to just send lewds right away and cut to the chase since that's ultimately what's going to decide whether it goes anywhere or not.

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Not technically from Zeemaps, but I started talking to a really cute guy last night a few states away and I already like him a ton. And he said he likes me too. I'm already planning to meet him. Wish me luck, /cuteboys/

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I feel like I just emulate board culture autism to fit in but in reality it's not me and I don't want to be with someone like it. Every time i talk to someone online it always devolves into retarded lewd chatting and anime/vidya autism that I really don't give a shit about anymore. I'm starting to feel that online relationships are a waste of time outside of basic platonic friends.


>My new approach is to just send lewds right away and cut to the chase since that's ultimately what's going to decide whether it goes anywhere or not.

This makes me kind of sad anon. I think we need to get out more and put ourselves in uncomfortable situations where we have a chance of meeting someone irl. I'm just sick of the online dynamic bullshit to be frank and it's really time consuming for little chance of return.

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Femboy here.

I met two guys from here. First one was an interesting person but we still didn't click (I am too much of a boring socially retarded shut in to impress anyone). The other one was a submissive faggot like me so it was super awkward and we cut off all contact afterwards, lol.


>i start to really like the person

>they don't like me because i'm a sperg

This is literally my case t b h.

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This anon is VERY cute, and I think I've totally fallen for him. I've never clicked with someone so well before in my life, and I've been here for a LONG time. Can't wait to meet in person!

Expect cute hand-holding pics being posted in a few months if all goes well.

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Pretty much this. I'm a huge introvert and I'm a bit socially inept, but these people don't even bother try to talk to you even if you have a lot of similar interests.

I can't say much because I only used Kik on here and I was in a /cuteboys/ chat. Majority of the conversations were shallow and one dimensional. There are also huge biases meaning that one person will treat someone else with lewd or romantic comments while everyone else gets little to no acknowledgement.

It's hard to find a decent person from /cuteboys/ at least puts an effort to talking to you. From that group, only three people actually talked or interacted to me.

Just surround yourself with people that appreciates you back.

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One of the few times I remember is someone I was talking to a bit, but ultimately backed outta meeting because they were wanting to bump uglies a bit too quickly for my taste.

Then like a year later they message me and ask if I wanna threesome with their boyfriend. Idek man I think I just wanna talk to people to mildly flirt and feel pretty but also just to make friends who play vidya. Is that so much to ask

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File: afa5e102b182879⋯.png (198.63 KB,1313x1248,101:96,tmp_19344-afa5e102b1828794….png)

I get messages from guys who expect me to be able to carry a conversation about normie things, or furries.

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I know that feel. I'd hesitate to say I'm asexual, but having a relationship like that without the passion that comes from… well, a strong friendship? It's impossible for me.

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Got my dick sucked a few times by one guy. Met another semi-local guy but he's kinda angsty.

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>3 guys in my area, all tops

>all of them are at least an hour away, in different directions

It shouldn't be this difficult to get a penis inside me.

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File: 1eba9296b0ae9e9⋯.jpeg (60.98 KB,436x298,218:149,image.jpeg)

I've met 4 dudes and each instance was not with the best results

>first guy from /soc/

>we like each other in conversation and agree to meet

>basically ends up sucking me off and trying to get me to fuck him

>refuse as too nervous

>see his phone one day after being together for a week

>he's still with his bf he didn't tell me about

>confront him

>he retorts I wanted a Fwb deal with him

>feel morbid about losing vigrinity with boy pointlessly

>guy 2

>have each other's steam from on a halfchan /v/


>immensely get along as we both enjoy /pol/ and /a/ talk

>end up travel ing 3-4 hours on a tain to meet a really cute older was 24 guy I got along with a guy on Skype

>made plans ahead a month back

>times goes on after smoking pot and doing crystal md

>he initaites lewd stuff and I comply

>he ends up not being able to get it up

>feel bad and stuff

>go home as mainly sleeps the reminding days I was there

>guy 3

>only lives an hour away on the train

>begs for a cock pick so I send one

>he wants to do lewd stuff and buy some joints off me

>he looks much and older and more disheveled then on pictures on kik he sent

>sell him some joints and 2 g of coke

->tries to convince me to go in a ally with him for receiving some head

>basically don't want and just tell a lie about needing to abscond

>he's okay with that thanks me for the drugs and says he hopes to see me again soon as

