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File (hide): d85636c77e7bf00⋯.jpg (101.57 KB,1067x600,1067:600,NK.jpg) (h) (u)


b649e3 (1) No.1342 [View All][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>Post research, news, links, etc. related to North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, military action, people/companies dealing with NK, and related Japan, SK, China, SE Asia news.

>If your research involves multiple topics, be sure to cross-link in appropriate threads.

>Try to stay on topic and only post relevant things. Keep /cbts/ clutter-free!


89 postsand74 image repliesomitted. Click to expand. ____________________________
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ef1ba5 (1) No.54347

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d04d9d (1) No.61627>>67726

I have an interesting theory about Space X, NK, NASA, the global cabal and Helium 3.

1) BO removes our capability to move goods into space by shutting down NASA’s space shuttle program (a dark day in American history), creating an opening for private companies

2) Space X is one of the companies to fill that void

3) Space X develops a vehicle that can go into space and RETURN (important)

4) North Korea provides a secure operations platform, safe from prying eyes.

5) If NK is controlled by the CIA or other cabal members, nukes gives them power to hold it and to influence other governments

6) Helium 3 has the potential to completely change the global landscape. Whoever gets back to the moon, mines Helium 3 from the regolith and RETURNS IT TO EARTH, could potentially own everything. A single cargo bay from a space shuttle could hold enough Helium 3 to power the entire United States for a year!

7) NASA was taken out of the picture on purpose so that the ownership of Helium 3 mining would be privately owned and controlled.

8) Energy is the keystone to the modern world. If you control a cheap, clean energy, that is a superior proxy to oil, you are worth more than all oil companies and SA combined. China is working on going to the moon to mine Helium 3.

9) NK, as its own country, would be a great location for importing Helium 3 from the moon and then shipping around the world. It has ports. And any company based there would not be subject to US taxation. But you have to be able to defend it (nukes).

10) Helium 3 would be grossly disruptive. Many powers/countries would want to shut you down.

11) Remember, oil is a proxy for gold. Gold is money. Helium 3 will be proxy for gold. Gold/currency is a store for units of labor. Energy is units of labor. Cheap units of labor enable our modern society. If you own your own country, own ports for transportation, own energy production and start your own crypto currency which is the method for trading it, you rule the world.

12) Beyond Helium 3, there is a huge potential market for mining materials from asteroids.

13) What if the whole Mars thing is a head fake from Musk? What if the goal is actually to go to the moon for Helium 3? Boring machines would sure come in handy on the moon for a moon base, which would be necessary. The Helium 3 is on the surface but a safe base for humans would be a priority. An underground network of tunnels would facilitate human habitation, transportation to mining locations and provide a place for processing. They would also protect the processing machinery from the sharp and destructive dirt on the surface. You would never want to travel from place to place on the surface of the moon because of radiation exposure and the horrible dust/dirt. Only automated regolith retrieval equipment would need to be on the surface.

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020899 (1) No.64673

Would anybody care to post (or link) the image of a North Korean rocket saying SpaceX in hangul? Can't seem to find it anywhere.

Need for redpilling purposes.

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f404ae (1) No.67552

SSA said this would be of interest here.

US Intelligence Community Claims North Korea Transferred 3 Nuclear Warheads To Iran: archive.is/LzMpc

The Robert Oppenheimer of Iran: archive.is/bblls

>At that presentation in Vienna, in February 2008, Heinonen projects an organizational chart onto the wall that depicts the structure of the Iranian nuclear program. The name at the center of the chart is that of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a key figure behind Tehran's nuclear ambitions. He is apparently the Robert Oppenheimer of the Iranian nuclear program.

>Like Oppenheimer, who, beginning in 1942, secretly worked as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Fakhrizadeh also keeps an extremely low profile, determined to prevent leaks of information about the military portion of Iran's nuclear research effort. His physics research center is located in northeastern Tehran, where visitors are turned away and told to write to a post-office box address. The center's logo resembles Saturn.

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cd8883 (1) No.67585

NK transfers 3 warheads to Iran


from >>67560 reply to >>67529

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d67b61 (1) No.67726


Problem is, moon is not vacant. And anyone with enough resources to get there, knows that.

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f8b175 (1) No.110138

Take a closer look at the children in the Podesta paintings. Does it look like they could be norks?

