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/cute/ - Cute/2D

Cuteness is our specialty!

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File: 1391068962490.png (1.36 MB,800x1120,5:7,1264313884758.png)


can we have a cute sailormoon thread?

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File: 1391069046092.jpg (831.53 KB,780x1100,39:55,1390095740987.jpg)

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File: 1391069211032.png (24.89 KB,500x400,5:4,1390722471545.png)

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File: 1422589121988.jpg (530.99 KB,524x744,131:186,Bishoujo.Senshi.Sailor.Moo….jpg)

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File: 1432216533285.png (228.14 KB,540x402,90:67,tumblr_noar0wmy2N1qckaxpo1….png)

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File: 1432230101940.jpg (326.61 KB,1000x894,500:447,43841224_p0.jpg)

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File: 1433911374274.jpg (418.4 KB,1144x1600,143:200,04.jpg)

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File: 1454192449326.jpg (252.62 KB,600x640,15:16,7b4cdf840990ef31489289b163….jpg)

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So that's what moe means!

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File: 1238038843e3e63⋯.jpg (562.58 KB,1000x1500,2:3,Tsukino.Usagi.full.2032977.jpg)

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