>block him on kik

>guy 4

>by this point full on alchoholic needing it to be placid as life is in shambles

>agree to meet a guy as feel good when converse with him

>feels like I might actually get a bf to hold hands in public with ^-^

>day comes to meet him but my nerves are killing so end up drinking 6 cans

>drunk and I offer him some pot I have

>basically end creeping the guy silent and stuff

>get a taxi back and have quick snort of this bog of Coke in my hand

>he texts me hoping I stay longer next time I see him but I knew I fucked up being mindlessly hedonistic to mask nerves and depression

Did try and meet another guy after from a Skype thread but lost all motivation

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I kinda have the opposite problem.

>Met someone from the map who was a bottom

>A bit too on the chunky side for my liking but he's close so whatever

>After a bad experience (he really wanted to do something, but my mom was home so it was really awkward) kinda stopped contacting him

After a while the other /cuteboy/ who was near me got back to me after like a year.

>Start talking with him, hit it off really well

>I get a bit too clingy and he blocks me, understandable

>A bit later he unblocks me and we have more chats, enjoy it just as much as before

>But about a week ago now he blocked me outright after we chatted the night before

Shit sucks, but he mentioned he had some IRL stuff coming up so I figure he just blocked me while that passed over. At least I hope

Also the previous /cuteboy/ got me to put my pin on the map, got contacted by someone a city over but I wasn't his type. Then someone put up a new pin nearby and contacted him but wasn't his type either.

So where are you located anon? I'd put my penis in you.

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File: 0dd5d3a98fc23d5⋯.gif (1.73 MB,540x306,30:17,skeltal.gif)

I made a friend from the map that has similar tastes as me in fashion, music, games, etc. It's pretty dope.

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You'd put your penis in him without knowing a single thing about him?

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I live in southern Ontario, just out of the way enough that the guys in Windsor and the guy in Chatham are both too far away for me to be making regular trips.

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>be me

>valentines day, tfw no bf

>bitch about it in Canada thread

>someone is actually in my area, we exchange infos and start to talk

>A week later we decide to meet up at the mall for coffee

And the rest is history, I suppose. It's hard to believe we've been dating for 3 months already, or that we even met in the first place

Also, it's been ~6 months since i posted my marker, and there's been no replies, so no zeemap success story

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kill yourself

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File: c72a43c367731fa⋯.gif (1.3 MB,320x213,320:213,1472278187207_002.gif)

>tfw you're moving to Portugal in September but there are no signs of qt bottoms on the map

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File: 9f47f6e58801398⋯.jpg (99.87 KB,620x348,155:87,new-west-rainbow-crosswalk.jpg)


Yes.I'd clear up some stuff like what he looks like and if he's clean or not. I mean we already share a mutual interest in fucking so.


I'm in BC, and at the very end of where the pins are until you get to like the middle of the province. Why is Canada so fucking barren for pins on the map? Do gay Canadians just use something else? We have these things for crying out loud, you'd think there'd be a bit more in way of options.

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I guess nobody uses it. 8chan is a pretty niche site. I'm still waiting for my pin to go up, too. I know a few gay guys in this very town but they're definitely not on the map. Kind of annoying, too.

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>trade emails

>having an awesome conversation

>emailing for like 3 weeks

>sorry busy doing work

>BAM never get a reply again

Could of he died? I never even sent anything like a face or said anything

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Change the SMTP server lots of mail clients use auto use the wrong SMTP settings. Unless you use the browser you filth

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>tfw this has happened several times

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honestly i would be okay with it, but it's a matter of convincing my bf, plus you better be in CA



i think about that all the time, glad you enjoyed the story

Just an update for y'all: I just had 2 days alone with him and we had the loudest, most exhilarating round of sex ever. I finally came in him without cheating. Also we spent 99% of the time cuddling and kissing. Was fantastic. I can't wait to get a place with him so we can do that more often.