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8fc1ec (1) No.114016

quick update that Kim Jong Un didnt attend the anniversary for his grandpa´s dead(17dec,2011)

also missing ;the Chief of the Army Hwang Pyong and all other Generals.

souce is in german, couldn find a english one

www.welt.de/ politik/deutschland/article171679454/Wo-ist-Kim-Jong-un-abgeblieben.html


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34d09a (1) No.117599

File (hide): bc040af0a3ae134⋯.jpg (213.27 KB,1418x780,709:390,NKDeptStore.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 495d6e6053d868d⋯.jpg (361.73 KB,1402x787,1402:787,NKPedo.jpg) (h) (u)

Pulled from Google Maps

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269271 (1) No.136220

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850c01 (1) No.138171

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05b1d0 (1) No.144940>>145388

Will submit my personal experiences to the autism brigades with some speculation of my own.

"We" call the town mentioned on the border "propaganda village." It has no real residents and exists to broadcast propaganda messages over the border to South Korea. It pretty much sets the tone with North Korea being a sort of shell game. The buildings at the border are no different. Last I heard, there was a $1M bounty on a 1x1 meter section of the flag that flies over Propaganda Village.

There was a treaty signed after a spurt of who can build the taller dick left the Norks penniless. South Korea's visitor center can't be taller than North Korea's. As such, the building you see from the South Korean side is a facade. The Norks only have about a 1 meter thick building over there with some utilitarian structure behind it.

You have your typical roads to nowhere and other fun stuff communists do to keep people busy, but it is a shell of a country with exceptionally little activity - aside from their border guards shooting over the border on a daily basis (public reporting doesn't cover this… but bullets fly over there far more often than you would suspect).

I noticed some electronic equipment mounted on poles and it was mentioned that cell phone jammers were in play by the Norks, as well as Elint.

Unlikely these were in-house jobs, spare for the jammers.

Who subsidizes that?


My thinking is more geopolitical.

South Korea is a major world economy and produces the 3-hull tankers the current energy market relies on.

A … Dale Brown book, if I remember correctly, speculated about the hazards of a submarine-mounted nuclear weapon were detonated in Pusan harbor. This is a plausible threat, in my opinion.

What happens when North Korea takes headlines?

Who does a rogue NK threaten?

North Korea recently began active nuclear weapons testing after that wonderful Iran deal (anyone remember who it was who put the current regime in charge - used to be a nearly post-Muslim Persia before the CIA got their hands on it). Remember Stuxnet?

Equation Group? Gray Fish?

North Korea puts its handler in a position to wag the dog. It's a very powerful geopolitical tool. Perhaps a surface-level observation, but one that is sufficient enough in my estimation.

Consider that North Korea now sits within range of something close to 90% of the world's silicon die manufacturing… and it is an ideal place to have a little slice of hell to threaten people with.

They don't need a high performance ballistic missile to do damage - or lead people to believe them capable of it.

That said, I am extremely skeptical of their actual military capacity on the whole, and I don't think Jong Un is fully complicit - or trusted enough to be given much more than means to make a show.

That is all North Korea seems to be… something just plausible enough to prepare for, but largely incapable of acting - the tail that wags the dog.

That said… it wouldn't be the first time some great idea from the brain trust gained independent thought and began doing its own thing. If they lost control of the Presidency, they can lose control of the people they equip to kinda-sorta build nukes, too. It's kind of their MO at this point… lose control of a great idea and delude themselves into thinking it makes it an even better idea worthy of more resources.

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91df9c (2) No.145108>>157451


Pretty much everything you've been told about NK is a lie. Google earth and surf around. Looks pretty normal, harmless and prosperous (decently anyway)..

Maybe there was a famine way back when, but I don't believe any of the bullshit of the last 15 or so years. You can visit there, ski, and do normal stuff. You just might have to fly in from a different country. Kinda like Cuba, but more extreme. You could always visit, but have to fly out of Mexico or Canada, not USA.

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91df9c (2) No.145145


This stuff is so absurd isn't it? Hard to believe we fell for any of it before awaking.

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54f5ff (1) No.145388>>145792


I think you are correct on many levels. It would explain for the facade and the way things always felt so 'unnatural' when we got (scripted) glimpses of the life in Nork.

