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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1433354963838.jpg (21.36 KB,350x265,70:53,olympian[1]-350x265.jpg)

c58c01 No.2929 [View All]

The Aether. The beginning plane. Empty except for the divine energy, but not for long. The void of the Aether shifts as the first beings come into existence. The gods have been born, and you are one of them. Now who are you, and what will you create?

Fill this in:

Name: {What do you call yourself?}

Appearance: {What do you choose to look like to your fellow gods in the Aether?}

Domain/concept: {What do you hold domain over? Note, this does affect what you are good at.}

Fluff: {Remember, you were just born within the Aether. Anything saying otherwise and I will fuck you up}

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c58c01 No.4228


"I intend to make a struggle instead of letting Abystarkus claim dominion. Conflict was inevitable, just made sure it's balanced.






"Well this is all very fascinating, but can you save the conflict for something worthwhile?"

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c58c01 No.4233


"Uh huh, suuuuuuuuure. If I had a face I'd be rolling my eyes right now. Let's face it you create Evil because you like too, I create conflict because I Am conflict. I just use it constructively. You haven't been doing the same."

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c58c01 No.4234


"Oi piss off mate, it's just a bit of banter!"

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c58c01 No.4235


"You're terrifying the little ones. Keep it down"

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c58c01 No.4236


Kurahaagoth rebelliously toots a kazoo in the god of Conflict's direction.

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c58c01 No.4285

Ignavitae tries to blind the other Gods with a laser pointer.

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c58c01 No.4536

Deuduc looks upon the other gods, seeing them working together, and observing the healthy competition that encourages self-betterment.

"If this same spirit enters their creations," he says to himself, "then great things shall surely happen. Already, the grand canvas is being painted. It is not a painting of stark contrast, separated by white, but one of blended colours, and whole-ness."

He smiles to himself. I should thank Hujeval for providing me with the opportunity to make these analogies.

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c58c01 No.4538


Hujeval smiles(?) at her brother. "Thank you brother, tell me would you like some of this that I made?" Hujeval produces a green substance and puts it in Deuduc's hand. "Just light some of it my brother, and take a good whiff."

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c58c01 No.4539


Truly, the corporeal representation of my will shall remain pure, brother. Unsullied by the smoke of this thing. Take it to Kurahaagoth, I am sure he will appreciate it more than I could. I apologize for my unwillingness, however.

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c58c01 No.4543


"None of us are prone to self destruction brother, and there is no evil that you haven't wrought of your own volition."

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c58c01 No.4742


You send some liquid undeath into the world which settles into black pools. Although it does not catch any dragons, due to the fact that being in the mere presence of it scares most living things and dragons are fast, it does catch some animal. The animals turn into undead when touched with the substance.


You infuse the souls of all sentient living things with the power of light. When the first and second men learn to use this power they shall be able to fight the undead. You note that those that live near the undeath swamps do learn to use the light rather quickly.


You note a single maiden singing while gathering herbs in a forest. You gift her inspiration for the song of life. As she begins to sing the forest begins to grow faster. Soon maiden begins being treated as a shaman or priestess to her tribe.


As create your new metal you note that you Wardens try, but fail, to create any new types of metals but do sow the metals you made and some types of alloys throughout the worlds and take their propetries as their own. It seems that it will take the power of a god to make something completely new within the mortal world. You finish up creating your strongest steel, which is white and filled with divine power, and settle it throughout the worlds.


You add the seeds of leadership and greatness to the souls of the first men. As they breed and spread you happilly note that some do become leaders, but they are not noteworthy of any legends. It seems that it may be a bit too early in the lives of these creatures for legends to show, as survival and a nomadic life are all they know.

You also speak to the 'shamans' of the first and second men after the god of fate of the happenings in the aether. They mostly get it, but the stories change by interpretation and how they have already begun to depict the gods.


You add the seeds of greed to the souls of the first men. For some it means bigger hunts and for others the hoarding of food. For some it brings praise or death, and for others it brings a beating.


You create the Qen upon the gas giant, with the innate magical ability to create buildings and objects from pure magic. As you create them many fall to their death before understanding their innate magic and those that are fast enough to create a platform below them begin to go hungry without any source of food.


You change the genetics of many of the first men, changing them into the second men. They have shorter lives but breed faster than the first but otherwise have many of the same properties the gods added to the first.

You also try to speak to many they call 'shamans' through the first and second men abou their creation and the gods. Each interperet the vissions they see in different ways but each understand that there are gods and the gods created them. Many aspects of the gods change based on the shaman's interpretation and their depictions are never right and the names are even more wrong, but you know for a fact that it will not matter.


