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Cuteness is our specialty!

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File: 1389344415980.jpg (226.86 KB,975x1137,325:379,okuu butt.jpg)


You're going to get a glass of water, when an Okuu butt gets in your way. What do you do?
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File: 1389700080605.jpg (275.73 KB,596x900,149:225,1336353622014.jpg)

I'd slap okuu's butt!

Now the question is, what is SHE gonna do?
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Okuu butt slap-a-slap slap~.
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File: 1389991269433.jpg (251.56 KB,642x789,214:263,1362330938392.jpg)

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>Look to the side while walking around.

>Maybe say "excuse me" while bumping from the last page.

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