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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

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This board is now under /QResearch/ control as of 10/08/2018

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File (hide): 5b4847453a7c8d9⋯.gif (22.27 KB,1200x800,3:2,Memes5.gif) (h) (u)


061757 (1) No.189835 [View All][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Mission: To redpill normies by creating + distributing effective memes





Don't mention 8ch, please.


Guerilla Twitter Tactics

>>12832 Excellent tutorial from an Anon who works Twitter to the max. Recommended!

>>123647 Pepe the Frog may ban you from Twitter -- our Truth symbol considered "hate symbol"!



Memes #1 >>2

#2 >>61078

#3 >>107604

#4 >>142207

#5 This

Infographs >>10


Bulk Image Download from Zip Files



Meme Droppers --> Select memes from all Meme threads. (Click to open fullsize image, right click to download or save image to your device). Plant appropriate memes on social media: Twitter, Gab, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Buzzfeed, Blogs, News articles that allow comments, mainstream-type places where normies hangout, slightly-off-mainstream places, etc. Know your audience!

To select by topic, try a browser word search (CTRL-F) within a Meme thread. Many images have human-readable names indicating a broad topic, e.g. Fake News, Hillary, Obama, Trump, Rothschild, Fake Aliens, Soros, ATL, Derail, DC, Trump, Patriot, etc.

Meme Autists --> Meme hard, meme FUNNY! >>91583 Know your target audience >>92523

Deposit your memes on the current General thread (OR here; either way is hunky dory). They will end up here and in the zips.

Name your image using searchable text words, and/or type some text in the reply box, that other Anons would likely search on, so others can easily find it.

If file is >2Mb, shrink by saving to filetype .jpeg and/or scale to <1800 pixels width before posting. A little image compression is good; try quality=90% on JPEGs.

(((Beware of possible subliminal images concealed in movie posters and other commercial art that you might select for background. Subliminals are everywhere and hard to detect; they can implant concepts/emotions in viewers that subvert our message.))) WE are the calm before the storm. Do not mention where you got these images! STAY COMFY, Anons!

Newbie Meme Autists --> How to Meme for newbies >>62025

Software tools https://kek. gg/draw.html , http://www.memes. com/generator , https://imgflip. com/memegenerator >>110234

Great memes from videos >>104768 , Good suggestion >>134202 , More tips >>64348

Make sure your text is legible at thumbnail size. If you can't read it, they can't either. Please proofread. (I can't fix misspelled text in an image.) Size: ~1800x1280 pixels is a full screen. (150x300 is a thumbnail; 4000x3000 is a wall poster.) Save as .jpeg is preferred.


How Memes Get Here --> Harvester grabs memes from current General threads and posts them to current Meme thread for perusal. (Usually I'm a couple of threads behind. Halfchan memes were in a dropbox and are not here. Eventually I zip a batch, upload to anonfile, add link to General pasta.)


Some of these images are powerful ... others less so... Harvester casts a broad net with minimal filtering.

Anons, use your best judgment! No illegal content or inciting violence, please. The filtering responsibility is on each Anon. It's up to each of us to determine the best way to reach the specific audience with whom we are interacting.

444 postsand913 image repliesomitted. Click to expand. ____________________________
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24fc74 (1) No.258141

I make memes with too many words. Newfag disease.

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ae2cbc (1) No.258204

U can use the text on tons of diff photos.

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15e198 (3) No.258453

File (hide): 275423353fdd731⋯.jpeg (16.65 KB,120x90,4:3,image.jpeg) (h) (u)

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15e198 (3) No.258454>>258457

File (hide): 937d494b4e9ccc4⋯.jpeg (74.17 KB,800x600,4:3,image.jpeg) (h) (u)

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15e198 (3) No.258457


Had planned to submit this meme, but computer wouldn't cooperate. James Woods has since Tweeted using the central image. Hope someone can still make use of what I made.

Oddly enough, when our 'next president' was accepting her Cecil B. DeMille award at the Golden Globes, she never mentioned Kadian Noble's lawsuit against her. The actress, in the upper-right-corner of my meme (unsure who the Caucasian lady is, just recognize the terror in her eyes), alleges Oprah helped lure aspiring actresses into the hands of Harvey. Think my meme might get me booted on Tweeter (already shadow banned), so will share it here. Feel free to patch over my text and add something you like.

