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/cute/ - Cute/2D

Cuteness is our specialty!

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File: 1427064209501.jpg (618.76 KB,687x980,687:980,48159760_p0.jpg)


How easy is everyone taking it lately? I'm taking it very easy, with Shirobako!
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File: 1427663742498.jpg (273.08 KB,1370x1308,685:654,47750360_p0.jpg)

Just watched pic related from left to right. Definitely will watch Shirobako soon.
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File: 1430651855090.png (584.41 KB,1188x1095,396:365,34466893.png)

Just finished A-Channel, it was cute and comfy. The 2 best thing in the world.

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File: 1431108297290.jpg (771 KB,1920x1339,1920:1339,7972036.jpg)

Watching Ichigo Mashimaro. I'm not sure if my heart can take this level of cuteness.

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