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/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 433b5eb6aff7dba⋯.png (235.64 KB, 1234x502, 617:251, sent into exile.png)

File: e4366b93ae016ec⋯.png (157.16 KB, 998x412, 499:206, kraut shuts it down.png)

File: fdb9f9eea834c65⋯.png (51.31 KB, 914x680, 457:340, red across the board.png)

File: 0c81dab3a8e1506⋯.png (51.09 KB, 1130x624, 565:312, there goes the money.png)

6ee312 No.302539





In short, Kraut deleted everything and left the internet after his weird internet cult was found out.


All his tweets, videos and posts have been wiped.

His subs are in free fall, he's currently lost over 6,000 of them in the past month and his patreon has halved.

This is truly the end.

How does it feel that he's gone, /cow/? This was certainly an climatic end to Kraut's several month autism raid against the "alt-right".

e78cb6 No.302552


>How does it feel that he's gone, /cow/?

He's not gone. Just hiding in the shadows for now https://imgur.com/a/xT8BH

6ee312 No.302556


>I need to get a job

>I just wanted it all to stop

Holy shit, did it finally happen? Did a lolcow actually gain self-awareness and realize that he's acting like an autistic fucking child?

85187f No.302560


He's really (((cryptic))) with the linkedin url's linking to CoachRedPill he's posting.

Academics, please attack.

6b6264 No.302571


I knew this shit was going to happen. This faggot only knows how to double-down over and over. Remember that all he ever needed to do was apologize (as a real apology) and stop the bullshit.

Well, if he's going to keep at it, what else can we do? I'm pretty sure his entire reputation (both personally and as an "intellectual") is completely destroyed. I can't imagine any dirt being as bad as the cuckoldry, nipple clamps, and dildos stuff we've got so far. If someone STILL doesn't feel shame and defeat after that, then I don't know what else to do.

That's the problem with these psychopaths like Kraut and Zeph. They literally feel no emotional connections and seem to be completely unphased by anything. The only thing that matters is their ego.

e78cb6 No.302584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeff "There is no IQ debate" Holiday is apparently apologizing. Can't be assed to watch the whole hour long video. But he uploaded it to his second channel, not his main channel, he's disabled all comments like a faggot and crying about how he's been doxed. So just at a first glance it seems he's full of shit and not sorry at all.

4d0fae No.302585


Kraut did nufing wrong

He has to come back

d6722c No.302586


>kraut is german

Wrong. He's a kike at best.

>kraut was done with being called nazi

Yet he ran a Facebook page and posted pro-nazi images.

Already lying. with in 4 minutes.

6b6264 No.302587


>Yet he ran a Facebook page and posted pro-nazi images.

There's no connection between that facebook page and kraut besides having the same username "the germans are coming". Considering the material is completely inconsistent with the views he had on his forum posts and as his modern persona, I'd say it's just a coincidence.

da4808 No.302589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hooo boy. Somebody seems to be guilty of racketeering.

d6722c No.302590


Sure Kraut. Just a coincidence.

a97b4c No.302593

File: 57b472337fe45e1⋯.jpeg (192.97 KB, 1242x1212, 207:202, image.jpeg)

What did Gonzalo mean by this?

e78cb6 No.302599



God I wish this sperg would jump off a bridge already. He keeps derailing shit with his cringy behavior and trying to make everything about him.

a97b4c No.302600

File: 857a8b58b755bf5⋯.jpeg (115.87 KB, 1242x568, 621:284, image.jpeg)

File: b356e756b44649b⋯.jpeg (47.55 KB, 1160x305, 232:61, image.jpeg)

File: 0c176817cebbc30⋯.jpeg (61.22 KB, 1242x389, 1242:389, image.jpeg)


Turns out Gonzalo is purging some of the negative comments too. I called him a blackpilling con and he deleted it. How long til this guy gets his own thread?

58e95e No.302608


>>kraut is german

Kraut sounds South African.

Im English and I talk to a lot of Germans for my work and he doesnt sound German.

a97b4c No.302610



I thought that at first until I saw that Thomas the train with the railroad gun image that has been found on his Twitter, one of the forums and on that Kikeberg account

da4808 No.302612


Kraut is actually Austrian.

6b6264 No.302613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Sargon: "lying by omission is the worst form of lie a person can tell!"


6b6264 No.302616


After we've reduced the skeptic community to… ashes. Then you have my permission to go after Coach Blackpill

But seriously, he's a lolcow in waiting, but let's not lose sight of the target here. We're trying to crash the skeptic community with no survivors. The skeptics like sargon are trying to deflect interest away from them and toward CRP, who is cringey but irrelevant to what's going on right now. After they're gone THEN we can focus on him.


The dude is 50% anglo and 25% kike. People need to stop calling him german.

58e95e No.302619

File: d9f4f3bf63949f2⋯.jpg (308.2 KB, 922x519, 922:519, 37990e906abf0dcdba32bca9b2….jpg)


>The skeptics like sargon are trying to deflect interest away from them and toward CRP

I think its more about personal relationships.

Sargon and Kraut are friends. He is guilty by association because a lot of Krauts legitimacy came from his friendship with Sargoy.

If this was anyone else Sargon would be doing multiple hit pieces on them and trashing their reputation. But since its his close friend he first tried to play down the issue. When that didnt work hes trying to turn the attention against easier targets like coach red pill.

This is what teenage girls do in their school relationship dramas.

6d9ef9 No.302622


He fakes his accent to sound more intellectual

8ef8d9 No.302623

File: 10db121cd25a7f9⋯.png (297.36 KB, 422x482, 211:241, dindu_movie.png)


shit video, do you have a summary of this mess?

42a0ee No.302624

6d9ef9 No.302626


Oh fuck this is good

85187f No.302628


RIP Sargon

Who's next?

bb3bae No.302629


Whats the context?

6b6264 No.302632


context is the Candid debacle where they all went full-on (((Shut It Down))) because Harmful Opinions wasn't toeing the SkepticTM line and circle the wagons.

But besides that, the point here is that we have Sargoy claiming that lies of omission are the worst form of lying. And yet, in this current situation Sargon has been lying by omission this entire time because he bailed out and kept his mouth shut even though he knew the whole time about Kraut's doxing server.

And then when Jim pushed him on it directly, he stammered and directly lied and said he didn't know nuffin before awkwardly running away and leaving the stream with some bullshit excuse, even though he had only hopped on the stream a few minutes earlier.

baeeef No.302635


Only after Sargon goes. And also Vee, Holiday and all of his other lackeys. By by the looks of it, we won't even need to do anything about him, he is self-destructing in the process.

6b6264 No.302637


I don't think Vee is at all involved, based on what we know. He's just an annoying sycophantic lapdog to daddy sargoy. An Igor to his Dr. Frankenstein. Don Sargon sends his little footsoldier out to do the petty attacks while Sargon gets to sit back and look "principled" from afar.

I swear to god, the "skeptic community" operates like a crime family.

baeeef No.302638


We dont need to actively go after Vee, i guess, but we need to destroy the social structure in he is set into. Internet communities really are very interesting sociological constructs.

And yes, this is straight up mafia tactics, the lower-ranked members sacrifice themselves in order for the boss, even though defined in a rather descentralized manner, is protected.

6b6264 No.302639

File: ba816970f39f871⋯.png (65.2 KB, 892x498, 446:249, pol vs e celebs.png)


Exactly. Look at the way Sargon brought up how he was going to record the call when talking to Kraut, and then made sure to say several times that he condones his SJW tactics. It's like two mafiosi talking on a phone they know is bugged. It's like he's making the tape just to try to make it look like he isn't involved. And yet for some reason everyone keeps talking to Sargoy through backdoor channels with everything they do for direction and approval? It stinks to high heaven.

This whole thing just once again shows you that communities built around e-celebs always fail whereas anonymous collectives are impossible to destroy, at least easily.

6d9ef9 No.302640


>the "skeptic community" operates like a crime family.

I was just thinking that

They're like a little internet mafia

baeeef No.302641


I dont know, man. Even amongst e-celeb communities, this one looks specially dissimulated.

The alt-kike (except TRS i guess) might be a retarded controlled opposition program, but at least they don't act this retarded.

6b6264 No.302642



Look at Candid

Look at the Kraut situation

Look at how they all tried to blame Zeph at first

Then Habeeb went on as a sacrificial lamb saying that it was only him and no one else

Then everyone tried to say it was JUST Kraut

Then it was JUST Kraut and Jeff Holiday

Look at how both Vee and Sargon start attacking CRP and trying to shift the story to be about some sleazy literally-who

Look at how everyone seems to go for Sargon's approval on everything.

At 18 minutes in the Kraut/Sargon file:

>Sargon: For some reason the alt-right think I'm involved in this, or something?

>Kraut scoffs

>Sargon: I'm sure you can attest that I'm not involved with what's going on here.

>Kraut: No…No…That's the thing…I…I..Kind of…I specifically told you, if I remember correctly, that I will not pull you into this.

Like, what the fuck is this shit? No solid proof of anything, but it's painfully obvious what's going on here to anyone with half a brain.

a97b4c No.302643


Vee is just the shabbos goy in all of this. Sargon and Holiday need to be the focus, Vee is irrelevant

6b6264 No.302644


Well the thing with the "alt right" (using the term broadly, as in internet white nationalists) is that all the culture/ideas/memes/etc come from imageboards, and the other venues are just "outgrowths" from /pol/. They might have their own slight differences in culture and everything else, but /pol/ is and always will be the heart of internet white nationalism.

compare that to the skeptics, where they have no hivemind collective at the heart. They might have their acolytes shitting up some forums and imageboards here and there, but it's almost completely 100% focused on a small handful of incestuous e-celebs and the people who follow them.

baeeef No.302645


>oy vey, we need to take down the rotschilds, but leave the rockefellers alone!!!

Yeah, no, Vee.

6d9ef9 No.302646


The problem with Vee is that we have nothing on him

For now he's just being Sargon's lapdog

a97b4c No.302647


Well maybe not completely irrelevant, but less of a target than Sargon and Holiday, at least in my opinion. All of these Skeptics (tm) need dealt with eventually, along with Gonzalo

baeeef No.302648



It's what we said in >>302638

We need to take down the structure in which he is set in, aka the septic community.

cc58d8 No.302649


tell it to me straight, just how autistic are you? you certified? that fucking image, ROFL, jesus. I knew 8/pol/ was a autism feedback loop, but god damn.

maybe i should start lurking that right wing thread. you speds got it way too easy.

1f8ce4 No.302650


Vee isn't the Rockefellers. He is just a gypsy with an annoying voice that is only relevant because of Sargon.

a97b4c No.302651


Judging by the things Jim has been looking through to prepare for his video, we can be pretty sure that Sargon won't get through his Kraut series completely unscathed at least. If Sargon is hurt, all Septics are

6b6264 No.302652


S+++ rank on my tism test, my dude.

6b6264 No.302653


and Sargon has a bad habit of being petty and always needing to respond whenever he's provoked. This will, of course, just dig himself a deeper hole. And just shitposting and calling him out will trigger him to start making more responses against "the alt right, right-wing SJWs!!!" which will just lead to more ridicule, more blowback, and further hemorrhaging of viewers

baeeef No.302654


Seems like a good plan.

381eea No.302655


I’m looking forward to the Jim vs. Sargon War. Of course Jim will win for two big reasons.

1. Nobody actually knows who Jim is. But we all know who Sargon aka Carl (((Benjamin))) is.

2. Jim has proven time and time again that none of this drama shit actually matters to him. It’s entertainment while Sargon is going to treat a video on him from Jim like the sirens are blaring and he needs to get to that bunker NOW.

6b6264 No.302656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's also the fact that Sargon and the rest of the skeptic e-celebs are the reason GG failed, and Jim holds them all directly responsible. So not only is this a great lolcow right now, but it's Jim's revenge from three fucking years ago.

6d9ef9 No.302657

So is Jim going to release videos daily or do we have to wait more for his part 2?

c2c87b No.302658


He said he's going to release them every other day

7cad5c No.302659


He said on twitter every other day, next video comes tomorrow

b2f63d No.302660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, don't forget the response.

>I say this from a position of deep affection…

539d68 No.302662

File: 3d695e2787e3b00⋯.png (188.04 KB, 279x316, 279:316, 3d695e2787e3b007c082dfeedd….png)


Did you just say 'sped' because you saw Jim use it in a tweet?

cd890c No.302663



Has anyone sent this to Jim yet? This is too gold to not include in a video.

6d9ef9 No.302664


>I say this from a position of deep affection…

But he does

Deep affection for his patreon shekels :^)

baeeef No.302665


Haven't given up yet, Vee?

Your community's gonna collapse, with no survivors. :^)

baeeef No.302666


Oh way, i'm a retard. brb gonna kill myself.

6d9ef9 No.302667



Why would vee poke fun at his master, retard?

cc58d8 No.302668


could you be any newer

938040 No.302669

File: a412644adfe9325⋯.png (19.51 KB, 1107x100, 1107:100, shoshu.png)

File: 2f2129f9b3b718c⋯.png (677.29 KB, 788x883, 788:883, shoshu1.png)

42a0ee No.302670


Anyone? Academics?!

6d9ef9 No.302671


I don't have a twatter, but somebody should definitely send him

Even if Jim mentions this only briefly i'm sure we would have a delicious spergy reaction from the fat fuck

cd890c No.302672


>Even if Jim mentions this only briefly i'm sure we would have a delicious spergy reaction from the fat fuck

Something like this could easily sink Sargon. He tries to defend himself by saying he wasn't directly involved with the server but then there's a video describing how lying by omission is the worst thing you can possibly do. It's like night and day.

b2f63d No.302673

File: 62024d896b0b985⋯.png (432.54 KB, 680x798, 340:399, 1513969150456.png)

42a0ee No.302675


If we get Jim to see it.

381eea No.302676


Jim knows about /cow/ and I think at least 3 people have probably sent him this as of this post.

42a0ee No.302677


I hope so. Jim just needs to kick in the door and the whole rotten Skeptic community will come crashing down.

6d9ef9 No.302678


I don't think it would sink him, he could easily twist things his way and his fanboys would eat it up, but it would be a well deserved blow

6d9ef9 No.302679

baeeef No.302680


Oh, he certainly will, but then they as a community would have lost all credibility.

6b6264 No.302681


It'll be one of those things where we won't see him go instantly down in flames like Kraut/Jeff, but it will be a major blow to his credibility that will accelerate his decline into irrelevancy.

cd890c No.302682


>It'll be one of those things where we won't see him go instantly down in flames like Kraut/Jeff, but it will be a major blow to his credibility that will accelerate his decline into irrelevancy.