Some anon posted that Nork was a Clown run testbed/blueprint with Kim as a puppet. So when they were gonna roll out NWO after the great culling, they had most of the kinks worked out. I can see it being some kind of NWO 0.9 Betatest. A almost fully controlled general population, and that public punishment with convicted people strapped to AAG and then the remains run over by tanks sounds exactly what the Clowns/Cabal would do since they feed of fear and trauma.

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214ee4 (4) No.145792


That is an angle that hadn't occurred to me… but it somewhat fits.

I doubt it would actually work out as well as NK has for them given how dependent NK is on charity to not die…

But damned if that would stop them from leaping in with both feet.

The Asian cultures also respond to and think about authority differently. Though Gen Urobuchi's works would have you believe there is some manner of full on libertarian revolution going on in Japan… particularly after watching Psychopass… holy crap. That should be a mandatory Political Science watch and debate.


If viewed from the idea of it being a testbed for future government models… such as the "Agenda 2030" type stuff… NK is hauntingly on point and devoid of people.

They have the whole "electric conservation" thing down pat.

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3d38f9 (1) No.148092

NK is a money launderer

They produce these huge statues for African Nations (its their #1 export) and when African nations can't pay, NK settles for land that is full of mineable goods: http://www.slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2014/08/04/the_african_renaissance_monument_in_dakar_senegal.html

NK takes in TANGIBLE goods in forms of payment from African nations for Arms, architecture/infastructure, military training etc.

NK's relationship with Africa dates back to the Korean war, they were allies.

NK is reported to have 2.2% of the economy of SK. 2.2% is probably for a number of reasons= tangible goods aren't as traceable and "Truman show".


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bf2a7a (2) No.148530>>149679


6.17: Dennis Rodman is back in North Korea. Was he sent by Trump?

https://www.washingtonpost .com/world/dennis-rodman-is-on-his-way-to-north-korea-was-he-sent-by-trump/2017/06/12/5c9c19cc-4fd9-11e7-a973-3dae94ed3eb7_story.html?utm_term=.2478e43a498e

6.17: Dennis Rodman Sheds Light on His Friendship with Kim Jong-Un

https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=81D1rr4UJWk [Embed]

Rodman describes Trump and Kim as larger than life characters they are role playing. But then Rodman says “maybe one day, someone could reach out, if Trump would say, ok, I will try to do something.”

4:48 PM - 11 Nov 2017 from Vietnam

Trump tweets: “I try so hard to be his [Marshal’s] friend - and maybe someday that will happen!”

Consider the possibility: Trump is playing the global deep state using their own proxy, North Korea, for at least two purposes.

A) Leverage China in trade negotiations with US

B) To derail the decades old globalist plan to use NK as a trigger for WWIII.


1) Trump & Rodman have been friends for years. In June of this year, he said he "loves Donald Trump"

2) Dennis befriended Kim years ago and calls him "Marshal" (his western name)

3) Dennis gave Marshal a copy of Trump's book the Art of the Deal

4) Marshal grew up in Switzerland.

Question: Was Kim installed to “play the role” of the divine supreme ruler of a globalist deep state creation (think communist Disney World).

Hollywood used to reveal method / mock us. Remember the "Mandarin" in Iron Man III?

https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=1BYWKjY1eRA

Also the Sony movie "The Interview" - NK as movie set, or is it threat to Kim?

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bf2a7a (2) No.148543





North Korea is hostage to cabal. I think Kim himself is even a hostage. He only makes token appearances / statements, and seems to act like a kid, not a head of state. Remember he went to school in Switzerland?

The leverage is that the cabal can use North Korea to stage a false flag attack against US / Japan / South Korea. Remember Trump just visited those countries on his tour. This threat (leverage) holds the rest of the world hostage. The NK people + Kim can be considered hostages as well.

SpaceX / Uranium 1 / Iran deal, etc…, are so important since this is how the cabal provided to NK. Put more accurately, the cabal uses the "country" of NK as a front for operations - think movie set / Disney / propaganda videos. The "country"of NK is simply a testing ground for brainwashing techniques (and likely much worse).

How to remove the leverage? Either destroy the weapons directly (remember that underground base collapse?), or compromise them. Q is suggesting that the guidance systems are compromised and will miss their targets (miss(i)le).