You give the creatures of light the ability to breed but it is a long process and many just choose not to. They do not age and none have died yet so they see no real need to breed.


You attempt to create a place in the Aether for yourself but it quickly falls appart back into the Aether. At least it is a better result than if it had become a god itself.


You create the merfolk within the seas. They are strong and fast swimmers able to reside anywhere besides the greatest deeps of the ocean.

You message gets interpreted quite differently. Mostly because many of the men have never seen the ocean and don't know what it is. They do begin to bathe in local rivers and streams though.


You create the auditors of death but you mess up on a key aspect. That is they are terrible book keepers. They are almost never on time, usually letting someone live through multiple near death situations because they were late. The mortals chock it up to luck or divine intervention for escaping the jaws of a tiger or a disease breaking when all had lost hope.


You try to instigate a murder, but the tribe you attempted had already learned of greed and, as such, quickly beat the would be murderer and banished him. He soon died to a wolf attack.

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c58c01 No.4743


So far:

Within real space:

Gas clouds of emotion

Ores of various sizes

Dust of Fate

Small peices of energy

dual suns

a planet {Ocean, animals and plants, First men, Dragon, Undeath Swamps, Undead, metals, White steel, Second men, Merfolk}

6 planets {Barren rock, various sizes, metals, White steel}

farthest planet {demonic tar, metals, White steel}

Gas giant {magic core, Qen}

dim stars

Liquid undeath

110 Living Light

100 Vengance creations

Few tribes of First men

Few bands of Qen

Some tribes if Second men

Few bands of Merfolk

1 Constilation maker

50 Dragons

Powers of first men: Song of life, The Light

Within divine space:

Realm of protection goddess (Lost horribly)

First Demon Destruction and demon army (Fighting angels)

First Angel Genesis and angel army (Fighting demons)

The Afterlife (Shithole of eternal darkness and pain)

Pet Godly Hyena

Clock of Ages

Army of Wardens

100 Auditors of Fatality

All gods can now hear the prayers of first and second men directed to them. Usually asking for blessings or fearfully presenting offerings of meat for you to pass over them, depending on how they view your personality and what they associate with you.


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c58c01 No.4745

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d100)



>Appearance: A Tattered corpse of the worlds living creatures stitched together into a abomination

>Domain/concept: Necromancy

>Fluff: Born as a concept of the undeath of living things all he is is a mindless beast or a deadly lichlike being

1. Teach those that don't live near the swamp the art of necromancy the light can't reach them there so I'm might be safe for now

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c58c01 No.4747

Dice rollRolled 29 (1d100)


Name: Hujeval

Appearance: A tall golden female-esque being, with dozens of arms that constantly create paintings or pictures or wield various objects

Domain/Concept: Art

Fluff: When the aether began to take shape Hujevala was born. She represents the color, life, and feelings behind things. For her the universe is a canvas, one where the rolling ocean is no different in beauty from the greatest wars. She can find the color and artistic value behind anything, and uses what she wants as her newest scene for a painting.

+Black Avatar

1. "Oh no what have I done! My babies are dying!" Hujeval paints a surface upon the magical gas giant, solidifying gas and magic that syncs to the Qen whereever they walk, making it so that they can step on gas and magic land shall appear beneath them. It covers the entire planet, an invisible see through land that can be looked through to see the swirling gas and energy below. The film has pockets that allow edible gas to flow, meaning the Qen can survive on the invisible landmass simply by breathing.

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c58c01 No.4748

File: 1434936857378.png (104.03 KB,251x201,251:201,Bank Holiday.png)

Dice rollRolled 4 (1d100)


Fill this in:

Name: Mr. Reaper, the Accountant.

Appearance: A Skeleton in a business suit

Domain/concept: Fatality

Fluff: Grimmoire D. Reaper, otherwise known as Mr. Reaper, runs his domain on a tightly nit schedule, like a business. Everyone must die at the exact time they are supposed, with exact amounts, on a schedule. Too many people die at once, you get extinct and then you lose funding. Too little people dying and you're wasting money on inefficiency. It is less about the aspect of dying, in so much as it is the inevitability of there being death, and in a timely manner.


Death Account

Clock of Ages


100 Auditors of Fatality

1. "Ugh. The Cure is worse than the disease! What am I to do with these lackluster agents. They're supposed to correct mistakes not make more.

