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File: 522cadbfbd8da9e⋯.png (509.4 KB, 773x429, 773:429, JoshIsIncrediblyPopularOnG….png)

3f9327 No.242183

To start us off, Josh has been sperging all over the internet recently about his enthusiasm for Trump and the alt-Right. Vordrak, in his quest to systematically break all of Josh's dreams set out to get them to disown him.

Vordrak has been spewing this video he made all over Gab.ai, the only social media network Josh has left.


As a result Joshy now has a popularity of -197 according to his profile. All his little Gabs or whatever they are called are on negative votes.

Josh fans have a new drinking game - get on Gab and add to the hilarious downvote total.

3f9327 No.242184

That banner with all the right-wing leaders with Gendo-esque eyes just screams trying too hard. If his behavior on Kiwi wasn't enough to convince people that he's a 13-year old edgelord in an adult's body, this does.

3f9327 No.242185


That profile banner is his own? How hillarious

3f9327 No.242187


Ooh, I thought the alt-right was just an illusion not worth talking about.

3f9327 No.242565

Did anyone catch Null trying to start a retarded non-profit group?

He mentioned it in chat and heres the plebbit post talking about it


Safe to say, Null has no idea how to do anything right.

3f9327 No.242572


>>going to reddit for legal advice

why not get your mom to hire you a lawyer there null

3f9327 No.242578

Looks like even the Trannie who started TransLifeLine is better than Null. Even they were able to get a 501(c) "charity" up and running.

3f9327 No.242581


Read some of his posts, it's so cringey.

3f9327 No.242587


Might as well go there for information on the climate or politics. It's a cesspool.

3f9327 No.242605


Somehow I doubt Null has enough money for attorney services, but if he actualy did it would require him to leave his basement to go in the outside world

3f9327 No.242617


Plus the "non-profit" he was going for was not a non-profit in any way or form. He was providing a service FOR non-profits and expecting to get tax-exempt status as a result.

However thats all under the assumption that Joshua would even get up from his depressed and impotent stupor to even bother filing the paperwork.

3f9327 No.242632

File: 8493f9fb5117332⋯.png (760.92 KB, 951x540, 317:180, JoshuaConnerMoonMinus400Li….png)

He is now on less than -400 likes and having rows with Gabbers who laugh at his denials of pedophilia pointing out that even France banned him.

Getting downvoted so heavily is making Joshua Conner Moon VERY VERY UPSET. So why not gab yourself some free, legal, winter entertainment by getting on Gab and explaining to @Moon that is pedophilia hurts your feels.

Also, to show how much your feels are hurt downvote all his little posts.

WE CAN GET TO -1000 /COW/!

3f9327 No.242643


Fuck off, Vordy. Not your personal army.

3f9327 No.242646


He's about as subtle at non-vordy as josh is at not-josh

3f9327 No.242647


>Josh likes rightwing politicans

At least half the people in that image would strap him to an electric chair for being a pedo

3f9327 No.242650

Josh doxxed me because I got sloppy with a domain once. Apparently I hurt his feelings a long time ago in another venue. I am abrasive when it comes to autists.

He replied to one of my gab.ai replies to someone else, out of the blue, just to insult me- there was no context or reason for him to show up there unless he was following me with impotent rage.

But he can't use any of his websites to target me because then he'd give away that he's the one who autistically slaved away to figure out who I am- and I'd honestly go break his fingers IRL if he started putting my name out there with whatever made up shit he would invent.

When I think about how frustrated he must be about this, my dick is diamonds.

3f9327 No.242657


I like how he thinks that we are all chomping at the bit to hurt Josh when in reality we just like to laugh at him when he inevitably fucks up.

3f9327 No.242658


Daily reminder that Chris-chan has a better resume than Josh.

3f9327 No.242659


gotta defend the glory of FREE SPEECH

3f9327 No.242661


And by free speech we mean the right to harass retards on the Internet as well as their friends, their family and (in exceptionally rare cases) their employer. It's muh first amendment rights.

3f9327 No.242662

Funny that this video would apply to the same people using /cow/ also.

3f9327 No.242663


What fucking video you're talking about, Null?

3f9327 No.242666

File: 55548860c836e59⋯.png (246.36 KB, 900x701, 900:701, the_cunning_brony_by_curts….png)

That header image makes conservatism look autistic.

What the fuck is Gab?

3f9327 No.242667



In all fairness, OP did label himself The Real Vordrak.

But yeah, Vordrak has anonshilled for himself before. I appreciate his efforts, but once Josh is out of the picture, he's next unless he ceases that kind of faggotry.

3f9327 No.242669


Vordrak also talked about himself in the third person.

3f9327 No.242676


Son of a bitch, he did.

It's a retarded faggot fight we're witnessing. Vordrak has the edge because he isn't Josh.

3f9327 No.242680


A retarded faggot yes, but a retarded faggot that managed to get under Null's skin and extract loljulay from him

3f9327 No.242743

I think null should lose some weight

3f9327 No.242744


The sooner we make a thread to tell Vordy that hes basically british Josh and that he needs to be mocked too for his unique faggotry while we watch his continued autism the better. We dont even need to wait for Josh to be gone like some other anons implied.

3f9327 No.242747



Get off your ass and do it then kiwi

3f9327 No.242750


He's a faggot, but his faggotry is very hard to appreciate right now due to Josh's prescense. Then again, it's hard to top the faggotry of someone who treats "TMZ for Internet retards" as serious fucking business.

3f9327 No.242754

I think Null made a wise choice in deleting the current events forum. He can't stop himself from chimping out whenever someone voices a political opinion he doesn't like. Ergo, by limiting the opportunities Kiwis have to mock the causes he supports he is probably going to have less chimpout. I don't know if this was his reasoning behind the move but either way it was a good one. It would have been a better move not be a triggered faggot to begin with, but if he can't do that eliminating what triggers him is the next best thing.

3f9327 No.242755


>Claims to support free speech

>Will supress all opinions that contradict his own

I'm sure Null would enjoy /pol/ a lot but attention whoring is a banable offense there

3f9327 No.242767


OTOH, the more triggers he gets rid of, the harder he'll chimp when he is confronted with something that would trigger him.

Whatever the hell makes Null chimp next is going to be amazing.

3f9327 No.242776


We just need to make him a mod, then he'll fit in.

3f9327 No.242777


/pol/ would eviscerate him. Especially when they find out how much of a degenerate he is. Then again, that's probably where a degenerate would want to be a mod at to shield themselves from trolling.

3f9327 No.242783

Anyone else realize he's still updating his uninteresting blog?



3f9327 No.242788


Fucked up my post.

As I was saying, my opinion of Kiwi Farms and Null is less harsh than most here. I just think his inability to focus on a project is what's held him back since the Infinity Next upgrade fumble (which wasn't entirely his fault). Anyone can change who they are with effort. The stigma of his past isn't enough to ruin the man's life, despite what Vordy wants to believe. But he divides his efforts between too many projects at once and prioritizes them in ways that don't make sense. If Kiwi Farms is paid for for the next few years, wouldn't it make more sense for him to double-down on coding his other projects, if that's where he sees his future? I get that the community is important to him but the wiki and news blog were never going to work out because they were largely redundant. Lolcow news could have gained some traction if he broadened the focus and could get it updated more frequently, but the community doesn't care for it as is and running A one man show is hard for anyone (I offered to write for it but I guess my message never got to him).

The outside projects he's described in the past could be really interesting, but the more time he puts into expanding Kiwi Farms and lolcow stuff means less time for unique projects that could really get him moving upward.

3f9327 No.242789


Fuck off Josh.

British Vordrak is. Faggotry there may very well be. But right now Vordrak is the goose laying the golden lulijay and julaying Joshy for the sweetest julay of lulz.

Gab.ai just made profiles accessible publicly. Here is the archive for @Moon and my friend it is a thing of beauty and of legend - http://archive.is/Rcpar

Remember how Josh was all up in the alt-Right? Remember his pathetic attempt to make Donald Trump a father figure? Remember how after he was banned from Twitter he went to Gab and thought that they would be his family? Remember how the pathetic little sperg sought acceptance?

Within days, he is on -502. -502 likes. Minus. Five. Hundred. And. Fucking. Two. Likes.

This. THIS is why Josh is the greatest of all Lolcows. He keeps coming back time after time with his incredible ability to fail.

3f9327 No.242790


You sir make me erect. Someone needs to meme this.

3f9327 No.242792


LOL. Josh is a freak and I bet 501 of those downvotes were Stocking.

You can't call Vordrak a lolcow for relentless win.

3f9327 No.242793

File: 25525f25e918885⋯.png (517.09 KB, 1366x728, 683:364, fappable.png)


I just made a screenshot. Legend.

I love the way josh and dynastia come here and pathetically sockfag to try to tell us some british fag is a lolcow when their sole evidence is the stomp-stomp-stomp of his fat british feet grinding josh into the dirt.

3f9327 No.242794


Why can't Null say anything without talking about pedos somewhere? Oh wait…

3f9327 No.242795


Ironically, Josh's little blog is just copying Vordrak without his legal skills or training. http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=3304

Vordrak made Twitter unban him. Then Vordrak stomped off in a sulk releasing the names. Josh then tried to impersonate Vordrak by catfishing him. Vordrak had all Josh's accounts banned.

Now Moon is trying to use Vordrak's legal advice to get unbanned. He really is an incredible freak of nature.

