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File: 1438099539307.gif (2.61 KB, 104x100, 26:25, Metroid_Enemy_Metroid.gif)

887d75 No.143418

So check this. There's a 4chan mod named Troid, and he's a massive My Little Pony fag who writes lesbian fan fiction. He's the main mod for /a/, /u/, and /mlp/.


I've seen the guy in action and he is one of the biggest retards ever. On more than one occasion I've seen him ask over IRC what a simple word meant rather than just google'ing it for himself.

887d75 No.143419

File: 1438099589207.png (958.5 KB, 3000x2700, 10:9, 57402145.png)

Here's a big bulk of information and sources about the guy.

887d75 No.143421


Is this the same prick that ruins any fun on half/u/?


887d75 No.143424


I don't want to make an account just post pics of it or something.

887d75 No.143430



Not a surprise in the least. They have to get people who are willing to subject themselves to all kinds of shit in exchange for a little bit of power over others. Clearly only the lowest of low people will do it.

887d75 No.143461


How legit is all of this information in the logs?

If true, 4chan is deader than dead.

887d75 No.143477

File: 1438111219556.jpg (11.96 KB, 359x280, 359:280, 130575097911.jpg)



>mod is a newfag

>is a mod for /a/ yet isn't anime

Was the screening/selection process for appointing board mods on halfchan always this shitty, or is this a recent thing? Honestly, I don't give one iota of a fuck about this Troid gent's interest in mlp, but who's bright idea was it to appoint someone with no interest in anime as a mod for a board specifically dedicated to anime?

>hates being called a yurifag despite being called yurifag

Let me guess: both mods offended by the -fag suffix. ffs, did the new admin running halfchan just put a bunch of uber-sensitive tumblr-shit newfags as mods over there or what?>>143418

887d75 No.143492

File: 1438113023410.jpg (41.32 KB, 400x312, 50:39, note_the_difference-400x31….jpg)


/a/ stopped caring about anime years ago. Now they're basically just /jp/, and the only anime they watch is moeshit like K-ON and Luck Star

887d75 No.143519

File: 1438115720145.png (52.34 KB, 1153x358, 1153:358, 57101269.png)


They're legit. You can go find a lot of discussion about them on the /irc/ board here.


>Was the screening/selection process for appointing board mods on halfchan always this shitty

Troid apparently got invited to be a janitor by suck mod dick on /q/, and then later got to be a mod by adding prostate massages.

Though, it seems they got well more than one person that way. e.g. recruiting suck ups from /q/.

887d75 No.143522


that why the sane people went to /m/

despite being mecha focused I've seen threads that strictly focused on "retro" shit, and /m/ is 99% anime from the 70s-early 90s

887d75 No.143529

File: 1438117071827.jpg (36.33 KB, 241x230, 241:230, 1341419495933.jpg)


Oh shit. Confirmed for him because he deleted his account.

887d75 No.143536

887d75 No.143564


I assume this is the same guy.

He's a yurifags and talks like an idiot.


887d75 No.143572

File: 1438121721308.jpg (2.88 MB, 3000x3200, 15:16, 1424821805312.jpg)

Contributing with some more info about him.

It would be cool if we could dig something VCR Working too.

887d75 No.143573

File: 1438121848698.png (776.87 KB, 3934x1641, 3934:1641, 1422740543024.png)

887d75 No.143576

File: 1438122005267.png (98.16 KB, 1007x604, 1007:604, 1437961577736.png)

887d75 No.143577

File: 1438122125934.jpg (676.11 KB, 1221x1000, 1221:1000, ntr.jpg)

887d75 No.143578

Oh, is anticrack-kun trying make a personal army request? There's a reason everyone treats you like a faggot.

887d75 No.143580

File: 1438122377937.jpg (473 KB, 1200x1636, 300:409, credits.jpg)

Just an example of his autism. He included this as a credit page for a doujin he worked on.

887d75 No.143581


Hello Troid.

Have any luck finding a girlfriend in Seattle?

887d75 No.143583

File: 1438122778096.jpg (81.64 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ayyyyy.jpg)


>and then troid appeared after the thread got linked to half/a/

887d75 No.143584

File: 1438122875806.jpg (60.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1393794265866.jpg)



>Troid and Woxx both in the same thread

887d75 No.143585




By the way. This poster is the person in the screenshot >>140724

Role playing furfag and a sad troll. He's pretty delusional, and shits his pants and does nothing but shitpost. He's one of Troid's dick suckers.


He got banned on 4chan for promoting child porn, and then he cried about how he thought people in Madoka threads were his friends when they told him to fuck off.



That's not Troid, it's !Akemi.

887d75 No.143589

File: 1438123224274.jpeg (17.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6367441552942168802.jpeg)

887d75 No.143591

File: 1438123349343.png (109.4 KB, 1157x971, 1157:971, ss (2015-07-28 at 03.40.35….png)


It looks like a thesis paper on literary fiction, so what?

See this picture? The picture where a pathetic human being tries to give themselves worth through subpar writing, that's autism.

887d75 No.143592


>I've also got a knack for browsing reddit for hours on end.

Was he too ashamed to say that he obessively moderates the yuri board of 4chan?

887d75 No.143595


>that why the sane people went to /m/

/m/ah nigga

>despite being mecha focused I've seen threads that strictly focused on "retro" shit, and /m/ is 99% anime from the 70s-early 90s

I agree completely, /m/ is my go-to for anime in general. I think /m/ has a more comprehensive view of anime, whereas /a/ just hops on the latest weeb fads (i.e., moe shit that panders to NEETs)

/m/ can also appreciate the fact that some actually good shounen material exists, whereas /a/ thinks that every single shounen is a merch-driven battle shounen. Granted, there is certainly some terribad shounen out there, but there's some excellent stuff too.

I'm getting a bit off topic, but /a/ is crawling with wizards




Good riddance, that's what this idiot gets for using the same username as both a 4chan admin and for personal accounts elsewhere.

887d75 No.143605

File: 1438124140921.png (2.9 MB, 2708x1956, 677:489, 51032154.png)

In case anyone's skeptical, there's this from when that Aussie hack 4chan a while back and posted a ton of shit on /soc/. Troid, as well as many other names are on the janitor and mod list.

887d75 No.143611

File: 1438124615722.jpg (171.26 KB, 720x719, 720:719, 1393575322448.jpg)


Glorious 'Stralya

887d75 No.143688

File: 1438141482457.jpg (59.95 KB, 332x352, 83:88, mfwletty.jpg)

887d75 No.143704




yeah, if you like bad fanfiction and shitheads that come from a hugbox forum.

887d75 No.143708


half /m/ is fucking terrible. Half the userbase are fucking power ranger fans with only the most casual interest in mecha. They shit up mecha threads while waiting for replies in their gay tokufag circlejerk threads.

887d75 No.143712

File: 1438148294657.jpg (67.74 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 1261442024338.jpg)


>hipster looking

>being shit eating retard

what a surprise

887d75 No.143713



Yeah I'm pretty sure those two threads you saw on the front page represent an entire board

887d75 No.143715


Holy autism

887d75 No.143717

File: 1438149631810.png (31.81 KB, 1433x303, 1433:303, 1437677889478.png)

>being this retarded

887d75 No.143718

887d75 No.143719


Troid, Chagen's shit talking Sakura Trick on 4/a/. Go and delete it.

887d75 No.143722


Oh wow, he actually deleted the thread


887d75 No.143727

File: 1438152850646.jpg (148.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, timetoleave.jpg)


>you lived long enough to see gaiafaggot in charge of /a/

887d75 No.143729

File: 1438153312489.gif (295.43 KB, 700x704, 175:176, lain laughing.gif)

>the mod for 4/a/ is a literal Gaiafag who doesn't watch anime

887d75 No.143741

File: 1438156174843.jpg (32.7 KB, 500x370, 50:37, 1330348141222.jpg)




>running /a/

Anime is irredeemably dead.

887d75 No.143745




God I hope this fucker gets destroyed

887d75 No.143760

887d75 No.143762

>Friendly Reminder that this guy is the well known shitposter "split personality-kun" who shitposts in scanlation threads.

