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/cute/ - Cute/2D

Cuteness is our specialty!

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File: 1392403841280.jpg (219.89 KB,575x800,23:32,f0ec3663407d449983b8d46da5….jpg)


Happy valentines day, /cute/!
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File: 1392431343675.jpg (58.68 KB,363x640,363:640,1352408160722.jpg)

Hey hey! Happy Valentine's Day to you too.
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How was your Valentine's Day? Mine was quiet, but nice.
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File: 1392527979345.png (844.7 KB,912x1080,38:45,1362451595138.png)

It wasn't bad.

Took it pretty easy.
And ya know, taking it easy is rarely a bad thing.

I'm glad yours was good!
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No chocolate

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