3f9327 No.242797


Fuck off Josh. Repeatedly wupping your ass doth not a lolcow make.

3f9327 No.242799

File: 98b8fc81d348f87⋯.jpg (112.65 KB, 540x540, 1:1, josh-moon.jpg)


It might be Dynastia not Josh. Still fuck off though. Not the personal army for KF.

Ruthlessly humiliating Null at every turn does not make Vordrak a lolcow. British faggotry, whilst noted, is not even in that league.

3f9327 No.242803

File: 6c0018de8567578⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 540x540, 1:1, josh-moon.jpg)


Hello i am a completely genuine internet user and definitely not joshua conner mooon although whilst we are on the subject of josh he is handsome and clever and infinity next is revolutionary genius.


why! i myself have encountered his EVIL. Um … not by being josh though. VORDRAK is EVIL.

He is NOT WINNING. It is JUST AS PLANNED! I never wanted Gab to like me anyway. it is all a trolling plan.

ps josh is handsome dont trust vordrak.

3f9327 No.242817


Why yes handsome and strangely familiar internet user I am completely convinced. Josh is clearly winning and his apparent defeats are merely clever schemes that will be displayed in time. No one could ever outwit Joshua Conner Moon.

Vordrak is clearly losing.


Fuck off Josh you retard.

3f9327 No.242820


>British Vordrak is. Faggotry there may very well be. But right now Vordrak is the goose laying the golden lulijay and julaying Joshy for the sweetest julay of lulz.

How do you do, fellow kids?

3f9327 No.242823

Just vordrak and 💕nully💕, hanging out vordrak got pretty hungry🍆 so he started to pout 😞 Nully asked if Vordrak was down ⬇for something yummy 😍🍆 and him asked what and he said he'd give me his 💦cummies!💦 Yeah! Yeah!💕💦 Vordrak drinks them!💦 He slurps them!💦 He swallows them whole💦 😍 It makes 💘nully💘 😊happy😊 so it's vordraks only goal… 💕💦😫Harder Nully! Harder Null! 😫💦💕 1 cummy💦, 2 cummy💦💦, 3 cummy💦💦💦, 4💦💦💦💦 Vordrak is 💘Nully's💘 👑fuccboi 👑but also a ETHICS JOURNALIST! 💟 He makes Vordrak feel squishy💗!He makes him feel good💜! 💘💘💘He makes him feel everything a little should!~ 💘💘💘 👑💦💘Wa-What!💘💦👑

3f9327 No.242830

>bunch of posts in a row

>UID goes up for every one

Keep clicking that new IP button in tor you dumb asshole.

3f9327 No.242834


I know Vordy's got a boner for the neg ratings but it's already back up to -378. It looks like it's easy to manipulate the system either way. This won't get the reaction he's looking for.

3f9327 No.242835


He's doing this on a website where negative karma doesn't affect your ability to post. It's just a number. On sites like reddit and imgur, if your karma tanks to a specific level you lose your ability to post or get automatically shadowbanned. On Gab, nothing happens at all.

Does anyone else find it really funny that Vordrak is basically indistinguishable from the person he hates, aside from being about 15 years older?

3f9327 No.242836


Vordy is older than Null?

3f9327 No.242837


December 30, 1978 according to ED, for what that's worth. That makes him 38 in a few days.

3f9327 No.242838


So a retard slapfight is actualy a Wizard Battle

3f9327 No.242842


Huh. Let's say Vordrak does manage to drive Null off the Internet/into an insane asylum or to suicide.

Now, Null is a douche and a lot of what is happening to him is simply the chickens coming home to roost, but what about Vordrak? What the hell has he really accomplished aside from making Josh reveal his inner anime villain?

It just reminds me that a lot of these drama-whoring people are just screaming into a mirror when they attack people.

3f9327 No.242843


So now we know that

Both stalk underage girls,

Both are obsessed with a female musician,

Both are irrelevant Internet personalities,

Neither work,

Neither have a father,

Both are Alt-Right Trumpets,

Both post on /cow/ pretending not to be them,

and now we can add that both are December babies.

Though to his credit, Vordrak does seem to love Null's mama and Null tends to leave her and the rest of his family behind to go on island hopping campaigns on the other side of the world. Maybe Vordrak is Null's dad and this is his way of making a man out of his son.

What we have here is a true bromance in the making.

3f9327 No.242872

File: 54c3694585082e5⋯.png (89.9 KB, 750x607, 750:607, IMG_0373.PNG)

File: 153b26ff8cc11b1⋯.png (39.48 KB, 750x207, 250:69, IMG_0374.PNG)


>However thats all under the assumption that Joshua would even get up from his depressed and impotent stupor to even bother filing the paperwork.

Josh comes up with a new idea every other month but never follows through bcause he's lazy, dumb, and toxic to anyone he needs the cooperation of to make it happen. 16ch. Exodus. PayPay clone. This is just the latest.

It may be dawning on him though that he'll have to get a real job or be a neet forever.

3f9327 No.242873


It's funny that you had to make the glasses crooked to fit his deformed eyes.

3f9327 No.242886

Someone made a thread for kiwifarms on Community watch. Mods took it down within a few hours.

If you want the epitome of what kiwifarms is, there you go.

3f9327 No.242890

vordrak you are just sad. you spent all this time and money trying to upset josh when wild child did it and still does it for free?

eat your crumpets vordy you'll never trigger him like pigs and wild child did

3f9327 No.242897


it hasn't been taken down(yet) its still unlocked https://kiwifarms.net/threads/kiwi-farms.26393/

3f9327 No.242901


>If you want the epitome of what kiwifarms is,

there you go.

It's been up for a week you fucking moron.



3f9327 No.242920

Should this be a thread only for Null stuff or also for general Kiwi drama? If the latter I'd like to note that another Kiwi is apparently being halaled:


3f9327 No.242924


Both produce high amount of julay but Null is an entirely different level, perhaps a seperate thread for irrelevant Kiwispergs might be needed

3f9327 No.242926


Those threads are usually shit unless there is someone the Kiwis really hate. The amusement isn't from the autists themselves but from when they run into people who don't think wishing death on hated members is the height of comedy.

3f9327 No.242927

More Josh vs. Eddie Dzial. In the previous episode, Dzial threatened to show up in Null's place. Null responded by telling Dzial he'll go George Zimmerman on him:


Dzial has sent Null another mail, promising again to come to Null's place should Null fail to delete the info KF and lolcow wiki have on Dzial. Archive.is can't capture the email full because Josh copy-pasted it and put it in a quote box, I'm posting it here in case it gets deleted for whatever reason (https://kiwifarms.net/threads/eddie-dzial-edward-bernard-przydzial-poser-exposer.20374/page-69#post-1937714):

edwardprzydzial <edwardprzydzial@gmail.com> 4:44 AM (6 minutes ago)

joshua conner moon (kiwifarms.net) aka: null:




first off. let me be very clear. your gun threats mean nothing to me.

i look forward to you proving your threat. your big mouth runs on your

keyboard. you sent me a reply that is supposed to intimidate and scare

me off. not gonna work. your local law enforcement is aware of your

little games you play online. the sheriff dept there has documentation

of your kiwifa.ms… .net crapola. you think you're smart but nada.

if you don't want to hear from me your request needs to be followed up

with the removal of my name, my family and personal infos, my

photographs and copyrights as well as the guntrum obituruary etc. you

have posted on your servers. i am coming to visit florida and you'll

be seeing me soon whether you like it or not and you may report it to

the police if you like. you need to remove this entire thread of

harassment, libel and abuse here:


and here: http://lolcow.wiki/wiki/Eddie_Dzial



as long as this trash exists on your servers… i will pursue you

online or in person. so that is not a threat joshua but a promise.

stop harassing my name and my family… one day you'll turn around and

i'll be right there… face to face. you can run but you can't hide.

remove your libelous trash or else.

3f9327 No.242929


Reminder when a tranny knocked at the Moon household Null ran to the bathroom to crap himself in fear while his momma did the talking

3f9327 No.242944


I hadn't heard about Vordrak not having a dad, What's the deal on that? Is it on his ED page?


I want an internet tough guy battle royale with this Dzial guy facing off with Josh, and maybe throw in that tranny from the lifeline and Nate "Crytama" Spergwood just to round it up to 4 combatants.

3f9327 No.242963

Kiwi Farms sends a thread on one of their members, Too Many Crooks, into the memory hole:


Here's the thread prior to its deletion:


And Josh has the gall to say he's running a free speech platform.

3f9327 No.242964


I didn't delete your boring shit thread you fucking crybaby.

3f9327 No.242965


I didn't even start that thread, I'm not active on your site.

3f9327 No.242966



3f9327 No.242967


Wow it really is Josh, he's just posted about the matter:


3f9327 No.242968


nobody cares fuck off back to kiwi

3f9327 No.242970

I haven't been to /cow/ in about three months, and it feels so satisfying to see you're all still talking about what a shitbag Josh is.

3f9327 No.242972


Vordrak's time has run out and the Infinity Next debacle is getting more distant in memory.

It is pretty old, I'll say that. I don't mind an occasional thread if Josh does something really stupid/fucked up but let's be honest: The last hilarious thing to come out of anything Josh did barely involved him. It was when the Kiwis chimped out at us not screaming "Death to Wildchild!" with them.

