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/cute/ - Cute/2D

Cuteness is our specialty!

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Let's imagine a world where whites (French, Germs, Scandi and Anglos) as a civilization would be without appropriating culture, technology and riches from other people's.

Which means:

No contact with the Roman Republic/Empire and China

No crusades

No Judeo-Christian religions

No discovery of the new world

No colonization of Africa

No establishments of chiefdom beyond Germania Magna (No Italian, French, Iberian and African dynasties).

Celts still populate most of Europe in this timeline

Also remember that whites before contact with Rome had no literature or construction capabilities beyond wooden buildings. They did have Bronze Age weapons, though. Starting year: 200 B.C. (before first Roman interventions in Gaul because they wouldn't stop cuteing each other)

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File: 2c0e131889eeea2⋯.jpg (132.94 KB,683x580,683:580,e79db4ae42d6a6f8b33032c0a8….jpg)

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