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Golden_Globe_Cecil_B._DeMille_Award

https://www. reviewjournal.com/opinion/opinion-columns/victor-joecks/oprah-for-president-has-a-weinstein-problem/

https://www.boston .com/culture/entertainment/2017/11/28/aspiring-actress-kadian-noble-details-allegations-against-harvey-weinstein

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703af3 (1) No.258496

File (hide): 290ba07052c7e30⋯.jpg (176.92 KB,655x857,655:857,Screen Shot 13.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 684d64aae1c2698⋯.jpg (222.15 KB,593x802,593:802,Screen Shot 63.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fe119bad9a49fc3⋯.jpg (134.41 KB,507x627,169:209,Screen Shot 15.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12edcfec2bfccb5⋯.jpg (156.14 KB,657x749,657:749,Screen Shot 47.jpg) (h) (u)

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d83615 (1) No.258535

File (hide): 1bf9285f33922aa⋯.jpg (73.13 KB,750x499,750:499,MEME_moby-conspiracy.jpg) (h) (u)

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2c7bc4 (4) No.258556

File (hide): 2c863c3dea79af4⋯.jpg (82.85 KB,620x400,31:20,Lions Q.jpg) (h) (u)

Where we go one..We go ALL

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fa3ccd (1) No.258557

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2c7bc4 (4) No.258604

File (hide): 957409467645793⋯.jpg (83.29 KB,620x400,31:20,Lions Q.jpg) (h) (u)

Where we go ONE (corrected meme)

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c44bd9 (9) No.258670

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c44bd9 (9) No.258671

File (hide): 87dfa863c144f02⋯.jpg (184.75 KB,1145x767,1145:767,FUTURE PROVES PAST.jpg) (h) (u)

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c44bd9 (9) No.258672

File (hide): 67026ac8f070b9b⋯.jpg (66.57 KB,352x246,176:123,TRUTH BELONGS.jpg) (h) (u)

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c44bd9 (9) No.258673

File (hide): 993b98feef33417⋯.jpg (62.54 KB,480x538,240:269,GEORGE.jpg) (h) (u)

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c44bd9 (9) No.258692

File (hide): b5f308d53bc4e69⋯.jpg (101.91 KB,800x488,100:61,EVIL.jpg) (h) (u)

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c44bd9 (9) No.258694

File (hide): efab2b36afb7fda⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,3300x2550,22:17,FNA.jpg) (h) (u)

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08cc0c (6) No.258705

File (hide): f7b62db476ff19a⋯.png (538.95 KB,689x456,689:456,CNN Death Spiral.png) (h) (u)

A few of my favs

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08cc0c (6) No.258706

File (hide): ba1db1c34683572⋯.png (404.31 KB,566x451,566:451,capww.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 32b40e3ffd6352f⋯.png (543.34 KB,596x453,596:453,CNN.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f7b62db476ff19a⋯.png (538.95 KB,689x456,689:456,CNN Death Spiral.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1654e604ca284c7⋯.png (524.34 KB,613x408,613:408,demasses.png) (h) (u)

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08cc0c (6) No.258707

File (hide): 15481a7971d5cf4⋯.png (628.76 KB,714x435,238:145,demasses3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2e8f5da6fb30875⋯.png (322.56 KB,591x395,591:395,demasses6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d458107664df274⋯.png (407.65 KB,538x537,538:537,demasses8 Second.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15481a7971d5cf4⋯.png (628.76 KB,714x435,238:145,DNC2.png) (h) (u)

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08cc0c (6) No.258708

File (hide): 5c3d974e5ac95c4⋯.png (363.39 KB,647x377,647:377,EvenTheSmallest.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6df72862e2541e6⋯.png (396.02 KB,495x393,165:131,Gandalf Tough Times.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3baabd61a95fc4d⋯.png (228.22 KB,490x503,490:503,GeorgeOrwell.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 67e130d18172fe5⋯.png (235.56 KB,844x449,844:449,MLK.png) (h) (u)

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08cc0c (6) No.258709

File (hide): f5562cd59198062⋯.png (562.43 KB,712x471,712:471,MSM Fail.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 919a889ac6caf6c⋯.jpg (38.52 KB,400x280,10:7,OrganizeShark.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d91f575571f6b8c⋯.jpeg (8.09 KB,255x198,85:66,peace1.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4a282d5155ca6d1⋯.png (9.75 KB,312x161,312:161,peace7.png) (h) (u)

