Don't worry about having to censor yourself here. This place is all about free speech and having the right to call everyone else a faggot whose opinions are dumb and that you have superior taste Even though you don't. Me on the other hand I have impeccable taste
Anyways to answer your questions:
1. Your body doesn't lose interest in the woman you're with. What happens is that when a man is introduced to a new sexual partner the man gains more sexual energy than normal. It's a survival instinct bred into us from ancient times. During times when human population was low the men who were able to outbreed other men and get several women pregnant at once were the ones to have their genes passed on.
2. Marriage in many places is shit nowadays for a man. It favors the woman to the extreme and I can not in good conscious recommend it. However nonetheless I do recommend having a long, even lifelong, relationship with someone. Just so long as it's not legally binding. Of course there are other reasons to get married, but those reasons are highly place specific. I could give you American reasons but I'm pretty sure you're not from a native english speaking country, no offense.
3. As for time management, it's not so bad really. Most people that post on this board are of the older variety so we only have work to worry about and higher education, if any, has already been completed. Not only that but it's usually the woman in the relationship that goes pussy-hunting for her man, usually from close sources such as: Friends, Coworkers, or in some cases even Family. This leaves the Man and the Quean time enough to enjoy themselves with a nice Vixen of their choice.