Not only that but it'll cause people to not trust him and to not see him as sincere when he starts talking about how immoral someone else is or how they're evil liars when he's exactly like them when push comes to shove. He can't be le_principled skeptic anymore. Without that Sargon doesn't have much draw to his videos.

39c7af No.302683

almost 100k views on Jim's video and there are still 5 hours left before its been a day. Hope this incentivizes him to do a deep look at everyone involved in this very jewish conspiracy

6b6264 No.302684


How many views in one day does something need to get to become trending?

3d15ef No.302685


Chances are, Youtube's blacklisted Jim from whatever algorithm decides which videos are trending.

156e45 No.302686

File: 911bab010c379f1⋯.png (305.14 KB, 507x553, 507:553, 1389809894659.png)


This is why I can't hate Coach Black & Blue Pill.

His autism knocks him up a few points from Douchebag to Laughable Buffoon.

He's the ultimate sideshow.

baeeef No.302688

File: 33d0a17e298dfa0⋯.png (2.74 KB, 215x76, 215:76, TzWQSXe.png)

Can't be a coincidence.

539d68 No.302690

File: 5a64c064fb046db⋯.jpg (53.84 KB, 636x473, 636:473, excuse me sir wtf are you ….JPG)

File: 74f7b75a693b24c⋯.jpg (62.44 KB, 636x499, 636:499, sir you've embarrassed you….JPG)

File: ee391008bd176f0⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 633x363, 211:121, sir it's not a nazi, it's ….JPG)

File: d88234aa919ff4a⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 633x180, 211:60, ok sir, come with us, we'l….JPG)


I love the completely transparent attempts to manipulate things even though he thinks he's being sneaky about it.

I love the cringy boomerposting type of stuff like /smirk or signing his tweets "CRP"

I love his completely ridiculous overly-dramatic phrasing.

He's such a retarded goofball. I wonder how bad he is at poker.

6ba36f No.302691


Kraut's patreon only discord get it while its hot.

a97b4c No.302692

File: 730f0960b2ea2e1⋯.jpeg (138.51 KB, 1219x1209, 1219:1209, image.jpeg)

>power politics

Remember this is what Gonzalo and Sargon talked about when they ran into each other IRL. Will he make an even bigger ass of himself?

dd0d06 No.302693

File: 0a9020a317aabae⋯.png (201.53 KB, 741x639, 247:213, aoi.png)


Already it's a gem.

ab2c32 No.302694



>stop calling him German

this is your brain on American

6b6264 No.302695


>the only way that it'll upset anyone is if they watch it

whoa… so this… is the power… of skepticism…

39c7af No.302697


skeptics seem to really love ignoring stuff that goes against their narrative. Just like the people they used to criticize. hmmmm

58e95e No.302698


>Look at how both Vee and Sargon start attacking CRP and trying to shift the story to be about some sleazy literally-who

I had 4 videos in my feed attacking CRP, from different accounts that hadnt even covered the Kraut fiasco.

This smells the same as the GameJournosPro group who did the gamers are dead articles. Trying to coordinate the narrative from behind the scenes.

0adaea No.302700


No. He still thinks he's right about everything except giving dox to that gay LARPer and laughing at Aydin, as far as I can tell.

dd0d06 No.302701

>there are people that think kraut didnt du nuffin

0adaea No.302703



Its also about shekels. Going up against JF and RF has proven bad for business, so they want to move on, but also want to julay the whole thing for money, so they're leading their audience onto 'the next big thing'.

Its so fucking blatant, I'd actually feel bad if I had 50,000 19 year olds following me and I was just leading them around by the nose for patreonbux. I'm such a pussy.

0adaea No.302704


>leaving the stream with some bullshit excuse

He's also done this when talking to Millennial Woes. Twice.

cc167e No.302705

Hang on imma go change my discord email before I get doxxxxed.

6b6264 No.302706

File: b604bc1684e6020⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 1655x237, 1655:237, kraut server targets.jpg)

>we were just debunking argume-

cd890c No.302707


>guy is told "this is going to leak" months before it does

>rather than close the whole shit down just renames the rooms so it sounds less bad

It's like the guy was just begging for this to happen

6b6264 No.302710


As you can tell from literally every action he's taken over the past year, he's not exactly a bright person.

6ba36f No.302711


The best part Is I didn't even have to give him money, since I used patreon glitch.

0adaea No.302712


This entire story centered around me brother CRP

cd890c No.302714

File: 7b8eca4d8b5eaff⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 1200x711, 400:237, DRrXzihVoAAHhl1.jpg)

Jim just tweeted this

6b6264 No.302715


What's the ball pit reference anyway?

cc167e No.302716

I'm amazed at how every day something new gets sprung up that's equally as funny as yesterday.

cd890c No.302717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a reference to Dashcon

cc167e No.302718


>Missing Styx and his strippers

6d9ef9 No.302719



faefad No.302720


>He doesn't know about Dash*Con

You are in for a treat. Start here by watching this video >>302717

TL;DW It was an unofficial "Tumblr Convention" run by a bunch of people who never organized anything before. It was a predictable disaster.

0af495 No.302721

File: cd675b886e82b6f⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 389x279, 389:279, 1395428014739.gif)


>what made you dress up as the prime minister of israel?

a97b4c No.302724

File: 7ae076f12e4f43c⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1217x733, 1217:733, traphammer.PNG)


>implying Styx isn't the stripper

53609c No.302729


Kraut's personal Dickcord server

9db9e5 No.302730

File: b4c22427909422b⋯.jpg (61.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)

>disregards things for perceiving them as math

Is Kraut the ultimate brainlet?

39c7af No.302731


anything good on it?

53609c No.302732


Commies and one of Kraut's fanboys but that's about it

Other than Kraut himself who will come online eventually

cc167e No.302733


Nothing really other than making fun of Trout Kraut's fanboys.

39c7af No.302735

man it's kind of wild searching through kraut on youtube with latest videos and seeing all these nobodies doing reaction videos on it. Ego is a hell of a drug


wait it was open? wow lol

6b6264 No.302736

File: 4fe59ca756c5d19⋯.png (159.77 KB, 838x964, 419:482, JUST MATHS.png)





39c7af No.302737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is this the power of the skeptic community?

4aa504 No.302741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Metokur is on warski again

39c7af No.302743

man you'd think google would make their skype clone less of a piece of shit and new features or something

0af495 No.302744


5 mins and already I can't stand the cringe.

6d9ef9 No.302745


Anything interesting going on in there? i don't want to follow another 3+ hour stream if nothing relevant is going to be in there?

39c7af No.302747

who is the anime girl avatar faggot?

2bfa5b No.302748

File: 7c235c28e09a966⋯.jpg (19.86 KB, 379x272, 379:272, 7c235c28e09a96606695d9af68….jpg)


Please timestamp anything interesting. Warski et al are painful to listen to.

0af495 No.302749


The skeptics are circlejerking about "kekistan" and mocking kraut, basically trying to distance themselves and damage control. Not very interesting really.

4aa504 No.302750


not much. They talked about kraut for a bit, and then got distracted talking about other shit. Then Jim tried to tell them how kekistani shit is cringey but vee is turning it into a discussion on feminism. It keeps looking like it's going to be interesting, and then gets boring

d6722c No.302751


Its just shit talking and laughing at dumb shit.


Vee, a gypsy fuck with a hatred for muh natzees

39c7af No.302752

vee is the sargon cock sucker right?

0af495 No.302753


king cock sucker

39c7af No.302754

that got unbearable. I like jim as much as the next guy but the amount of worship they throw his way is obnoxious

d6722c No.302755


His lapdog yeah.

1caa27 No.302756


That's because they know they might be next.

6b6264 No.302757

File: 21d266ed312b417⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1783x829, 1783:829, kekistan skeptic community.png)


>w-we're not a s-skeptic communit-

a3e6ed No.302758


They all look the same

1f8ce4 No.302759


Licking jim butthole isn't going to make them safer.

0af495 No.302760

jesus wept the dickriding

39c7af No.302763

File: 8e3c07e7105a588⋯.png (310.42 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, faggot.png)

Why do they always pretend to note care or to not have been following anything. thunderfoot did the same thing about the kraut stuff where he claimed oh he was barely aware of it.

cc58d8 No.302765


that furry is so cringey

a97b4c No.302767

File: b7498b75ccd5e43⋯.jpg (94.76 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 2smart.jpg)


You can't remain a radical centrist if you actual take a position on a matter and stand up for it. The skeptic motto: "I don't care"

6b6264 No.302768


It's the bullshit tactics of skepticismTM

>both sides are wrong!

>centrism 4 life!

>have you even read horseshoe theory

>lmao I don't even care

>I don't know nuffin about this!

>btw did I mention I don't care?

>I'm going to make 50 minute videos and make major changes to my personal plans based on this, but trust me, I REALLY don't even care!

It's why, even besides their shitty political opinions, they're all such insufferable cunts that I want to see burn.

cc58d8 No.302770


>i dont know anything about this, but im going to pull out

838b10 No.302771

lmao Vee is damage controlling so hard. constantly trying to deflect to coach cringe pill, saying there isnt a skeptic community that he wasnt even a part of anywayTM, and unironically defending the meme graveyard that is his little circle jerk with sargon. shadilay! praise kekistan! pepe is not a racist neo nazi like that hacker bigot 4chan!

6b6264 No.302772


Every time this faggot gets on it's the same shit. He's literally just a mouthpiece that sargon uses to keep his hands clean.

>h-hey let's talk about irrelevant coach redpill!

>th-that's not doxing! It's only doxing if it's information you can't find without literally hacking accounts!

1f8ce4 No.302773

File: f4199629a0f212a⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 460x276, 5:3, lévy.jpg)


>All those fake laugh

1caa27 No.302774


I don't even know what Sargon did to get Vee to dicksuck for him so hard. To put things in perspective, anyone who grew up in a commie or ex-commie Eastern European country knows about the phenomenon where seemingly normal, boring people have a "friend" who'd they defend to the death despite the fact that that "friend" is a complete piece of shit, however that "friend" once felt altruistic enough to do something to get that guy out of trouble once and back in ye olde communist days you needed as many people on your side as you could, even if that "friend" keeps borrowing money from you without paying back. My dad had a "friend" like that, after my dad died I found out that he lent a lot of money to his "friend" which he of course never paid back until I dug up my dad's AK from the war, came to his house and threatened to first break his legs and then kill him and bury him in a forest 10 kilometers from there.

0b8949 No.302776


Coach is definitely another autist who's outed himself, in a way this whole drama has been great that way (Thanks Kraut, we appreciate the endless autism). I've also been watching (now that the septics have shut up) a whole lot of smaller supposedly "Alt-Right" channels come down screeching they are going to end the moderates once and for all and drive Sargoy off the net. It's fucking amazing to see the spergs on all sides crawling out of the wood works to roll in this shit.

1f8ce4 No.302777


>I don't even know what Sargon did to get Vee to dicksuck for him so hard.

Sargoy has 700000 subscribers. It's in his interest to suck Sargoy's dick in exchange of visibility in the YT recommendations, being part of his livestream, etc…

58db1a No.302778



>making gamergate videos

imagine this is your job

2bfa5b No.302780


sargoy also helped his channel grow when he was starting out

6d9ef9 No.302781


If you watch some of the streams by the skeptic fags, Vee tends to get bullied around by pretty much everyone except Sargoy

0b8949 No.302782

File: f67ed47c1713ebd⋯.jpg (67.72 KB, 680x722, 340:361, Amerimutt.jpg)


>Anons commenting on an accent says its Austrian or German.

>The dude is 50% anglo and 25% kike. People need to stop calling him german.

a97b4c No.302783

File: f278fd5f2f9b3b0⋯.png (27.12 KB, 633x192, 211:64, education in hypocrisy.PNG)

File: d7f4b666397eccd⋯.png (28.11 KB, 630x185, 126:37, assault.PNG)

Has anyone seen this article by Gonzalo that was posted on foxdick Farms from his college days?


baeeef No.302784


>tfw sargon is the highest T male in that pic

And not even the highest T person…

648c65 No.302785


>George "20 million lawsuits" Orangutan is in that pic

I still don't get why the faggot's here.

da4808 No.302786

File: b30edc3a96b16cc⋯.png (43.06 KB, 243x560, 243:560, devil's advocate in the bu….png)

File: dc10020a9d30010⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 459x585, 51:65, fun in the bunker.jpg)


Look who is on the server!

baeeef No.302788


I did, and i didnt see anything incriminating in all of it.

The only shady thing is that he refused to give the economist the site's domain for 1$ as they had previously agreed, instead charging him $5000.

Oh, and he shilled for his own books on amazon through the use of sockpuppets.

The supposed scam he applied on the economist was fake and even the guy admitted that he was mistaken about it.

cd890c No.302789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's posted a video about the sexual harassment that he describes in this article where he explains it more in depth.

The tl;dr of it is that this girl he made out with saw him with someone else and she claimed he sexually harassed her despite having physical evidence to the contrary, which got him kicked out of college.

c7e156 No.302790



I'm satisfied with his video tho

cc58d8 No.302795

File: ff1082f0dd5f2f8⋯.jpg (109.35 KB, 1198x720, 599:360, On.the.Waterfront.1954.720….jpg)


and people think slavs are white

29737f No.302796

File: 80e23164bc3c8bc⋯.jpg (12.55 KB, 250x236, 125:118, 0162 - brHx8eZ.jpg)


I haven't really been following these threads other than what I see on the front page. But having dipped into a couple of streams in the last few days, I'm astonished at how these guys regard Jim. Namely they're afraid of him. Jeff Holliday's "confession" video seemed to have Jim's shit as the tipping point – the hand on his balls that made him cry uncle (though the faggot would probably love that).

Baked Alaska was virtually blowing him in Styx's stream.

Jim has this huge following and he doesn't seem to give a shit about it at all. They all wish badly they had it, I guess. Especially Alaska, who kept talking about his "fans" and "meeting my fans" like he was a fucking rock star or …. something other than a retard with an iPhone and a mullet.

da4808 No.302798


<Kraut left because his Mom got dox.

Bull's eye right here.


That's because they are narcissists and Jim doesn't give a shit and is going to strip mine that shit for salts.

cd890c No.302800


>I haven't really been following these threads other than what I see on the front page. But having dipped into a couple of streams in the last few days, I'm astonished at how these guys regard Jim. Namely they're afraid of him. Jeff Holliday's "confession" video seemed to have Jim's shit as the tipping point – the hand on his balls that made him cry uncle (though the faggot would probably love that).