I could "terminate" their employment. . .but I have not the heart to do that to my creation.

…I'll have to make some hard decisions.

These people really do not recognize the value of death do they? Always making prayers and offerings to avoid it. Not even my servants.


Recall all my servants and retrain them in accounting and bookeeping. Meanwhile, the lack of death will unfortunately cause problems on earth, but is necessary.

Soon the cry for death to return will be great, and the calamities there of great as well.

This is what I want my servants to hear, that horrible, terrible wail and moan of what befalls a people bereft of death. A horror worse than death itself. Let them hear that and know their job is to prevent it.

And when they are ready, the holiday will be lifted, and their first task is to answer the pleas for death and make amends of the holiday.

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c58c01 No.4749

Dice rollRolled 27 (1d100)


Name: Deuduc

Appearance: Deuduc appears as a muscular, hairless man, with skin of marble, and armour of bronze. His helm has a red plume atop it, and he carries a spear. His voice carries over the vastness of the Aether, and he has a commanding presence.

Domain/Concept: God of leaders and heroes

(Please note: Not a leader of Gods)

Fluff: Like all gods, Deuduc was born of the roiling energies of the Aether. Upon the moment of his birth, he beheld a vision of mighty deeds and great empires. Knowing not whence these visions came, he took them as his identity, having nothing else to imitate. Before heroics, before heroes, there was Deuduc.

Deuduc looks at the afterlife that his brother created.

"It is not a pleasant or fitting place for those who live noble lives. There should be another, one which those who live their lives well are destined for."

With this, Deuduc tries to shape some of the nothingness that is the Aether into a great hall, one of many mortal pleasures: Food, drink, comfort, and companionship shall all be found in this place. Its pillars shall be of marble, and its braziers shall burn bright. The tables will ever be laden, and banners shall hang everywhere. At the end of it all, shall be a throne of bronze, a seat for the God of Heroes.

1-2. Pour much effort into the creation of a great hall for the glorious dead.

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c58c01 No.4750

Dice rollRolled 50 (1d100)



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c58c01 No.4755

File: 1434938522087.jpg (443.34 KB,2560x1440,16:9,1375039379049.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 46, 35 = 81 (2d100)


Name: Signus

Appearance: See pic

Domain/concept: Fire

Fluff: In the nucleus of the divine energy, in the center of what would come to encompass existence, there arose a being of pure heat, Signus, to bathe this new-found existence in flame and light. To introduce disparity into this cold, grey unchanging world.

1. Every being in this world is wrought forth from the light of the aether, and a little fire burns bright within them, I bestow a blessing upon all those who carry this light, this fire. It shall be dubbed a soul, and it shall be the spore of stars. With great deeds shall the soul grow, and the larger the soul, the greater the reward and afterlife for said being after death.

2. Send a message to my dragons in the mortal world, tell them to instruct the mortal beings in the art of the flame, teach them the secrets of the fire

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c58c01 No.4767

File: 1434941461714.png (55.55 KB,752x716,188:179,BdnIz.png)

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d100)


Name: Athamael

Appearance: Athamael currently has the appearance of a large floating sphere of unknown metal with a surface that shifts and changes.

Domain/concept: Metal

Fluff: Athamael, born of the Aether is the god of metal. It is a very simple god for now for it, along with creation, is extremely new. It currently has no voice and no gender and its only desire is simple to continue its existence.

+ The Wardens of Metal

Athamael communicates with some of his Wardens, the few that not only failed to create their own unique metal but also opted to not resonate to one of the ones he had created. “Take heart, my children. As it stands you cannot give form to your creations, but I see them. Within each of you lies the essence of your envisioned creation. Come to me, share in my power. You shall envision the metal and I shall give it form.”

Athamael has those of his wardens that where not satisfied with mundane metal come to him, he will use his godly power to create their envisioned metals. Utterly unique and sometimes bizarre, the Wardens each get their own specific metal. At the end of this endeavor every Warden has either their own creation or is satisfied with one of the mundane metals that Athamael had created earlier. The Wardens had finally attained their own sub-aspects.

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c58c01 No.4769

File: 1434941709687-0.jpg (774.28 KB,1019x1092,1019:1092,Thirdmen.jpg)

File: 1434941709687-1.jpg (42.47 KB,401x600,401:600,ThirdMen2.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 54 (1d100)


Name: Óðirthel

Appearance: A shifting figure that clouds his features, though generally appears to look something like a human in a black cloak in moments of stability, heart visible and beating in his translucent chest. More than a little disturbing for mortals to look at.