3f9327 No.242976

3f9327 No.242977


This does ties in with something Null wrote on his personal site:


>Maryland-born, but was moved to Florida with family to be near Eglin Airforce Base.

3f9327 No.242993

File: 365120611368428⋯.png (179.59 KB, 1486x513, 1486:513, IMG_0425.PNG)


This part here probably explains the deal with his father, his mommy issues, and his birth defects all in one post.

3f9327 No.243008

File: aaaf9ef9d1f9404⋯.png (12.77 KB, 383x86, 383:86, 2Kuxk1P.png)

3f9327 No.243032


Link? Dude has probably posted tons of crazy stuff. All for "research" purposes, of course.

3f9327 No.243034


He's referencing this: http://archive.is/1SZkR

Still disturbing as hell on his part.

3f9327 No.243039

File: 2193f9a644d1002⋯.png (18.38 KB, 832x163, 832:163, ZKTzNLq.png)


>All for "research" purposes, of course.

Is "paedoshielding" a thing? If it is, …

3f9327 No.243044


Dude spent years stalking an underage chick who got a mod position on that Evanescence forum instead of him, to the point Evanescence had to sue him and get a gag order.

He has issues with minors, to say the least.

3f9327 No.243045


[citation needed]

3f9327 No.243047


It's in his ED article.

Also try to get him to say anything at all about Amy Lee or Evanescence. He can't because he settled with a gag order that he had to leave them the fuck alone.

3f9327 No.243049

File: 976c7e5ed004247⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 480x287, 480:287, giphy.gif)


Not just leave them alone: never talk about them ever again. He can't even say the name "Amy Lee".

3f9327 No.243050


That article is pretty funny. He tried to sue ED for the equivalent of how much Josh was given for Infinity Next.

Also this: https://archive.is/wM4C2

3f9327 No.243052


Oh, I forgot. This is the version of the ED article before the cucks there caved in to Sam.


3f9327 No.243053

File: dd17250a1e6525e⋯.jpg (55.48 KB, 1855x291, 1855:291, controlledopposition.JPG)

I want Vordrak stuff to stop cluttering the Josh thread. It's beginning to feel a tad derailed in here.

But pic is related to both. It's a recent post from the Farms thread about Vordrak where Null misuses the term "Controlled Opposition"

3f9327 No.243056


Hard to do that when it's right in the OP. It's pretty much this iteration of the thread's theme.

3f9327 No.243058


Nice supporter ratings.

3f9327 No.243069


Please leak cocks from the supporters board, I'm hoping there are some hidden Josh chimpouts in there.

3f9327 No.243081

File: 909f6d8bb2b8ee4⋯.png (142.25 KB, 1297x629, 1297:629, nullchimps.png)


he's flipping out rn trying to find the leak

3f9327 No.243082

File: 4220ea97c5ea21d⋯.png (192.85 KB, 1334x749, 1334:749, Josh on Gab.png)

File: 41c92928373928e⋯.jpg (262.7 KB, 1846x2041, 142:157, Josh rule63 sonichu.jpg)

Josh made a post about Gab and what he calls the "8chan Syndrome." Pic related.

Joy-Sama drew fanart of him getting a boner over a rule 63 Sonichu, also pic related.

In other news, Tommy Tooter betrayed Vordy-poo by randomly copy-pasting an email exchange onto KF. Turns out Vordy is running a 419 scam on lolcows and is claiming he will get an "absurd amount of damages" but he needs their money first.


Tommy (who survives by getting food out of dumpsters) asked if he should file a lolsuit against Josh as well, Vordy told him he only wanted his money.

>No thank you. Looking for a donation please. Up to you if you give … but every little helps. I am an actual lawyer as you know so this should work.

Thanks to Tommy we see Vordy is willing to conspire with people such as Richard "Terra" Jones (a teacher who tried to get some of his students drunk so he could fuck them), Tommy Tooter (has admitted he statutory raped a 13 year old and possibly a 15 year old, Tommy was 28), Laurelai Bailey (raped multiple transwomen, reportedly pimped out his own wife before he went tranny, he owned the chan that was hosting CP in 2014 when Dan Olson wrote that attack piece against 8chan), Eddie Dzial (an aging porn star who's the perfect mate for Vordy, stalked and harassed some guy for 15 years including accusing him of being a pedophile), Alex Mahan/Yanderedev (developing the Yandere Simulator game, complete with underage panty shots), and Luke McKee (another perfect match for Vordy, has a reputation for stalking, harassing, and issuing death threats over internet shit, calls all gays pedos).

Hey Vordy, how the fuck did you end up going from a councilman (someone your community elected to represent them) down to a sperg who threatens people's children (VersaWeb, Greg Kohs, Floquenbeam, your emailed threats to schools and the maternity ward)? I thought you supported the ideals of GamerGate, hated pedos, and were part of the alt-right, but we see that's all just a lie as you socialize with tankies, aGGros, pedophiles, and child molesters like Margaret Pless, Terra Jones, Oliver D. Smith, and even a founder of the fucking social justice wiki, Laurelai.

3f9327 No.243084


Clearly fake

3f9327 No.243088


It seemed believable up until the part in which he talks about killing himself because of gab downvotes. The third paragraph is when the author gave up on trying to create a credible forgery.

3f9327 No.243089


>Hey Vordy, how the fuck did you end up going from a councilman (someone your community elected to represent them) down to a sperg who threatens people's children


Not. Even. Once.

3f9327 No.243113


>"Laurelai" Bailey


Get it right.

3f9327 No.243124


You didn't even try to make it sound like Null

Nice Photoshop skills though

3f9327 No.243128




3f9327 No.243153


>Gab needs to change immediately because I'm being obessively trolled on it with downvotes.

3f9327 No.243232


Sammy's having a mental breakdown on Gab and spamming all of Null's followers.

3f9327 No.243233


>Bitches about Null being a pedo with evidence we can't 100% confirm despite evidence we do have that is a lot more damaging

>Allies with guys who actually raped children

>Bitches about Null harassing people

>Harasses people who follow Josh

He really can't stay out of his own way can he?

3f9327 No.243234


Sam calls literally everyone a pedophile, usually without as much as an ED article. "Pedophile," or excuse me, "paedophile" is his go-to and in Sam-world, that's anyone who thwarts him in any way. So basically everyone.

3f9327 No.243238

File: 0a82782c50a186b⋯.png (108.37 KB, 473x361, 473:361, paedofinder_04.png)


>mfw a pæææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææædophile

3f9327 No.243240


Well a PEDOphile would be someone obsessed with feet.

3f9327 No.243254

File: 3f1cfeaf7000f58⋯.png (94.33 KB, 699x741, 233:247, lolbackfire3.png)

Please clap

3f9327 No.243255


>upvote all my posts

>someone else is "brigading"

What kind of utter faggot even says "brigading" outside of plebbit?

3f9327 No.243257


The same person who will make 80+ identical messages begging people to stop following someone on an irrelevant alt-right hugbox version of Twitter. I've never seen someone so invested in a website like this guy is in Gab.

3f9327 No.243260


Maybe he's literally invested in it.

3f9327 No.243372


So now these two have moved their autism war to the field of downvoting

3f9327 No.243376


No wonder why all the sudden Null's been spending quite some time on Reddit

3f9327 No.243378


>Amy Lee

Not to burst your bubble Dynastia but Vordrak says Amy Lee in the comments here - http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=4179

He says he only took it out because she is nothing to do with Null's autism.

Also, the 80 or so posts were probably done with a variation on his Twitter bot. Yes, Vordrak actually wrote a Twitter bot which he proudly shows off in a video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrOL8GetuD0

He probably pressed a button and put his feet p as Null chimped out

3f9327 No.243389


So Josh was sperging again with the stuff about Amy Lee? He really is the #1 Lolcow. Josh literally has more staying power and less self awareness than Chris-chan.

3f9327 No.243398


>That bottom comment

I guess we know who's been bringing up the girl Null allegedly couldn't cum for.

3f9327 No.243415


hello, fellow /cow/boy

3f9327 No.243443


>I can totally say Amy Lee, guys! I theoretically once said it in the comment section of my blog before deleting it out of respect for the singer!

3f9327 No.243448


He has not deleted it from the comments section. He deleted it from some ranty Null post where Null called for his mommy - http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=3509

He probably thought Lee would sue for being included in mention of satanic terror cults.

3f9327 No.243453



How bad do you want to fuck this lady you're obsessing over? Would you say you want to fuck her more or less than Amy Lee?

3f9327 No.243454


Vordark you can still be held liable for mentioning her here as an anon. Don't get too cocky.

3f9327 No.243460


Josh frequently calls for his mommy. *"Ohhh mommy its so wrong but it feels so right! I'm cummingggg!"*

It's why he couldnt cum for Framergirl. It needs a mommys touch.

3f9327 No.243461


Cuckparty, we already know you like to post about how Josh couldn't cum in your fiancé.

3f9327 No.243470


It's been three years since Framer and Nool met and you're still obsessing over it and daydreaming about them fucking and cucking Cat. Kind of horrifying to think that you're probably someone I know from the CWCki and maybe even someone I still talk to. It's like knowing your next door neighbor was Josef Fritzl.

You might need some some help bud. This ain't healthy.

3f9327 No.243516


I bet he faps to it. Probably has a body pillow of nool that can stand up by itself from all the dried spooge.