All of these people are fanboys of Jim. Mostly because of the Gamergate videos he did.

>Jim has this huge following and he doesn't seem to give a shit about it at all

He tends to really dislike it or see it for what it is. Like remember the young pedophile Jonathan Ross was also a huge fanboy of him. If you watch the first livestream that he did a video on, Ross even says "it's an honor that you're here".

6d9ef9 No.302804


>If you watch the first livestream that he did a video on, Ross even says "it's an honor that you're here".

Yeah but even there i don't know how much he was being sincere more than just dicksucking him for fear of being his next target

dd0d06 No.302805

File: 20271bc04cd9466⋯.png (90.01 KB, 275x250, 11:10, 20271bc04cd946686ff183d683….png)


That's because Jim is a neutral party that has no ties to the "alt-right", Skeptics™, or any online community really. Not only that, but his fans will make memes out of all the shit the people he exposed did and relentlessly fuck with those people and their fans until there's nothing left. A beautiful sight to behold, really.

cd890c No.302806


I somewhat think he was being sincere. Imagine if Jim suddenly appeared in some call you were having with your friends.

cd890c No.302807


Jim is also not loyal to anyone. Like he doesn't regularly post on any boards or have any real sacred cows. As a result you can try to defend yourself as much as possible to him but it's not like he'll care about it.

2bfa5b No.302808

File: d8f9d27c92c4a29⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 576x576, 1:1, 6d9415b3fd3eeb395dd0e1c824….jpg)


Hard to imagine having friends.

I got the sense that ross wanted to be a cow, wanted the attention and that yeah, he likes jims work


>no sacred cows

That we are aware of.

cd890c No.302809


>I got the sense that ross wanted to be a cow

I somewhat doubt that given how much he tried to downplay what he did and almost immediately after Jim's video he did the febreeze drinking stream

>That we are aware of.

I remember someone asked if he'd ever talk about something that he's personally into sexually on Deviants and he said when he'd get to it he'd own up to it.

539d68 No.302810

File: 5daf5f646e707a5⋯.jpg (125.15 KB, 1064x720, 133:90, 5daf5f646e707a528d93dbb498….jpg)


>young confused relative has recently come out as "transgender"

This propaganda aimed at kids sexual lives really shits me.

dd0d06 No.302811



f6d4d4 No.302816


>almost immediately after Jim's video he did the febreeze drinking stream

You don't think that's consistent with wanting to be a cow?

cd890c No.302819


>You don't think that's consistent with wanting to be a cow?

No I think it's consistent with someone you admire and look up to shattering your self esteem to the point where you get absurdly depressed and near-suicidal. He already got attention I don't see him intentionally drinking a harmful substance on purpose while he's at the peak of people paying attention to him. I see that occurring later on down the line when nobody cares like Shoenice.

9db9e5 No.302824


Is the stunning goddess in the bottom right Lizz?

cd890c No.302827


The guy with the watch and bracelets, and the black guy look like they're looking directly at her in the image. Like their expression is "what the fuck is her problem?"

520480 No.302829


Where did kekistan even come from, is it a 4/pol/ thing? I remember meme worship of the Egyptian god Kek was really big on 8/pol/ around the time of the election and HWNDU season 1 but that was about it.

539d68 No.302830


She probably had her dick out.

f6d4d4 No.302831


It's unusual for a man to attempt suicide by poison. And such an inept choice of "poison"? That seems like a cry for attention to me.

21b961 No.302832


It is Sargon and the septics psy-op, to ruin Pepe.

3f574a No.302834


Iirc its a meme Sargon started, there was some cucked law in the UK that granted "oppressed people of peace" protection over something that I can't recall and Sargon sent it to the site taking suggestions and other peaceful individuals. They accepted it without research cause it sounded sand niggerish enough. Unfortunately a lot of the memes and symbols and other things already found by /pol/ via Esoteric Kekism/meme magic threads was appropriated by the "Kekistanis".

eb2304 No.302835


Ever seen that image where:

>4chan makes gold

>reddit discovers it and the gold turns to shit

>9gag comes along and eats the shit off the floor


Same thing essentially happened with Kek/Pepe

a97b4c No.302836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have a race-mixing gutterpunk explain it to you

d78da3 No.302837


Vee is a fucking gyppo nobody propped up entirely by Sargon and the exposure he gives, in exchange for being his lapdog and little flying monkey. How many fucking high-class professions does that greasy fuck claim to have again?

>claims to be a doctor

>also claims to be a lawyer

>looks and talks like a pseudo-intellectual NEET, clearly doesn't know fucking anything about basic biology or law

>his steam account showed him playing games pretty much all day, all week

I'm sure some anon screencapped it and posted it in one of the pre-krautgate septic threads

6ee312 No.302838


>ROFL, jesus.

It's not 2009, man. Stop typing like it.

baeeef No.302839


Vee's DEFINITELY not a lawfag.


6b6264 No.302840

File: 2c139bbec5d82f8⋯.jpg (104.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, vee.jpg)


I saw some screenshots of him, and it totally looks like he's a pseud who probably goes around looking for bargain bin books being thrown away just so he can stuff his wall-to-wall shelves behind him and have them always in view, so that the audience knows what an enlightened big-brained intellectual he is.

>haha I own all these thousands of books

>and I'm totally a doctor

>and I'm also a lawyer

>even though I spend 40 hours a week on steam and defending sargoy in random streams

baeeef No.302841


He inherited that house, alongside all of these books, from a deceased uncle or something like that. He probably doesnt have any idea of what's in them.

a97b4c No.302842





Does anyone know his real name? I know he's accidentally been signed in on a news website once and it showed what seemed to be his real name. I think it was the Washington Post. I'm a NEET with nothing to do so I could try to dig into him a bit before Christmas

1caa27 No.302843


Don't forget that if he actually was a doctor or (especially) a lawyer, he would get enough money to not require hipster welfare. That's even taking into account that hipster welfare is more lucrative if you live in a shithole country since those dollarydoos are worth way more than in developed hellholes. Just 100 dollarydoos a month can put enough food on the table for a whole family, let alone a gypsy who sucks off a British quadroon.

a97b4c No.302844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Okay, first name is Codrin

d6ea02 No.302845


Vee has to be the least intelligent of the scepticfags/sargonites, he's pure cringe and often he's not really having the same discussion as the others, because he doesn't understand simple concepts.


He said some years ago that he had agreed to live in that apartment while the estate was being split,

a97b4c No.302847

d78da3 No.302848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's Romanian m8, it's not exactly a third world nation and he can move anywhere he wants in the EU. He'd definitely make more fucking money being a doctor or a lawyer than e-begging from 13yo kekistanis. Also, vid related is Sargon sweating like a pig when Jim asks him a couple questions. Note how defensive and how panicky his voice gets.

26effc No.302850

File: 68c6a704bf6b4e6⋯.png (85.58 KB, 1329x639, 443:213, op_red_herring.png)




Archive of the Kraut breads:

I http://archive.is/NAGZD

II http://archive.is/Uudxt

III http://archive.is/GCTj6

IV http://archive.is/5dyIL

V http://archive.is/btwMV

VI http://archive.is/fh5f5


its no supersize, the aut-kike love to purge anyone promoting ideas that go against their kosher homoerotic re-branding of nationalism.


the general rule of thumb is all e-celebrities are cancer.

Jim is the rare exception (so far for now) that proves the general rule


His behavior is embarrassing. CRP reminds me of Aurini, as in he is a cringy boomber who is out of touch with what is "cool" but often is still right despite is eccentricity. I also like that they are both willing to go to the mat if necessary to defend their positions even if they are not popular. In this way I don't hate CRP ether.


>Where did kekistan even come from?

It was Sargoon and his Skepti© goons LARPing in order to discredit and subvert /pol/.

baeeef No.302852


I live in a third world shithole, and being a doctor gives a LOT of money. It's not uncommon for doctors to make over $200k a year.

aa62e3 No.302857

File: 25e7276f034774b⋯.webm (219.63 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Funny_626_volume.webm)

So I'm making a WebM about this whole shit show. Anything that i should include?

3494df No.302858

File: 55198ace26e4fd0⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 540x359, 540:359, Syrian_Soldier's_GoPro_cap….jpg)




wew lad

Better make sure the 40IQ retards get their say in the kraut threads.


d7bcaa No.302861

File: 6815449bf7217b7⋯.gif (876.72 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 4f6a807398a0917d3d5c4ab3e7….gif)


I honsetly agree with that though. Almost none of these people call themselves "skeptics." Nothing they do has anything to do with "skepticism." Nothing they do has anything to do with the whole skeptic movement thing which was some anti-religious thing. These are just faggots who put their opinions in youtube videos while not being SJWs. People have been doing this shit forever. You might as well call this the black community as it would be just as accurate

6ee312 No.302862



Some of the guys in that pic actually look okay, but due to the what's basically the opposite of the cheerleader effect they all look terrible.

d78da3 No.302863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What does that pic mean? Is everyone being played by the sceptics? Is that faggot Edgy part of the plan & working for them, alongside that squirrel faggot? Is he feeding Jim false info? Is the "part 3 of our plan" Edgy and the squirrel talked about in this stream the same one listed there?

0b8949 No.302865

File: bbabc15ec7509ca⋯.png (194 KB, 680x451, 680:451, Amerimutt2.png)


Pointing out that someone having a German/Austrian accent because that's where they're from is not changed by the fact the dude also has Britbong & Kike in him Amerimutt. German is a Nationality not a race. You 56ers aren't even of the white race let alone the saviors so stop chimping out.

a97b4c No.302867

File: 33af8aaf62f032a⋯.jpg (261.64 KB, 1396x937, 1396:937, CodrinTown.jpg)

File: 0a75ab9a5646f3e⋯.jpg (3.58 KB, 110x90, 11:9, CodrinS.jpg)

Vee, the shabbos goy of Sargon

Real name: Codrin Stavri







Pic related is supposedly a picture (https://twitter.com/Veeh_Ro/status/922874968979001345) of his town. I'm not too savvy with this, so I can't locate it where it is unfortunately. Didn't find much on him. I'm not the guy for this job tbh. If someone wants to build on this, go ahead

39c7af No.302871


Man you euros are so weird in how you constantly attack those who actually give a fuck about your survival. We keep trying to tell you how fucking shitty "multicultural" societies are and then you just spam stale memes. Sad!

d7bcaa No.302873



da4808 No.302878


Archived the steam profile.




The photographer clearly lives in Iași. The guy is a number bigger than usual Phographers. The guy even has even one Publishes in National Geographics. So no luck with pinpointing Vee's hometown from that. Another gypsie was speculating that it was taken in Timișoara. Your best bet is pinpointing that Byzantine Cathedral.




6ee312 No.302879


Vee isn't really interesting, though. I don't see a reason to dig into the guy.

Kraut or Sargon himself would be more interesting.

d78da3 No.302880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JF exposing (((the guardian))) RN

d6ea02 No.302881


that larping squirrel-man must be the most autistic character in this whole thing

9dfd7d No.302884

File: 70250f26e24c96f⋯.jpg (64.74 KB, 720x469, 720:469, 1451263918950.jpg)


>I knew 8/pol/ was a autism feedback loop

You say that like it's a bad thing.

da4808 No.302886

File: e21d27597533d44⋯.jpg (131.21 KB, 971x591, 971:591, vee handles.jpg)

There is also some fuckery with the Steam handles. Why would a man from a Orthodox country use the name of the woman King David got tremendously thirsty for? Also here are some other accounts with the same handle Vee used on Steam. There was also a plebbit account connected to that name which is gone now.




I am more in favor of spooping them. These people made gamergate fail and they got triggered by r/K theory. To me this means piss easy pickings when it comes to social media meltdowns.


>I don't go to foxdickfarms. I don't trust the forums as source of information.

Good on JF. I don't trust Foxdicks and Phat Nool either.

a3e6ed No.302887

Is it okay if I talk about how retarded the idea of a white ethnostate is?

539d68 No.302889


Go do it on /leftypol/, cuckboi.

a97b4c No.302890


All of them should be dug into a some point. It seems like anyone who makes their living from a Youtube patreon is fucked in the head one way or another. The only reason I was focusing on Vee was because he had come up a few times this thread. Sargon may not be that hard to get info on. We already know his real name is Carl Benjamin, lives in Swindon, has two kids, tried to develop a game called Necromancer, etc.


This is the skeptics / Kraut thread, go to /pol/ or something


I also saw that Timișoara guess. I spent some time on Google maps looking up churches in the city, trying to match the top, but came up with nothing so far. Granted there were a lot of them and I was getting tired. I'll take another crack at it tomorrow

dd0d06 No.302891

File: 8c826aeeb021b68⋯.png (26.82 KB, 720x855, 16:19, 1462232096596-4.png)


>JF kicked Guardian out of the chat for being a faggot who wouldn't let him talk

I fucking love this Frenchie.

a3e6ed No.302892


Well actually any ethnostate, or at least the "Alt-rights" idea of one. I mean, if you look at history all the races cultures have been killing each other since the stone age. Honestly I do agree that the major race shouldn't be displaced but the idea of an ethnostate where all white people (or any race) live in harmony that the "Alt Right" fantasies in their wet dreams just comes across as a pipe dream from a historical opinion.

9dfd7d No.302893

File: a23664c9037b2c6⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 1000x732, 250:183, a23664c9037b2c6b81cd23d601….jpg)


>but the idea of an ethnostate where all white people (or any race) live in harmony that the "Alt Right" fantasies in their wet dreams just comes across as a pipe dream from a historical opinion.

It doesn't have to be a utopia to be good enough compared to the status quo to be worth fighting for.

d78da3 No.302895


>(((the Guardian))) exposed by Chad JF

>thread immediately invaded by off topic, low quality b8

Truly jogs my noggin'

dd0d06 No.302897

>kingofpol on

Jesus I hate this autist.


Fuck off, get filtered you bitch.

539d68 No.302898

File: f9fca1302d5c8c6⋯.jpg (7.32 KB, 155x173, 155:173, get a load of this kike.jpg)


Why ask "can i sperg out?" if you're just going to do it anyway?

a97b4c No.302899

File: b80ecd3caee4990⋯.png (9.7 KB, 149x149, 1:1, image.png)


Nice thread derailment, Schlomo

a3e6ed No.302900

File: c72667b86adf06d⋯.jpg (20.08 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 1443377711170.jpg)


What was exposed for? I saw he was getting an ego thinking it was only him that caused Kraut's downfall.

a97b4c No.302901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dd0d06 No.302902

File: c2f08b4a8edfafb⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 298x150, 149:75, c2f08b4a8edfafb948825498b1….gif)

>Calling yourself "chaotic neutral"

I'm cringing.

da4808 No.302904


This thing looks quite Byzantine/Greek to me. Maybe you can nail it by splitting jurisdictions.