>He imagines that every anon besides him must be the same guy and he's sure that the mod's are encouraging shitposting.

>Sadly he does not realise that he is the biggest shitposter.


>Also after getting banned, 150(!) of his shitposts got deleted in this thread:


autist fight!

887d75 No.143821


Whoever you're quoting is an idiot. "split personality-kun" has been said twice ever on 4chan, not well known, and it's clear that who made that post is the actual problem. It's most likely you. Because you keep linking out of context things and expecting everyone to know you're talking out.

But again, based off just those two threads the problem is you.

887d75 No.143865

File: 1438187749563.gif (914.38 KB, 287x216, 287:216, 1425542522413.gif)

>literal gaiafaggot in charge of half/a/

What a time to be alive.

Even if 8chan is to die tomorrow, i will never go back there, no matter what.

887d75 No.143867



Calm down, /a/utist

887d75 No.143870


I don't even use /a/ maybe because it's moderated by fucking faggots like this guy.

887d75 No.143873

File: 1438188720055.webm (756.03 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1436592399909.webm)




Well, everything is perfect.


I manage to sneak in 8ch refs in the filenames they're not fucking filtered and post the DMCA pictures when I can.

I didn't get banned the last time, too.

887d75 No.143878

File: 1438190876619-0.jpg (12.87 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 444101446147686361.jpg)

File: 1438190876619-1.jpg (22.12 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 12233969842467976220.jpg)

887d75 No.143884

File: 1438191808463.png (605.5 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1368296795710.png)



I can't fucking wait to see what the /irc/ /v/ digger finds. Troid is everything gamergate hates, a hipster faggot developer with a tumblr. The obsessive yuri and Madoka fandom shit just make it tastier.

887d75 No.143901


He also has 2 out 4 B's.

887d75 No.143915

File: 1438195828895.png (11.39 KB, 1019x291, 1019:291, jo kaps lost all his hair ….png)


3. Look at the hairline.


>Fullmetal Alchemist, 10/10

>Cardcaptor Sakura, dropped 4/10

His MAL is Platinum. Look at the shit he plans to watch!


>Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex


>To add insult to injury: Madoka is nowhere to be found!

These are all yesterday's news or classics everyone should have watched right after starting. This fucking Meguca shipper hasn't even watched Madoka.

887d75 No.143923


Straight out of Starbucks. He's an Apple user isn't he?

887d75 No.143929

File: 1438200992825.gif (29.28 KB, 470x495, 94:99, jobsroll.gif)


literal hipster faggot

887d75 No.143936

File: 1438201782237-0.png (77.24 KB, 1380x928, 345:232, 1427948926733.png)

File: 1438201782238-1.jpg (1008.76 KB, 3040x2142, 1520:1071, 1401558931126.jpg)

ITT: Feddie scum

887d75 No.143942



What does this even mean, federal agent?

I don't see how that fits the thread.

887d75 No.143943


/m/ joke

887d75 No.143944


Oh, I see.

On a different note: >>143589

>wolf t-shirt


887d75 No.143948

File: 1438203718461.jpg (71.36 KB, 465x472, 465:472, hey kid, wanna buy some al….jpg)


Wow. 4chan went far more into shit than I thought.

887d75 No.143952

File: 1438204595334.jpg (43.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bright_burger.jpg)


>GM not better than the Zaku II

Zeek, please, we all know the GM was twice as powerful as that antique you faggots kept using.

Oh, and remember how many zeek forces got their asses kicked by a ship with a rookie captain, a crew of children, and three MS piloted by kids?


Why don't you go hide from those "litnings" you spacemen didn't even know about.

887d75 No.143965


Me? I just saw this posted on half/a/

It's just trollshielding autists, why would you even pick sides

887d75 No.143976


Says the guy having almost nothing but Rick Dias on his Vessel 2 years later. o^)


Clever disguise. More antics and this board could go after you. Little protip: This community had more than enough trollshielding idiots. If there are no cocks, anons do look at each other.

887d75 No.143978


>new IP

More like you're damage control.

887d75 No.144000


troid kill yourself please

887d75 No.144068




My IP changes because I live in the third world.

>call an autist autistic

>somehow I'm that autist

Nice meme guys

887d75 No.144090


But magically it didn't this time.

The person you posted has literally nothing to do with Troid, so there was no reason to post it in the first place other than to try and discredit other people. In other words, damage control.

And for the record, I know you're not Troid, there's one guy who jumps the gun calls everyone Troid. You're some other shitposter.

887d75 No.144098


The only 'cocks' I posted was this: >>143762

Which is a repost of something being spammed on half/a/

Also I'm not a shitposter, that's rude

887d75 No.144107


Again, that has literally nothing to do with what this thread about. Your damage control is obvious.

887d75 No.144122


A genuine gaiafag now fuckin' runs /a/.

Goodnight, Irene.

887d75 No.144168


I'm not doing damage control

Just having a laff at nameless autists trollshielding like mad. Try to take yourself less seriously

887d75 No.144186


Since when is Russia part of the third world? Cold war doctrine says they are in the second. Economic measure say Russia is in the second world.

Stop insulting your people, Woxx.


Stop it Newfag. These are not cocks, these are accusations. Real cocks come from somewhere. At this point you are just another sperging cow. And also reported

887d75 No.144335

Troid I just wanted to tell you if you are here; Fuck you and your little tumbrina shits who invaded /a/ and pretending to be some some elitist fags. Just die already

887d75 No.144413


Looks pretty dreamy tbh

887d75 No.144559


Holy autism

887d75 No.144614


Hello, Troid. Think of something new to say. You spout this across 4chan, archive.moe and now here.

887d75 No.144837

887d75 No.144846


Nice tinfoil m8

887d75 No.144908


/m/ fag here. Half/m/ has gone to shit quite a bit since around the time generals started becoming more frequent.

It's really kind of sad that our /m/ is so damn slow. Hell, does VF-Kun even post here any more? Haven't seen him in awhile.

887d75 No.144933


Is this all you got? Using autism as a buzzword is a sign of a truly horrible poster here.

887d75 No.145068


Shit son, even I can read that one (it's 'trumpet') and I only know /a/-tier Elevenese.

887d75 No.145597

File: 1438573426568-0.png (33.5 KB, 499x524, 499:524, 1420406621088.png)

File: 1438573426571-1.jpg (61.38 KB, 480x353, 480:353, 1407944299349.jpg)


>mfw I left with the first exodus

887d75 No.145695

This guy demands a raid

887d75 No.145750


Yeah, it would be funny to spam his main board (/u/) to hell. He said he "treats it like his child" in the logs, so the butthurt would be immense, specially considering there are thread that are almost 2 years old there. Would take some coordination though.

The other anon on /irc/ was against that, but I honestly don't see any other way to go about it since he already proved himself to be a very stubborn shithead who is not going to back down unless we start getting serious with it.

887d75 No.145758


He's the kind of shit-eating, self-important retard that makes everything wrong in this world. His existence is a mistake and waste of resources.

887d75 No.145770

File: 1438637094981.jpg (115.42 KB, 600x450, 4:3, absoluutafschuwlijk v2.jpg)


>And also reported

Are you a fucking 12 year old, anon?

887d75 No.145874


Do we have enough people to pull that off?

Should we truth spam it with shit about troid?

887d75 No.145891

File: 1438656260466.jpg (51.27 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 67b.jpg)


>anime for kids: shows with stories and purposes

>anime for adults: shows about underage girls in degenerate situations

887d75 No.146597

File: 1438748459979.jpeg (3.42 KB, 82x82, 1:1, troid.jpeg)

Troid used to be fat

887d75 No.146706


I haven't been to either. As much as people complain about newfags coming to this site, I really wouldn't mind a few more users on /m/


/a/ hates pretty much anything that isn't waifu-pandering

887d75 No.146912

So, apparently 4chan is now blocking mobile internet providers.

So far they've blocked Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T.

They a literally making the site less usable to defend a person who making the site worse. Because they don't want people giving out Troid's dating profile or discrediting the mods.

887d75 No.146914


Its very likely you are? Read again the dialog again; I was trying to get a very dishonest scumbag to sperg out about not having authority on his side.