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08cc0c (6) No.258710

File (hide): d3abee90dc1229a⋯.jpeg (8.01 KB,310x162,155:81,peace16.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e14e61e071cf889⋯.png (97.3 KB,467x338,467:338,Plato.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e6745feb6ba2a1⋯.png (347 KB,595x319,595:319,sethrich.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e6745feb6ba2a1⋯.png (347 KB,595x319,595:319,SethRichHero.png) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258718>>258724

File (hide): f25f822b3742b7e⋯.jpg (49.48 KB,382x528,191:264,cacat.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1eb15bdd276a9af⋯.jpg (46.75 KB,382x528,191:264,gcat.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 00933fa851e0a47⋯.jpg (42.61 KB,382x528,191:264,lcat.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f9519c2a2ac75a2⋯.jpg (48.42 KB,382x528,191:264,tacat.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258719

File (hide): 48355b8efa1d7d5⋯.jpg (54.59 KB,889x500,889:500,22ackb.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a07ea0be9e5fe4b⋯.jpg (77.41 KB,942x500,471:250,22actz.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7dd4050cfa309fe⋯.jpg (13.3 KB,260x194,130:97,22lds5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b70e12b8361446a⋯.jpg (13 KB,255x218,255:218,FLYBS.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258720

File (hide): f0641e82cc2479e⋯.jpg (62.62 KB,520x474,260:237,CRAZYNANCY.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e742098a3e6e42⋯.png (12.34 KB,275x183,275:183,hanging.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29d9d2bcdd84129⋯.jpg (112.83 KB,903x857,903:857,shjt.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d8f9409f7ead3d⋯.jpg (57.45 KB,356x460,89:115,t3.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258721

File (hide): 600199b83f9d09a⋯.jpg (34.32 KB,690x388,345:194,chuck.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2fa20b72012c1b0⋯.jpg (41.3 KB,526x350,263:175,loll.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2df8b98795e1bfa⋯.png (316.11 KB,720x480,3:2,trumps.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c03e4c72966a713⋯.jpg (14.25 KB,225x225,1:1,SHIT_HEAD.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258722

File (hide): 14b85eb8e4d23c9⋯.jpg (72.05 KB,500x666,250:333,b&h.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3a8cc464bba0c67⋯.jpg (68.3 KB,500x500,1:1,bpe.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bad3c013261abb1⋯.jpg (68.31 KB,1200x600,2:1,DTeZR3JXkAAtA-d.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7c4fbad68354d33⋯.jpg (197.26 KB,1136x1024,71:64,bbkb.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258723

File (hide): 0edf506d58596bf⋯.jpg (79.04 KB,500x652,125:163,rice.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7037db188db8ae4⋯.png (9.88 KB,261x193,261:193,drunk.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fc35a53ce074415⋯.jpg (58.54 KB,888x500,222:125,crazy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19bbee518ef4558⋯.jpg (58.31 KB,474x600,79:100,eww.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258724

File (hide): d7615747c675480⋯.jpg (15.24 KB,191x264,191:264,wcat.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258728

File (hide): 1252724c3104ac0⋯.jpg (15.89 KB,302x167,302:167,prayer 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b574067c5b2180c⋯.jpg (8.63 KB,259x194,259:194,prayer2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3bbc59077c866f8⋯.jpg (7.09 KB,276x182,138:91,prayers3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e34a841ffdd57f8⋯.jpg (8.93 KB,300x168,25:14,prayer4.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258729

File (hide): b56fd1c6fb74e52⋯.jpg (11.29 KB,259x194,259:194,prayer5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2e9dd02096b5e33⋯.jpg (8.66 KB,266x190,7:5,prayer6.jpg) (h) (u)

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f1696a (10) No.258739

File (hide): c5293e38d79e8a2⋯.jpg (11.56 KB,225x225,1:1,kiity1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e148a72c3929581⋯.jpg (30.33 KB,408x343,408:343,kitty2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a1de4c7721fd432⋯.png (9.59 KB,237x212,237:212,kitty3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 348c759345fd6ee⋯.png (11 KB,225x225,1:1,kitty4.png) (h) (u)

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c44bd9 (9) No.258743

File (hide): bcebb21db182543⋯.jpg (157.5 KB,792x612,22:17,HAWAII.jpg) (h) (u)

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c44bd9 (9) No.258744

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2c7bc4 (4) No.258855

File (hide): 889b3de6f32dfd2⋯.jpg (21.16 KB,370x355,74:71,hillary RUN.jpg) (h) (u)


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c44bd9 (9) No.258861

File (hide): 71e1303587a7fda⋯.jpg (5.62 KB,182x171,182:171,GOODBYE.jpg) (h) (u)