Trump tweets suggesting Kim will be (is already?) a friend:

"Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me ‘old’, when I would NEVER call him ‘short and fat?’"

>Is this reference to fat-man bomb? e.g., we would never nuke NK?

"Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend -- and maybe someday that will happen!"

>Someday soon?

Also there is Dennis Rodman's friendship with Kim:

http://www.foxnews .com/us/2017/12/15/dennis-rodman-says-kim-jong-un-probably-madman-but-didnt-see-that.html

""Colbert noted a report saying Kim murdered his uncle and fed the body to dogs. Rodman denied there was any truth to the report and said, in a video of the basketball game, you could see Kim's uncle, who was doing “just fine.”"

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e02321 (1) No.148625>>149361

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2350a5 (5) No.149047

Could there be regime change in NK?

Meet Kim Yo Jong who is rocketman’s sister.


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214ee4 (4) No.149361


Yeah… I saw that article mirrored on ZH a few days ago… and laughed.

Whoever wrote it has no idea what goes into fighting a war.

We have B-1s and, possibly, B-2s out of Guam (they like to keep the B-2s hopping and they don't have many facilities outside of Whiteman to be able to properly house them).

North Korea is a small country. The size of Illinois. To say we can establish air superiority is an understatement. With the first combat sortie off of one of the carriers, we have air superiority. South Korea supplements with their F-15s.

A pair of B-1s could completely ravage the entire nation's infrastructure - even in the absence of carrier wing support. The B-1 was designed to deliver nuclear ordnance at supersonic speeds (or near those) using an automatic terrain following radar system.

In less than an hour, we could hit every major target with JDAM and JSOW combinations. Supplementing with TLAMs and strikes from the carriers and South Korea….

It's… actually kind of sick how powerless North Korea is if we actually decide to do something.

North Korea doesn't have the resources to mount a counter-attack or land invasion. They could get cute with their subs and maybe hit a carrier (unlikely to sink - would need multiple hits and we still have good damage control training) - but their best bet is to sink some merchant ships to flip us the bird before we mop those up.

Their greatest threat is telling all of their people that South Korea has food and hand them a gun … but they have no real logistical means to maneuver forces. They can basically leverage a refugee crisis.

And that is if South Korea's ATACMS doesn't out a hand grenade in every square meter over their heads.

Nukes don't even enter the picture. We took that launch pad out with the "surprise!" Announcement. They don't have second-strike capability.

I know I sound like an oo-rah, here… but … I have been to the border. I saw little 4'9" NK soldiers bopping around over there. I've researched what capacities they have… it's… ridiculous. The entire fiasco over there is ridiculous.

I saw someone with some Oz references from Q. I'll supplement my own questions to help re-frame the reference.

Who is the Wizard of Oz?

What is the Yellow Brick Road?

How much is an ounce of Gold?

Per the Coinage Act… how much is an ounce of gold?

Where does the Yellow Brick Road lead?

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214ee4 (4) No.149679


Following up on this from a geopolitical standpoint…

During the Korean War, the Chinese were actively supporting North Korea. The front line occasionally pushed into Chinese territory.

In a classic imperial sense - we had control of the whole peninsula before we decided to hand North Korea back their half (more or less). It was a decision that didn't entirely make sense to me, and seemed completely contrary to our policy goals at the time.

The assumption is that China took them back under their wing and that has continued to this day…

But let's assume the rest of the world still sees North Korea as U.S. territory. We just never signed a peace treaty with it.

This explains the complete nonsense of our force presence in South Korea. We have intel analysts, and even the guys on the ground know that North Korea is waaaaay in over their heads if shooting breaks out.

But… let's say that gold from the fed and fort knox is in North Korea. It seems somewhat illogical to put it there - and it is purely a piggy-back off of earlier comments about federal reserve printing presses…

In either case, this explains the lack of action against NK by China - who is more or less being told to placate a territory they lost control of 70 years ago. We have a sizeable contingent force there and have South Korea spun up, too.

So… let's say China were to try and invade North Korea and put an end to the charade. They could… but the whole of North Korea is basically a no-mans-land where air forces and artillery can mulch them up. Perhaps this was even the real starting motivation/theory. Keep a puppet bogeyman state between the communists using human-wave tactics, and the capitalists.

This may have later morphed into the relationship we see today.