You have reacted to bait. Congratulations! The real moe shows for adults are about Girls in Latex suits punching nature into a wasteland.

887d75 No.146926


>4chan is now blocking mobile internet providers.

Sauce and Proof?


>The real moe shows for adults are about Girls in Latex suits punching nature into a wasteland.

Well at least you're honest.

887d75 No.146941


Hm, well maybe I stand corrected. My phone's internet, which is Verizon, was blocked about a week ago. But I just tested it again right now, and apparently it's unblocked. Though, T-Mobile is still not working, which I just have a mobile hotspot for.

I know some Madoka tripfag was complaining about AT&T being blocked. https://archive.moe/a/thread/128947055/#128974343

So I guess they're just temp blocking IP ranges to try and control damage.

887d75 No.147023


when i was 15 i liked fotns a lot

887d75 No.147270

/cow/ - trollshielding central

887d75 No.148641


>he's not a massive My Little Pony fag


887d75 No.149397



This is absolutely pathetic.

Hating 4chan for stupid shit has always been a thing. But this guy is legit cancer. He's pretty much the opposite of everything that 4chan once stood for.

887d75 No.149552

How can he be a madoka shipper without watching madoka

887d75 No.149580


because he's a mouthbreathing tumblr gaiafaggot

887d75 No.149585


>>>The real moe shows for adults are about Girls in Latex suits punching nature into a wasteland.

what show is this?

887d75 No.149597

Troid did have a tumblr account but it's been deleted it was Zacktroid



From looking at this faggot's tumblr who must have followed him, it seems that Troid is also a Sonic autist.

More proof of this



Nintendo fanboyism


887d75 No.149601


That's someone different. Thats superwavebeam on twitter.

887d75 No.149623

File: 1439226998854.png (10.38 KB, 362x101, 362:101, tmblr.png)


I though this meant someone had reblogged it?

887d75 No.149734


La Blue Girl

fell for it? Now try Symphogear instead.

887d75 No.149845

File: 1439261081466.png (200.23 KB, 500x376, 125:94, 1423760679081.png)

Going through the halfchan archives over the past week, I bet Troid is still having a 'tism attack.

Really hope someone does modleaks 2.0, want to read how bad these powerhungry autists are freaking out.

887d75 No.149946


Troid once said in the archives that no ban evader lasts more than a couple years. Well, I was unfairly banned almost three years ago, and I'm still going to strong. I post the logs on /a/ and various other boards multiple times a day, and I will never stop. Ever.

Call me autistic if you want. But will never Troid's job easy for me. He will always have to watch for the logs being posted in random threads.

That is of course unless he fucks off and stops harrasing people for not having the same taste as him, and exploiting the rules for personal agendas.

887d75 No.150008

File: 1439278459864.png (369.79 KB, 344x480, 43:60, 1434158104988.png)


More you spam, the more halfchan /a/ is revealed to be completely cucked.


>literally who?

>Some board shitters from /ghost/ that won the Olympic Gold on mental gymnastics think that one of the most populated boards on 4chan have only one mod and use him as their personal boogeyman just because their know the name of the faggot.(despite moot talking again and again against such behavior)

It's pretty sad to see the board become shit like that. Old /a/ wouldn't have let a gaiafag fuck their shit up.

Most of them ignore it because it doesn't affect the threads/boards they like, yet.

887d75 No.150019


I wouldn't be surprised if Troid is the only mod left that watches /a/ is person rather than just letting the janitors tell them what to delete.

I know first hand that the only place I ever get banned is in yuri threads. Which are what Troid watches religiously. I can go out side of yuri threads and have the same kind of arguments I would in a yuri thread, and not even get warned.

887d75 No.151391

File: 1439615862742.jpg (20.99 KB, 362x362, 1:1, AAEAAQAAAAAAAANwAAAAJDc2Nj….jpg)


>Troid once said in the archives that no ban evader lasts more than a couple years.

Troid, or should I Zach, is fucking stupid. Who is Nagi, tali, Siztra, Ruggerall and Kroni? They've going on /a/, /v/ and /vg/ since at least 2011.

887d75 No.151442


Hipster time!

887d75 No.151468


What do you expect from retarded tumblr, gaia, nigger, hipser newfag shitter?

887d75 No.151525

Lesbian Ponies?

887d75 No.151577

>cancerous thread from a cancerous shitposter

Wow, 8chan is far worse than I thought.

887d75 No.151586


>not laughing at powerhungry faggots who do it for free

887d75 No.151681


welcome to /cow/

887d75 No.151688


Hi Troid.

887d75 No.151705


This is how 4chan used to be faggot

887d75 No.151724


Sup Troid

887d75 No.151780


>That gaia profile

Huh. You know, for a gaiafag, that profile seems rather blank. Even stranger is he doesn't seem to have any forum posts attached to his profile.

Hate to say it, but I think this gaia account might be a fake.

887d75 No.151799

File: 1439692788587.jpg (29.45 KB, 256x256, 1:1, tense cat.jpg)


Welcome to /cow!



Next, we're going to find that the guy who drew Ecstasy a.k.a. Darks is an /a/ janitor.

887d75 No.151833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>you will never do it for free with a passion

>you will never suffer from serious paranoid delusions about crack shipping to the point that you try to block out anything that might cause cognitive dissonance

>you will never write pokemon yuri fanfic

>you will never stalk another person with serious mental health issues because they post Goodra spam

>you will never post futa on /u/ unironically because you thought it was yuri

>you will never fuck a hotpocket while thinking of MLP

>you will never have an OkCupid account to look for a 3DPD whore

>you will never be Troid.

887d75 No.151856


Is it possible to scrub a gaia profile?

And even if he isn't a gaiafag, plenty of reddit/tumblr cancer left over.

887d75 No.151870


So basically, Troid managed to go on a diet unlike the retards trying to shit on him? No wonder you don't like him, just by pure jealousy.

887d75 No.151879


26979f (1)


0a7c24 (1)


01dce0 (1)

Well, at least the 4chan janitors aren't too incompentent to change their IP.

887d75 No.151883



It's not a hug box, so it's cancer.


>So basically, Troid managed to go on a diet unlike the retards trying to shit on him?

I don't know if you've ever seen them but Crack-kun is ripped and Warosushitter has a chronic illness that makes him look like something off a pro-ana support forum.

887d75 No.151886


I asked a gaiafag I know from back in the old days about it.

According to him, it is theoretically possible to delete entire gaian post history, but it'd requiresan extreme level of autism for someone to go through and delete every single individual post they've ever made by hand, depending upon the amount of time a person has spent on and what particular forums they frequent.

After I showed him the profile in question, here's what he told me:

>"given the fact there's 0 posting history on this guy, and the only avatar item he has that's not a starter item is a cheap 205g black skeleton one can buy with the amount of gold you get just for signing up these days (fuck you Gary Schofield, you greedy cunt of a CEO!), it's possible that this account was set up as a false flag to paint this person in a bad light."

>"HOWEVER, it's also a possibility this is account is an unused or forgotten mule account, and this particular shitbag 4chan mod is actually still operating as a gaiafag on a different account under a completely diff. username to separate it from his shitty past in an attempt to keep his gaiafag life separate from the rest of the net. Might be worth looking into other handles he's used in the past. Either way, give the anons this shitty gaiafag's regards!"

Basically it sound like the account's either a fake created to make Troid look bad (well, worse anyway), or its possibly an unused/abandoned/forgotten mule account of his.

And yes, even if it turns out he isn't a gaiafag, he's still way too cancerous w/ that tumblr/reddit bullshit to be a mod on halfchan (at least fucking keep your online identities for each site separate you twat! Don't link them together! Christ.)

887d75 No.151889


The account is from 2007. Nothing comes up with other known names.

887d75 No.151891


I think the fact you're making completely baseless statements that you can in no way prove shows just how stupid you are.

I can not say one way or the other what any person online is like in real life. Weather they have successfully dieted or otherwise.

Plus, being stupid is bar none not even the closest thing to being his biggest problem. The real problem is how he acts.

887d75 No.151950

It's funny because anticrack thinks he isn't in the same boat.

Nice tumblr, faggot.