Domain/concept: Fate (?)

Fluff: Óðirthel is, contrary to his appearance, a shaper and creator of stories, life, heroes, and villains - one might even call him a fateweaver, if there was such a thing. Perhaps there is. Óðirthel came into creation with the singular purpose of unerring creation, and create he does. The stories he weaves and the races he creates may not understand him or his goals, but underneath the disturbing inhumanity of his existence, Óðirthel is a sympathetic being, even when the smile of his skeletal, shifting face can break the unsteeled minds he might form.


Óðirthel has many things to do, as always, in-between his weaving of the thread of fate. It is amusing to listen to the prayers directed to me, asking for a change of their winds or the favor of fate itself! The names they come up with entertain me so. Perhaps I might use some - The Many-Faced one, The Skinless, The Shifter, The One Above, The Binder… a new name every day, it seems. I like the tribes that respect their destiny the most. Some of their interpretations… hehe. Most at least understand the nature of their creation - that one over there thinks the Accountant made them. Hah! I see the patterns develop in them, of course. The Second Men take to greed like a moth to flame, coveting the metal of Athamael far more than the First do. Now comes the time of the Third Men, so the strings have declared. Where the First had perfect bodies and the Second had strong ones, the Third's forms shall be weak. Birthed tiny and weak in droves, the average amongst them to survive ten years might be the height of a Second Man, broader and more muscular than he. The strongest and longest-lived amongst them might be a head taller than a First Man, but for their physical strength, their intelligence shall be a hundredfold weaker than their cousins, and their skill at arms far worse to match their lacking speed. A first man might slaughter a thousand of them without breaking a sweat, a second man ten of the same - but there will always be more. They breed at a monumental rate, with lives that might be so long as a first man were they not so wrapped in war. The average will die before his first moon, killed by a sibling, and the Third Men will fight amongst each other for the pettiest of reasons - like if my name should be Óðirthol or Óðirthal, or whose scars are more impressive. They live for war, and shall pursue it relentlessly. In appearance, they might be hideous, mockeries of the First Men's beauty. For all their size and strength, they would never be able to truly hamper the growth of the Men nor Merfolk, too divided and weak to do so and instead forcing them together, to forge the Empires and Armies that make Deuduc blush.

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c58c01 No.4771

File: 1434942111349-0.jpg (308.45 KB,2480x1525,496:305,FirstMenCulture.jpg)

File: 1434942111370-1.jpg (384.27 KB,1066x800,533:400,SecondmenFarming.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 48 (1d100)



The visions and messages sent this time would be separate to the Second men and the First. To the Second Men, Óðirthel would speak of civilization. Visions of farming and cities, villages and formalized religions, the roles of the Gods and the ways of the Scythe. Their greed and the Third Men seek to drive their tribes together and their high birth rate and strange family dynamics do as well, now all that must be done is to show those touched with the Aether the way to civilize. To the First Men, he instead speaks of culture. The ways of agriculture and city-building would be shown to them as well, but instead of the square, practical villages and forts of the Second Men, the First would use stone and wood in the creation of beauty to match their own, great, wonderful designs to enhance their great magical potential and the Song of Life gifted to them. There might be far less of the First Men, but they can do far more, and afford to make their structures beautiful and farms marvelous, set to stand for eons against the outside world. Their lessened greed might add to this, and the develop of the jaw-dropping culture Óðirthel whispers to them was made inevitable in any case by their very nature.

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c58c01 No.4772

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d100)


Name: Astaramiel

Appearance: a 13 winged humanoid without face or gender, surrounded by a ring of sharpened silvers

Domain/concept: Conflict

Fluff: Astaramiel was born from the Aether, Looking upon the nebulous realm of existence. He could already see lines of battle and conflict being drawn and born well before anything actually existed outside his diverse siblings.

1. Create an angel to lead those who cleave to greed and evil too closely back to the light, whether deceased or living. Name it Redemption.

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c58c01 No.4791

File: 1434950367260.jpg (145.92 KB,640x445,128:89,Frog People.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 52 (1d100)

Name: Kurahaagoth

Appearance: An emaciated body from which sprout many arms, each playing a different instrument except for two which the body balances on. The head is bulbous and covered in ears, interrupted only by a vast mouth and a single eye.

Domain/concept: Music

Fluff: Kurahaagoth is a god of music, which is all he seemingly cares about. Almost every action he takes is dictated by what he thinks will make the best sound at that particular moment. Be it the tranquil burble of a bubbling brook, or the screams and clangs of a battlefield, he wishes only to follow his whims.