Either autism or outsiders stirring the pot. The Guardian should also get looked into. Frankly, 2 years worth of Internet history might have to be rewritten. Many those faggots got way too involved in our stuff for my taste.

a3e6ed No.302905

File: 2e3135e07dc3ed4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 150.17 KB, 395x399, 395:399, Jewgon of Akkad.png)


You got me

539d68 No.302906


KoP confirmed That Guy.

dd0d06 No.302907

File: 3982bf86ec27557⋯.png (310.97 KB, 440x440, 1:1, 1462141089847-0.png)

>KoP getting into the spergfest

Oh fuck yeah.

c610d4 No.302909


I called Gonzalo making JF look bad and it's happening. They'll julay this sleazebag for all he's worth.

a97b4c No.302910


That squirrel guy is giving me sperg vibes. He's constantly tweeting to Jim and commenting on Kraut videos, acting like he's hot shit for whatever role he had in this whole skeptic debacle

e78cb6 No.302911


Thank fuck someone's going after this squirrel larper. He seems like he's been playing pretty much every side to avoid getting shit. I get sick and tired of his passive aggressive behavior everywhere i seen him, plus the constant use of ellipsis… is really… annoying…

648c65 No.302912



>King of Pasta

What did the dumb fucker do this time?

cd8ca2 No.302913


only shabbos goys like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert are allowed to trend

d78da3 No.302914


>implying JF looks bad

(((The guardian))) is an annoying, spergy attention whore who just so happens to have done exactly what Kraut & co planned in their "operation red mackarel" files and started autistically screeching at JF, and king of /pol/ is a fucking spaz who apparently can't answer a simple fucking question and tries to namedrop Jim for e-street cred.

6ee312 No.302915


I wouldn't have guessed Sargon has kids, I remember hearing something about Necromancer, though.

a3e6ed No.302916


Yeah he has kids one is from another relationship.

a97b4c No.302917

File: fab07c9b430c319⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, image.png)

JF is being stupid defending Gonzalo to his last breath. I don't get how you can extort someone with publicly available information. The man has a Wikipedia page, has appeared on RT, written a book, and written for various websites. Doesn't he has his address on his Patreon too? What does JF gain from defending this drama whore boomer?

a3e6ed No.302918


What does Vee gain from being a judge jury and executioner towards CPR all those accusations are just accusations.

39c7af No.302919

who the fuck cares about CRP and what he did.

39c7af No.302921

how did JF defend Anita?

a3e6ed No.302922


He just said she disagrees with her, but also pointed out how Thundercuck was misrepresenting her.

d78da3 No.302924


He pointed out how the septics strawmanned her arguments.

c610d4 No.302925

this getting to 1488d chese

39c7af No.302927

king of pol seems pretty retarded even compared to the gamergate days

26effc No.302929

44e973 No.302930

File: 1de6d41163c644a⋯.jpeg (174.78 KB, 1200x711, 400:237, DRr-YxfX0AA6bEl.jpeg)

File: 9de25889a13464e⋯.jpeg (144.84 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DRrZhSfXkAEu6lc.jpeg)


Take your pick

39c7af No.302932


sargon is out

0b8949 No.302933

File: 6dcc94b87bfb594⋯.png (130.53 KB, 914x1208, 457:604, Amerimutt3.png)


Sad is a fucking Europhile mutt thinking they are Deus Valt when they cant even keep their own chimps out of control nor out of their own gene pool. The only time you half pint whites ever bothered to get involved in Europe was because you were attacked first, acting like the septics you claim to despise in not taking a side. Dont think you're a savior or a member, mutt.

3fbbd8 No.302935


>Male feminists are creepy

Do we really need a 45 minute video Which will consist of a two paragraph article/two minute video and 43 minutes of commentary for something this obvious?

6ee312 No.302936


At least Styx knows the event will be batshit insane, he just doesn't give a shit.

8f2b09 No.302937

File: 0e0d62406b7a9dd⋯.jpg (64.17 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 0e0d62406b7a9ddff7f07b23ef….jpg)


>He pointed out how the septics strawmanned her arguments.

>This is the same woman who once tried to claim Hitman was misogynistic and showed footage where she shot NPCs and then carried the corpse around to make it look like that was what the game encouraged you do.

Is this nigga serious?

39c7af No.302939


It's always so obvious when a kike tries to derail something. What a weird life they must live thinking every shitpost they make is actually for some greater cause.

26effc No.302940

Someone should tweet the Operation Red Mackerel info to Jean François Gariépy.




Let not forget how Mundanematt deleted all his Anita Videos and mad a video profusely apologize for promoting vitriol, Toxicity and harassment. He then deleted the Antita apology video after it was unpopular. This was all before the infamous Eron Gjoni video.

0b8949 No.302941


>Always a kike

Kek, the Goyim have found out, shut it down.

Or, maybe all sides of this whole online political thing, Social Justice, the Centrist Septic and the Alt-Right are all just cringey motherfuckers who should leave politics to people who aren't race obsessed sperg mutts.

539d68 No.302942


They also crave attention. When they see (you) their feminine penises get tinglies.

0bad6b No.302943

File: c4cf7b0e6513abe⋯.png (30.97 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, CIA & Bane.png)

39c7af No.302944


JF knows about red mackerel


You're free to be politically nihilist but don't be surprised when others group together and use that power to change this world.

0b8949 No.302945


Not a nihilist, I'm a pragmatist, change the world all you want, I'll still be here and I'll still end up with what I want, to me its about results not this bullshit regarding left, right or reasonable centre. Both sides (left and right) have been incharge since the 80's and both sides have consistantly fucked it up, be what you are politically all you want but results is all people care about. Politics is the art of using what you have on hand to get what you need and want, ideology gets in the way of that.

As for regarding politics, believing the hype from anyone and fart huffing how important the ideology is ends up in tism storms like this, it's a short bus to nowhere. Buy too much into an ideology and your own bullshit you end up like Kraut, Holiday and all the others, laughed at and never taken seriously again.

539d68 No.302946

File: 0ddc69f45de4e26⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 0ddc69f45de4e26c855c78025d….gif)


>both sides (left and right) have been incharge since the 80's

>actually believing this

lol basicbitch

a97b4c No.302947

File: 1c07f03de3620bf⋯.jpeg (50.35 KB, 453x640, 453:640, image.jpeg)

File: a24b2d10bf0c9e4⋯.jpeg (80.66 KB, 600x461, 600:461, image.jpeg)


>falling for the left-right meme

c610d4 No.302949


fuck off sargon

15007c No.302961


He is pretty active on facebook from what I remember, pretty banhappy too.

26effc No.302964


>JF knows about red mackerel

then is he in on Red Mackerel? Because I assumed JFG was a free agent that just ended up at the center of this staged drama by happenstance. This would explain why Braving Ruin and The Gaurdian are trying to feed him misinformation. The way I see it was Zeph and JFG where acting on their own accord and throwing a wrench into the staged production. Otherwise everything is far too theatrical to be belived if you start digging into the details. Edgy new about everything going on in this server yet he was so quick to accept Krauts apology.

26effc No.302965


39c7af No.302966


>then is he in on Red Mackerel?


he just saw the fucking caps like everyone else

26effc No.302968

>>302966 (checked)


why diminish the significance of it? Apparently pretending to be retarded in this circumstance seemed to be a rather remarkably successful strategy.

39c7af No.302969


JF wasn't part of the doxing server. Are you retarded or something?

292b40 No.302970


if JF is "in on" red mackerel than so is everyone here. all he has done is read the publically available screen caps

cfdb6a No.302971


And his gyppo accent is fake. Sometimes he forgets, and then switches it on mid-sentence.

Yup, he's a weird critter.

85187f No.302973


Time to get some sleep, anon.

0b8949 No.302974

File: e85b0765d38735c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 228x211, 228:211, crying56.png)



Cry all you want mutts, when I die, be it today or 80 years time, I'll die Western European white, not some thin blooded mixed breed wishing they were.


>not getting that was my point

b2f63d No.302975

File: 57c51a656ba9194⋯.png (225.82 KB, 749x686, 107:98, 1514015379361.png)

I know the crp stuff is a ruse, but this is too funny

26effc No.302976


anon, I don't think you understand the "doxing server" is Shadow server talked about in "Stage I". Feeding "too good to not use" information talked about in Stage IV & V is the "dox" of CRP.


anon, you don't understand what I am implying. I am staying that this entire event, including the sob story about Rage after Storm is meant to secure the Aut-Right as the trusted network. That the Kaurt and Tea drama is a Red Herring. Herring = Mackerel. That said, JFG does not appear to be part of it.

c610d4 No.302977

39c7af No.302978


yeah that's cool dude. Please try to post less and focus more on the reptilian jews you fucking schizo

6ee312 No.302979


I think that's meant to be the joke.

26effc No.302980


>Please try to post less and focus more on the reptilian jews you fucking schizo

I assume that is a world filter?

b3022f No.302981


Can you provide an example?


>I am staying that this entire event, including the sob story about Rage after Storm is meant to secure the Aut-Right as the trusted network. That the Kaurt and Tea drama is a Red Herring. Herring = Mackerel.

I like the way you think. It's a possibility. Still I don't think the septics, or their possible handlers, are smart enough to pull it off.

However, after septics get shoahed, the Alt-Kike should be next.

cfdb6a No.302982



I'm halfway out the door atm, won't be able to do it over the holidays.

It happened a few times in the last stream with Warski.

1caa27 No.302983


My point is that living expenses are way higher in Western EU countries than in Romania, which is why hipster welfare should prove even more lucrative if you live in the asshole of Europe. On the other hand, being employed as a doctor or lawyer would make you earn so much money that it wouldn't even be worth it to go on 6 hour soystreams every day just so you can collect some additional income in the form of hipster welfare on the side.

26effc No.302984


> Still I don't think the septics are smart enough to pull it off.

Defiantly not smart enough. Unless they where operatives which would mean the stupidity could be a confidence game. All they need is plausible deniability and the appearance of incompetence would be sufficient. Remember these same "skeptics" where the people who ostensibly managed to take control of GamerGate and lead it into the ground. They established a history of successful subversion using similar tactics. These tactics all revolved around there e-celebrity and "drama" to secure their positions.

>or their possible handlers

this is where you are wrong in my opinion. Its not that sophisticated. All one needs to do is to encourage the behavior. So for example the Guardian and Zabbie (assuming they are Handlers) merely need to egg Kraut & Edgy on and encourage there behavior. Like Political Judo. You use their natural momentum to encourage them to act in a way that would be to their detriment. For example the CIA operative encouraging people to participate in a false flag event (Charlottesville). Another example is to promote a homosexual to a influential role in a white nationalism moment. The homo's own predilections and disloyalty to traditionalism will do the rest of the work as they as a menially ill abomination are naturally at odds with white interest.

b4cf2b No.302986

File: 6e8265b2cc2f717⋯.gif (546.27 KB, 400x276, 100:69, 6cbfef82f0ff70b1803235e8f9….gif)


I was thinking that too when I heard the sargon call after reading the server caps, they are acting like worm tongues, literally whispering in his ear on Skype call with Sargon.

Giving him ideas, making him think they are his own. You can see them manipulating one of the other "academics" in the screencaps in a similar way.

I figured they were just running a troll op, not that they were on someone's payroll as there is no proof

8fb3a0 No.302991


he's scared jim will make him look bad in the next video

6d9ef9 No.302996


Fuck i was aslepp, what happened?

c610d4 No.302997


In short, there is some uncertainty as to whether Gonzalo's personal info being posted counts as "doxing". It can be agreed that it's personal information that is being used to intimidate, but since it was publicly available and even linked to the CRP username by Gonzalo himself, it may not fall under the definition of "difficult to obtain" as per the wiki definition of "doxing".

Gonzalo is going to be used to tarnish JF's credibility, because he's sleazy and retarded and the weakest link of our side.

d78da3 No.302998

File: 665ac37df653e47⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 375x366, 125:122, 1494510220631.jpg)


Watch the stream or alternatively, read the fucking thread.

26effc No.302999


This is one reason why I've held the position that doxing is not inherently unethical and is not the direct moral violation. Rather the hypocrisy (that Kraut took an anti-Doxing stance regarding Devon Tracy) and malicious ad hominem tactics that make it unethical. As so far as when dealing with an intellectual debate resorting to these bad faith tactics are below the belt. It also could be argued that this information is being used to slander, intimidate and defame which is a brand of political mudslinging which could be considered unethical.

15007c No.303001

File: 6219a8378bedf10⋯.jpg (88.42 KB, 600x875, 24:35, FenceSittersGetTheStick.jpg)


>those trips

It depends on the situation, its below the belt but the organization with which kraut did it, which holy fuck just ask /baph/ to do it, was what started the shitflinging. He didn't and doesn't have the discipline to actually go toe to toe with some of these people. What do you expect out of people who take 30, minutes to say things that can be said 5. Fencesitters who argue on the internet about which post feels good up their ass.

e78cb6 No.303002

File: 6c1a32e40a2e732⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 1200x569, 1200:569, cuck zeph thinks he's mast….jpg)

6b6264 No.303004



The problem is the skeptics (especially Vee, Sargon, etc) are trying to pull this talmudic bullshit about what does and doesn't count as doxing.

Digging up personal information on people to threaten/harass/smear them is fucking doxing, end of discussion. It doesn't matter how easy that info is to find. That just means someone is easier to dox.

By their twisted logic, it's only doxing if you literally need to break the law and hack into private emails/accounts/etc to get the information. No one has EVER only talked about doxing in reference to private info like SSN/cred info, passwords, etc. But suddenly now that THEY are the ones accused of doing this shit, suddenly "we need to have a conversation about what counts as doxing!" Bullshit.

Furthermore, it's a huge ontological fallacy to say that "doxing CRP doesn't count because his info is public" because you don't KNOW he's a semi-public figure until AFTER you've already dug around and made the connection and found his real identity. It's sort of like the argument Kraut tried to make with RageAfterStorm, saying that "oh, well you don't actually know whether my tip-off is what actually got her fired!". Even if she would have gotten fired anyway, he still showed that he had the INTENT of digging into her background, contacting the employer, and getting her fired.