3f9327 No.243533


nah, he has matching dakis he lays on top of each other while sitting in the corner masturbating

3f9327 No.243560

Sounds like some people are a little jealous of catpartys popularity on the farms.

3f9327 No.243563


No, just surprised he isn't a mod, since whatever he suggests is acted on by a mod immediately.

3f9327 No.243565

File: 7c933ce4470f480⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 956x618, 478:309, matthewhopkinsnews.com bac….jpg)



*tips menorah*

3f9327 No.243576

Is Null really that much more dumb than Vordrak? I'd say he is, but not by enough: http://archive.is/B0mZC

3f9327 No.243582



3f9327 No.243690

File: b4b7a1d35a9c8f4⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Frogshua Moon.jpg)

Can you foxdicks stop whining and post something funny?

3f9327 No.243743


These threads have been shit for 4 years straight now, how can you be surprised anymore? You let in a Kiwi refugee population and now /cow/ is Kiwi lite.

3f9327 No.243747


Tell us more about how that dang dirty pigfarmer stole your code.

3f9327 No.243748


>let in

>on a chan

It's almost like anyone can post here or something.

3f9327 No.243796


It's not like Josh directed people he banned here out of petty revenge or anything. It's not like he's too stupid to avoid encouraging anyone who hates him to go to one place.

It's not our fault that Josh can't stop making an ass of himself.

3f9327 No.243889


He's like a liberal who calls everyone who disagrees with him a racist.

Sam wouldn't want to give off the impression that he's a closeted self-hating pedophile with a history of stalking underage girls on the internet with his Ted Haggard like crusades.

3f9327 No.244038


lol nope

3f9327 No.244045


Posting funny stuff is against the rules now.

It's now Trump Farms and everyone is expected to pretend the laughable clown prince of America is a serious leader.

3f9327 No.244121

>JEWS tells kiwis to stop whining

>They actually do

Fuck me drunk, don't know if that's amusing or depressing

3f9327 No.244140


Josh never whines, only loser /cow/boys do that. /cow/ is like Florida, a place for desperate, stuck losers with no where else to go.

Fuck /cow/ so fucking hard man.

You guys say Josh is ruined just because he made a joke about collecting a necklace of Jew fingers but the administrator here is called JEWS. That is clear antisemitism. /cow/ is so obviously racist.

This place drips with antisemitism. When we find out the real identity of the /cow/ board owner everyone will now. I bet the farms will make the dankest thread on him ever.

You guys bitch about Josh but you do the same only without even making a custom framework and code like Null.

3f9327 No.244141


chill dude, relax. quit being so angry.

3f9327 No.244145


Why should I chill here? This board exists to do all the think KF does with less kek and less cajones. Out of the two boards, the real men hang out on KF.

/cow/ is nothing besides KF.

3f9327 No.244146


Actually I agree with that so why are we arguing? Let's just calm down.

3f9327 No.244153


>josh never whines

lol, nice one m8

3f9327 No.244166

File: 6f8b37da54bd7f8⋯.jpg (114.94 KB, 680x592, 85:74, 1463342824340-4.jpg)


>This place drips with antisemitism

Oy, how hawrible!

3f9327 No.244202


obvious bait is obvious

3f9327 No.244266

File: 9350349cfd42009⋯.png (103.24 KB, 647x579, 647:579, Nol.PNG)

Kiwi is going broke and null had to move KFoverseas. Another win for vordrak tbh.

3f9327 No.244267


Sites rise and fall all the time. Vordrak may have crippled Null's initial means of supporting Kiwi, but if Null was semi-competent, that would've been almost nothing.

Fact is, no one with any semblance of competence wants anything to do with what Kiwi does. If that weren't the case, it could be reformed but it's too late now. It's reputation is starting to spread…..


3f9327 No.244272


> donate

lol, he abandons every one of these new projects


These sites and communities are not supposed to be permanent. They come, they go, people get older, etc. Josh is the first to try to not just create a permanent site like this but actually monetize it which is pretty funny.

3f9327 No.244274



> we're going to sabotage Wu's campaign!

Johnny Wu or someone allied with him is quite possibly the one posting threads about his campaign on halfchan (the posts refer to him as a "bitch" and "whore" – female-gendered insults that wouldn't be the first to come to mind when looking at Ole Johnny for anyone other than himself). They're just going to raise a ton of money and raise his profile dramatically for a candidacy that probably won't even register in the primary.

3f9327 No.244301

Joshua 'Kiwinull' Moon and Adam Wan must be killed for pedophilia.

3f9327 No.244509

File: 3ec8c58994c5e5d⋯.jpg (70.83 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ec2532f4d7834d37b34a567887….jpg)

3f9327 No.244563


This gives me a better sabotage idea. Just report the posts for shilling. Its forbidden on halfchan under the anti advertising rule.

3f9327 No.244565


John's false flagging is always really obvious like that. Literally nobody but John himself would call him a woman because everyone knows he chimps the fuck out when you call him the man he is.

3f9327 No.244703

File: 020b635b8efa4b4⋯.png (95.41 KB, 673x486, 673:486, null3.PNG)


Kicked off another host. Null is saying they're in Russia; They're in The Netherlands

3f9327 No.244857

File: c8ab5f9441b617a⋯.png (49.62 KB, 959x584, 959:584, EvThreads.png)

is it true that vordrak called up comet ping pong pizza and tried to order a child for sex using the code words mike cernovich was spreading on twitter?

3f9327 No.244865


Josh pls

3f9327 No.244871

3f9327 No.244872


And here's Josh's Not-Patreon page.

3f9327 No.244873

File: f634220ab17375d⋯.png (1.58 KB, 127x50, 127:50, privacy.png)


haha wow

3f9327 No.244889

I shouldn't respond to bait but…


>Josh never whines, only loser /cow/boys do that. /cow/ is like Florida, a place for desperate, stuck losers with no where else to go.

You do realize Josh is from Florida right?

3f9327 No.244891


Your mom is from Florida.

3f9327 No.244898


Protip: If you feel the need to mention something without being prompted, then you're probably guilty af.

3f9327 No.244908


wait why does he want to move to iceland seems like a random place to want to go

3f9327 No.244910


No, he wants to move the forums to a hosting service in Iceland and needs money

3f9327 No.244912


Excellent post.

3f9327 No.244982


>Finish the currency mod so that people can support the website and pay to fuck with people's profiles and buy unobtrusive fun stuff.

lol he's trying to turn his site into somethingawful.

3f9327 No.244987

Why is this thread so gay?

3f9327 No.244988


Lowtax does hang around Kiwi a lot. Maybe Josh will take a flight to Flyover Country so Lowtax can fondle his feet?


You tell me. You've posted 18 times after all. : ^ )

3f9327 No.244989


I think your count is wrong, but if it isn't, that kind of shit is exactly why this gay ass imageboard is dying.

Also it is no secret that Lowtax is a demented and downward spiraling drunk.

3f9327 No.244995


If you click on your ID once, you'll see a number indicating how many posts you've made with that ID while highlighting all the posts with that ID. Lurk a bit more.

3f9327 No.245001


3f9327 No.245007


Eat a dick.

3f9327 No.245013

File: 636ca2aba581323⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 125x113, 125:113, 👨👌.jpg)

3f9327 No.245015


Why do you hate freedom?

3f9327 No.245077


>For most people, buying physical stuff was too obtuse for supporter's status.

>Asks for money

>Insults the intelligence of the people he's asking money from right out the gate

Never change, Josh.

3f9327 No.245095


This legal article on Matthew Hopkins News is very interesting. It is about enforcing UK legal judgements in Iceland.


It looks like the money Null is trying to collect may already be wasted.

3f9327 No.245097


Vordrak, stop anonshilling. Interesting information, though.

3f9327 No.245098

According to the Hebrew Bible, Joshua was one of the twelve spies of Israel sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:1-16), and after the death of Moses, he led the Israelite tribes in the conquest of Canaan, and allocated the land to the tribes. According to Biblical chronology, Joshua lived between 1355-1245 BCE, or sometime in the late Bronze Age. According to Joshua 24:29, Joshua died at the age of 110.

3f9327 No.245099

>josh lives about 30 minutes from me



3f9327 No.245149


Their Redbubble account is gone too.

3f9327 No.245150


Nobody cares Sam.

3f9327 No.245152


What, Josh?

Do you mean no one cares about the fact that Josh's plan to move to Iceland is doomed and Josh is humiliated again?

Or does no one care about Josh losing his Redbubble account?

Or does no one care about searches for Josh's name on Google being an apocalypse of pedophilia allegations?

Or does no one care about Josh's family being targeted by his growing numbers of angry victims.

Which of those things does no one care about?

3f9327 No.245154


Lol sounding kind of disgruntled there Sam.

3f9327 No.245161

So Josh's Christmas present was to be kicked off Frantech AND Redbubble?


3f9327 No.245162


I've been out of the Josh Moon saga for a while, what's going on with these sites?

3f9327 No.245163


Kiwi got shitcanned by another host, Frantech. Redbubble booted them too.

Null sperged in chat about how awful his life was whilst trying to promote his tough guy persona.

Kiwi is planning to move to Iceland because they think that Iceland has magic immunity laws that will protect them from the evil trannies that are getting them banned from everywhere.

Null has opened a new payment service. It takes credit card. EVERYONE RUSH TO GIVE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER TO KIWI FARMS.

3f9327 No.245164

In other words Null continues to discover that running a cyber-bullying site makes him broke and unemployable, yet still refuses to change his ways.