1. Kurahaagoth shakes his head, so much creation but so much…derivation. Original ideas are so hard to come by amongst his kin, either trudging away to some irrelevant plan or trying to fix their own mistakes. Instead Kurahaagoth goes to the swamps of his and Hejuval's world, finding among the muck a mire the cheerful songs of the humble frog. On a whim, Kurahaagoth puts into them the spark of sentience, civilization, and most important of all, song. These creatures would be the first of many who would bring true wild life to his beloved home, and he named them "The Croaklings"

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c58c01 No.4792


Edit: He didn't make them on Hejuval's world, he made them whatever world the 1st 2nd and 3rd men are on.

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c58c01 No.4862

Dice rollRolled 77 (1d100)


Name: Ignavitae

Appearance: Warrior Angel, Sometimes a Giant Dove.

Domain/concept: Light

Fluff: The Major God Of Light. Ignavitae acts As a beacon for the Other Gods. Bringing Light so they may See things hidden to them within the Darkness.

1: Forge a Sword Of Pure Light named "Lux Aeterna" and send it to the Mortal Realm. This Blade Will Only be wielded by The Just and Good.

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c58c01 No.4870

File: 1435069052868.jpg (187.48 KB,1045x764,1045:764,da_familiar_by_samburley-d….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 10, 72 = 82 (2d100)


Name: Melsina/Meul/Mulsin, the Mariner

Appearance: Pic related, usually like a female merfolk

Domain/concept: Water

Fluff: One of the last gods to leave the Aether, Melsina was accompanied by the sound of rushing water. She saw a Parched, barren world. A universe in need of rain and river and ocean. As mighty as the roaring wave, and as forgiving, Melsina would shape this universe as the tide shapes the shore.

1 - Ah, the Melfolk are so resplendent and faithful in their work. After all, they are reflections of myself! But the rest of the seas of these worlds are empty. They need other life as well; coral, kelp, fish, beasts that swim the ocean! All things needed to foster a community for my Melfolk!

[Communication Roll] - Melsina whispers again to the minds of the First and Second men. "Come, come to the sea. Build there your towns by the water, feast upon fish and crab, wear the jewels of shell and pearl, make there your settlements and your culture. Enjoy the bounties that Mulsin the Mariner offers, and offer devotion in return."

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c58c01 No.4871

Dice rollRolled 74 (1d100)

[Communication Roll]

Hujeval speaks to her children, the Qen, and dearly apologizes for their pain. She was so caught up in her art she never noticed that the oceans, mountains, and valleys on the planet had dissapeared instead of stayed floating. She cried aetheric tears and says that she loves them all.

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c58c01 No.4875


>>>Name: Sota Vex

>>>Appearance: To those who walk the path of Revenge she appears a raven haired lithe figure, but to those who travel the path of Mercy she is a motherly kind figure that's very presence warms the soul.

>>>Domain/concept: Mercy

>>>Fluff: Sota Vex is the goddess of Mercy and Revenge, she teaches that those two roads are how one can clear their way to spiritual awakening and to find peace after a time of loss. If you choose mercy then you will receive your peace and will spend your day at her side in the after life, but if you choose revenge then you become a priest of her teachings spending your life and your unlife hunting those who wronged you and those who wronged others.

1:Sota Vex moves her children of emotion to the land of the humans. She gifts her children with the ability to hear through the feelings of others, to feed off of those emotional spikes and to act as the personal shields of the human race.

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c58c01 No.4876

Dice rollRolled 86 (1d100)



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c58c01 No.4882

Dice rollRolled 31 (1d100)


[Action reroll]

Hujeval makes food rain from the sky for the Qen, enough to sustain them until she makes a true surface upon the world.

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c58c01 No.5496


You teach some men the art of necromancy, but since the god of death turned off death everyone forgets about it.


You turn off death and suddenly everything fucks up. Mortals dont die even as they are torn apart or wither from old age. At first the mortals rejoice and then fear their eternal hell of pain without death.


You create a hall but can't wrest control of souls from the afterlife already made.


You find that mortals already have souls and were using fire before you were born in the aether.


You find that all wardens actually chose a metal, either pure or some form of alloy. You do give a few that were left out permission to take the forms of alloys of White steel.


You create the third men, short lived and brutish. Willing to fight whether your name is Zugzug or UghUgh. Well they would be short lived if the god of death didn't turn off death. They kind of started overrunning many tribes and displacing them.