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he looks so cute! Think we need the pics of you fucking him

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They unfortunately do not exist, but maybe he'll let me take some next time ;3

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Sent several emails out to pacific north-west Anons tonight.

Fit guy here looking for fems and or twinks.

Ideally? [Spoiler]We meet up, have a drink or two and connect. Go back to your place and passionitly make out. We get more serious and we end up with your legs locked around me while I'm inside you and we state into each other's eyes. You let go of all inhibitions while your female side takes over. Accepting being submissive and cared for like you've never felt before. Your mind goes blank as your hips gyrate and move on their own. We lock eyes and kiss as we both cum. Me inside you.[/spoiler]

Msg me kik: andysempais


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I tried talking to a cuteboy in my area things went really well but he just stopped responding I still try to talk to him but he honestly just ignores me maybe things never really clicked and im just too deep in the rabbit hole to have noticed any advice?

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no bois yet :(

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Has he blocked you is he just ignoring you? He could simply be too busy to be lewd with you.

But my experience has been disappointment after disappointment so be prepared for that

Wish for the best though.

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Its on steam wouldnt I know if he blocked and hes active its not even lewd at this point I just want him to say hello back or something

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shoot, my kik didn't notify me of a new msg.

Vale msg me again ;)

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File: f3efa51f337bab2⋯.jpg (32.28 KB,717x652,717:652,17264844_1447466008660049_….jpg)

Popping in here momentarily to say that I'm now in a relationship with someone I met off the map. We're really similar in a lot of ways. He is stupidly cute. It's honestly ridiculous to think that someone found me attractive enough to cuff, but I won't jinx fate.

It is very possible and it happened totally by chance. Best of luck, we're all gonna make it. Just be sure to reply!

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Stop stealing my ideas, those fuckboys are mine, anon!

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>they just never seemed to enjoy the conversation and it was like pulling teeth

This 1000x. Sick of always being the one who has to start the conversation and get full sentences met with one word.

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I'd leave my house for one conversation if the guy would just fucking reply.

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since when was /cuteboys/ r/feminineboys?

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probably trying to blackmail you. doesn't look good tbh

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And you're from the UK too? Our father who art in heaven… get me on Discord rn boyo chunkypuffs#3233

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>live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere

>nearest markers all want to hook up with cuteboys not broad hairy fucks like me

>pretty much only come here to make myself feel worse

death can't come soon enough

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File: ac79bc052256b5f⋯.png (25.77 KB,400x300,4:3,HGEP4691.png)

No 'cute' boys exist in Leeds

RIP me

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File: ac79bc052256b5f⋯.png (25.77 KB,400x300,4:3,HGEP4691.png)

No 'cute' boys exist in Leeds

RIP me

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did you look in the british thread even?

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File: 6a304bb1a357913⋯.jpeg (60.45 KB,600x717,200:239,D1072D54-456F-40D1-92AF-9….jpeg)

>messaged two people from the map

>mfw both times I’ve fucked everything up because I’m too autistic to continue talking with people

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File: 980758c63c8af22⋯.jpg (527.47 KB,1600x1200,4:3,onagay.JPG)

Meet this guy not thanks to zeemap but thanks to the skype thread, at first he just wanted to bully me and now we live together and hope to get our own place soon.

pic related we had our first lewd last night whit this onahole

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File: 3dae35bd56a1d1a⋯.jpg (332.39 KB,1280x1715,256:343,Fairy_Paranoia_3_001.jpg)

I've been happily married to the man I love for the last 3 months, after meeting him on zeemap 2 and a half years ago.

