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/cute/ - Cute/2D

Cuteness is our specialty!

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File: dc37b8ae6e0a74a⋯.png (270.2 KB,706x412,353:206,47c91de83f634c83fdb6fe2f10….png)


>Winner of the 60rd Attention-Hungry Games


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File: b22351815564fa5⋯.gif (132.46 KB,500x370,50:37,b22351815564fa53820202959b….gif)

That's because Codemonkey is lazy and often forgets to change it.

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File: 33d32ebb68565aa⋯.jpg (307.29 KB,1800x1900,18:19,282498e9528bf84d0cfb20191a….jpg)


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File: c3b957388ecda28⋯.jpg (288.55 KB,701x1000,701:1000,1450539756511.jpg)

Congrats /cute/

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It's not lazy, it's intentional.

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File: 3695aafe036d5a0⋯.jpg (15.56 KB,316x364,79:91,IMG_20181115_090214_026.jpg)

Good job baby!!

I'm happy for you!!

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File: 33aed3d9adf04b7⋯.jpg (465.33 KB,900x636,75:53,1523584673846.jpg)

I wish /cute/ become more alive

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