3f9327 No.245165


Any links to the sperging?

I used to impersonate Josh on /pol/ and rile up that userbase against him to then bash his head in over /next/.

I miss it to be honest.

3f9327 No.245166


In this thread no less!


3f9327 No.245168


Sounding kind of agitated there. Upset much?

3f9327 No.245186


Well he wants to make it his career.

3f9327 No.245192

File: b552761628307e3⋯.png (16.04 KB, 670x190, 67:19, it's just you sam.png)


>Josh is humiliated again

It's a good thing you detailed on your fucking blog exactly what you would do if the server moved to Iceland, giving him ample opportunity to find it and not waste people's time or money moving a physical server across an ocean.

It's almost as if loudly broadcasting your every thought isn't a good idea and gives people ample time to avoid future problems.

But I guess you have to do something to fill the time between sun up and sun down. Can't tear up an infant's asshole like wet tissue paper every day.

3f9327 No.245195

If you say Amy Lee into a mirror 3 times Samuel Collingwood Smith will appear

3f9327 No.245197

File: 9c8a3285f5b83b8⋯.jpg (98.39 KB, 892x539, 892:539, lolcow llc.jpg)

Although I rather restrain from posting in this thread for some historical reasons, I found something funny that you foxdicks haven't even addressed yet. At the beginning of last month, Null has opened a Limited Liability Corporation called Lolcow LLC. All foxdicks enterprises out there are now under the banner of Lolcow LLC and since the Florida State department has put some documentation about it online, Null's good power word is attached to the Farms, the Wiki, the Cock.li clone and any crackpot idea of his that is run with that organization. Furthermore, there was an attempt to file the LLC but it has been rejected, because something with the electronic filing form was wrong.




3f9327 No.245210


This is wayyyyyyyyyy late

3f9327 No.245254

He's just the type of person to be an alt-righter, really. I don't really understand how these people can claim to be so traditional and moral when they're the embodiment of the "degeneracy" that they campaign against.

You spend all your time online stalking mentally disabled people. You're not hardcore, you're just a fucking loser ass nerd.

3f9327 No.245265













3f9327 No.245270


>While you were studying the Kiwi Farms, I was studying the Blade.

3f9327 No.245276


>moving a physical server across an ocean.


3f9327 No.245278


They seem pretty cucked to me, or at least many of the most active members trying to try and jockey for "king of the nerds", in hopes girl sempai will notice them. They try and hold on to the female members they have with deal life, with their other hand in their cock. A lot of current and former Goons appear to be amongst the more influential on the site, in terms of what they are allowed to get away with. It's not what you know, its who you know as always.

They like to play it fedora and katana style, as if they are "worse than 8ch" but really when the chips are down, they are just www.reddit.com/r/kiwifarms/

And judging by the last deleted post, the moderators here have some link to kiwifarms. Good to know. I was kind of expecting a bit more than some fedoracore pussywhipped guys, but I suppose thats what you get when you expect something.

Hi everyone over at KF! I hope you quench that thirst.

3f9327 No.245281


Reading this post is like reading a newspaper written in Spanish. I can recognize some familiar words but I haven't a fucking clue what you're talking about.

3f9327 No.245282


He's a KF poster who got banned repeatedly for posting pedo shit and he's salty.

3f9327 No.245283

File: 4c25fd231588295⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 720x518, 360:259, mark-twain-it-s-easier-to-….jpg)


Not really surprised, when you have to explain to people on a website they were being trolled the whole time. It's pretty sad.

Honestly I dunno why people want to take the site down, if Null wants to collect idiots who are stupid enough to pay for what could be accomplished with a subreddit then they deserve whats coming to them.

3f9327 No.245284


pedo shit? You guys have plenty of threads of underage lolcows posing in revealing clothing, and the onision thread links to hundreds of underage girls posing in their underwear.

Just admit your salty you got trolled and wanted to ban me, plus i suppose it'd put you in a good position to angle for that tumblrina pussy. Or are you just too ashamed to admit it?

3f9327 No.245285


>I was just pretending to be a retarded pedo!


3f9327 No.245287

File: 4eb640599b9d33c⋯.png (66.67 KB, 1338x333, 446:111, lelel.png)


i actually hope you are trolling me now.

3f9327 No.245309


That's such a Null thing to write. He's so used to the users on kiwifarms pretending he's funny and upvoting his posts that he actually thinks he's funny now. :/

3f9327 No.245323


What a failure. Wu will fail because if I remember right he will go against a Democrat incumbent, as a Democrat.

3f9327 No.245365

Brandobaris: @Tempest, Well the story went, I was looking for a g/f years ago as a teen, and this girl who was 16 and nearby wanted to chat

ICametoLurk: I never knew that my last nite's shitposting was gonna lead to this :eli:

Tempest: @Brandobaris, this isn't really an appropriate thing to talk about

Marisa Kirisame: @Brandobaris, go on

Locksnap: @Tempest, no i think it is

ICametoLurk: all i have to say

ICametoLurk: is

ICametoLurk: good

Tempest: @Brandobaris, I would suggest seeking a councilor

Brandobaris: @Tempest, we talked for ages, and we sent photos and she got on cam

ICametoLurk: @Brandobaris, go on

TheAmazingAxolotl: @Brandobaris, and then you got arrested by the FBI, right

Hellfire has posted a new reply to thread Andri Erlingsson, MisAndri

Marisa Kirisame: @Brandobaris, go on

Tempest: @Brandobaris, "sent photos"

Hortator: augh yeah got my first featured thread

Hortator: hallo people

Brandobaris: @Tempest, yeah face photos

DuskEngine: @TheAmazingAxolotl, wouldn't it be the Australian federal police

Hellfire has posted a new reply to thread Brian Hughes / CeltThulu

Cuck Norris: @Hortator, lol only 1

ICametoLurk: you have a pic of a 12 year old's G I R L D I C K

TheAmazingAxolotl: @DuskEngine, Interpol

ICametoLurk: ?

Brandobaris: @Brandobaris, and then eventually after about 2 weeks she admitted she was 11

ICametoLurk: @Brandobaris go on

Locksnap: @Brandobaris, damn thats crazy

TheAmazingAxolotl: @Brandobaris, hang on i can do much better

TheAmazingAxolotl: when i was 16 i met this chick on omegle

ICametoLurk: actually hold on, gotta get some TP

TheAmazingAxolotl: got her on skype

Brandobaris: @Brandobaris, and then she asked to meet up with me, and i was like noooo way

TheAmazingAxolotl: went on cam

TheAmazingAxolotl: cute girl

TheAmazingAxolotl: started whackin it

The 25th Cyberman: @Brandobaris, i think @Judge Holden has competition now tbh

TheAmazingAxolotl: about to cum

TheAmazingAxolotl: she pulls off her face and it's bill murray

Tempest: @Brandobaris, you couldn't tell from this girl's pics?

Marisa Kirisame: @Brandobaris, wait, you couldn't tell she was 11?

TheAmazingAxolotl: he says "no one will ever believe you now cum for me you piggy"

TheAmazingAxolotl: best orgasm of my life.

ICametoLurk: @Marisa Kirisame His mind said no, but his body said yes

Brandobaris: @Marisa Kirisame, no she had small boobs but not flat, she had hair down there

ICametoLurk: @Brandobaris, >she had hair down there

The 25th Cyberman: @Brandobaris, nigga wtf

ICametoLurk: @Brandobaris, tell me more about this

DuskEngine: @Brandobaris, how would you know this if she only sent face pics

Locksnap: @Brandobaris, i thought you meant pics of her face

Tempest: @Brandobaris, you have 11 year old nudes?

Marisa Kirisame: @Brandobaris, go on

Brandobaris: @DuskEngine, she got nude on cam she didnt send nudes

TheAmazingAxolotl: proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FUFQn6yd.jpg&hash=a196afc857a299edec3632ebd903ba93 here's the greentext i was ripping off if anyone's interested

DuskEngine: :informative:

Brandobaris: then she turned the cam around and showed me her computer screen, which was filled with guys on cam fapping to her

Locksnap: @Brandobaris, uh, hm

ChuckSlaughter has posted a new reply to thread Fuckswithducks

Marisa Kirisame: @Brandobaris, …so you saw a 11 year old naked?

Johnny Bravo has posted a new reply to thread Donald Trump Victory Salt

DuskEngine: Lol

Brandobaris: yeah before i knew she was 11

Tempest: @Brandobaris, what did you do with the video?

Brandobaris: @Tempest, i didn't record anything, i had a shitbox computer back then

TheAmazingAxolotl: @Brandobaris, thats no excuse

Locksnap: @Brandobaris, so whatd you do after seeint that?

Brandobaris: anyway, she told me the stories how every weekend she'd go out and fuck a new guy

Brandobaris: 20-35 yr olds

Cuck Norris: so you would have recorded it if you could

Brandobaris: and one time a guy tried to force her into his car and she barely got away

The 25th Cyberman: dude what on earth convinced you to admit this

Brandobaris: so then because i wouldn't meet up with her, she added me on facebook and badgered me for the next 3 years

Brandobaris: @The 25th Cyberman, It's just that people said there are no sex crazed 10-12 yr olds, and i like to inform people

Brandobaris: I ended up accidentally running into her at the movies, by the time she was 14, so i know shes real at least

3f9327 No.245378


u mad?