887d75 No.151955


>acct is from 2007

From what I've been told, it's possible for someone to easily change their username on the site, without having to own a "premium account" or whatever.

Still, the fact the account is from 2007 does weaken the 'fake account' theory.

>nothing comes up under other known names

Hmm… It's possible that Troid is using a unique handle on his main gaiafag account that he hasn't reused elsewhere on the net. Which would make him an even bigger gaiafag for having an abandoned mule account with such a familiar name attached to it.

…Come to think of it, isn't 2007 the year when Anonymous was frequently spamming Gaia with the usual shock images of the day for whatever reason?

This is pure speculation on my part, but is it possible the account is an abandoned leftover from those raids?

I'll talk to my gaiafag associate again, see if he can think of anything else.

887d75 No.151957


Owning a tumblr account for the sake of telling people on tumblr how shit they are is not the same as having a tumblr mentality, which is what Troid has.

Nice false dichotomy.

887d75 No.152049

File: 1439770212411.jpg (14.99 KB, 460x466, 230:233, 1406543407520.jpg)



Thanks for the investigation and insight anon. Unlike the couple of other mods/janitors who got doxed from the IRCleaks, I think Troid is prime for milking because of his severe powertripping and autism.

Also, from what we know with the discovered accounts so far, Troid is 23 and that would have made him around 15 in 2007.

887d75 No.152174



Troid claims to have been around 4chan since he was underage. There is no evidence of this. The group of /irc/ anons have shown that he did not know of significant /a/ or /u/ events that happened before 2012. The first mention of Troid on archive.moe is because his yuri fanfiction. It's likely that this is what brought him to 4chan.

887d75 No.152177


OP is a massive ban evader that's been obsessed with Troid since at least a year.

He has contacted mods on IRC on several occasions and sometimes enters #4chan to try and make an argument about troid being evil and breaking the site's rules. Posting these shitty images that provide nothing beyond the fact that he has shit taste.

The dude has been banned on sight for 9 months and hasn't stopped once. He even contacts them on PM if he knows they are not +G

887d75 No.152183


Troid is a massive faggot that's been obsessed with a scanlator since at least a year.

He is too frightened of being wrong that he blocks any attempt to contact him outside of areas where he has power. He signed the NDA agreement which means that regardless of the massive amounts of evidence, the 4mods ignore it becuase they fucked themselves over in there own legal agreement.

Troid has been abusing his mod powers for over 9 months. He believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is a single entity, even though it is known that it's more than one person and always has been.

Try harder.

887d75 No.152191


Hey, Shitposter-san (this is the name he goes by in IRC). Isn't about time you killed yourself? You contribute nothing to the world and only serve to waste resources. Not to mention you're a massively ignorant newfag.

Your logic is flawed as always, in the fact you think ban evading in and of itself is the problem. Not the rule you broke in order to get you a ban to evade. It's completely circular reasoning that you use.

>Posting these shitty images that provide nothing beyond the fact that he has shit taste.

Yes, because calling something a "shitty image" is the end end-all of debate and intellect. It proves anything and everything wrong, so long as you dislike something hard enough.

887d75 No.152203


So this thread has now attracted the tumblr bitches from the #dynasty-scans IRC channel?

887d75 No.152513


He has a custom avatar. So at least he'd played their stupid games to customize it.

887d75 No.152560


>He is too frightened of being wrong

Staff members are literally not allowed to talk about 4chan. They are not even allowed to say they are mods.

>He signed the NDA agreement which means that regardless of the massive amounts of evidence, the 4mods ignore it becuase they fucked themselves over in there own legal agreement.

You don't understand how the NDA works.


Nice assumptions. I'm a #4chan regular that had the luck to see OP in action.

I'm just suggesting Troid is not the lolcow, OP is.

887d75 No.152579

File: 1439875108590.jpg (36.73 KB, 520x440, 13:11, bandog.jpg)


You got me!



We still know more about Troid than the massive ban evader.

Post last edited at

887d75 No.152584


Nah, it's really obvious who you are. Just because you are so pathetically stupid. Just look at your post right now. Rather than address how you're stupid as shit and making statements based on circular reasoning, you're going "NUH UH! I'm not who you think I am!"

The problem is you can't prove you're not who you accused of being, but you can attempt to elaborate on your reasoning to prove it's not circular. The fact you choose the former to focus on proves exactly who you are, Shitposter-san.

You are so stupid you don't understand that you can't just say things and have them be true. You have to support them further facts. This really isn't complicated, it's one of the basic forms of communication. But seeing as how you have literal autism I can see why that's an issue for you.

If you want to make yourself look smart write a post that's more than "ur a ban evader!!!!" Write a post that shows how the ban you claim the other person got was justified in the first place. And while you're at it you can try to excuse Troid's blatant double standards when it comes to enforcing the "rules" and how he let's people who share his taste break every rule under there is.

887d75 No.152591


I don't have the least idea who you are talking to. I'm an a #4chan regular from Argentina, we spoke like a week ago and then you got banned 3 times because you kept coming back, then a mod told me your story

>Rather than address how you're stupid as shit and making statements based on circular reasoning, you're going "NUH UH! I'm not who you think I am!"

ironic, considering this comes from a kleptomaniac who's pretty much incapable of reasoning. That said, I'll not reply to you in particular anymore, we've already talked at #4chan and you proved to be complete irrational and talking to you is a waste of time, as it is with all insane people.

That said, /cow/, there's you lolcow. Have fun with it.

887d75 No.152595


>I would never lie on the internet

I even explained to you how to structure your next post so that it would form a valid rebuttal and you still couldn't do it. Pretty sad that insist on saying nothing of value. You can confirm or support the truth behind anything you've said, which means it's pointless to say it.


>inability to refrain from the urge to steal items and is done for reasons other than personal use or financial gain

Do you even think about the words you're typing?

The only ones who can't use reason here are you, and the couple other Troid dicksuckers that showed up. Even more so because the only thing you will do is repeat the words "nuh uh ur a ban evader!" without elaborating any further. It was explain how your reasoning is circular as you don't account for any original ban. You flat out ignored this and just kept being retarded.

887d75 No.152611


>Staff members are literally not allowed to talk about 4chan. They are not even allowed to say they are mods.

Then why is Troid still a mod? Everyone in #dynasty-scans knows he's a mod and did before the #janiteam leak.


>You don't understand how the NDA works.

I think I do but please enlighten me.

887d75 No.152991

One of Troid's email accounts


887d75 No.153332


>Warosushitter has a chronic illness that makes him look like something off a pro-ana support forum.

I hope it's cancer

887d75 No.153539



>15 in 2007

>07-08 were the years when the 1st & 2nd Longcat Crusades [3/07 & 3/08 respectively] happened over some 'stolen memes'


The account's creation fits the time-frame for an abandoned raid account, but from what I've been told any account spamming shock images during that time was banned & had their posts deleted.

Of course, that's going by my gaiafag associate's memory of those raids when he was hanging out in one of the subforum on gaia's Extended Discussion forum when they were happening back in '07-08, so his memory's probably not 100% accurate on the matter.

To me, this could indicate the possibility Troid finally grew a pair and ditched gaia for 4chan, but not before going through the pain-staking process of deleting every post he's made on gaia since 2007. However, the amount of autism needed to actually pull that off would be rather high.

Is there any evidence indicating Troid would be willing to waste the obscene amount of hours necessary to delete every single post [assuming for argument's sake he posted 10-25 times per day for 5 years]?

Otherwise what we're left with is the abandoned mule account and unknown main gaiafag account theory, which is frankly kinda boring and mundane.

887d75 No.153563


>Is there any evidence indicating Troid would be willing to waste the obscene amount of hours necessary to delete every single post

Yeah, there kind of is. For a while Troid was abusing both his 4chan mod powers and his archive mod powers and would delete posts he didn't like from both, because he was trying to censor views he didn't like.

Deleting posts that don't break USA law from the archives is against the ToS, for one. But the fact he would double delete 1000s of posts I think is proof for what you need here.

You can see the picture of him doing it at the very least one here >>143573

887d75 No.153578


Fuck off Triod.


>Is there any evidence indicating Troid would be willing to waste the obscene amount of hours necessary to delete every single post [assuming for argument's sake he posted 10-25 times per day for 5 years]?