Which has some interesting implications for Vietnam - or how that idea didn't translate.

The reason for the increased armament of NK would then be because of the rise of Russia and China back to the global military stage. The cabal doesn't want anyone peeking behind the curtain, and Kim doesn't exactly want to be the curtain when it's being set on fire.

So, the dog and pony show to get an increased presence in SK, with perhaps a little comfort-plutonium to make Kim feel like he can do something to ward off attackers.

The pieces all fit… but is it a face in the clouds or a true pattern?

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1ab356 (1) No.150675



scraped from a general thread…relevant

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2350a5 (5) No.153774>>154017 >>157366

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459b30 (1) No.154017


Looking at article for bit coin &NK or SAprine pays 6 billion for freeom

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1844a2 (5) No.156881


That is the SAME girl……

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1844a2 (5) No.157031


probably only "opened" for special guests and visitors. "Locals" - were probably hand-picked, to work or attend - while this special guest(s) visit.

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214ee4 (4) No.157366


Federal reserve notes, bitcoin… North Korea is sure suspected of messing with currencies, a lot… Must be pretty skilled, too… a country with Apple-IIs linked together in a small corporate intranet are committing high stakes heists of modern cryptocurrencies.

. . . . . . A thought occurred. Random brainstorm, here. Team America… who is the villain? No… who is really the villain? FAG. Translate to the current scene… who runs the muslim terrorists? Who runs North Korea… who really runs North Korea? Who is wrapped up with defending terrorists?

Not saying it was anything more than satire… but… I think someone on the writing team was doing some research.

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1844a2 (5) No.157451

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1844a2 (5) No.157706

What if on the off chance POTUS is working towards this…. https://thediplomat.com/2013/01/if-korea-were-to-unite/

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f5c850 (1) No.167497

Who really controls NK? Soros digging in since 1998. https:// www.timeshighereducation.com/news/soros-woos-north-korea/106019.article

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43ea77 (1) No.167876

"Richardson formed a foundation, the Richardson Center, to help negotiate the release of political prisoners globally.[75] In January 2013, he led a delegation of business leaders, including Google chairman Eric Schmidt, shortly after the state had launched an orbital rocket.[76] Richardson called the trip a "private, humanitarian" mission by U.S. citizens and told the Associated Press he would speak to North Korean officials about the detention of Kenneth Bae, a U.S. citizen accused of committing "hostile" acts against the state, and seek to visit the American"


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b34246 (1) No.167960

I don't believe this was on Trump's watch.

On January 22, 2013, Pyongyang made a shocking statement that its denuclearisation was 'no more possible' due to ‘intensifying US hostility’.”


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2350a5 (5) No.177446

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aefdaf (1) No.183985

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2350a5 (5) No.191897

https:// www.nknews.org/2017/12/air-koryo-gas-station-operating-on-pyongyang-riverside-photo/

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2350a5 (5) No.191920>>192089

N.K. ICBMs designed for invasion, not regime protection

http:// english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2017/12/27/0200000000AEN20171227006500315.html

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078565 (1) No.192089


I'd chalk that one up to internal ROK politics. It's the opposition leader banging the drum to say that the current admin isn't doing its job related to security.

I'll put it this way, losing SK would be worse than taking ten nukes to our cities. We're in full-bore if something goes down… but, frankly, the ROK is trained and capable of holding their own should the DPRK get aggressive. Their best tactic is to hand their soldiers spears and tell them that there's food in South Korea, if they can get to it. As opposed to a military crisis, it would turn into a humanitarian one.

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1844a2 (5) No.194288

Hx timeline of North Korea here…

https:// www.libertyinnorthkorea.org/learn-north-korea-history/

This paragraph - may be the important link between post-war collapse and state of matters today.

2000s: The People & Markets Prove Their Resilience

By the early 2000s, the people began to recover. The markets, which initially emerged as a survival mechanism, gradually grew to encompass a broader range of goods and services and became better established. The markets today are the major source of food for ordinary North Koreans. South Korea also adopted the “Sunshine Policy”, in which it gave unconditional aid to North Korea, and increased economic cooperation between the Koreas. Established in 2003, the Kaesong Industrial Complex just north of the DMZ was part of this policy and now allows South Korean companies to hire over 50,000 North Korean workers. China also gradually strengthened its economic relationship with North Korea, and today is by far North Korea’s most important economic and political partner. Nevertheless, ordinary North Koreans continue to face the severe challenges of chronic food shortages and grinding poverty, while their basic freedoms are curtailed by a repressive regime whose number one concern is staying in power.