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17f4ae (1) No.259255

File (hide): 6c24e25286ada96⋯.jpg (202.95 KB,1502x1082,751:541,DACA #GREATAWAKENING1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f8867f3ab2a2da8⋯.jpg (223.73 KB,1502x1082,751:541,DACA #GREATAWAKENING2.jpg) (h) (u)

Here is a couple of DACA related mems

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2c7bc4 (4) No.259260

File (hide): 9738f243d5b8eb5⋯.jpg (89.48 KB,1000x676,250:169,Vengeance Is MINE.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b1523148f2fc7bc⋯.jpg (570.55 KB,1541x1000,1541:1000,Trump Train DNC.jpg) (h) (u)

Weep em and Reap

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d68e09 (1) No.259265

File (hide): 7fe69a44ab98e68⋯.jpg (972.78 KB,2083x1460,2083:1460,Memo-Day-Comey-Pays.jpg) (h) (u)

Get at it

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310060 (3) No.259399

File (hide): 2e02bb05e3e5842⋯.png (344.51 KB,587x375,587:375,473.png) (h) (u)

…make some more

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310060 (3) No.259402

File (hide): 980a5863afd1722⋯.png (474.91 KB,800x533,800:533,queazycomey_.png) (h) (u)

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310060 (3) No.259403

File (hide): 519f3a35c618d3f⋯.png (423.83 KB,640x360,16:9,scream_schiff.png) (h) (u)

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14f88d (2) No.259968

File (hide): f5b7b8d6daa4a6a⋯.png (2.17 MB,2200x2800,11:14,twittercensorship2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0cdcb57bd4248ec⋯.png (1.16 MB,1305x984,435:328,twitter censorship1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c2317dc545b68fe⋯.png (3.97 MB,2200x2800,11:14,facebook censorship.png) (h) (u)

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14f88d (2) No.259969

File (hide): f0b0faa1542794b⋯.png (328.53 KB,476x606,238:303,twitter censor 2 - 476.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f0b0faa1542794b⋯.png (328.53 KB,476x606,238:303,twitter censor 2 - 476.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2df44665647e738⋯.png (336.06 KB,476x606,238:303,facebookcensorship - 476.png) (h) (u)

smaller sizes for social media

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4267f8 (1) No.261422

File (hide): f5a9126f8f9287b⋯.png (554.03 KB,799x449,799:449,1536200168600.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d0b185beec33783⋯.png (637.11 KB,798x532,3:2,1536535825091.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8199a458a7f5d41⋯.png (231.62 KB,500x308,125:77,1536634141569.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed69ee08c50b648⋯.png (715.73 KB,600x900,2:3,1536642467246.png) (h) (u)

Handful of memes… Q made me make almost 100 memes… OMG I need a life! HAHA…

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d3d3e1 (2) No.261484

File (hide): 6ad507184e5aba9⋯.jpeg (18.41 KB,500x395,100:79,chanel-guillotine.jpeg) (h) (u)

I do believe it is in the best interest of the human race to locate and destroy the 30,000 Chanel Guillotines purchased by the U.S. Army and Marines, so I've believed for over two years now.

Also, after the military tribunals there will still be decades worth of cleanup, such as changing the streets of DC so they are no longer Satanic symbols and removing all Luciferian Illuminati Freemason symbolism from our world. Let's do it. The more we remove evil and please the Heavenly Father, the greater our country will become. Even if that wasn't the case, it is still the right thing to do. From now on, regardless of the consequences, we must always do what's right. Are you with me?

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d3d3e1 (2) No.261485

Is there anyone with the power to get "DVoted2Christ" and "ExposeAllEvil" de-shadow-banned from Twitter. For the past 6 months and quite possibly much longer, I have noticed I get no interaction from my tweets, which is unusual when you have close to 2000 followers, half of which are known, patriots. Something is seriously wrong and I need your help. Thank you.

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555737 (2) No.261502

File (hide): 06ea52a99149fdc⋯.jpg (91.22 KB,1024x663,1024:663,Hillary Reset Email.jpg) (h) (u)

Putin Collusion

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555737 (2) No.261503

File (hide): 484f2b07580da9b⋯.jpg (296.33 KB,2550x1650,17:11,Bombastic.jpg) (h) (u)

BomBastic Collusion

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e85a0a (1) No.261536

File (hide): fe53f37491ca9a1⋯.jpg (89.43 KB,580x330,58:33,fraudsquad.jpg) (h) (u)

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