Troid is known to be obsessive. The logs show him stalking various posters including ACK, Bui and various scanlators he doesn't like. 4/u/ has more deletions than 4/a/, even though 4/u/ is considerably smaller. He has even gone back and deleted 4/u/ threads on archive.moe from before he was a janitor.

887d75 No.153580


>4/u/ has more deletions than 4/a/, even though 4/u/ is considerably smaller.

Relatively, relatively. You're being misleading.

In comparison /u/ has had a higher percent of its posts deleted.

/a/ has had around ~11.4% of its posts deleted while /u/ is sitting around 14.5%.

887d75 No.153633

File: 1440131184301.jpg (36.07 KB, 848x480, 53:30, roe222-052.jpg)


>obsessively deleting posts from both 4chan and the archive he doesnt't like


>Stalking scanlators he doesn't like

>going back and deleting threads from before he was a janitor

Well then, I believe it's a fair assumption to assume Troid is the type of person obsessive enough to go back and try to erase his past as a gaiafag before entering 4chan.

This, anons, leaves us with two probable scenarios (and one long shot, depending on your view):

Scenario 1:

Troid is an ex-gaiafag that went to great lengths to cover up his past at some point before he became the mod of 4chan's /a/ & /u/.

Scenario 2:

Troid is a possible active gaiafag now operating under a new account on the site with no connection to his other aliases, and wiped all traces of his old accounts post history & profile from the site in an attempt to cover up his past before he became active in 4chan.

Scenario 3:

The account alleged to belong to Troid is a leftover throwaway from the Longcat Crusades of '07-08 whose posts were deleted by the mods but somehow avoided gaia's banhammer, and the name has been altered to discredit him as a 4chan mod because of the ire he receives from anons on 4chan's /a/ because of his mod abuse. Given the low chances that gaia would just delete a throwaway account's ToS-breaking posts but not ban the account itself.

This last scenario is mainly done to show that it's effectively impossible to dismiss the gaiafag accusation via the use of Occam's Razor.

So there you go anons. 99% of the info we have available to us right now suggests that Troid, was and may still be, a goddamn fucking gaiafag.

887d75 No.155858


it's a joke image you tard

887d75 No.156151

His full name is Zach Whitchurch if anyone wants to dig up more stuff on him.

887d75 No.156158

File: 1440702488094.jpg (136.84 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1361300262638.jpg)

1204-0295-6538 zTroid

This cunt's 3DS friend code





Empty Wordpress


Deleted instagram


887d75 No.156556

>Before the walk, Central Kitsap Junior High School ninth-grader Zach Whitchurch will be presented with an award for winning the countywide suicide prevention poster contest. The poster features a person walking alone with his shadow behind him.

>"I am very excited, Whitchurch said, adding that he was inspired after losing his close friend to suicide when he was in the seventh grade. “Anything to do with raising awareness.

>Angel Whitchurch, Zach's mother, said he is very skilled in the graphic design field.

"We are extremely proud of him," Angel added. "Zach is a very creative young man."

"Whitchurch explained he sees how fellow students act at school and he wants to use his "graphic design talent to help raise awareness."


This article might reveal why he behaves like such a twat. He must have some form of mental trauma from when he was younger.

The address of his parents is

4375 Hammerhead Court



According to his facebook and dating profile he is now living in Seattle.

887d75 No.156752


>he is very skilled in the graphic design field

>graphic design talent

He can't even use the fucking pen tool in Photoshop as shown here https://zwhitchurch.wordpress.com/

887d75 No.157571


Both Troid and the crackfag are huge sperglords tbh.

887d75 No.157616



End yourself.

And you're wrong. If only for the fact you're insane and refuse to admit you're wrong about anything even when endless amounts of proof is staring you in the face.

887d75 No.157629


Crackfag is a huge sperg, though. Just because Troid is a faggot doesn't mean the other guy isn't.

887d75 No.157635

File: 1440954313758.png (452.87 KB, 512x615, 512:615, full.png)


Is this really him?

Anyway, you better archive everything while you can. This is going to get interesting.

887d75 No.157640

File: 1440955243062.png (209.89 KB, 492x741, 164:247, EDGE.png)


>Before the walk, Central Kitsap Junior High School ninth-grader Zach Whitchurch will be presented with an award for winning the countywide suicide prevention poster contest. The poster features a person walking alone with his shadow behind him.

Hahahahaha. This must be the picture that article was talking about. I can't stop laughing.

887d75 No.157789


>if I keep repeating the work sperg that somehow makes me creditable

And the fact you think that saying completely baseless things in some way makes sense proves you are mentally inept. Do you see how everyone else in the thread other than other shitposters defending Troid give sources for things they say? Try following suit.

And again, it was never one person against crack, proof of this has been posted so many times.. Literally everyone hates you except for a select few shitposters themselves.

887d75 No.157799

File: 1440973399538.jpg (69.83 KB, 630x356, 315:178, 1396264745262.jpg)

You aren't going to ruin their friendship and love.

887d75 No.157811


I already posted my proof earlier in the thread and whether you want to accept it or not, obsessing over lesbian shipping is spergy as fuck.

As a side note, I find it interesting that a shitposter known for ban evading has so many (1)s and (2)s coming out of the woodwork to defend him whenever he's insulted. Just an odd coincidence.

887d75 No.157816

Nobody fucking cares about your fucking lesbian cartoons and who scissors who you fucking nerds.

Now how do we break Troid?

887d75 No.157833


If you can get to him in a place where he can't silence you, he's easy to bait. The problem is he only appears publicy where he has power.

887d75 No.157836


He won't respond to any direct confrontation. The best option is to spam his personal info on halfchan (especially /a/) and hope having his info in the hands of so many people who hate him drives him to giving up his mod position.

887d75 No.157840

887d75 No.157881



>I already posted my proof earlier

>whether you want to accept it or not

You do understand stand the simple notion that just because you present something that does not mean it's valid proof, right?

>I find it interesting

Just like the (1) posting crack shit just before your post?


And again with your baseless statements.

You have no "source" other than "because I say so."

887d75 No.157888


>Just like the (1) posting crack shit just before your post?

Odd, why would any user of /cow/ know that image was crack? Moreover, why would any user of /cow/ even care enough to bring it up? You seem pretty invested in protecting the good name of a random sperg.

887d75 No.157895


Because it's common knowledge what crack shipping is. And looks like you forgot to answer the vast majority of things addressed in that post. Almost like you are avoiding them on purpose because you are only here to start shit like you do everywhere else.

The real question is "why would anyone post it here in the first place." and that's because you're pathetic.

887d75 No.157899


Curious that you type in a very similar manner to that pathetic anti-crack faggot. If a mod came in and checked your post history on this board, I wonder what he would find?

PS: I asked HOW you knew the image was crack, not WHAT crack was.

887d75 No.157900


Curious that you make baseless claim after baseless claim almost as if you think everyone should take your word alone as fact.

P.S. I answered your question, moron. Because it's common knowledge.

If your next post isn't longer than mine and include some kind of source it's basically the same as admitting you are just here to defend Troid and instigate things.

887d75 No.157901





Pastebins with Anti-crack faggot starting arguments.


Halfway down the page, he starts spamming that lasts about two pages.

Notice how similar his posting style is to certain people in this thread, including the sperg I'm responding to. Don't get the wrong idea, Troid is a tremendously spergy faggot, but this guy is just as bad and I'm certain now that he's trying to get people on his side. I really would love it if a mod would check some of the post histories of the people in this thread. I'm curious as to what would be found.

And by the way, no, you didn't answer my question, you just deflected and pretended you answered it. Much like a certain other sperg.

887d75 No.157910


I have a question. Did you even read those logs?

They confirm Dynasty scans tried to steal cocks by taking the PSD files altering them, and then recrediting them to themselves.

There are no "fights". It's explain how bad Troid is, and the other person saying they don't care they're not reasonable.


And why would someone spam unless they had a reason to. What would that reason be? Oh, because posts were being deleted?

So what? It's okay for biased mods to spam delete posts as soon as they are made. But if you post quickly to counteract it that's some how wrong? Sounds like a pretty big case of double standards you got there.