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No, he just lost interest. Don't worry anon, better for him to do it to you now instead of doing the exact same thing a year into your relationship. Don't feel too bad about it, it's his loss

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File: 84077900bfb0c96⋯.jpg (194.13 KB,850x1202,425:601,1517345339693.jpg)


>Be me

>Meet one of you through this map

>They live a few hours away

>Make trip a few times and spend a few days with them each time

>Play vidya, get food, fuck, all that jazz

>End up moving in with them

>Uproot whole life leave behind friends, family, job to be with them

>Move in and within a week realize I've made a horrible mistake

>Like blinders coming off start to realize how little they pass

>Try to get past it by reassuring myself they'll practice on their makeup/voice and get better

>Tell myself I'm just being paranoid about their super questionable hairline

>By the end of the month they've stopped bothering with makeup practice or voice training

>Realization sets in that I'm now stuck living with what's basically just a gay guy that doesn't pass at all who'll likely be bald by 30 and expects me to somehow find the drive to fuck them

>Start sleeping on couch

>Whole dynamic becomes extremely awkward

>Things come to a head and are exacerbated by SOMEONE ELSE I met through this board and considered a friend

>Move out

So much happier now, that was an absolutely hellish experience. I didn't even go into any of the personality stuff, there's a possibility they'll read this eventually and they'll know it's me writing this. But fucking hell did this dim my view of meeting anyone off the map. I don't know if I'm completely averse to all traps/trans now, but it's starting to feel like this experience bounced me back into being pretty much straight.

If anyone has any questions I'll answer them within reason, maybe I can spare you guys some trouble.

NOTE: I don't consider myself completely blameless in this. I did my own set of stupid things, the primary one being even moving up here in the first place.

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Reminds me of this honestly

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So like I'm confused, you met this guy multiple times, but how did you not notice anything wrong with him before? Like did you initially like him enough that you just shrugged off any warning signs?

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tbh he kinda just sounds like a chaser

>has sex with guy

>gets upset he's not female enough


>pumps n dumps him

not trying to defend the other guy, but he should really have been more sober about what he was getting into.

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and I see he realizes that lol, chan cut off that last bit

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File: e98b0f81eb98510⋯.png (78.38 KB,269x329,269:329,e98b0f81eb98510f4f68b4c9c1….png)


You sound like a fucking chaser who let his dick do the thinking and saw him as a piece of meat. To be honest though you're gay for men now that you've fucked one, no going back now.

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I may be mostly straight but I'll never be like you and let a boy's heart down. I have someone I really love and when the emotional attachment is high enough it doesn't matter what his junk is or isn't. You didn't even consider this person's feelings, you're trash. Not all girls are like that either but I bet you're not too dissimilar from most of them, just do what you think like an animal without any principles.

Not even once, never like you

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Jesus you couldn't sound more like a chaser unless you dropped your kik, i wish you did drop some sort of identifier so i know to avoid you and warn any others

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> I did my own set of stupid things

I think it started with going out with a guy even though you're not into guys. Do you genuinely not understand normal human emotions or can you only think with your dick?

>hurr why do traps have to be boys?

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What sucks is that it seems like they could've had a genuine connection if he wasn't a heartless curmudgeon. There're asexual homoromantic guys who can still have an emotional context with a boy. It's really harrowing to see someone throw away someone who was essentially family to them for a short while over nothing, he obviously had no creativity and no shame. And no empathy. I think not knowing his own sexual boundaries was the least of his issues but it's unsurprisingly up there

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Sounds like he wanted the meme dream of a cuteboy that dresses and acts like a woman 100% of the time and then when he found out that it's not gonna happen, he bailed

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good lord, ya'll might not be women but you sure act like it. both those guys were deluded. ya'll need to get over your self-righteous faggotry, it's exactly that kind of self-serving drama that keeps this subculture from flourishing.

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You're an idiot. They went to live with each other, he even ditched his familial connections (bad idea in any case.) just to go be with this person, they moved out. Love isn't a delusion and you can't say it is, they just didn't think it out whether that would've led to it not happening or them staying together. And we won't know for sure. It has nothing to do with this subculture.

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>Love isn't a delusion and you can't say it is

i quote

>Move in and within a week realize I've made a horrible mistake

>Like blinders coming off start to realize how little they pass

>Try to get past it by reassuring myself they'll practice on their makeup/voice and get better

>Tell myself I'm just being paranoid about their super questionable hairline

>By the end of the month they've stopped bothering with makeup practice or voice training

>Realization sets in that I'm now stuck living with what's basically just a gay guy that doesn't pass at all who'll likely be bald by 30 and expects me to somehow find the drive to fuck them

though frankly i find the whole trap/drag thing rather ridiculous, on par with always wanting to fuck 16 year olds. obviously it's whats sexually appealing but you gotta grow up and realize everyone's got an ego to feed. genuine love is quite a rare thing that does not require physical beauty. plain partners are best partners.

