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/cute/ - Cute/2D

Cuteness is our specialty!

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File: 8c9db4262485b1a⋯.webm (816.65 KB,640x360,16:9,empty park gondola.webm)


>tfw no /cute/ daughter

I just want to raise a young girl to be compassionate and demure.

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File: 1e6e70900324b29⋯.jpg (46.62 KB,720x386,360:193,045.jpg)

I will never have a daughter like Tsumugi.

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File: bf2d8d8beedd509⋯.jpg (243.51 KB,1114x609,1114:609,131934303459.jpg)

I just wanna raise a cute daughter with kindness and headpats. I'd be a happy man.

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File: a801f6fd8ff0105⋯.png (396.42 KB,598x1021,598:1021,b9e57ee68536fbbbd4a8584ca0….png)

As I get older, anime just turns into a series of would raise/10. Even the strange ones.

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File: cd3b0c96c2c1054⋯.jpg (51.78 KB,980x531,980:531,001.jpg)

File: 73d97a75f73a98a⋯.png (718.73 KB,1034x531,1034:531,002.png)


I only do this to the primary/elementary school aged ones.

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File: ff35c3f4049537a⋯.png (341.23 KB,550x420,55:42,087 shit.png)


>I only do this to the

Ah, shit…

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File: a4bf4cf0d1618d5⋯.png (422.23 KB,432x536,54:67,a4bf4cf0d1618d5493d6d3f30c….png)


I even get the feeling up to 1st years if they're chuuni enough.

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