Personally I can be a bit of a switch on rare occasions but I'm almost always sexually dominant. The idea of being some cuckold couples tool is a huge turn off. Don't get me wrong I wish them both all the luck in the world in fulfilling their fantasies, YOLO etc. But I won't be their instrument. And even if I met the wife independently and was super attracted to her, and only discovered she was in a relationship just prior to fucking her – I sure as hell wouldn't be down to be in the same room as the guy. Nor would I leave a creampie for the sick bastard to slurp out of the bitch later. Unless she was letting me knock her up or something awesome like that in which case fuck it. And I would need to be CONVINCED that she really was letting me get her no-strings-attached prego and not just making that up as an excuse to trick me into leaving her a pie after I told her I didn't want to. I know its probably impolite not to leave a creampie for a cuckold couple to bond over later, but fuck just thinking about getting involved in their fetish is making me feel sick. Seriously, leave that to the bi guys who probably would really enjoy it. But as for me… ugh.
Now like I said I have the ability (though very seldomly the inclination) to switch and see things from a male-subspace perspective. Now if I were a total cuck I imagine I would be thrilled to see my domme getting schlonged by some guy, especially if she was humiliating me at the same time. But not as much in the compersive sense as in the humiliation sense. For a male, your partner cheating on you cuts so much deeper because you can end up raising some other males kid. We evolved to eschew the thought of raising another mans children so it cuts like knives to think of your wife doing that to you, and then throwing it right in your face. I think its a very different kind of thing in some ways., cuckolding and cuckqueaning. Because of our different evolved mating strategies, each sex is going to feel different about being cheated on by their husband/wife.
So I'm not sure "cuckold couples x cuckquean couples are a match made in heaven" is really true. They both want different things in a vixen or bull. The only thing I could see that might draw them together is their interest in finding partners to cuck their submissive with, and the difficulty they have in finding such partners otherwise.