>they just didn't think it out whether that would've led to it not happening or them staying together.

indeed that was the problem.

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It's cool. I get that people can say anything on imgboards and I can take what I dish out (probably more), I just have self respect and don't appreciate my post being written off as girly bs. For the reasons you agree on me with, I think it's logical to criticise that behaviour

I was considering the other party more than him. Submissive people tend to make some bad decisions but they tend to mean really well when they latch onto someone, but who knows who they were I guess

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just try to let them know you're nervous and havn't much experience chatting and meeting people online. I reckon most folks would find that endearing and not mind. A tip is to ask them about their interests and tell them about yours and try to find something you have in common

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Any 514 cuties in here?

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File: 87fa6392fc5e0bf⋯.jpeg (108.56 KB,750x1000,3:4,03707EE2-0E41-4D11-91A0-4….jpeg)

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only thing i get in the map is people 500 miles away, or really scary/entitled dudes who are hurt and confused as to why I'm not marrying them 6 minutes into the conversation.

send help.

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Ive almost met two guys. They both seem like normal people so far. I still talk to themmmmm. Other than that its a bunch of tumbleweeds down in loweeziana :(

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what is the /cuteboys/ zeemaps link?

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an hour is literally nothing

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File: 0171e7687d22a11⋯.jpeg (16.53 KB,474x266,237:133,download.jpeg)




Poster of this thread. I come to this thread from time to time just so I can get a glimpse of what life was like before it went downhill. Before anyone asks, Alex and I are still together, and we're planning on moving in together in August. And he's the only reason I'm alive today.

I was forcefully moved to Utah about a month after posting this. My dad lost his job and we were evicted from the place. We spent about a week going from hotel to hotel before we had to go to Utah to stay with family. For the next two years, I lived in my grandmother's dark basement and never went out because I had hit rock bottom. I even contemplated taking my own life, but the thought of how that would affect Alex kept me from doing it. After some wild attempts to do cryptocurrency trading, my dad eventually got a job to support ourselves financially. During this whole time, I only got to see Alex a handful of times. He drove out 12 hours just to see me. I still can't believe he did that for me. I didn't have a car so I couldn't do the same in return, but I did take a Greyhound out to his place (would not recommend). That's when I posted >>352386 . Anyways, when my dad got a job, we were finally able to move back and I was with Alex once again. Things were looking up. Then COVID hit and the stress of California's lock down regulations was getting in between my father and I. I made the choice to move to on-campus housing at my university. Given the times, it wasn't really worth it. Without getting too personal with the finances, I don't make enough money from my part-time job to pay off rent, so now I'm thousands of dollars in debt. And with the halt on evictions ending next month, I'm not sure what I'll do. I know I should've gotten financial aid, but my dad promised me that our new crypto business would be up and running a while ago and he would help out. I naively believed him and didn't seek aid until it was too late. And to make matters worse, I put my name on a truck that my dad used, only for it to be taken away because he couldn't make the payments. I'm seeking aid now, but I don't know if the money will come in time.

I miss these times. They were much simpler. I was looking forward to my future and I had hopes. While I have Alex, there isn't much else I feel I have. The only time I feel at peace is when I'm at his place. In his bed. Stroking his thigh as we fall asleep next to each other. I'm probably going to be fine in a few months, but damn I want out of this hell.

I'm not even sure why I'm posting this here. I just need to vent I guess.

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I'm sorry anon, tough times don't last, tough people do.

Hope the best for you and Alex

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Last time I added myself here about 3 years ago someone found me and I've been trying to live it down ever since.

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but tha anon doesnt have a flag next to their name, you know what that means? hey must live in international waters, I dont know about you but I probably couldnt swim for 15 minuted let alon an hour, id get cramps and then my tummy would feel bad ;~;

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