Also, do you really think it's right for them to make a thread where they can just publicly bash someone and whenever they try to say something to defend themselves they delete the post to censor everything they don't like? Yeah, because creating a literal hug box makes you look good.

And yes, I did answer it, you just don't like the answer because it makes you look stupid.

887d75 No.157921


>steal cocks

I sure you know meant I "steal cocks".

You win this time, auto correct.

887d75 No.157928


"steal cocks*"

Jesus I was laughing too hard.

887d75 No.157933

Boy, do I feel dumb.

There's a word filter for the word "c | o | n | t | e | n | t" to change it to cocks.

Okay, do over. Dynasty scans tried to steal credit doujin doujin they didn't work on.

887d75 No.157952

File: 1440989118499.jpg (37.12 KB, 600x450, 4:3, full.jpg)


Troid seems pretty butthurt about the myspace profile.

I posted it on /u/ and he deleted both the post and the archive post.

887d75 No.157979

File: 1440990299131.jpg (607.73 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 1399054808710.jpg)


>Odd, why would any user of /cow/ know that image was crack?

Because the purpose of /cow/ is to laugh at the autism of others and crackshippers are some of the worst mouth breathing retards on tumblr. Take some time and lurk the board.


Casusby is usually decent, so are most of the upper staff at dynasty. However it has a monopoly on yuri cocks, with the exception of exhentai. Allowing Troid to hold personal vendettas against scanlators, the very people that enable dynasty to exist is harmful to the site. Do I need to remind you of Troid's hatred of Yuri Project? The direction the site has taken has been a topic in scanlator circles for a while.

887d75 No.158007


>a monopoly on yuri cocks

887d75 No.158210


Thanks for confirming you're Anti-crack kun trying to personal army/trollshield. I don't think there's any reason for me to stick around any more. No doubt your post history on this board is rather limited.

887d75 No.158279


Man, I wish I could convince myself that being as pathetic as you was human acceptable. I'm not even kidding. If I were as stupid as you I'd probably kill myself.

You are so intellectually overwhelmed that you have no choice but to use mental coping devices to block everything you don't like out.

Troid, as well as you are pathetic human beings, how can you even come close to pretending this >>157640 is okay. And of course you ignored the fact that everything you said was proven wrong and you have literally nothing to back up your claims that anyone is at fault for anything other than Troid.

887d75 No.158323


i have to agree, i would totaly like his face on my dick and watch him moan while fucking his ass.

I'm serious, he's fuckable hipster.

887d75 No.158325


ugly troid larva

887d75 No.158392

We'll have to deal with some more of Troid's dicksuckers like these faggots coming here from now on:




887d75 No.163991

Just wanted to add that Troid is pretty active with gamergate.

887d75 No.163999


You got any evidence for that?

887d75 No.164002

File: 1441951940058.mp4 (1.21 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Why, I'm Chaika.mp4)


I'm not an aspie, but don't pull the "/a/ only likes moe" bullshit

Its like when people go to /v/, make shitty threads, and cry "NINTENDOGAF".

and /m/ isn't really good either. The userbase was pretty much normalfags who would circlejerk over being "patrician" and how Miyazaki, a flat out pedophile has any right to shit talk Otaku

good, 4chan was shit for the last 4 years

887d75 No.164003


>good, 4chan was shit


Holy hell I am making a shitload of typos. I need some sleep.

887d75 No.164053


/irc/ are looking into the possibility that Troid was involved with AGG. What they have has only been passed around in private so far.

887d75 No.182152


what about yuri project? would you mind elaborating on that?

887d75 No.182241


There's been more than incident between Troid and yuri project. IIRC there was a spat over tags on dynasty and the other with payapaya raws. Check the 4chan archives and ask our /u/.

887d75 No.187324


stopped reading there

everyone on there is a cow

887d75 No.189739


>being a pathetic piece of shit

887d75 No.189763


>warosushitter still a retard

887d75 No.189789


why don't you move to Russia and join a Animu club there, Woxx?

887d75 No.189878



Continue to be pathetic, cowtard.

887d75 No.189890


Same writing style, same way of argumentation, /v/-style greentexting in weeb context. Who are you quoting by the way?. Yup, its a Woxx alright. Maybe Akemi but that pedo is hanging around on >>>/u/.

887d75 No.191806


Kill yourself

887d75 No.199368

File: 1454623503086-0.jpg (846.58 KB, 3240x2430, 4:3, 01 - Saw some great cospla….jpg)

File: 1454623503086-1.jpg (858.74 KB, 3240x2430, 4:3, 04 - r03UGXG.jpg)

File: 1454623503087-2.jpg (716.24 KB, 3240x2430, 4:3, 06 - cUZoLYQ.jpg)

File: 1454623503087-3.jpg (814.86 KB, 3240x2430, 4:3, 07 - ybRsyIu.jpg)

Troid attended PAX Prime 2014. We all what happened there.

887d75 No.199369

File: 1454623564744.jpg (747.04 KB, 3240x2430, 4:3, 08 - k5AR6QN.jpg)

887d75 No.199392

Kind of wanted an end to this saga because Jesus the mod of a yuri board was so autistic enough to scrub posts and shit from archives that he didn't like. Plus gaiafags gonna forever be gaiafags.

887d75 No.199556


Like Warosushitter and ACK being bigger Gaiafags than troid

887d75 No.199563


Go away Woxx! No one here will be a sperg next door and basemant master who fullfills your deep, autistic delusions for you!I know that you have a null-tier persecution complex. Don't tell people here that it is otherwise.

887d75 No.199567


You keep trying to shift it away from Troid and that's why people are suspicious my man. They may be gaiafags but they're not the mods of a yuri board that spergs out over posts and words he doesn't like that is also a gaiafag. The topping on it all is being an apparent brony that doesn't even watch anime.

887d75 No.200651



Keep posting, pathetic little bitches.

887d75 No.200686

>How do we raid him.

/pig/, I thought we shunned ebin raids as mere ween. What happened?

887d75 No.200695


Beginners from weeb boards. Just say no and tell them to post stupid shit Troid said #dynasty

887d75 No.200699


>Bumping the thread 6 days later just to say umad.

Why are you so angry over this? Does this thread still being up haunt your dreams?

887d75 No.200778


Kill yourself


887d75 No.202163

File: 1455843048998.jpeg (56.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0a3e8b25f095fa244b891c2f7….jpeg)

Underrated thread.

887d75 No.202166


Why all the hate for Gaia? I know little about it other than the fact everyone involved with Chan's hate it. But why?.

887d75 No.202168


It could be a relic from the days when a majority of 4channers were weeaboos, and Gaia was therefore a competitor. That's just a guess, though. I only came in around 2007-2008.

887d75 No.202189


Just take a whiff!


too long; didn't cringe

Gaia is antithetical to all Imageboard and a den of unusual faggotry, because mainly teenage weebs hang out there. The place that hated them Gaiafags the most was /b/,

887d75 No.202770

File: 1456117294500.png (32.3 KB, 778x222, 389:111, dynirc.png)

887d75 No.202778


That was a lot less cringe than you'd get from the same subject on 4chan. He starts off by stating the truth that the fun of that game traditionally comes from playing with friends and then says he found a solution and it was making the game harder. From there you get a couple faggy comments but nothing stands out as being absolute cringe. Try this thread on wizardchan and see how it goes. I'm betting that it it doesn't end well and that OP gets banned for having friends.

887d75 No.202851

File: 1456147621574.jpg (1.41 MB, 2221x2797, 2221:2797, poodle.jpg)

In his dating profile, first posted here >>143421 and archived here http://archive.is/2hGV3, Troid claims to be developing a PC game.

Here it is http://archive.is/nKZOY. The updates stop when his dating profile is found.

887d75 No.202949


cant resolve link is it up?

887d75 No.202955


die moot

887d75 No.209538

Did Troid just mass shitposted an entire thread about him? Can't he at least change speak pattern not to sound like a massive fuck up.

Anyways, you fucks always talk about him ruining /u/ but he did much worse on /a/, including threads nobody talks about, usually mainstream shit like OPM, Bleach, One Piece etc, where he either "own" a thread by samefagging a general and deleting anything that triggers him or by just shielding other shitposters.