3f9327 No.245382

Vordrak wants attention, he gets it. Discussion regarding Vordrak over here, keep this thread for Josh-related things only


3f9327 No.245384

File: dfdbdcf27215a9f⋯.jpg (100.64 KB, 642x990, 107:165, RAREST JOSH OF THEM ALL.jpg)


3f9327 No.245386


Mr. Smith is not a Lolcow, he is a legal expert. Delete this.

3f9327 No.245387


kill yourself.

3f9327 No.245398

File: e80e0f11eaf5f9b⋯.png (121.41 KB, 1124x319, 1124:319, Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at ….png)


3f9327 No.245399


Null's a woman-hater. More news at 11.

3f9327 No.245400

File: 4f52be83866d8ba⋯.jpg (10.18 KB, 209x192, 209:192, 10762.jpg)


What's got you bothered, friend?

3f9327 No.245402


Hi null

yeah my av is pretty cute

3f9327 No.245518

File: fbbefa19495deda⋯.png (365.06 KB, 1891x873, 1891:873, diggernicks.png)

Alright which one of you posted this

3f9327 No.245582

File: 47d69d1aa02369e⋯.png (36.91 KB, 645x130, 129:26, wefnk.PNG)

This is the kind of thing that goes on at Kiwi Farms. See this faggot? He's literally begging for attention from one of the board's biggest speds. This is embarrassing, but makes it more fun to follow these idiots. For a god laugh look at this Michael guy's posts. Total tryhard who is clearly looking for acceptance.

3f9327 No.245584


Why are you telling us instead of complaining on your forum? Who gives a shit?

3f9327 No.245587


I'm pretty sure the site says to take all complaints to /cow/

3f9327 No.245588


lmao hi foxdicks

3f9327 No.245591


Heh. U mad, kiwifarm? ;) This is what being UNCUCKED feels like. Get used 2 it if you stay here.

3f9327 No.245661


I don't get it. She seems pretty cool?

3f9327 No.245683


Michels just a dumb kid wanting attention. The farms get these all the time and they usually either end up halaling themselves and leaving or growing up a bit before annoying too many users.

3f9327 No.245693

3f9327 No.245719


I looked through her posts and she seems cool.

3f9327 No.245726

File: e593ebbe8c36b5e⋯.jpg (117.81 KB, 550x793, 550:793, 1472345175146.jpg)


another rare one

3f9327 No.245761

Anyone who spends all their time in Kiwi Farms chat is complete garbage. Michel isn' the only one who is garbage, Melchett is garbo, so is CasualSeppuku and Null.

This one faggot though, he is in chat literally all day every day. Every time i scroll through chat this nigger is talking about video games or whining about something. If Null banned him from chat he would probably run out in front of a bus because he clearly has no IRL interaction. He posted this trash and it only shows that he has the empathy of an autist. Literally the epitome of the worst users on the site. I can't recall a time he contribute to anything, he's just there.


3f9327 No.245767


WTF did I just read?

3f9327 No.245768


Did you read the Strykerwollf texts?

3f9327 No.245769


>the farms

confirmed user from kiwi farms.

please kill yourself and stop defending kiwi farms. it is a cesspool of ripe autism, and trollshielding ftm tumblrinas.

3f9327 No.245807

Top kek. People gave Nool money and he's been upgrading the sever. That's what you get, kiwifags.

3f9327 No.245847


Ha ha calm down sparky

3f9327 No.245849


>threatening to kill yourself over downvotes on gab

fucking lel

3f9327 No.245850


disregard i suck cocks

3f9327 No.245859

3f9327 No.246741

I've not been following this drama. is this the guy who admitted to fapping to gay pedo porn?

3f9327 No.246787

File: 1df807145f5cc65⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2538x2132, 1269:1066, 1471229887131.png)


>is this the guy who admitted to fapping to gay pedo porn?

Too many cows fit this description so I'm not sure it's the same one but Null indeed is fond of conversations about CP

3f9327 No.246797


Yeah. He's also the Infinity Next guy.

3f9327 No.246832


To be fair, its hard to be empathetic when most of the sites users are autists who have no empathy of their own.

3f9327 No.246845


>Marisa Kirisame

Is this the namefag that shits up /tech/?

3f9327 No.246905

File: 4711387c243b9a0⋯.png (107.15 KB, 300x192, 25:16, 1387928845001.png)


>weight: 140lbs

3f9327 No.246928

File: 356edbf2a1472b8⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 700x525, 4:3, mouth urinals before sonic.jpg)

I've already said this elsewhere, but it seems that he's much more asspained by Vordrak than he's suggested to me in the past. His "FUCK YOU /cow/ SUCKS ANYWAYS" reaction to the ultimatum in >>245372 really caught me off-guard.

It's not surprising that he's pretty angry with the "lolcow" who keeps reporting him to police and interfered with hosting the foxdick farms, but it's a bit jarring when he postured himself as above it for months and gets triggered when I call the guy unfunny.

3f9327 No.247382

File: 2811858c376d720⋯.png (115.08 KB, 1244x575, 1244:575, Screenshot.png)

What happened?

3f9327 No.247386


it's supposed to be overly dramatic and funny, obviously. Can't you tell?

No way he is using that image unironically.

Also WTF happened to Kiwifarms?

3f9327 No.247387

3f9327 No.247389


The language is so disjointed and vague. Too bad about the site though, loved keeping up with my faves.

3f9327 No.247391


it was bound to happen

3f9327 No.247392



Earlier his email service lolcow.email was hacked by someone claiming to be /baphomet/, and in the post he made he had mentioned that his family was being attacked online. His mom's a real estate agent and their realty company was being attacked by internet trolls who went as far as to make sites with her real name to say that she was a pedophile. He also had mentioned she might have been fired too

He had also had the owner of TransLifeLine in the past come to his house personally and he probably decided running Kiwi was too risky after getting on the shit lists of enough people.

3f9327 No.247393

File: 56c398e8dc15989⋯.jpg (69.03 KB, 600x610, 60:61, RRnc7nz.jpg)


Vordrak just cucked Null and Dyn with his large autistic English dick.

3f9327 No.247405

Anyone have a link to that discord he mentions? The link Josh provided is dead.

3f9327 No.247407


I'd love to say I feel even slightly bad for him but the piece of shit had it coming. So it goes.

3f9327 No.247408


such free speach much champion enjoy your cripplechan

3f9327 No.247410


Um, the theory is that his mom was the one attacked with false accusations. You like throwing uninvolved family members under the bus? Lol

3f9327 No.247413


Holy shit, what a terrible fucking post

3f9327 No.247415


It was definitely the mother, although others may have been targeted.

Samuel Collingwood Smith's partner in crime Oliver D. Smith admitted they had harassed her and plan to keep doing it.


3f9327 No.247419

Anyone who isn't an utter pussy should post as many details as possible on anyone involved.

3f9327 No.247420

File: 036ac7040c426d3⋯.png (8.77 KB, 337x61, 337:61, too stupid for words.png)

File: 8a3767d773dc7c9⋯.png (9.74 KB, 454x61, 454:61, typical kiwi.png)


Self-reply: I got in and am immediately regretting doing so

3f9327 No.247423

File: 62e0bda241d122c⋯.jpg (167.59 KB, 1024x1365, 1024:1365, disgusted_sonic_the_hedgeh….jpg)


>Null was our Jesus, we are the disciples

3f9327 No.247436



So I'm guessing the Trannies got mad at the doxxing and called in some favors?

Because as we all know everyone actually wants to go to a Trannies house and look at them.

3f9327 No.247441

From what people are saying, Josh's mom was murdered.

3f9327 No.247445

Where are they saying that?

3f9327 No.247446


Who is saying this?

3f9327 No.247447

That's what Valiant is saying. I don't think she'd lie.

3f9327 No.247474


Then you're retarded.

3f9327 No.247572

File: 70daa85f192e8c0⋯.jpg (144.13 KB, 1000x1125, 8:9, 70daa85f192e8c0bb3b1c62925….jpg)


>Null was our Jesus, we are the disciples

please tell me this was ironic

3f9327 No.247583


Are you /cow/ fags literally so stupid that you don't understand we can be sincere and ironic at the same time?

3f9327 No.247648


Try being funny.

3f9327 No.247748


I have too much pain my my anus to be funny right now.

3f9327 No.247759


go back to foxdi… oh, wait

3f9327 No.247921


That's why I say hey, man, nice shot.

3f9327 No.247935

Null's life work is destroyed and he basically has to live as a NEET the rest of his life being supported by welfare. Vordrak comes out looking even more autistic and is seen by people online as a pedophile terrorist.

Mutually assured destruction in this battle of two cows.

3f9327 No.247940


i don't think the farms are gone permanently i give a few days before null comes back and screams about "MUH LEGACY"

3f9327 No.247954


I hope for something of the sort. It is somewhat awful to see someone cucked this utterly.

3f9327 No.247973


>he basically has to live as a NEET the rest of his life being supported by welfare

Whats new there ?

3f9327 No.247985


Floridafag here, can confirm 50% of all kids born in Florida are horrible Florida-mutants. Beware the Sunshine State.

3f9327 No.248271


Isn't it obligatory that if you live in Florida you are just automatically a subhuman piece of shit?

3f9327 No.248320

Dynastia and Chimpburger are bringing foxdick Farms back. It's in progress already; they purchased the domain name and they have backups of the old site. It should be back in a few days with the Vordak thread stickied.