Yes, it's important to have good OPSEC to prevent doxing. But that doesn't mean it's not doxing just because you have holes in your OPSEC. And it doesn't change the fact that these faggots were going around trying to use personal info for black ops bullshit just because they couldn't win an internet argument.

b2f63d No.303007


Close. They want to quibble about the definition of doxing, rather than address the lengths these shady fucks would go to to avoid having an honest debate or discussion on topics. It's pilpul. They don't want to address this shit, because they're all guilty of it, to varying degrees. It shows that they're not motivated by the desire for truth or knowledge. They're concerned with their brand and how many shekels they can drag in from an audience.

6b6264 No.303008


Yup. That became painfully clear back during gamergate (where all these skeptic spergs stem from). They didn't want to actually "win" the battle. They just wanted to have a perpetual status quo where feminists, SJWs, cancerous news sites, etc are free to put out ridiculous garbage, that they could then sit around critiquing with response videos for jewtube NEETbux. Because solving the problem would actually mean no more SJWs to julay for cash.

None of these people were ever "principled". They're all just hucksters. Jim called it 100% right when he left gamergate.

d6722c No.303010


That's the joke.

0adaea No.303011


>Jim called it 100% right when he left gamergate.

Its weird looking back on that, because he actually did care about it. Its like GG turned him from a typical O&A fan into an edgy dissident, then realizing GG was fucked to the core turned him into a true AOL scholar, chronicling all the faggotry he could find.

We really need word for somebody who is misanthropic but only about people on the internet.

6b6264 No.303012

File: 16ca1096431c6da⋯.png (823.67 KB, 1024x789, 1024:789, gamergate pepe.png)


>We really need word for somebody who is misanthropic but only about people on the internet.

an anon?

>Its weird looking back on that, because he actually did care about it. Its like GG turned him from a typical O&A fan into an edgy dissident

Basically, yeah. Many people were ignorant to what was happening on the world around them because they were perfectly okay with just hiding away in their escapist video game fantasy worlds. But then the kikes couldn't even let us have that, so they had to pozz video games up with all their horseshit.

GG was a failure as far as reaching it's own goal, but it was still a slap in the face of lots of people that got them to look up and look into what's going on in the world. Sounds silly to put it that way, but it's fucking true.

55800e No.303014

3fbbd8 No.303017


They sound like they’re the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton of Internet spergs.

26effc No.303020

File: 6ff3e84b6b2ba80⋯.jpg (46.02 KB, 460x417, 460:417, Unseenperfidy.jpg)

File: 8276adb53375a3f⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 300x300, 1:1, CaptanOAwsome.jpg)

File: b33614e46e447f8⋯.png (209.83 KB, 525x420, 5:4, FakeSagan.png)


>doxxxxxxxxxxxxxing with 10 x's

yeah but I have no moral qualms with dropping the documents on violent members of Antifa or a Pedophile. So it doesn't matter how you define it. The issue to me is that it was below the belt in what otherwise should have been a fair fight. One might then argue that "all is fair in love and war", but then in that case Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. You see my position is that it doesn't matter how you define "doxing" in this circumstance its still wrong for a myriad of reasons.

tbw, even though CRP is a cringy boomer I honestly think he would kick Jeff Holiday's ass in a fight and I'd love to see it happen. I am still waiting for CaptainOAwesome to fight FakeSagan. And Speaking of those lolcows, I wonder if Robert Joseph "Rob" Marmolejo is going to jump back into the ring? After all that Atheist/SJW/(((Neoconserative))) CardinalVirtues used to be good friends with Skeptical Heretic and was a popular opponent of Ryan Faulk (Alt-Hype). It would be a good old dysfunctional family reunion.


6d9ef9 No.303026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>A Storytime post apropos to the current situation I'm in.

0d5335 No.303027


Change the subject.

Such tactician. Mush 4D chess.

03b995 No.303033


>implying anglo is German

shiggy diggy doo

7dd0b0 No.303037

File: c2c38440b0d0ac5⋯.png (28.38 KB, 653x462, 653:462, captcha.png)


That's the worst thing he could have done. Oh well.

>black dick captcha

d6722c No.303041


Funny how the Sargoons are disliking all his shit now. Really shows that any "fan" base is just a fucking cult.

ccfc94 No.303042


>taking pride in your extinction

Like we give a shit about your ugly memes

Kys yuronigger

292b40 No.303057


this so much, anon you've hit the nail on the head.

cd890c No.303069


The amount of anger in the comments is insane. All because he called Sargon a fat beta male.

That's really all this is and all they latch onto.

292b40 No.303074


andy warski is talking about Razorfist talking shit about him regarding the Kilroy event. looks like everyone wants to get covered in shit

f6d4d4 No.303077


> gamergate (where all these skeptic spergs stem from)

People keep on saying that, but is it actually true? I remember YEARS back thunderfoot at least used to have prolonged youtube arguments with christians like VenomFangX. That was long before any gamergate stuff.

442ab0 No.303078

File: c87f010cab35247⋯.png (684.52 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, NO DOG! NO! WE ARE NOT PLA….png)


Why the fuck does he keep waving his head back and forth?

6d9ef9 No.303079


The so-called skeptic community was born in the late '00s as a bunch of youtube atheists debating creationists and shit

Gamergate was when they reinvented themselves as anti-sjw culture warriors

cd890c No.303080


No most of these people were part of the atheism community. Not all of them made videos at the time but most of them followed the big names. It's notable that a lot of them gradually stopped doing religious videos around 2011-2012. The Amazing Atheist even later changed his username to his irl name. The stated reason for this was that the Christian community on youtube essentially kept reusing the same arguments over and over. But in reality it was solely due to money. Since sjws were starting to be a thing and were starting to take off in popularity. Sargon was starting to be a thing at the time and he was making tons of views just talking about how dumb Anita was.

7dd0b0 No.303081


It's an articulation tactic. Makes people pay more attention to what he's saying.

a8f3ba No.303083


Old geezer read too many books and listened to too many other old geezers to know that this thing he's doing is ineffective, and only serves to make you disinterested in what he wants to say, since its too much of a try-hard attempt. There are much more subtle things you can employ (Sarcuck forces his british accent, for instance, and guillible fucks don't notice, but its effective, for instance).

Still, i'd rather watch his head bob back and forth than listen to Vee's shrieks and quirps, for example. That guy needs to bench quickly, but I doubt that someone who lives on neetbux and tricks his audience as a doctor wants to stay ten feet away from a barbell.

a97b4c No.303084


>my council said not to talk about the other subject

What is this guy up to?

7dd0b0 No.303085


Yeah, the boomer havent noticed that he's on YOUTUBE and not talking to someone in a party.

It does work face to face, but i do agree that it's silly in this medium.

Vee on the other hand is just repulsive. He takes the boomer's tryhardness to the other extreme.

442ab0 No.303086


I can see the potential in what you're describing, but it's like >>303083 said, it just comes across as obnoxious and irritating.

His entire manner of speaking is so fucking forced, and that stream where he told another faggot to fight him IRL was basically the entire image he'd built up, shattering in one instant.

To top it off, he unironically signs his tweets, and does shit like adding


to his shit.

I've dealt with manipulative people before, and the most effective ones never this blatant and open about their slimeyness, with their body language/articulation.

For the obvious reason of if someone can pick up on your intent to manipulate them, you're a fucking failure of a manipulator.

6d9ef9 No.303087



cd8ca2 No.303088


>laughed at and never taken seriously again

oy vey, I'd better not take a stand! strangers on the internet might laugh at me.

a97b4c No.303090


I hope he's dumb enough to do a lawsuit against Kraut or even better, if less likely, Sargon

a8f3ba No.303091


It really baffles my mind that people actually give money to hear his chalk-on-blackboard voice.


The fight me IRL thing is awesome, it brings back the duelling of fisticuffs if people don't like what you have to say. Wish more people did it. The problem is it's coming from a boomer that should be focusing more on how to raise his grandchildren than fighting atheist millenial cucks.

539d68 No.303092


He seems to have a lack of self-awareness. I think he's probably easily tricked, and learned the tricks that kept getting him conned, and now tries to use them. He's not aware the archetype of the snake-oil salesman is far too well-known to be used against anyone but geriatrics and extremely young children.

6d9ef9 No.303094


I think if he'll do it he will sue Sargon for defamation, since he put on a video with Coach's real name and repeatedly calling him a scammer and a con artist

a8aa38 No.303095


>The problem is it's coming from a boomer that should be focusing more on how to raise his grandchildren than fighting atheist millenial cucks.

You're never too old to fight in a duel to defend your honour.

a97b4c No.303096



7dd0b0 No.303098


That would be fun, however, i think that this will also backfire on him, and he might not even win the lawsuit.

e78cb6 No.303100


Oh it'll definitely back fire, even if he wins the law suit. People hate faggots who sue over dumb internet shit.

292b40 No.303102


I'd make an exception if it took out Sarcuck of mossad

539d68 No.303103


>Storytime: The Math Class, or How I Traded Friends, Girlfriends, and Popularity For An Elementary School Quiz

6d9ef9 No.303105

File: 9c0533b77f7ee37⋯.png (17.63 KB, 590x169, 590:169, veeh.png)

7dd0b0 No.303106


I don't get it. I was always the class sperg, but when i did well on the quizes, people liked me more. Might be a boomer thing.

7dd0b0 No.303107


>he HAS to prove that it costed him financial damage

Holy shit, this retard has no idea how modern law works. He hasn't even heard of hedonic damage? It's literally the biggest topic on Law in the last 20-30 years.

I think that we can say for sure that he was lying when he said that he has a law degree, kek.

539d68 No.303108


I don't think it's doing well on them that was the problem. From CRP's own mouth, he was waving his hand around shouting "ME ME ME ME ME!"

He also drug his whole class through a little impromptu court session on the validity of the textbook when he made it clear they just wanted to be done with this boring math shit, instead of coming to the teacher after class with it.

It makes me thing CRP was always a bit obnoxious and spergy.

cc58d8 No.303110


what a big brain response, as expected of the commentary i mean skeptic community

f6d4d4 No.303112


>Holy shit, this retard has no idea how modern law works.

"Modern law" isn't the monolith you make it out to be, it varies greatly from country to country. Are you so certain you know Romanian defamation law?

6151fe No.303113


Sargoy would just crowdfund the legal fees for himself or Vee, it'd be a waste

a97b4c No.303115

File: 6b7ff79346b27c1⋯.png (74.16 KB, 588x566, 294:283, MENTALLY ILL.PNG)

File: dc3951b5c0cb205⋯.png (72.13 KB, 637x602, 91:86, mental2.PNG)

File: bb0fb27399dc6d1⋯.png (14.63 KB, 585x113, 585:113, shabbos.PNG)

Who looks worse here? Vee being a low IQ attack dog or Coach being a boomer internet lawsuit retard?

d6722c No.303116


Fuck off gypsy fuck.

6d9ef9 No.303117

File: 142396572d62c52⋯.png (302.62 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 142396572d62c52553a2661110….png)



>Calling someone else a lolcow

7dd0b0 No.303118


Depending on the subject he's going to prosecute whoever it is in, it might not be defamation, but hedonic damages due to the fact that they exposed his personal informations to a large quantity of people with the intention of causing personal damage.

In the case of defamation, he could also easily make a case that, let's say, Sargon calling him a conman to over 200k people damages his image to a considerable part of society, something that could possibly affect his livelyhood, considering that he is a capitalist and makes (or made) most of his money due to business deals that might not be possible anymore. Although i havent looked into romanian law, i'm confident that any case of defamation in which it could actively affect the subject's financial conditions would be covered by some normative device.

I'm a lawyer, you can trust me.

a97b4c No.303119


As much as I hate Gonzalo, Vee is the one tweeting over and over about him, making 30-40 minute videos and attacking him in his comment sections

2bfb31 No.303120


Depends if coach takes the bait or not. Gypsyboi only wants to go after low hanging fruit which is why he is confident now.

a97b4c No.303121


I think Coach is ignoring him. Vee's been tweeting at him over and over and Coach seems to not care as of right now. I hope he makes a video on Vee, I want to see Sargon's shabbos goy sperg out even harder

cd890c No.303122


I somewhat doubt it would work. "Please pay my legal fees because I called someone a conman and I was aware of a doxxxxing server but didn't tell anyone" doesn't go as far as "rabid feminists want to take me down"

f6d4d4 No.303123


I'm not convinced your faith in the Romanian justice system is well founded.

cd890c No.303126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Davis Aurini weighs in on the skeptic community

c6e49c No.303128


I can tell you from experience with the Bulgarian justice system that not all laws are going to be well enforced. Unless you get the main law institutions to work for you, you may see yourself with little chance to do much about this. Concepts like defaming are fairly new to the judiciary systems here. It's good to keep that in mind.

6b6264 No.303129


Coach is sleazy but not stupid. He only goes up against important channels like Kraut/Sargon in an effort to get attention and draw in viewers. He won't bother with literally-who channels.

Also, Vee looks worse. CRP is a lolcow but at least he's self-interested. Vee is just the sycophantic sargon fanboy who shits his pants and does nothing but gobble down Daddy Sargoy's cock every night while receiving orders on how to defend m'lord's honor.

58db1a No.303130


Aurini is right. Too bad he's insists on on being a cringy faggot.

26effc No.303131



What is there to actually hate about a cringey boomer other then them being cringey boomer? lets be honest here the guy is a huge dork but hate quite an extreme sentiment. You don't actually believe the slander do you? Vee on the other hand is a fucking weasel with a history of being a weasel.


holly shit that is a spot on analysis video.

7dd0b0 No.303132


Romania has revoked all criminal defamation laws? Kek, the madmen. I mean, morality i think it's the way to go, but people certainly bitch a lot about it.

Anyways, I haven't looked into the romanian civil code, nor it's jurisprudences so i don't actually know how this would work, i guess, but there usually is a legislation which guarantee bussinesses not to be slandered in a way which it would be financially damaging to the company, although i'll concede that i don't actually know about it, just have a strong conviction of it.


Nah m8. I'm from a 2nd world shithole as well, and things DO work, when they don't, it's either because the judge was bribed or the other lawyer was much better than yours.

Anyways, all of this is simply speculation, as we all know CRP won't do shit to vee.

6b6264 No.303133

File: 2d20ef22be42d9f⋯.png (315.19 KB, 727x350, 727:350, sargon godfather.png)

> I understand. You found e-fame in the Youtube political sphere, had a patreon, made decent ad revenue. Youtube protected you; and there were appeal processes. And you didn't need a friend of me. But uh, now you come to me and you say – Don Sargone, give me a google hangout. – But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer centrism. You don't even think to call me Soyfather. Instead, you come into my Discord server on the day my wife's daughter is to be married, and you, uh, ask me to do help dox.