He also shitposts on the pokemon board all the time but has zero power there since it's always one thread at a time and you can see when, since it's the poster that does massive walls of text discussing the same thing every day while sounding like a pretentious teenager just had a stroke. He keeps shitposting compulsively despite hating pokemon and only caring about his fanfics and tumblr pics

887d75 No.209546

File: 1460575656865.png (159.47 KB, 504x566, 252:283, 1459392083142-0.png)


You are better off making a post on /irc/ and linking example threads from desustorage. There is massive amounts of info on him there.


8/u/ also discusses the damage Troid did to /u/ and other boards in their meta thread.


887d75 No.209547


I find this hilarious and look forward to all the butthurt he causes.

887d75 No.209666

File: 1460682220680.gif (322.38 KB, 685x953, 685:953, troid liberates yuri.gif)


Hello! Man behind this fine artwork here. You can always come to >>>/irc/ and discuss the damage done by him there. We also have chat channel you can find if you lurk more.

887d75 No.210118

File: 1461131250046.png (Spoiler Image, 605.51 KB, 611x768, 611:768, hotpocket.png)

887d75 No.211250


I find funny you ignore the biggest shitposter, ACK.

887d75 No.211414


Go fuck yourself, Woxx!

887d75 No.211452


It's probably !Akemi. Warosushitter threatened to dox them in this thread


887d75 No.211623

Wait, didn't Hiroyuki basically purge the entire current mod staff when he took charge?

887d75 No.211628


Nope. Everyone who wasn't fired is still there. If that ever happened, all decisions troid ever made would have been reversed.

887d75 No.214091

File: 1465145554205-0.png (Spoiler Image, 631.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, T-R-O-I-D.png)

File: 1465145554205-1.png (Spoiler Image, 116.69 KB, 293x314, 293:314, SMALLPENIS.png)

887d75 No.216607

File: 1467901701374.png (113.04 KB, 293x314, 293:314, SMALLPENISv2.png)

887d75 No.217672

887d75 No.217823

File: 1469429498591.jpg (55.15 KB, 561x998, 561:998, troid_catches_mew.jpg)


Notice how the walls a decor are the same in this image as in



Troid's microdick got meme'd into reality.

887d75 No.218754

File: 1470247330634.png (549.09 KB, 1338x1243, 1338:1243, lmaopurists.png)



887d75 No.218758


Nigger you're on the wrong thread.

887d75 No.218806



>any metroid not on NES/SNES legitimate in any regard

let things die already /cow/tist

887d75 No.218810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

887d75 No.218822


Let me tell you about one of my favorite GC games, Warosusperg.

887d75 No.219206




Why does he put the same pseudonym onto different things of which you'd think he'd be embarrassed if people associated his activities in this /u/ stuff with the rest?

887d75 No.219209

With all the shit happening with 4/pol/ and the mods, I think the time to act against Troid is now.

887d75 No.219210

File: 1470526008579.png (46.09 KB, 933x516, 311:172, [[.png)

Some new info about his mom. Apparently she moved and now lives here

887d75 No.219760

File: 1470673679381-0.png (118.21 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 160095 - Thomas_The_Tank_E….png)

File: 1470673679382-1.jpg (722.14 KB, 1200x870, 40:29, 1465480609733.jpg)

File: 1470673679382-2.jpg (274.56 KB, 1024x726, 512:363, 1465482011620.jpg)


/m/ makes everything better

887d75 No.236830


Fusion and Prime 2 were masterpieces

fuck off vintagecuck

887d75 No.237232

File: 048ec6d18be5f9f⋯.png (751.54 KB, 695x900, 139:180, GAS THE CUCKS MOD WAR NOW.png)

887d75 No.237284

File: e1a12ed93d97753⋯.png (72.45 KB, 693x355, 693:355, e1a12ed93d9775317e07f3e8b9….png)


We put this picture in 3 threads.

First one got shut down straight away, deleted and archived. http://archive.is/qfoAI

Second actually survived for awhile, managed to have a 5 hours discussion with anons before mods nuked the thread.

The thread up to my last post:


Third was nuked shortly after, so I couldn't get a archive of it. A screenshot will do though.

887d75 No.247086

File: 4fa74e6b28183a6⋯.png (36.78 KB, 1124x504, 281:126, 1483014154536.png)

887d75 No.247117


>2nd pic

That looks so much like Metal Fatigue. Does it have a name in human-readable language?

887d75 No.247173


Fuck off with your attempted troll shielding. Warosushitter wrecked you in a debate on desustorage again and now you think posting this bullshit here will do something for your credibility. You couldn't win a debate with a 12yo. You get your shit kicked in everytime.

887d75 No.250032


Says the one who is troll shielding one of the worst trolls in 4chan. Googled Anon was right about you, as always.

887d75 No.250033

File: fde93ef135326fe⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1200x1636, 300:409, autism at its finest.png)

887d75 No.250040


This is some advanced form of mental masturbation. First, he pulls a bunch of concepts out of his ass and then proceeds to justify that his opinions are not opinions because they are "fact-based" despite the fact that nothing in that essay seems to indicate that anything written there are facts.

887d75 No.250389














You are fucking retarded. You still don't understand how IDs work. Everyone who visits this thread can clearly see what posts you have previously made.

What has made your ring burn this time? Have you lost another argument with Warosushitter on desuarchive? Has ACK posted your dox on /a/? Has !Akemi been spamming pictures of your microdick?

>Says the one who is troll shielding one of the worst trolls in 4chan

>troll shielding an actual troll

I don't think you understand what troll shielding is

>googled anon

>shojou-ai.com namefag

>pretends to know Japanese

I would to love to see how long that shit would fly on 8ch's own /u/ board

Overall I think it's time for Dynasty Scans to get it's own thread.

887d75 No.251756

File: ac59c109e78f94e⋯.png (926.98 KB, 900x900, 1:1, troid blacked.png)


>Overall I think it's time for Dynasty Scans to get it's own thread.


887d75 No.253003



Agreed. There is enough lolcows between Dynasty and 4/u/ to keep this board full up with cocks for months.

887d75 No.262821

File: 130469747ee6418⋯.png (48.89 KB, 674x782, 337:391, tyg5re4g.png)

File: e25793c1f8d1bc1⋯.png (320.58 KB, 1899x948, 633:316, uiyghjk.png)

So I went ahead and found some more information on Troid, including a possible address. Also found his linkdin account and twitter account


Based on who he is following, its clear Zach is an anti-Trump libtard. He's apparently taking part in the March For Science rally on April 22nd. Good chances are that he supports Antifa

887d75 No.262822

File: d3cc269428b3f7e⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1902x947, 1902:947, 4wrqgsdf.png)



He lives in the REO Flats, which is conveniently located right near the Seattle Art Institute where he goes for college.

887d75 No.263150



I like how you replied to your own post right away with out a second of hesitation. And yes, it's obviously you like always. Because instead of making actual arguments, you just list off conjecture and don't back it up. Why do you think that if you call something an opinion it instantly invalidates everything said? Like, massive jumps in logic that you make are totally insane. You seem to have this blatant misconception that assigning arbitrary labels is what constitutes a factual argument.


Telling you to stop spamming and trying to harass people is not "trolling". You make it clear that you spam shipping cancer to spite and attack people, which is against the rules and goes against being a decent human being. So again, telling you to stop is not "trolling". You are just insane and put your "shipping rights" above literally everything else in the world.


Yes, that is perfectly logical. There are very few people in the threads that you shitpost in, so calling you out on your samefagging is an easy way to test to see if it's you for sure or not. Because you are the only one who reacts the way you do to getting called out on samefagging. You're obsessed with it, and when people mention it you go fucking insane with rage and start spamming even harder. And anyone who is accused of being you is wrong in the first place. You wouldn't accuse someone who is shitting his pants and doing nothing but trying to discuss anime and manga of being !Akemi. If you're going to call someone out on samefagging, they have to be doing something rule breaking in the first place.

887d75 No.263743

So I guess Troid is still lurking here?