Your vision is largely forgotten by the mortals as their ancestral homes are taken and they no longer die.


You create the second demon lord, Relentless Torture. He takes one look at the afterlife and goes to sulk near the angel/demon war. Surprisingly fortifications have been made between them, the size of dollhouses to you.


You create another Angel called Redemption. It just starts kicking a sulking demon lord, not really doing it's job.


You create frogmen from the swamps. Thankfully not the swamps with the undead. They begin to sing their prayers, when they start to prey. Most of their prayers are asking any gods out there to end their hell, as death isn't working right now.


You create a sword of light and throw it upon the highest mountain you can find in the world. It acts as a beacon for a group of weary second men, who lost their home to third men.


You find that, no, those things were not passed up when life was made.

On the other hand in these perilous times many to run to the sea in the hopes of putting distance between themselves and the third men.


You move the emotion beings to the world, but the are unsure how to protect people who can not die. They do feel that they can die fro starvation though, and feed off emotion and stick around sentients though.


You make food rain from the sky and apologize to your creations. They stuff their faces as fast as they can, eating for the first time since their creation. Some do ration out the food though, as they have no way to get more without your grace. They begin to see you as a cruel and merceless godess, taunting them and their undying pain and hunger.

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c58c01 No.5497


Currently in creation

Within real space:

Gas clouds of emotion

Ores of various sizes

Dust of Fate

Small peices of energy

dual suns

a planet {Ocean, animals and plants, First men, Dragon, Undeath Swamps, Undead, metals, White steel, Second men, Merfolk, Third Men, Frogmen, Lux Aeterna (no wielder) }

6 planets {Barren rock, various sizes, metals, White steel}

farthest planet {demonic tar, metals, White steel}

Gas giant {magic core, Qen}

dim stars

Liquid undeath

110 Living Light

100 Vengance creations

Some tribes of First men

Few bands of Qen

Many tribes if Second men

Many bands of Merfolk

Many tribes of Thrid men

Few bands of Frogmen

1 Constilation maker

50 Dragons

Powers of first men: Song of life, The Light

Within divine space:

Realm of protection goddess (Lost horribly)

First Demon Destruction and demon army (Fighting angels)

First Angel Genesis and angel army (Fighting demons)

The Afterlife (Shithole of eternal darkness and pain)

Pet Godly Hyena

Clock of Ages

Army of Wardens

100 Auditors of Fatality

Hall of Glorious Dead (useless)

Relentless Torture (Demon, sulking)

Redemption (Angel, bullying RT)


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c58c01 No.5499

Dice rollRolled 28 (1d100)

Kurahaagoth shook his head, for he could not answer his children's pleas. Only one being could do so, if only he could get over his gross incompetence.

Kurahaagoth fled, unable to cover his many ears until he could only barely hear their prayers. Here he produced a clarinet and began to play, issuing forth a cloud of multi colored sand from within it. He would play his instrument until the sand formed itself into a planet, a vast multicolored desert in the void.

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c58c01 No.5502

File: 1435798783677.jpg (26.31 KB,300x400,3:4,300px-Ogden_Stonehealer.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 48 (1d100)


Name: Athamael

Appearance: Athamael currently has the appearance of a large floating sphere of unknown metal with a surface that shifts and changes.

Domain/concept: Metal

Fluff: Athamael, born of the Aether is the god of metal. It is a very simple god for now for it, along with creation, is extremely new. It currently has no voice and no gender and its only desire is simple to continue its existence.

+ The Wardens of Metal

Athamael is pleased that all of his wardens have some form of metal to call their own. Now he looks towards the worlds created by his brothers and their mortals and decides to try his hand at creating his own mortal race. He does not understand his brothers deigns, they are so fleshy and vulnerable. Athamael would create his mortal race from the raw ores that had resulted from him and his Wardens creation of metal. This race would worship him and his wardens and perhaps one day they would create Avatars for them.

I will call them… The Dwarfs, they will live within the planets crust and the first among them shall be born knowing of me and my Wardens and they shall have a way with working metal that no other race could hope to match.

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c58c01 No.5507

Dice rollRolled 98 (1d100)


Name: Astaramiel

Appearance: a 13 winged humanoid without face or gender, surrounded by a ring of sharpened silvers

Domain/concept: Conflict

Fluff: Astaramiel was born from the Aether, Looking upon the nebulous realm of existence. He could already see lines of battle and conflict being drawn and born well before anything actually existed outside his diverse siblings.

