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File: 1391240069894.png (482.83 KB,795x589,795:589,Mikan.PNG)


I thought I'd share this VN in case some of you don't know about it.

While it is ero it's artwork and female characters, consisting primarily of things that look like 10 year old girls, are quite cute.
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File: 1391256984688.png (479.47 KB,800x600,4:3,EV_MIK_E1003.png)

It's fine to post ero here as long as it's not super lewd!

Wanko is a nice game though, one of the first few VNs I read.
Which route did you like the most?

It's weird how few loli VNs are translated

There's a lot of great untranslated stuff but it's a hassle when my Japanese still isn't so great.
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File: 1391257041480.jpg (319.58 KB,800x600,4:3,FGKW06B.jpg)

If you ever bother to learn Japanese Kud Wafter is a nice LB spin off
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File: 1391257094709.jpg (341.85 KB,800x600,4:3,HGKW01fa.jpg)

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File: 1414103352900.jpg (170.17 KB,800x600,4:3,0038.jpg)

Not OP, but Mikan's story was my overall favorite. I only recently finished the game and I have to say it was one of my favorites. The art is great and the OST is incredible. Definitely worth the play-time.
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404 fix!!

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