3f9327 No.248321


How the fuck do you know?

3f9327 No.248324

Moon man moon man can't you see?

Spics and niggers need to hang from trees.

And I just love your racist ways.

That's why their mom is black and you're so great.

3f9327 No.248325


I hope none of you niggers are dumb enough to make an account on a site run by Dynastia.

3f9327 No.248337


Just use a throwaway email and a false name and you should be fine.

3f9327 No.248348


I always had the impression that Dynastia is too lazy to actually run a forum, then again I could be wrong.

3f9327 No.248383


Dynastia running a forum? Jesus. Do you think he's that much of a cuck?

He'd get someone else to do it maybe.

3f9327 No.249228

Interesting dupe thread about Null: https://archive.is/AjKKV

Uninteresting dupe thread about Null: https://archive.is/gtp4E

3f9327 No.249232


lunaprey seems pretty low-functioning: https://archive.is/tm18L

Post last edited at

3f9327 No.249347


Crying censorship when they were butthurt over the fact that their unnecessary threads were removed is one of my favorite things about cows that were obsessed with free speech.

3f9327 No.249390

According to EDF, Null has turned all KF user data over to the police.

3f9327 No.249410


cool story bro

3f9327 No.249436


I know LikeICare said it, but it was confirmed by Dynastia so it must be true.

3f9327 No.249438


For some reason, I don't think Josh wants to commit suicide by a lynch mob of angry spergs quite yet.

Neat story, though.

3f9327 No.249451


idk we should wait for catparty to chime in

3f9327 No.249480


I think a tweet from Doc Cassidy is what would settle it once and for all.

3f9327 No.249482


We should wait for Skyraider to livestream himself digging up Patti's corpse. If that happens, this will too.

3f9327 No.249486

Josh is like the Humbert Humbert character in Lolita. He was cucked by a fellow pedophile.

3f9327 No.249488

So has deleting the farms helped in any way? Does his mom have her jerb back? Have the calls to far-distant relatives stopped?

3f9327 No.249510


Those two are definitely known for a complete lack of mischief and are obviously telling the truth as always.

3f9327 No.249545

Before throwing a nuclear temper tantrum in the foxdick Farms discord, null indicated that he is going to be bringing back foxdick farms. His words were that his family never cared about him until they had their jobs threatened so he is just going to cut and run to China. He got like hundreds in donations in the last month, so it shouldn't be too hard to afford.

Null chimped because the moderators banned some furry "girl" he has a crush on. Then he proceeded to tell everyone how much garbage they are and that dynastia should have started the discord. He cannot handle not being in control, like at all. This was a pretty bad fit.

3f9327 No.249548

3f9327 No.249549


No screen caps.

No logs.

Fuck you, kill yourself you piece of shit.

3f9327 No.249550


If you ask nicely i might do it for you.

Otherwise, lol

3f9327 No.249551

3f9327 No.249552


>this is an emotional group of people who don't know what they're doing

3f9327 No.249553

So, Null's dreams of a Lolcow Empire are over?

3f9327 No.249575


It's funny because this is how outsiders imagine foxdickFarms to be, and they're completely right.

Most of these people are legal adults and they're arguing over bans like they're 8 and their tamagotchi forum account was banned because Kacey23432 is TOTALLY a bitch.

Only instead of tamagotchi, its furries and men who believe they're the little girl.

3f9327 No.249580


>Punished "Tranny Furry" Null - Today at 12:40 PM

>yeah you guys are not intelligent about who you decide to throw under the bus

>this is like reading a skype group

Glaive is probably laughing his off right now.

3f9327 No.249585


How in God's name do these social defectives manage to navigate their everyday lives without starving/getting beaten up/falling under a moving vehicle?

Seriously, Null is throwing a shitfit and whining about banning a 16 year old girl and who runs a Discord chat. This is what happens when tards aren't forced to interact with the outside world.

3f9327 No.249586

If Null had two brain cells to rub together he would realize that this is the perfect time to collaborate again with ParkourDude91 and make this shit entertaining.

3f9327 No.249592

This is seriously about that fucking annoying goddamn retarded furfag?

3f9327 No.249594


You forgot to add "that Null wants to fuck" to the end of your sentence.

3f9327 No.249608


It never was entertaining

3f9327 No.249617

File: 22d3557c931ffa1⋯.jpg (23.86 KB, 708x191, 708:191, Capture.jpg)

3f9327 No.249628

3f9327 No.249632

>>249551 Hey friendos, who I am doesn't matter. Regardless, I was there for that chat, essentially Null is angry on the assumption that the tech admin (who is a 16 year old girl, and simply provides all the bots and tech upgrades for the server), banned his personal furry. The reasons behind this are simple, the furry pays attention to him, the girl is too young to give him the attention he requires and openly gay. The truth, as we were attempting to explain is simply that she didn't even ban the furry in question, she was one of many who suggested it, and they were banned. Targeting her is simple for him, she isn't hardened, and seemingly a very easy target due to being a sweet person and barely speaking english. I'd like to point out that he intentionally avoids members who can easily fight back and continues to target her because he is a fat, pathetic loser who needs power over an internet forum to feel special.

3f9327 No.249638


A list that Null posted in his goodbye message and the lazy Chinese cocks farm drone cut and pasted into the KYM article?

3f9327 No.249661


>the girl is too young to give him the attention

Only because in Florida the age of consent is 18. Don't think he won't go for underage pussy if there weren't ramifications for tihs.

3f9327 No.249662

Seeing the factionalism come up pretty much immediately in the wake of foxdick being gone for less than a month I'm pretty glad I never jumped into the lifeboats.

If it comes back then cool I might check it out but probably gonna stay away from the successor communities until it's been solidified what is going to be the "permanent" successor.

3f9327 No.249665

Vordrak has just told me that under my administration he will allow the Farms to stay up free of harassment. what is Nulls new excuse not to hand over the database

3f9327 No.249669


Hand the farms over to Vordrak, null. It's for the best. ED and KF should be one community. Let ED annex us.

3f9327 No.249672


He said he'd do it if you deleted everything anyone doesn't like or claims is defamation.

So yeah awesome job dipshit, you can host like 3 threads in off topic and nothing else.

3f9327 No.249690


Many oldfag members already disliked the way Null decided to run the Farms. Most of the "lifeboats" were in fact splinter sites predating its closing.


Aren't there other archives? Is it possible for you to get a copy from someone other than Null?

3f9327 No.249692

File: a759707503e3009⋯.jpg (101.5 KB, 960x729, 320:243, IMG_3823.JPG)

Foxdicks doing what foxdicks do best, literally thousands of combined hours of user's time being placed into discussing how they personally think Foxdick should be designed and ran with no actual action or output.

The very discussion itself of a Foxdick redux/reopening has turned inward and is being treated like a news tabloid lolcow thread.


And then any actual effort gets thrown into this. Foxdicks are so bored out of their minds currently that they started fighting amongst themselves here and can't manage their own chatroom without staff meetings, creation of pastebin logs, a loveshy episode, an ED article update, a few bans, and a cat fight. Diminishing returns. Sad!

3f9327 No.249693


Discord is such abject shit it can barely hold more than ten lines which usually scrolls by in about 3 seconds as people spam shitty images and memes.

It's impossible to have a remotely intelligible conversation on that shit with more than a dozen or so people.

3f9327 No.249701

File: bf7d43f5a762415⋯.jpg (62.84 KB, 750x372, 125:62, IMG_6767.JPG)


3f9327 No.249765

3f9327 No.249771



>what is Nulls new excuse not to hand over the database

A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.

3f9327 No.249786


He needs to get his p3n0r in some underage furry loli, so has to remain the Big Man until that happens.

It's not working out terribly well.

3f9327 No.249816


Even if 95% of the posts on foxdick was autistic dribble, that means 100,000 posts are worth keeping. Josh needs to man up and hand it over.

Also, I checked the thread and what the hell is wrong with that URNotReallyAlive guy? Aside from autism

3f9327 No.249819


I actually feel really sorry for whoever takes him up on that offer. At this point it's a given that literally every project Null works on either ends in abject failure or unfinished because he pussies out when people call him mean names.

3f9327 No.249830

My first chat with Null, on the CWCki Forums in late 2014:

http://pastebin.com/TLx8S4P7 & http://pastebin.com/rQUAMAzH

My last chat with Null, on Rizon four weeks ago:


Fun quote:

"I know anything I say will eventually come back on me."

–Null, 2014.

3f9327 No.249832


/cow/'s first Null thread, on 888chan circa 2013:


The funniest part for me is one of my own posts:

>There's practically no chance that /cow/ is going to troll a CWCki Forums member unless you give us something funnier than this, OP. Null has been to /cow/ before.

Null had never been to /cow/ before. He later told me that his thread was his first visit.

3f9327 No.249841

To think the last thing I saw on there was someone jizzing on a picture of CWC on their phone.

3f9327 No.249842


That was Likeicare from EDF.

Also it was fucking awesome, you bitch.

3f9327 No.249844


that's gay

3f9327 No.249845


He should disengage from the Internet people, torch the forum completely so he can never go back to it, and get a menial job.

3f9327 No.249846


His angry rants have certainly declined over the years. That baby rant was pretty funny.

3f9327 No.249847


He should become an hero.

3f9327 No.249859


I think that's how it ends if he clings to his current trajectory.

