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/cute/ - Cute/2D

Cuteness is our specialty!

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File: 95bbd8ccab2d37e⋯.png (290.69 KB,970x1400,97:140,Hourou_Musuko_-_Chapter_10….png)

File: c1a31713b7dd84d⋯.png (265.04 KB,970x1400,97:140,Hourou_Musuko_-_Chapter_10….png)

File: 268afffca867b72⋯.png (188.96 KB,970x1400,97:140,Hourou_Musuko_-_Chapter_11….png)

File: 9002f0319ea01f9⋯.png (218.14 KB,970x1400,97:140,Hourou_Musuko_-_Chapter_12….png)


Really, no manga thread? Pathetic.

Recently read through Hourou Musuko and loved it, mc is this girly-boy crossdresser who's straight, has a gay friend, a tomboy friend, a bully friend, etc and just follows their lives from primary to high school. It was surprisingly mature and kept the lewd at a tasteful minimum. It was the cutest one I've read so far, largely because it didn't turn into harem nonsense. I also really like the simple artstyle. Ending was a bit retarded but overall very moe.

Also read through Ranma 1/2, very fresh humor and some super cute scenes. Currently going through Ichigo 100% which is drawn well but the plots terribly generic harem stuff. Anyway I need more, post whatever ya got.

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File: 627aeac36e9b493⋯.jpg (95.76 KB,726x1129,726:1129,ran1.jpg)

File: 5645422ff3a0920⋯.jpg (96.64 KB,726x1129,726:1129,ran2.jpg)

File: 66686db860929e4⋯.gif (251.28 KB,200x185,40:37,data.gif)

File: c5ab6c9fff11fbc⋯.jpg (180.66 KB,800x1187,800:1187,Ranma_1_2_-_Chapter_227_-_….jpg)

File: 3bdf79ccb6d7261⋯.jpg (151.76 KB,800x1202,400:601,Ranma_1_2_-_Chapter_227_-_….jpg)

Some cuteness from Ranma 1/2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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