>Kraut & Tea sleeps with the trouts

a97b4c No.303134


I dislike him because yes, he's a cringy boomer, and that he keeps injecting himself in internet drama. My other problems with him are mainly political and that he's a blackpiller. I prefer him over skeptic goons though, that's for sure

539d68 No.303136


Little Gypsy thinks people give a fuck about CRP past laughing at his boomer antics.


>more retards sticking their head in the door

b3022f No.303137


I didn't know anything about Jeff Holiday before the (((Kraut))) incident. To be honest, I think he glows in the dark. He's a fed or something. I think the "I'm a degenerate hippie/punk" is just an act. Like how Kraut was eager for advice from Jeff after the discussion where Sargon told he knew about Kraut doxing Coach Gorgonzola. And usually Jeff acts like he's some laid back dude, but his mind seems deceptively sharp at times.

However, this is just my impression. As I said, I haven't seen much of his videos or anything.

cd890c No.303138

File: a709f2499915b30⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1126x1318, 563:659, 1513691072823.png)


>He's a fed

The guy has pictures of him with dildos and shit

a97b4c No.303139


>not realizing how far the feds will go to make you think they're not a fed

9d3ea2 No.303140

File: a9d76de7769eeeb⋯.png (57.86 KB, 215x268, 215:268, ClipboardImage.png)


God this whole shit parade just keeps growing and growing. Retards making fun of even dumber retards. It's like a microcosm.

Anyone think Aurini will ever become self aware and realize how much of a ridiculous faggot he is with his glass of booze, edgy swords and tryhard shakespearean facial expressions in every video? He's what, 40?

cd890c No.303141

File: c7c5f803b6a8a2c⋯.png (97.59 KB, 612x491, 612:491, c7c.png)


>The feds will sodomize themselves and put googly eyes on them just to avoid being found out

292b40 No.303142



b2f63d No.303143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Murdoch Murdoch features Kraut

39c7af No.303144

when is the jim video part 2 fam

cd890c No.303145


probably at 8 pm same as last time

cd890c No.303146

39c7af No.303147


theyve done that a lot before

39c7af No.303148

they also link pewdiepie, isac arthur, and SsethTzeentach vids

26effc No.303149


>B T F O 'd


f6d4d4 No.303150



All I'm saying is I wouldn't put it past Romania to have have a Nigeria-tier justice system, in terms of corruption and compliance with first world expectations…

b2f63d No.303151

File: d46a3c5d4003928⋯.png (349.44 KB, 727x528, 727:528, 1514061825634.png)

I think they should have gone with the Stepfather instead of Soyfather, but whatever

39c7af No.303152


it shouldnt be that different since they were a nation that adopted the napoleonic code or w/e its called and then entering into the EU requires a lot of laws to be changed to be similar

b2f63d No.303153


Any Warski "heh heh, race is real, sorry Rage."

6b6264 No.303154


Punished Andy "Race" Warski

f6d4d4 No.303155


Would they actually execute that law faithfully and fairly? Or would they tell the foreigner to go fuck himself and side with the local? Just look at what the wops did to Amanda Knox. I'm to trust that Romanians would act more honorably?

39c7af No.303156


what a fucking twist. "race is real but you don't treat anyone differently"

That's a big move isn't it?


it's probably based on bribes. If code is serious he would just hire a law firm that works with foreigners regularly which is fairly normal thing to do. I don't know if he wanted to press criminal charges or not but I don't think he could get that to work in this situation. Civil court is doable.

Amanda Knox thing wasn't because she was american but rather because she did some sketchy stuff and confessed to a lot of shit under pressure like a retard.

cc58d8 No.303157


is this jew playing up his mental retardation in order to switch to the winning side?

b2f63d No.303158


He knows which way the wind is blowing

a8f3ba No.303159


Speaking of which. The alt-right led me to believe jews have 10/10 linguistic skills, but this Warski jew can't speak one single sentence without "like", "literally" or "basically".

6b6264 No.303160


He's not jewish. 100% pureblooded moortuguese

26effc No.303161

File: 4b45bd57593c235⋯.png (120.2 KB, 1281x477, 427:159, coincidence.png)


Murdoch Murdoch really lost their sense of humor when they started to try to push an agenda. It also ticks me off that they essentially destroyed wojak by LARPing as /pol/acks.



dude is a flake, always trying to be "cool" and in light of the Kraut autism the "cool" thing to do is to extend an olive branch to the Girl he helped bully of the internet.

39c7af No.303162

File: 3aaff0648f5bcdf⋯.jpg (3.41 MB, 2600x4527, 2600:4527, 1514059041907.jpg)

half /pol/ making some good memes


it's not so much linguistic skills but rather how they argue. They have no good faith when they argue and rather shift the argument however is needed to try to "win". Just like Hitler I've been in arguments with jews that I "won" but the next day they ignored all of the points I made. There is also the fact that jewish religious education requires learning a lot about their shit and then finding out about all the ways pilpul works to let them get out of shit god told them to do.

39c7af No.303164


weren't they trying to push an "agenda" with their first vid? iirc it was one about redditfags being cucks. I've never really like the vids though since he is way too much into e-celeb shit and was trying to do the whole moderate thing

604d9d No.303165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mundanefatt vs Johnny Fox

a97b4c No.303166

File: 6eb15ef507ebbfe⋯.png (132.87 KB, 735x953, 735:953, Jewish Arguments Mein Kamp….PNG)


Pic related

6151fe No.303168


He's trying to dodge a metokur bullet. Like practicing OPSEC once the enemy is in your ranks

b74257 No.303169

File: 21ee0ecae1a599f⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 471x432, 157:144, 1505529841210.jpg)


This is fucking beautiful, matt is getting fucked up over nothing.

6b6264 No.303170



wew laddy

604d9d No.303171

File: 5da9ef6521ad04d⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 267x219, 89:73, e3c742470372e61263f2074e07….gif)

b74257 No.303172


Because he doesn't want to, deep down I think everyone that sign onto candid knew that it was a piece of shit, I can say the same about the Kilroy nonsense too, Matt is hiding alot in regards to both.

cd890c No.303173


No it's not that he doesn't want to

It's that he literally can't. He signed an NDA and a clause that means he can't talk shit about the company. He could get sued for breach of contract if anyone hears him say anything about it that's not positive.

6151fe No.303174


Mundane fatt calls Warski a drama whore for leaving the ballpit

"Metokur in the audience asks, does that make Sargon a drama whore for dropping out as well"

Mundane: Well, no… Sargon….

[raucous laughter]

39c7af No.303175

lmfao people are telling matt things and he goes on to say "all I know" what a fucking faggot

b74257 No.303176


Sure… But even if the NDA wasn't a thing and/or not valid by September he still wouldn't say shit about candid.

a97b4c No.303177


442ab0 No.303179



26effc No.303180

File: 36d582d27be727a⋯.jpg (388.13 KB, 1057x2271, 1057:2271, 8fb9962338fef4a2bb79795ed8….jpg)

File: f10cf979517c121⋯.jpg (181.28 KB, 396x594, 2:3, chicago-frank-collin-head-….jpg)


>risking infection of hiroyuki nishimura trojan bitcoins mining malware

>going on a literal FBI botnet


hop you wore protection


Sure, but it was not a specific agenda. It seemed much more innocent. Now its clear they are promoting a TRS agenda, they constantly "counter signal" against real national socialism and promote Jews like Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch ect. They LARP as being "hard core" by but constantly throw shade at /pol/. They are the kind of cucks who if they where ever confronted IRL would cry "it was only a Joke, we are really libertarians"

26effc No.303181


fuck I got to get some sleep

6151fe No.303182



b74257 No.303183

File: 35a0c1df1a56ecd⋯.jpg (42.03 KB, 402x376, 201:188, 1505113882154.jpg)



39c7af No.303184


I'm using Iridium with a bunch of security add ons so I should be fine

39c7af No.303185


also I think murdoch was always more libertarian so he fitted in with the TRS guys more. Murdoch chan I think was mostly a joke to them.

also lol MundaneMatt says that a free flight isn't compensation lmfao

b64ae3 No.303186

Who is this 'Basedmama' anyway? Why would you let some random nobody organize a con for Youtubers?

b74257 No.303187

File: 42863005084e03b⋯.jpg (3.62 KB, 125x120, 25:24, 1497604820470.jpg)

> ballpit

> drugs in the back

> a stripper

> $17K

Worth It.

6b6264 No.303188


some sandnigger with khazar julayers scamming a bunch of skeptic retards out of money.

39c7af No.303189

lmfao Matt is saying we need Dave's side of the story. Then admits he just talked to him recently. What a fucking rat.

a97b4c No.303190

>Mundane Fatt calling others a lolcow

6d9ef9 No.303191


Cringy soccermom who was put in charge of this event

The reason for that i have no idea

b74257 No.303192

File: 4cbf9839d735f64⋯.jpg (10.71 KB, 420x258, 70:43, 17888175_258368637904668_2….jpg)

MrRepzion has more respect

604d9d No.303193

File: 51a953e9f4ad73d⋯.gif (1014.7 KB, 460x266, 230:133, f7e1065c746c314e647f825a0c….gif)

>MundaneFatt: Liz reptile has more respect than you do

b74257 No.303194


How rich.

39c7af No.303196

who the fuck is johnny fox

a8f3ba No.303197



b74257 No.303199



a8f3ba No.303200


Stupid redneck that sucks off eceleb's dicks when they're down, and tries to ride the wave against them when they're attacked.

a8aa38 No.303201

File: 45c68ab164c17c7⋯.jpg (15.65 KB, 480x190, 48:19, DRw0cMpUEAAu1Za.jpg)


A thot apparently.

b74257 No.303203

File: 7406a2a22ec1833⋯.jpg (21.58 KB, 537x531, 179:177, 17495629_1347870318615092_….jpg)



a8aa38 No.303204

a97b4c No.303205

>another fight me IRL

Kilroy is going to be a battlefield at this point

604d9d No.303206


e78cb6 No.303207

What is it with killroy attracting these fags trying to start fights there?

b74257 No.303208

File: 53a7fb30ecaf4ed⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 483x563, 483:563, 13407669_139831596425040_9….jpg)


First Jeff vs CRP and now Matt vs Johnny.



b74257 No.303209



39c7af No.303210

johnny fox seems pretty fucking retarded tho

604d9d No.303211


Can we upgrade the ball-pit to an octagon ball-pit cage match?

26effc No.303212


He is a literally a leftist attention-whore from /intl/ & /enchan/

b74257 No.303213


That's the best part about this shitshow he's being retarded and yet he's still destroying matt.

b74257 No.303214


It can be arranged, I just need both parties to sign a NDA agreement and both parties too turn off that pesky adblock.

b74257 No.303215

File: fa680809f962d3c⋯.png (14.17 KB, 337x132, 337:132, fucing kek.PNG)

604d9d No.303216

File: d404ea9f3b5f4d6⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 700x350, 2:1, d404ea9f3b5f4d6e4b08d6c33e….gif)

604d9d No.303217

Lol oh shit Repzion and Tree of Logic

a8f3ba No.303218



3fbbd8 No.303219


He's right, but then he talks about how they're all egoistic [sic] pretenders while he's smoking a cigarillo and holding a glass of what appears to be rum and coke while trying to project an image of cool he himself doesn't have.

6/10, have never met a person named Davis who didn't have a super punchable face.

a8f3ba No.303220




604d9d No.303221


b74257 No.303222


6151fe No.303223


Nigger arrives. Stream goes to shit

a97b4c No.303224

Based negress

b74257 No.303225

File: cf184230ebabf99⋯.png (755.2 KB, 704x469, 704:469, 1498385862264.png)

26effc No.303226

File: 4e1c1f7fbf6c15e⋯.jpg (98.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


a8f3ba No.303227


604d9d No.303228

>>303222 (checked)

This has turned into such a shitshow.


I wouldn't expect any less.

b74257 No.303229


It has being a shitshow once this began.

6151fe No.303230

Oh thank god, Nigger of Logic is here to explain everything we've heard a hundred times

604d9d No.303231

File: 4c00bca54786b81⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 666x386, 333:193, 1463465723793.gif)


True it has, didn't expect it snowball into shitstorm. Christmas has come early.

b74257 No.303232



a8f3ba No.303233




b74257 No.303234



604d9d No.303235

File: ef8cca34065360d⋯.jpeg (4.79 KB, 205x246, 5:6, MundanFatt.jpeg)

File: ae47cd6a8f53907⋯.gif (10.58 KB, 296x292, 74:73, digits magick.gif)

39c7af No.303236

wait whats this 6 children from 3 guys meme?

b74257 No.303237


It's regarding basedmama.

3fbbd8 No.303238


So the person in charge of the convention has the self-restraint of a black woman while having the moneylust of a Jewess?

Oy gevalt!

604d9d No.303239

File: eb9a2a76c405375⋯.gif (2.29 MB, 480x262, 240:131, 2663cd7158f6ccd68bbb913051….gif)

e78cb6 No.303240


"based mama" is actually a giant slut who's had multiple kids with multiple guys.

39c7af No.303241




wait it's real? lmfao. I saw a video of her leaning on Dave Cullen so I'm sure he pounded that thot as well.

a8aa38 No.303242


From her YT channel description.

>Just an aging Punk Rock kid on YouTube, trying to keep a bit of sanity in an insane world and keep my 6 amazing kids from falling prey to idiotic ideas.

>And boobs.

>Here is my paypal if you would like to engage in some compassion porn and feel like you're helping the world.


6d9ef9 No.303243


That's probably how she got to be in charge of the kilroy thing in the first place

39c7af No.303244


hope news doesnt get out that she's hosting a neo nazi conference

f6d4d4 No.303246


I hope CPS doesn't learn that she associates with neo nazis.

26effc No.303247

File: b395b32f52bbd0e⋯.jpg (504.73 KB, 1407x2047, 1407:2047, DOk3kIbWsAYBuHR.jpg)


>based ma ma


39c7af No.303248


I wish MrE did a tranny investigation into the skeptic/alt right thots

39c7af No.303249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hope he doesnt have a foxdickfarms article. Such a treasure

539d68 No.303250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you guys need a laugh in between streams, check out Tree of Logic's channel trailer. It's the most bizarre and hilarious thing. I wnated to do a video on it but editing it or talking over it at all will destroy the magic.

a8f3ba No.303252


>I discuss matters while cycling, working out or while at the shooting range

Well, she IS living correctly regarding hobbies and daily activities.