3f9327 No.249893


>not cumming on pictures of a dude

It's like you're some kind of faggot or something.

3f9327 No.249970


I'm kind of curious why his mom hasn't made him either enroll in a GED class or go back to Taco Bell.

3f9327 No.249972


How do you think Null got the way he is?

3f9327 No.249984

File: 75b3ea6fdbff923⋯.png (15.7 KB, 158x205, 158:205, ClipboardImage.png)

>post mentioning pic related is suspiciously missing

Gee, I wonder what that could mean.

3f9327 No.250029

File: a2f84226f3b2d0a⋯.jpg (242.3 KB, 800x563, 800:563, noose_103.jpg)

3f9327 No.250034

File: a8efd58e403ccdb⋯.jpg (188.75 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, joshua_moon.jpg)


omg it is really true, the moderation of /cow/ got compromised by Vordrak's army of lawyers. I guess it's really the end, we should all go to 16chan and make a board where TRUE free speech is actually respected

3f9327 No.250037


16chan was already compromised also. Up to 32chan! I'm pretty sure the powers of 2 are infinite, so we can just keep moving up.

3f9327 No.250063


256chan when?

3f9327 No.250098


Tbh I'm not even sure I can imagine php code so based.

3f9327 No.250668

>KF is dead

>ED has been faggotry for almost a decade now and has been really shit since they got rekt by GirlVinyl

>All that's left is /cow/ and a wiki dedicated to CWC

lol you faggots got OWNED

And with net neutrality death incoming, you're all going to be really fucked

3f9327 No.250692


He was whining about the eventual net neutrality death in the chat a few weeks back (When KF was not rekt) because IWC was going on one of his retard rants about the free market and black people.

He also complained how no country in the world has "free speech" the way he wants it (aka allow to dox and harrass random autists) except for the USA but has stated multiple times that he hates the USA and has no love for it.

3f9327 No.250702


I didn't know you wanted to be a drone so bad.

3f9327 No.250703


It's just a website, dude. Either it comes back somehow or it doesn't. I'll find somewhere else to laugh at tards, while you're still stuck being a tard for life.

3f9327 No.250721


>supports free speech

>supports Trump

>hates USA

>wants to move to China

Der Ewige Edgelord

3f9327 No.250843


No one said he was consistent. Trump is also against net neutrality on the cyber.

3f9327 No.250847

File: 7ca5599902b333e⋯.png (18.73 KB, 380x204, 95:51, nullmommybus.png)

Surely this won't blow up in his face like everything else he's ever done

3f9327 No.250850

File: 4458493c7556e1e⋯.gif (187.71 KB, 670x473, 670:473, happening.gif)


someone is about to get NULLED

3f9327 No.250851


Null: "Hold my beer"

> makes thread about his uncle including his embarrassing family photos

3f9327 No.250853


He already deleted the fucking site. What else he could do?

3f9327 No.250854


Autism finds a way

3f9327 No.250957

File: f59b441dee5be2e⋯.png (173.74 KB, 1414x480, 707:240, 1486276602219.png)

3f9327 No.250964


>It's like a fucking joke.

Null, in a rare moment of self-awareness.

3f9327 No.250966


Heh, Valiant is upset that she was replaced with OwO by senpai.

3f9327 No.250978

The saddest thing is that Null think is funny using those Punished Whatever monikers.

3f9327 No.250983


That Discord seems like some weird Vault project dedicated to seeing how spergs function after their hugbox is taken away.

We know what the answer is now: They don't function well at all. I remember when Valiant was Null's right hand……something and sucked up to Null. And now Valiant is getting the Glaive and Flowers For Sonichu treatment.

As far as being a "woman" Josh, this adage might be of use: Around Moon, Protect Your Poon.

3f9327 No.251032

File: 1910c952d3fafb9⋯.png (13.62 KB, 380x102, 190:51, nullneedssheckels.png)

File: 095cdf61241da1d⋯.png (8.01 KB, 381x59, 381:59, geth7.png)

Null has kept his donation site up and is begging for sheckels in the private area of the KF Discord.

Only person stupid enough to offer is GethN7. He should beware of upsetting his nemesis, Oliver D. Smith.

3f9327 No.251128

File: 97241dd04e782ba⋯.png (154.51 KB, 1366x728, 683:364, joshwarplancreep.png)

This just went up on EDF. I don't know if it's legit but fuck me Josh is a creeper, let's face it.

3f9327 No.251130


Not that I'm a fan of Null at all but this is way too overblown for me to believe it's real. Like, it's almost comical how ridiculous this is. On the upside, if it does end up being real, it'll be hilarious how much of a 12 year old cringe lord Null really is.

3f9327 No.251134

Fuck each and everyone of you worthless nigger cum rescepticals. You fucking pussies destroy anyone better then you and act like hood niggers that beat any kid that can read because you hate success and will power, josh came from nothing, learned to code, ran one of the most popular websites on earth and you still call him a failure?!?!?'v half of you degenerates could not even hold down a job, and yeah josh lived with his mom, but he also lived alone , most of you faggots could not do half of what josh does, fuck you nigger loving faggots,

3f9327 No.251135


lol. Calm down.

3f9327 No.251136


Additionally -

We're just documenting and mocking. Nothing wrong with that, right?

3f9327 No.251138

File: 8ede359ac55dcc2⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 425x425, 1:1, the sweet release of death.jpg)


>inb4 just pretending to be retarded

>"LOL I trolled everyone! Epic win XD"

3f9327 No.251139

File: 9477540edfd8698⋯.jpg (240.92 KB, 1055x899, 1055:899, 1j2pu9.jpg)


>OwO is flattered

3f9327 No.251149


Lol whoever did Josh got it just right, but that isn't OwO. Most of the sentences are complete and it sort of makes sense.

3f9327 No.251154


It's fake, but it would shock me if that wasn't actually something Josh said or that Josh hasn't said anything like that though because he crossed the Tyson Threshold a long time ago.

He probably is sending PMs to other users talking about how he's going to fuck over his biggest supporters and how he's got plans to bring foxdick back even if it means living under an overpass. He's just that sad.

3f9327 No.251159


They nailed the pseudo-military language for sure. It's some of the cringiest shit.

> I will burn tranny shit out of the forum or the forums will burn!

3f9327 No.251165


If people feel the need to badly fabricate entire conversations in an attempt at discrediting someone because of an internet forum then they need to take a long break from the internet

3f9327 No.251167


If it's CKMongler, we already knew that.

3f9327 No.251180


I can imagine him trying to talk like Bane saying that. This is the person who once told other foxdicks that they can't talk to people he's banned. He thinks he's some badass hacker on steroids, but he's really the Autist of Autists.

3f9327 No.251182

So it's been a while the Farms closed down, has Null finally killed himself by now or is he still trying to force himself in alt-right communities only to be rejected by them?

3f9327 No.251195


Josh wants to remain the King of Tards even as everyone screams at him that he should abdicate. As we have all found out in the last couple of years, Josh and common sense don't really mesh unless his tendies are threatened.

3f9327 No.251198


More like flat chested

3f9327 No.251218

File: 713a1a747996a3e⋯.jpg (336.67 KB, 1324x1169, 1324:1169, J_Null_Dwyer.jpg)


This is so obviously fake and over the top autistic…and yet I can almost believe Josh would do it.


3f9327 No.251221

File: dbfe748afda85c6⋯.png (72.03 KB, 1535x467, 1535:467, IMG_0424.png)


Fake but attached is from before he closed the Farms and is real.

3f9327 No.251256


You guys thinking everyone is one sped trying to fuck with you is autistic as shit. I've been in the discord now since the site went down, and youve accused 2345 people of being CK.


This. Josh has literally nothing else. he can't stand the fact that now he no longer holds a ban hammer, he can't throw an autistic tantrum and get his way.

3f9327 No.251258


>You guys thinking everyone is one sped trying to fuck with you is autistic as shit. I've been in the discord now since the site went down, and youve accused 2345 people of being CK.

I'm not even in that chat. He's just pretty obvious and socks the fuck out all the time.

3f9327 No.251259


At one point there were like 4 CKs and they were talking to each other. lol

3f9327 No.251260


>That cliched dialogue.

This can't be real. They act as if they were cartoon villains.

3f9327 No.251262

I miss Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

3f9327 No.251263


That's because it's easy to tell when foxdicks post here. There's a manic, niggerish /b/tard from 2006 tone that is inescapable.

3f9327 No.251272


>manic, niggerish /b/tard from 2006


3f9327 No.251291


Josh actually talks like thst when he's trying to sound super serious, though. Also the resentment of smugness was a nice authentic touch. I might have believed it if it didn't have the girl replying about how wet she was getting and so forth.

3f9327 No.251301


Maybe this experience will help him learn humility.


3f9327 No.251311

File: 865c12248a73e0a⋯.gif (556.65 KB, 224x199, 224:199, 1391731662774.gif)

3f9327 No.251999

Will Josh be doing anything special for National Pizza Day?

3f9327 No.252001


Probably ordering a lot of cheese pizza and hotdogs.

3f9327 No.253576

In the Dick Show bonus episode 8, there was this tranny who called in by the name of Chelsea who claims that he's dating Null. The tranny lamented about needing a father figure and a strong man, and he found that figure in Null.

Chelsea's life story is p sad too, he had to ebcome a stripper for money

3f9327 No.262801

thank you moonman

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