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415eb6 (3) No.201689>>201699


Makes sense to me. But it would be nice if you could provide links to the sources used to formulate your opinion.

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415eb6 (3) No.201699>>201714


Here are all the Q posts relevant to NK I could find:

Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now? Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities? Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran? What deal was done with Iran under BO? Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification? Why wasn’t Congress notified? Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US? What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016). Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you? Big picture is rare.

What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs.

How did NK obtain Uranium? How did Iran obtain Uranium? Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran? Why the cash component? Was the hostage component a cover? For what? Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people? How many planes carried the cash into Iran? Did all land in Iran? Did all land in the same location? Why is this relevant? Who controls NK? Who really controls NK? Don't think of a single person. Think of a powerful entity. Why is this important? Why are wars so important? Who benefits? What does hostage refer to? Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons? Where is BO TODAY? Where is VJ?

Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran? Why wasn't Congress notified? Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'? Who has access to 'State Secrets'? Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land? Did the planes all land in the same location? How many planes carried the cash? Why is this relevant? What does this have to do w/ NK? What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations? What does this have to do w/ ISIS? What does this have to do w/ slush funds? Why is SA so vitally important? Follow the money. Who has the money?

Who controls NK? Who really controls NK? Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad? Why is No Such Agency so vital?

U1 -- CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK Iran Deal. Why is this relevant? Re-read drops re: NK / Iran. (Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold? Which couple was photographed covered in gold? The public release was a mistake. Who released the picture? Who has all the information? (Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold? Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold? What does this represent? /_\ THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. Q

U1 - CA - EU - ASIA - IRAN/NK Where did it end up? What was the purpose? Who was suppose to win the election of 2016? Why was the Iran deal kept from Congress and placed at the highest level of classification? Meaning, a United States Senator could NOT review the deal but other foreign powers could. How much money was hand delivered by plane(s)? Why in cash? Where did the plane(s) actually land? What was the cover? Who paid for BO to attend Harvard? Why would this occur pre-political days? Who was the biggest contributor to the CF?

NK _ SpaceX.

What if NK had miniature nuke payload delivery in 2004? What if NK had ICBM capability since 2009? What if the previous tests that failed were staged? Why would this be relevant? Who is involved and why? Biggest cover up in our history. U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK. Iran deal. Russian reset.

RED CROSS RED RED. NK. Hussein. ASIA. Why was that STRINGER sent out? Decode. News unlocks message. Future proves past. Where is the RED CROSS? Runs deep. Children. Pray.

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415eb6 (3) No.201714


Some suggestion in the main thread that Q has indicated that P controls NK - but I can't find that reference. Anyone?

I know he has said that P controls Soros.

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d2e3e5 (1) No.253206

https://www.reuters. com/article/us-northkorea-southkorea/north-korea-agrees-to-talk-to-south-after-u-s-south-korea-postpone-drills-idUSKBN1EU06O

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305b93 (2) No.256954>>256970

Infowars Livestream is talking about Space Ex from their intel source Zak - much of what Zak says has been mirroring Q


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305b93 (2) No.256970


and now the lives stream has Zak stating - "what makes a good movie?

A good Actor"

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cd0739 (2) No.257799

There has never been a good option for NK.


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cd0739 (2) No.257802

Red phone green phone. Who calls whom depends on date.


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222d13 (2) No.261500

The money printers themselves are nothing that special. The secret to most of them is 'what' they do, maybe a little of 'how' they do it, but you can build your own as you know what it's doing. Consider that most countries have similar anti-counterfitting measures to the US.

Also, I remember a history channel documentary where when they talked about some of the suppliers to the BEP 'Family Owned for generations' came up at least once. Possible connections there?


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222d13 (2) No.261501

The money printers themselves are nothing that special. The secret to most of them is 'what' they do, maybe a little of 'how' they do it, but you can build your own as you know what it's doing. Consider that most countries have similar anti-counterfitting measures to the US.

Also, I remember a history channel documentary where when they talked about some of the suppliers to the BEP 'Family Owned for generations' came up at least once. Possible connections there?


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