8ef8d9 No.303254

File: 3895d5a219f8915⋯.gif (19.12 KB, 220x130, 22:13, raw.gif)


I kek'ed, multiple times I have imbibed

b3022f No.303255


Yeah, or on the Alt Right or Alt-Lite such as Lauren Southern and Lana Lokteff.

0c484b No.303258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>… in other words, I just wanna make you laugh, and if you learn something in the process, well, that's a bonus too.

As eerie as that video is, I really can't fault the sentiment.


Weird shape if it's a penis. Arguably pretty masculine facial features, though.


I hope they're not, because if I'm wrong anyone can be a tranny and I'll probably spiral into paranoia.

Speaking of Lana Lokteff and Tree of Logic, I found this video a while back. The two are talking, and it's highly amusing seeing Lokteff sitting there waiting uncomfortably and patiently while Tree is being a stereotypical black woman. The contrast is quite funny.

Jumping around a bit, apparently they're discussing jews around 30 minutes. Tree gets pretty PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD.

26effc No.303261

File: 21f42ca6a6245ba⋯.webm (599.74 KB, 398x398, 1:1, Heather_Heyer_Not_Hit.webm)

File: 6cc2d57dbb05384⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Heather_Heyer_Heart_Attack.mp4)


>worked for (((Ezra Levant)))

>got famous during a false flag event

How much do you want to bet Faith Goldy is a Jew? How much do you want to bet she is ether Blacked or a Transsexual? Just look at her Wikipedia page she has no public history and just appears out of nowhere and all of a sudden starts promoting the aut-kike.

292b40 No.303263


>everyone i dont like is a black tranny jew

0c484b No.303264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Just look at her Wikipedia page she has no public history and just appears out of nowhere and all of a sudden starts promoting the aut-kike.

It took me less than five fucking minutes to go to Rebel Media's facebook page, search "Faith Goldy", and find videos from 2016 with her in them.

I also used to watch Sun News back in the day, when it still existed and I was a civiccuck, and I believe she worked there.

539d68 No.303265



>everyone is a tranny


It's more likely they're just conservative chicks who are trying to be the next pair of legs on Fox or Infowars.

26effc No.303266


>bla bla bla

no, she say's all the right things. But I don't trust her because of the people she keeps company and her mysterious entry into the lime lite. If MW is promoting them, then I don't trust them.

0c484b No.303267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yup! Faith Goldy, Sun News, 2013.


It wouldn't suprise me if some (((people))) promote that sort of thinking to make people question themselves when looking at/talking to women. Same thing is true for increasing awareness of fags to make people paranoid about male comradery.


>no, she say's all the right things.

>But I don't trust her because of the people she keeps company and her mysterious entry into the lime lite.

As I've already pointed out, that's not true.

>If MW is promoting them, then I don't trust them.


26effc No.303269

File: 7b49d290326f086⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1112x1512, 139:189, screen_shot_2017-04-10_at_….png)


>I found a video from one year ago

>therefore this controlled opposition actress it 100% legit.

Frank Collins, a jew ran a branch of the American National Socialist White People's Party for over fifteen years. Some thot bimbo shows up out of nowhere and asking for her to be vetted is a crime?

539d68 No.303271


>>therefore this controlled opposition actress it 100% legit.

A few questions.

What is she a controlled opposition to?

What is her long-term goal?

What has she said exactly that's false or that you have a problem with?

539d68 No.303273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warski is live on "Rage Was Right"

292b40 No.303275


JF is on too

b2f63d No.303276

>"Derrick started all of this, basically because he thought he had a chance with Rage and when he saw that Rage did this race realism situation, that she 'aint going to do race mixing, he had his little balls goddamn crush"

6151fe No.303277


Niggers ruin everything held by whites

26effc No.303278

File: b83349ef079e202⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, b83349ef079e20261e267ba631….mp4)


Her long term goal is aliened with the Aut-Right, which is aliened with Israel. To be a bogyman and a escape valve for building tension in the united states as they "learn to be multicultural". They play the same Role in the play that Frank Collins Played. Remember Illinois Nazis in the Blues Brothers was based on Frank. This was all during the 60's desegregation. It all in order to paint a narrative. On top of that you have bozo's like David Duke claiming they are acting on the orders of Donald Trump. These assholes are clowns and Pied Pipers.

9db9e5 No.303279

File: 8fa8bc5d186e478⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1357x927, 1357:927, 8cc98bc78a8930fcc65bdcc98c….png)

So do you think there is a chance of him coming back and his autistic fans forgiving him?

26effc No.303280

*and Europe

539d68 No.303281


Tree confirmed for being into CBT and raceplay.


I don't see Faith Goldy wearing a red armband and championing National Socialism. You're linking her to some entirely separate incident decades ago. What's more likely, she's a secret mossad plant or just some Bill O'Reilly watching basic bitch who's become slightly edgified thanks to the internet?


I'm certain at least 80% of his fans think he shit his pants and did nothing wrong.

26effc No.303282


He will be back in three mounts without a doubt and have made peace with Edgy and Rage.


The aut-kike dosen't championing National Socialism. They are designed to be a re-branding of White Nationalism that is Jew friendly and Sympathetic to Israel. Just pay attention to their rhetoric.

26effc No.303284


and btw, I don't know who Faith Goldy is. I am not staying she is essentially controlled opposition. She may be just a useful idiot, but her raise to stardom is very odd and she came out of no-ware. Remember Candida is the the United States and she worked for the same Jew that gave us (((Lauren Southern))).

539d68 No.303285



>the altright

>some kike from the 60s

>david duke

I'm talking about Goldy, though. Again, what does she say that is false or that you have a disagreement with? She's just another basicbitch who sees the problem with immigration but doesn't have the stones to see the Solution to it. Not some masterful 4d chess move by the kikes.

26effc No.303286


>is not the*

ok, done posting for now. need sleep


nothing, stop being so incredulous. It who she is promoted by and who she endorses and that she promoted a False Flag event. Charlesville was a False flag and the aut-kike organizers where in on it leading people into a known trap. I don't trust anyone who was involved with Charlesville.

539d68 No.303287


>i don't know who Faith Goldy is

>but she's a transexual jew spy who fucks blacks

Go back to goonchan.

b2f63d No.303288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Goldie is a Canadian journalist. She's a pro Israel 'alt right' journalist.

a97b4c No.303291


>6 foot three inches tall

>androgynous voice


a8aa38 No.303292


It's the best Christmas in a long time, but listening to all those Warski stream is starting to have an effect on my mental states. I can't stand to listen to his voice anymore, or the other subhumans on his stream.

39c7af No.303293

So one of the things I've noticed with all the skeptics over the past week is how they constantly say they havent watched/read something or havent talked to someone yet still argue for things.

dd0d06 No.303294


It's so if they're wrong they can be like

"See? I said I didn't know :^)**

cd890c No.303295


That's because all they do is parrot statements other people make. When directly pressed about something they'll usually respond with "I haven't read about that" or "I don't care" as a defense mechanism to avoid being considered stupid or wrong.

6151fe No.303296

Correctly moving away from CRP


a8f3ba No.303297


Fuck off, Edgy.

6d9ef9 No.303298

6151fe No.303300


I like edgy and don't understand the hate. Is it because he's arab?

a8f3ba No.303301


It's because you're neet'ing away instead of making cocks, faggot. Bring good arguments.

a8f3ba No.303302



Fucking filter.

6151fe No.303304



I love 8chan's attitude and the fact that there's nothing I can do to convince you Im not edgy.

Anyway, making cocks? Also I thought his arguments are pretty solid. Him, AltHype and Moly are some of the few e-fags that haven't fallen from my graces

39c7af No.303306

Just thread reminder that this Warski stream had him and some others go "race is real" today

what a twist

26effc No.303307


>NOBODY know who Faith Goldy really is

>therefore she could very likely be a transsexual

>because she came from Rebel media and was promoted during a false flag she is likely a controlled opposition

>just like how Lauren Southern is a Jew

go fuck yourself Uncle Moishe

604d9d No.303310

File: f5abdac02f07434⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 659x609, 659:609, 1461898740075.gif)


The tide is turning.

39c7af No.303311

when did jeff delete his apology?


26effc No.303312


Edgy is arab? Ah it makes sens now, no wonder he is (((aut-kike))). He knows he wouldn't be welcomed in a European ethnic nation but he doesn't want to live under an Islamic state. In this regard he is no different then the jew living in a European country. Is Edgy also a cock sucking fag?

e78cb6 No.303314


He never uploaded to his first channel. He uploaded his apology to his second channel, disabled comments and cried about being doxed in the description.


516fd5 No.303315




Does these spergs know what a lolcow even is? One shouldn't use lolcow if one does not want to become one.


sargoy is smart enough not to try and be involved in anything Veeh does, so that fucking gypsy is going to go down hard, just wait and see.

39c7af No.303316

anyway everyone should watch this Warski stream. They've basically all gone race realist and JF starts to educate them on biology and genes. Not sure how popular all of them are but it seems pretty big of a change.

6151fe No.303317


>that fucking gypsy is going to go down hard

Based on what? Where's the crime?

fd829e No.303318

Why haven't any of you autists murdered this kike?

9d3ea2 No.303319

File: 5ad55fe3b853142⋯.png (274.17 KB, 512x384, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


> that vid

I can see the internal "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" monologue on her face.

dd0d06 No.303320

6d9ef9 No.303321

File: 39e012cbad98734⋯.png (934.38 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, shiet.png)


Has SBG reacted yet?

Imagine being him and knowing that your inability to keep it in your pants around dem white wymen caused a chain of reaction of increasingly autistic events that led your whole internet community to either get chased off the internet or turn full race realist

6151fe No.303322


If the fallout of blacks and women in your movement isn't a redpill, I don't know what is

0b8949 No.303323


Jeez you fucks are retards, it's about making a decision at the time based on what delivers the best outcome, basing your decision off what gets the best result, not filibustering and pretending to be intelligent whilst sinking every discussion to suck your own dick. It's not blinding yourself by locking yourself into an ideological position when it comes to decision making. For instance you retards argue with retarded communists over race realism when the economy is tanking. Instead of looking at ways and means of switching back from a service economy to a production economy you post frogs and kike memes whilst pretending to be smarter. Instead of getting private industry out of defence, policing, health and utilities where 90% just ends up in the private company and not on service delivery the left want to cuddle welfare scammers attention seeking BPD kids and who grow tits or get boy haircuts for attention and shut down free debate.

>Lel, not take a stance.

Retard I do have a stance, I just dont let group think nor ideology dictate where I take it.

a97b4c No.303324


>I just dont let group think nor ideology dictate where I take it.

Le radical centrist detected. Kys

6151fe No.303325

File: b9b1cc30937fe32⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 250x165, 50:33, 1353880943550.gif)

cc58d8 No.303326

File: b49d8a710b73812⋯.png (116.65 KB, 260x285, 52:57, recetthinking.png)


>"i have a non-ideological stance

your brain must be super big

0b8949 No.303327

File: 91101043227bedb⋯.png (17.7 KB, 500x470, 50:47, Amerimutt4.png)


You mutts claimed to give a shit in this thread. Talk about inconsistent

Check this post


>Man you euros are so weird in how you constantly attack those who actually give a fuck about your survival. We keep trying to tell you how fucking shitty "multicultural" societies are and then you just spam stale memes. Sad!

The fact that you are the result of mutt breeding the religious retards who couldn't cope in Europe with the mud races hurts you when it's pointed out. To be the future of the white race you have to be either of the non-trash bloodlines and, you know, actually white, you mutts are neither.

dd0d06 No.303328

39c7af No.303329

6151fe No.303330

File: 93c9f961b2755da⋯.gif (854.94 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1440230515821.gif)


You're a really tedious person

a97b4c No.303331


And another retard shits up the thread about who is whiter. Fuck off

39c7af No.303332


just sad man.

6b6264 No.303333

File: 2dfb6de300a1dca⋯.jpg (140.23 KB, 828x967, 828:967, jf power level 2.jpg)


>when you bix nood so hard you accidentally the whole youtube political community with no survivors

a8f3ba No.303334


Quads checked.

Can anyone explain the bix nood meme? I don't understand ebonics.

6b6264 No.303335

File: 8a10694fd24019e⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 399x443, 399:443, bix nood.jpg)

b2f63d No.303336

File: ba6fc97fc077bb9⋯.jpg (256.24 KB, 1200x810, 40:27, quads.jpg)


Metokur video is a few more hours away.

0b8949 No.303337


Not really, an ex-military guy who sees little point in ideology. Might be the training where everything we do is judged on results, might be just who I am naturally. But so far though all you guys have talked is ideology and concepts, not results so from a practical stand point I wouldn't really be throwing stones. At the end of the day this makes you no different from the septics and regressive left as far as I'm concerned, you fucks want me thinking your way and supporting you then deliver results, so far all the Alt-right have achieved was that Charlottesville shit show where you spergs outed yourself as Ambercrombie and Finch clad Momma's boys.

a97b4c No.303338


>radical centrism intensifies

39c7af No.303339


>white race being destroyed by libs and kikes

>go ultra 3rd way where even radical centrism is too much of an ideology for you


6151fe No.303340


>compelled more by branding and image than message

Fine. Be gone then

9d3ea2 No.303341

File: 2a83ae7019b5675⋯.png (551.69 KB, 620x682, 10:11, ClipboardImage.png)


t. nothing personnel, kid

cc58d8 No.303342


typical brainlet army pussy, flaunting his service around like his dumb ass is special for cleaning toilets

516fd5 No.303343

File: f3a868196895536⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 437x598, 19:26, bro.jpg)


Crime? you mean julay and lols who fucking cares about muh ethics, moral and crime it's just for fun looking into people, we all know these retards that has to have hipster welfare and has to make a video responds on inane shit must've done something funny.

Kraut is probably tame when it comes to degeneracy and being an overall retard.

I can still hear his fake posh voice when he is after Tyrone giving him his nipple clamps.

604d9d No.303344

File: 3a1b1716c29c4fc⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, antifa_tears_sad_song.mp4)

44038b No.303345



I can't stand the guy. He's not funny, his videos brings nothing of interest, he just rambles dumb shit with a horrible accent for 5 minutes.

The fact that he calls other people lolcows is just ridiculous. I guess he's heard Sargon say it and just like the word "moralfag" he keeps throwing it around.