1.Remind Redemption of it's created purpose and tell it RT's purpose point out redemption could do so much better by doing it's job and rubbing it in Rt's face. Also maybe have some redeem souls help it out. Get this foolish child back onto the conflict I want, if only by degrees.

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c58c01 No.5509

File: 1435804894838.jpg (327.27 KB,1600x1171,1600:1171,Maritime-Guard-MtG-Art.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 62, 91 = 153 (2d100)


Name: Melsina/Meul/Mulsin, the Mariner

Appearance: Pic related, usually like a female merfolk

Domain/concept: Water

Fluff: One of the last gods to leave the Aether, Melsina was accompanied by the sound of rushing water. She saw a Parched, barren world. A universe in need of rain and river and ocean. As mighty as the roaring wave, and as forgiving, Melsina would shape this universe as the tide shapes the shore.

1 - Good sea life, strong and devoted race of servants, respect from the landwalkers, and control of a modest portion of this world. It's a good start. But surely the other worlds could use some more water as well? A few oceans there, help me and help them!

[Contact roll] - Melsina looked upon the Third Men with disgust. Irku, she named them, the Pitiless. Short-lived, short minded, unable to worship and unfit for giving it. There was only one thought she desired to give them. An unabated terror of the water. Of the danger beneath its surface, of its uncaring and merciless destruction, of the ire of its Goddess. They would stay far from her domain, or they would drown.

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c58c01 No.5515

Dice rollRolled 4 (1d100)

Name: Hujeval

Appearance: A tall golden female-esque being, with dozens of arms that constantly create paintings or pictures or wield various objects

Domain/Concept: Art

Fluff: When the aether began to take shape Hujevala was born. She represents the color, life, and feelings behind things. For her the universe is a canvas, one where the rolling ocean is no different in beauty from the greatest wars. She can find the color and artistic value behind anything, and uses what she wants as her newest scene for a painting.

+Black Avatar

1. Hujeval is saddened by the fact her children are angry at her, and plans to relieve their problem. The first thing she does is add a number of permanent food sources to the gas giant below, not so much physical but magical nourishment that provides taste, smell, and nutrients as well as removes hunger due to providing everything needed.

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c58c01 No.5518

Dice rollRolled 86, 12 = 98 (2d100)


Name: Deuduc

Appearance: Deuduc appears as a muscular, hairless man, with skin of marble, and armour of bronze. His helm has a red plume atop it, and he carries a spear. His voice carries over the vastness of the Aether, and he has a commanding presence.

Domain/Concept: God of leaders and heroes

(Please note: Not a leader of Gods)

Fluff: Like all gods, Deuduc was born of the roiling energies of the Aether. Upon the moment of his birth, he beheld a vision of mighty deeds and great empires. Knowing not whence these visions came, he took them as his identity, having nothing else to imitate. Before heroics, before heroes, there was Deuduc.

"It is truly tragic that those who toiled in life must live in this realm of eternal torment that is the old afterlife. The good souls of the world shall go here. I must speak with The Reaper about this."

Deuduc treads through his empty hall, to the throne of the God of Leaders, where he sits and ponders on his next action.

1/2. "My brothers and sisters are all creating life. It is only fit that I should join them. I will craft beings pleasing to the eye, appearing as fair maidens to the First and Second Men. They shall be held aloft on wings, as birds are, and will wear armour of shimmering plates. Upon their brow will be a silver crown. They will be my messengers and my heralds. They will inspire deeds of heroism, and guide promising mortals on their journeys to self-betterment."

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c58c01 No.5536


I…I was skipped Senpai….





( “・ω・゛)





|ω・`)ノ Hi..



(・ω・` )

( ´・ω・)

( ´・ω・)人(・ω・` )



ショボン玉( ´・ω・)y━。 o ○(´・ω・`)

The police||Φ|(|´・|ω|・`|)|Φ||jailed me…

(。´・ω・`。)Maybe I should send 601 emails next time..

What to~(´・ω・`~)(~´・ω・`)~~(´・ω・`~)(~´・ω・`)~do…


ショボ━(`・ω・´)━( `・ω)━(  `・)━(     )━(・`  )━(ω・` )━(´・ω・`)━ン…

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c58c01 No.5539


Misslinked, Your result is the one I linked to Dara's


You find that mortals already have souls and were using fire before you were born in the aether.

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c58c01 No.5546


Astaramiel's laughter is heard throughout all of creation.

"Wow brother, I have no words to describe how funny I find this."