887d75 No.264100

File: 1ef40c9d754a5bf⋯.jpg (312.68 KB, 1070x605, 214:121, suspiria suzy.jpg)


>anti crack kuck



What's with the influx of males in the yuri community? I'd have no problem if they were remotely good looking and well behaved, but why are they always creepy, ugly, and autistic good for nothing attention whores? Why do you freaks care SO MUCH about our obscure passion?

887d75 No.264211


Troid doesn't even watch anime. He just likes the porn. The faggot is asking to get pizza sent his way. See >>262821

887d75 No.265306

So Troid apparently went to March for Science protest in Seattle yesterday. Want to see if there were any pics of him there.

887d75 No.265380


One of these things on your list is not like the other.

And you are trying to make this look like is much bigger than it actually is.

"anti crack kuck" is literally anyone who tells all the other people on your list to stop shitposting. Telling people to stop shitposting is hardly indicative of being the same person.

887d75 No.265469


There has always been plenty of males in the yuri community because the majority of yuri is fap material for men


It looks like he has abandoned his twitter account again. It's more likely to be on his facebook account.

887d75 No.265627


>One of these things on your list is not like the other.

They share something in common. They're antisocial, vocal, and easily identifiable. Troid is a mod though so he's not as vocal as the rest.

>And you are trying to make this look like is much bigger than it actually is.

Well, now that I don't visit madoka generals anymore I rarely see the audacity of these posters. At least their obsession is contained.

>"anti crack kuck" is literally anyone who tells all the other people on your list to stop shitposting.

No, he's not anyone. He actually has a tumblr and translates a few doujins. I appreciate his effort in preventing shitposting, but his obsession with canon pairing is really over the top to the point it's disturbing. I mean, it's literally just a cartoon.

ce629d No.267125


He's not much active on both it seems. The list of friends he does have show that Troid is indeed a progressive libcuck. As I said, we finally know exactly where he's living at. The question is, how to force him off of halfchan?

8ca567 No.267889


>No, he's not anyone. He actually has a tumblr and translates a few doujins

"ACK" on 4chan is likely more than one person. Until Troid became a mod, shipping shit wasn't welcome on /a/. With the exodus a lot of the older elitist posters came to 8/a/ and stayed there. 4/a/ is now a shithole. The /a/ log digger debunks the "ACK" is one person theory on /irc/ and shows that the problem only started once Troid began poking his microdick in Madoka threads.

>I appreciate his effort in preventing shitposting, but his obsession with canon pairing is really over the top to the point it's disturbing

The actual anon that translates doujin has been taking troll for years from Troid and other SJW types on Dynasty. Dynasty tried to trick him out of raws and even made a crack Madoka pairing a feature of their front page out of pure spite. One of his main harassers on 4chan is the /int/ CP spammer, a mentally ill tranny that makes posts about fucking children in real life. Troid won't permaban the tranny because Troid either values his support in baiting the translator anon, or Troid thinks banning a tranny would be some form of oppression, even if he posts images of child troll.

f5b2d2 No.268820


>durrr easily identifiable b cuz i say so

Nope, nice try, !Akemi. You seem to have started trying to use your own name to try and false flag, which is pretty funny. If something is easily identifiable then you could explain your process, which everyone knows you will refuse to do. Because you have no process, you just call anyone who you dislike "ack".

>I don't visit

Why do you always do this? Your whole "duirrr i wud never lie on da internet" bull shit. It's obvious that you are the only person who does this.

>No, he's not anyone

Correct, it's everyone who tells you off. And yes, you are the one who shitposts, constantly.

And no, the tumblr account you like you to pretend is "ack" isn't actually him. Everyone hates you. You're cancer, and everyone one wants you gone.

The "shipping" aspect of this is not even the point anymore, the point now is you ruining threads trying to harass people.

87220f No.278658

File: 30916a73a475e94⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 420x220, 21:11, 1450973096481.gif)

Christ, the aftermath of the hack back in April fucked with a lot of shit. Going through old threads fucks with you if you rely on IDS.

7c65b5 No.281273

Think we should try and look at I_AM_ABIB next? He's about as cucked as Troid is

138b14 No.282555

Anti-crack-kun probably deserves his own thread after how hard he sperged out on foxdick


As you can see here and in the foxdickfarms thread, ACK's whole thing is that he's some kind of paranoid schizophrenic who thinks everyone who disagrees with him is the same tripfag from Madoka threads who is somehow trolling him from website to website. If you call him ACK, he will deny it up and down.

d6edbc No.282589

File: eb7666205f35c4b⋯.png (777 KB, 777x777, 1:1, 1357003381038.png)


Really? I think the self admitted mentally ill, peadophile tranny known as !Akemi needs a thread here far more than "ACK" does.

1e4fc2 No.284545


I still laugh at how even in your own foxdickthread you refused to give proof even after the very first person who replied to it told you that you need proof.

And no, no one thinks that anyone who disagrees with them is you. You have more unique tells than just disagreeing, like refusing to stop being obsessed that you were called out on samefagging, and make really stupid false dichotomies like "if someone says two posts are by the same person, it means they are saying everybody in the thread is one person". No one else thinks that but you, you are the only one who thinks ack is real, you are the only person who refuses to understand that even your ATTEMPTS to "troll" people still yield low quality posts, thus damage the thread, which is what people have a problem with.

3e0b36 No.294192


Kill yourself, scumlord

3e0b36 No.294195



Good then, this asshole can't stop ruining USA like ACk with /u/.

98e68d No.294212



Woxx, you bydlo! Go to Hui and take your moo-cow with you!

ab8817 No.294223

98e68d No.294224

File: 1e0d016223472f0⋯.mp4 (8.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, leftypolboardowener.mp4)


Now that mention it… Woxx got to see that.

3e0b36 No.294341



I'm sorry if you think I need to be a lefty to say that Trump is a problem. Stop supporting an incompetent piece of shit.

223927 No.294374


Calling someone a "scumlord" and being hysterical about a president who's been mostly competent, definitely more so than his predecessor, are pretty good indicators you're at least somewhat of a lefty.

I'm not even American and from an outsider perspective all the people getting triggered by Trump doing things somewhat different for once just make me think of what kind of indoctrination those people went through.

ef2de8 No.294383


You posted in a nearly 3 year old thread to cry about trump?

truly this is the best timeline.

b87410 No.295216


Stopped reading there

1e360c No.297382



Enjoy your new intifada caused by Trump. Congratulations for supporting a retard.

1e360c No.297384


And also >people getting triggered by Trump doing things somewhat different for once just make me think of what kind of indoctrination those people went through

Doing things different doesn't mean it's a good thing, retard.

f38318 No.297416


>implying /pol/ wouldn't clap like a circus seal to kikes getting bombed into smithereens

Trump is the best thing that happened to murrica for the last 30 years. At this point the anti Trump hate all the masturbation to the lies coming out of the press is the political equivalent of sonic autism.

1e360c No.298111

File: f0decd4cb94e6c2⋯.png (83.45 KB, 1656x694, 828:347, autist being a sperg.png)

>Republicans lost Alabama

As Trump said: we are going to win so much you will get tired of winning. The problem is that he didn't specify which side is gonna win so much.

1e360c No.298112

File: 79cf8d07d46d5a6⋯.png (104.37 KB, 1648x635, 1648:635, deleted sperg.png)

2fbfe3 No.298130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



And you think a board about bizarra autists on the internet cares about a Local election that is likely going to get contested ? Go to chuj, Woxx!

91c692 No.298147

File: 4ef000e572cf674⋯.jpg (285.97 KB, 550x500, 11:10, 1364712735259.jpg)



>bumping this thread

>posting on /irc/

Who has upset you this time? ACK? warosushitter? 8/u/? Some random anon? Microdick spam in #dynasty-scans?

1e360c No.298152



>still butthurt from Troid still not being fired

91c692 No.298153

File: d6d278673f060a2⋯.gif (3.22 MB, 386x232, 193:116, 2beee85466a41f060d8d89c0fe….gif)


>bumping this again

2a8437 No.298154

File: d8cfa014f98384d⋯.jpg (113.92 KB, 811x718, 811:718, I-I was just t-trolling.jpg)



>being so upset you have to go to /cow/ to whine about le repooblicans and tonald drumpf


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