516fd5 No.303350


Also his voice is annoying as all hell but I do believe it's kinda forced. I mean, he sounds feminine for christ sake so my bets are, he is probably a literal faggot or like the mod/admin on /leftypol/ a tranny that has probably sucked one or two dicks.

b2f63d No.303352

f04924 No.303353

010bec No.303354

Kraut is sitting at 120,864 subs.

He'll be below 120k before the year's over.

6151fe No.303355


I'm retarded and can't see what point metokur is trying to make here

b2f63d No.303356

File: 30b9253f4c3e7d5⋯.jpg (239.05 KB, 1540x2047, 1540:2047, DRxzrRLVQAEmBew.jpg large.jpg)


It was in response to this.

539d68 No.303357

File: 2d0f3da5ee3f013⋯.png (40.26 KB, 328x921, 328:921, 2d0f3da5ee3f013c98fe42295e….png)

File: b4a4aeff35e59fa⋯.jpg (183.54 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, b4a4aeff35e59fa9404fccb060….jpg)


>you post frogs and kike memes whilst pretending to be smarter

>At the end of the day this makes you no different from the septics and regressive left as far as I'm concerned, you fucks

>tfw u will never be this bigbrained

b64ae3 No.303360


Is A-right = Alt-right?

Because I don't get the plan here, why would the alt-right infight over a Thunderfoot or Sagon video?

39c7af No.303362


they think JF and Ryan "fuck a white dude" Faulk are alt-right

a97b4c No.303367


Are there people who unironically idenitify themselves as alt-right? I would probably be placed under it by leftist retards but I'm more third position in reality. Readily using the term sounds like it would bring a lot of bad associations

39c7af No.303374


everyone (besides /pol/) who was pro Trump during the election called themselves alt-right. The current alt-lite, the_donald, a bunch of post libertarians, TRS, Daily Stormer, old racist dad message board, frog twitter, spencer of course, those nrx guys, and of course more. Back then the term had no real connotation besides not-cuckservative. The more extreme portion like Spencer and DS kinda pushed the white nationalist narrative and then a breaking point happened. Now a lot of the previous "alt-righter" members don't call themselves that but the media and everyone throws the term at them and it's shifted more to neo-nazism.

>third position

why even have political opinions if you think that's a worthwhile position lol

8fb3a0 No.303375


6 hours got a timestamp or just the good bits cut out

26effc No.303378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

539d68 No.303379

File: afd4fc4ecf252a5⋯.gif (722.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, afd4fc4ecf252a5c5e6419a960….gif)


4 hours 55 min is around when FoxDie comes on to fight Matt. Matt was on before that for around 5-10 minutes chatting with Warski but it was a bit dull.


My emotional connection is ready.

010bec No.303380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


39c7af No.303382

wew I didn't know about the pewdiepie shit. What the fuck was kraut doing

010bec No.303383

After watching Jim's new video I can fully say these people are fucking insane.

Can you even imagine taking arguments on the internet so fucking seriously that you attempt to do WW2-stye disinfo campaigns?

15df86 No.303385


I think Jim is making a long series just to savor the feels of breaking the camels back. I love it.

3fbbd8 No.303386


Remember how people were asking if Jim was going to use that footage of Sargon talking about how lies by omission is the worst lie a person can tell? Using that source is telling me that Jim is going to fucking nail Carl the Cuck on that.

539d68 No.303387


It is better this way. Watching them sweat and wonder what the next video will talk about is great.

b2f63d No.303398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He hasn't even got off Kraut yet. Still got Dox Holiday and Biased Mama, all the Kilroy shit, Candid, Emotional Connections and who knows what else. Plus any drama that gets stirred up in the meantime. How long can all these e-whores afford to keep their heads down?

c2a5ce No.303412


If we're lucky? They won't, they'll get so scared of what he might say about them, what dirty little skeletons they have, that they get desperate enough to shoa him in to silence, the fail and provide us with even more spaghetti to laugh at.

395f95 No.303416


As kraut considered himself to be the "German MisterMetokur" i can just imagine his autstic ass going.

>So even you have betrayed me


I wounder how much laughter will Jim have when he knows a sped is going to dox him. It is fucking Nuklear gamer all over again.

0c484b No.303424


Not what I said, retard. I just pointed out that the claims that

>she has no public history and just appears out of nowhere and all of a sudden starts promoting the aut-kike. ( >>303261 )

>her mysterious entry into the lime lite. ( >>303267 )

are nonsense.

>>I found a video from one year ago

Not one video, that was just the first I saw. She used to work for Sun News. ( >>303267 )

b3022f No.303425


I hadn't heard about Faith Goldy before I saw her video on Kilroy. I find it curious how many of these e-celebs manage to accrue an assload of subs in such a short time.

Is this her main channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMWnUHbxJKJLUgloN1mPUA/videos

It has only four videos but almost 40k subs.

539d68 No.303426


>As kraut considered himself to be the "German MisterMetokur"

Did he really? In what universe is he anything like Jim?

395f95 No.303427


Fuck knows why he said that. Just must burn bad now.

0c484b No.303428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I hadn't heard about Faith Goldy before I saw her video on Kilroy.

I didn't hear of her before Charlottesville (although I vaguely remember her face, though not her name, from Sun News).

>I find it curious how many of these e-celebs manage to accrue an assload of subs in such a short time.

>Is this her main channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMWnUHbxJKJLUgloN1mPUA/videos

>It has only four videos but almost 40k subs.

I think so. She made her channel after being fired, so it's a few months old. The oldest video appearst to be a channel trailer or something from August 22.

After she was fired, I saw people in the comments of every video saying things like

<"Not Faith Goldy! She's the only reason I still watch Rebel Media."

so presumably she already had a following.

I haven't seen much of her stuff either (pretty much only her interviews with Krypto Report and Red Ice), but checking the channel you linked she has a trailer for "White Genocide in South Africa". That' makes me pretty hyped.


This is the most hyped I've ever been for an IA series.



I would also like to have a source for this as well. If it exists, I hope Jim will include it. Sounds strange, though. It doesn't at all appear to be what he's going for.


>he said that


d78da3 No.303430

File: aa900cb1c1b32aa⋯.png (15.86 KB, 1012x688, 253:172, 1346516920503268[1].png)


It's in one of the previous /cow/ threads. It was on some German podcast. He said he wanted to be the German mister metokur and said he getsRead: steals all his cocks from /pol/, lol.

292b40 No.303431


I think that video was the only video of krauts I ever watched

dd2746 No.303436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>more European than Europeans

shit embed, I know

6b6264 No.303451


I don't understand the double-think of these kikes who browse and get all their material from /pol/ while also being staunchly "anti-racist". I can't square that circle in my head.

539d68 No.303453

File: ae55120ede3ada5⋯.jpg (195.79 KB, 1268x656, 317:164, cuckchan pol.jpg)

File: a721116803fd338⋯.png (5.88 KB, 552x127, 552:127, cuckchanpol.PNG)


Cuckchan's /pol/ really does look only ironically racist. It's good for joking around and happenings, but 90% of the catalog is usually low-quality bait and shitposting.

6d9ef9 No.303460

c2a5ce No.303467


>cuck/pol/ bans you for calling someone a nigger

WEW, and here I thought that was only on cuck/co/

6b6264 No.303469


wew, this has to be a fucking shop.

6151fe No.303477

6151fe No.303478


tl;dr: As long as we can point fingers and say "No YOU'RE the SJW", we're morally justified.

55800e No.303479

b3022f No.303491


I often see people on 8/pol say that cuckchan is such a shithole. I was somewhat incredulous as I had never really visited 4chan just to browse. Well, a few days ago I went to cuckchan to read about this Kraut-stuff, and decided to look around. Most of the threads started with one or two sentences. One OP was simply "Would you ever date a Jew?"

4chan seems to be full of niggers and Jeff Holidays.

8ec1c4 No.303510

File: efa9452b422dbd9⋯.jpg (89.29 KB, 1386x284, 693:142, V-rp.jpg)

File: 1103dff4f907340⋯.png (16.31 KB, 870x251, 870:251, V-vore.png)

File: 936ddabf8f27ccf⋯.png (14.35 KB, 1310x137, 1310:137, v-doc.png)

8ec1c4 No.303514

File: 67a62cfa47812a8⋯.png (22.85 KB, 1309x161, 187:23, v-doc2.png)

b3022f No.303515

File: b6c1a1f60a82970⋯.png (9.11 KB, 597x147, 199:49, SargonWhiteRace.png)


I used to watch Vee's channel a couple of years ago. I think admitted that he used to be a furry, but he got better after he found a girlfriend or something.

I found this Romanian Medical Residency page, but didn't see any way to search for registered doctors: https://www.residencydatabase.com/romania-medical-residency/

On another note, I found this comment that Sargoy of Mossad doesn't care (big surprise) if the white race dies out: https://gab.ai/Sargonofakkad100/posts/11450646

I'm just wondering if anyone knows if he's made any statement about genociding of Jews, or other races? Does he have the same apathetic attitude to genocide in general (as he claims to care only about individuals, not groups) or does he condemn other types of genocide?

8ec1c4 No.303516


>On another note, I found this comment that Sargoy of Mossad doesn't care (big surprise) if the white race dies out:

>On another note, I found this comment that Sargoy of Mossad doesn't care (big surprise) if the white race dies out:

That's nothing new

Laymans dox just got dropped on half/pol/

8ec1c4 No.303517

Aydin Paladin's was dropped as well. Bekah Ford, some student over in WV


58db1a No.303521



How embarrassing.

539d68 No.303543

File: e679740297ee82a⋯.jpg (18.82 KB, 498x159, 166:53, aydin.JPG)


>I guess this'll have to do, ne?

>Nagas, wolf hybrids, just about anything

>While I'd strongly prefer for the other person's character to be female, I won't rule out the possiblity of roleplaying with another male character




>I don't care if the white race dies out

This is one of the times you can see the true face of Sargon. He's not smart, he has no decent values, and everything he does is about signalling to the right type of people. He's a hollow soulless shell who makes up for his lack of personality with a faux-intellectual facade.


Seems legit. Why is everyone in this drama a filthy communist or a roleplaying degenerate autist?

8ec1c4 No.303545


She's from Baltimore but going to WV for her doctorate from what it seems.

>why do cam-whore nationalists get their start in cosplay

You know why

b6117c No.303559

File: d86f09a25d086aa⋯.png (114.83 KB, 1040x1459, 1040:1459, veemon_ro_furaffintiy.png)

a97b4c No.303562


>yet another skeptic untermensch


6d9ef9 No.303566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Looks like he got triggered af although he plays the "i literally don't care" card like any good skeptic

b68c4e No.303568


That wasn't really doxxxxxxxxxing anyway since all the information was readily available on the internet.

6d9ef9 No.303572


I guess that only counts when the target is someone who stepped on daddy Sargon's toe

539d68 No.303576

File: ee1ff4956276054⋯.jpg (38.43 KB, 306x446, 153:223, toothbeast.jpg)


The amount of ballwashing that goes on with Sargon is sickening. That completely average fatfuck could do a twenty minute stream of armpit farts and his lackeys would call it a thrilling and brilliant takedown of identitarianism and party politics.

He's now telling everyone Cenk shit his pants and did nothing wrong and to stop cyberbullying him. The fat turkish retard who's constantly whining about the patriarchy and white supremacy gets caught being a hypocrite and Sargon's reaction is to poke his nose in and remind us all not to be "just like those SJWs™".

He's a fucking dullard and I hope his wife's son gets hit by a Truck of Peace.

6151fe No.303587


AIU did the same thing. I get the idea, we should be skeptical of each of these sex accusations, but when our enemies our destroying each other, there's not need to help them. This is fence-sitting garbage and an unwillingness to see your enemies fail, when they would never show the same consideration

292b40 No.303590

the_guardian002 is going on a total cuck rampage about muh based black men in the military. somehow this dumb fuck has been involved in all of this shit but hasn't heard any of the arguments

d29354 No.303603


So who is he?

6b6264 No.303670

File: 05a88da3b04169c⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bane feels in charge.jpg)


guardian is the archetype of the foolish wizard who summons a god/demon/monster/whatever thinking he can control it, but then the god/demon/monster/whatever does it's own thing instead.

In other words, do you feel in charge?

b2f63d No.303672



>I admit that even suggesting flagging is bad, I admit i should not of trusted kraut & Jeff's word that CRP 's research was going to stay private, & that his info was public, cause it wasn't (sargon is mistaken) & i found out too late I should of made sure of it faster. I am sorry

a68b99 No.303767

File: 53d887a4320ae2a⋯.png (30.89 KB, 819x290, 819:290, 2017-12-25 12_46_40-Greens….png)


New leaks (from his patreon only server)


b3022f No.303838


Is Kraut baiting us? Does he say this knowing it will get leaked and then people will try to find his dick? Is he fucking Osiris or something?

53609c No.303872


Uh oh guys he's going to release a holocaust video and he's going to use hdot of all things for citations


53609c No.303873


Forgot about the fucking filter

thred = 154511827

539d68 No.303876

File: 539deb7fe97f443⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 147x206, 147:206, happyhank.JPG)


>at the height of your unpopularity

>decide to release a video on the holocaust

This guy.

53609c No.303884

File: a0a9cb811bbfaef⋯.png (9.18 KB, 694x126, 347:63, kraut1.PNG)

File: 4bd55d3942132e1⋯.png (7.04 KB, 922x94, 461:47, kraut2.PNG)


It gets better

I hope he really fucking does this

04a9e0 No.303897

File: 2dfa52f94e76f27⋯.png (21.92 KB, 642x198, 107:33, 1514256152463.png)

40 cigs a day he will get lung cancer at this rate

b74257 No.303907

File: 7e3a1bfbbd1e171⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 401x401, 1:1, 1505038660799.jpg)


>he will get lung cancer at this rate

he probably has it, I wouldn't be surprised.

069e97 No.303909

There's no way that's really him.

53609c No.303912

File: 02f964dc6f93703⋯.png (98.51 KB, 727x268, 727:268, timestamppossible.PNG)


Possible delivery

539d68 No.303914


>i'm not afraid of x

Isn't this the tactic SJWs use to shame people? You're an x-ophobe? These cuckchan baiters are just like the SJWs tbh fam.

6151fe No.303919

File: 215c0aef30c0180⋯.gif (559.32 KB, 400x276, 100:69, 1346853060959.gif)

f22b76 No.303924


tbh id bang styxhexentrapper666

7b3726 No.303949


Fuck off Styx

Make your own thread

9f8cb4 No.303966


I have never seen any source, normie, social media, scientific, or otherwise say that 4.5 inches is average, let alone "above average. I'm fairly certain that the global average is somewhere around 5 and a half.

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