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c58c01 No.5548

File: 1435819870081-0.jpg (80.52 KB,600x395,120:79,cannibal.jpg)

File: 1435819870081-1.jpg (173.69 KB,1136x703,1136:703,landscape_by_jonathandufre….jpg)


[Hey what about my communication roll? Did they not hear her sobbing and saying sorry] Comm roll: >>4871


First pic: What you wanted

Second pic: What you got

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c58c01 No.5551

Dice rollRolled 10, 65 = 75 (2d100)


Name: Ignavitae

Appearance: Warrior Angel, Sometimes a Giant Dove.

Domain/concept: Light

Fluff: The Major God Of Light. Ignavitae acts As a beacon for the Other Gods. Bringing Light so they may See things hidden to them within the Darkness.

1."This is all well." Ignavitae mutters looking at the scene unfolding on the planets. Seeing all things his light touches. "Something Is missing. We build and break. But, we do not know why. These mortals must also ponder their existence. I will share with them my divine knowledge and Light, And those who accept this Gift shall be known as Sages. Those who have Foresight and Wisdom, the Seekers of Universal Truth. "

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c58c01 No.5565

Dice rollRolled 25 (1d100)


Name: Signus

Appearance: See pic

Domain/concept: Fire

Fluff: In the nucleus of the divine energy, in the center of what would come to encompass existence, there arose a being of pure heat, Signus, to bathe this new-found existence in flame and light. To introduce disparity into this cold, grey unchanging world.

1. "oh bother, what to do now….. might as well join in the conflicts of my breathern with my own dragconic army, who will also be my messangers in the aetherial realm."

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c58c01 No.5576


The result was in your update too.

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c58c01 No.5803

Dice rollRolled 32 (1d100)



>Appearance: A Tattered corpse of the worlds living creatures stitched together into a abomination

>Domain/concept: Necromancy

>Fluff: Born as a concept of the undeath of living things all he is is a mindless beast or a deadly lichlike being


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c58c01 No.5877

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d100)


Fill this in:

Name: Mr. Reaper, the Accountant.

Appearance: A Skeleton in a business suit

Domain/concept: Fatality

Fluff: Grimmoire D. Reaper, otherwise known as Mr. Reaper, runs his domain on a tightly nit schedule, like a business. Everyone must die at the exact time they are supposed, with exact amounts, on a schedule. Too many people die at once, you get extinct and then you lose funding. Too little people dying and you're wasting money on inefficiency. It is less about the aspect of dying, in so much as it is the inevitability of there being death, and in a timely manner.


Death Account

Clock of Ages


100 Auditors of Fatality

1. "You see what happens."

"This is what happens."

"You see what happens when you don't do your jobs?"

Let my Auditor's hear the wails and cries and prayers of endless races without Death in unliving hell, and make them feel every bit of pain and horror.

Then teach them how to do their jobs properly, I didn't make them to be lazy or to make mistakes. I made them to be the exact opposite, beings who couldn't feel right unless every detail was meticulously accounted for, every death in its correct place by the second.

I will retrain them.

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c58c01 No.5881

Dice rollRolled 75, 28 = 103 (2d100)


Name: Óðirthel

Appearance: A shifting figure that clouds his features, though generally appears to look something like a human in a black cloak in moments of stability, heart visible and beating in his translucent chest. More than a little disturbing for mortals to look at.

Domain/concept: Creation, shaping, heroweaving

Fluff: Óðirthel is, contrary to his appearance, a shaper and creator of stories, life, heroes, and villains - one might even call him a fateweaver, if there was such a thing. Perhaps there is. Óðirthel came into creation with the singular purpose of unerring creation, and create he does. The stories he weaves and the races he creates may not understand him or his goals, but underneath the disturbing inhumanity of his existence, Óðirthel is a sympathetic being, even when the smile of his skeletal, shifting face can break the unsteeled minds he might form.

1. Ah, the accountant and his ways. Assist him in the culling of some of the Third Men and Merfolk, those unintended to live for the centuries they have.

COMMUNICATION - Continued encouragement as before to 1st/2nd men.

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c58c01 No.14979

File: 1447798620605.jpg (7.84 KB,253x199,253:199,download.jpg)



>Appearance: Refer to image

>Domain/concept: Evil/Death and destruction

>Fluff: The lord of evil, TZCHERNOBOG causes calamity and disaster, bringing bad luck and misfortune wherever he turns. There is no hidden agenda — he just enjoys being a black-hearted villain.

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c58c01 No.17008


Cuck faggot.

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