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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1457408392987.jpg (111.17 KB,704x414,352:207,lantern_city_justin_yun.jpg)

78c15e No.24840

Corrupt Steampunk NeoVictorian Imperial Capitol Herobuilder

This is the Capitol of the Universal Empire, a state that controls half the planet and dominates the rest. Through the use of its Aether Technology, the Empire in in a position of unmatched might - and with it, corruption and decadance. Dickensian would begin to describe the conditions of the lower classes, while the rich squander wealth in vain pursuits. Factions conspire within the military and government, and the Emperor is weak-willed and prefers to spend his time on quiet pursuits than affairs of State. Illnesses run rampant, cured by the Aether creation of Aqua Vitae - but such healing comes at a price of both coin and humanity.

And this is the city and the world in which you live, be you normal human, living machine, or animalistic moreau. Perhaps you are or once was partof the military. Maybe a noble in search of an end to boredom. A living machine seeking more than just labor, or a moreau searching for answers beyond instinct.

We shall see.

Note: Never run a HB before. This may suck :v

Rolls: 3d20 for actions. Combat is an action. Locations are limited to Capitol and the immediate surronding farms/mines/towns.

1: Crit Fail, Bad Stuff

2-7: No Success

8-13: Meh Success

14-19: Good Success

20: Crit Success

-fill out this-


>Current location:


-don't fill out this-






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78c15e No.24841

Name: Isaiah Snodgrass

Current Location: Capitol

Fluff: Isaiah is from a farming family, and as a child, he was very ill, so ill that he would have died without aqua vitae – which his mother bought for him at great personal cost, and afterwards grew distant from him. He did not know whether it was because of the price she paid to save him or the way he changed after his illness, but either way, there was nothing to do but go forward. Isaiah now lives in the Capitol, apprenticed to an apothecary, peddling dull drugs and saving up for university, where he hopes to learn the secrets of the Aether – and what it did to him, or didn’t.

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78c15e No.24844

File: 1457410312864.jpg (67.61 KB,564x797,564:797,ec6f4012b9fed1ea329c66bde3….jpg)

Name: Mina "The Brick" Rivelton

Current location: Mina's House, The Capitol Slums

Fluff: Mina is a former Imperial sergeant gone rogue to join the revolutionists. During one of the numerous uprisings of the poor, her unit was called in to suppress rioters with live rounds. While she did her duty, Mina felt ill afterward and eventually decided to abandon her post; from here subversive literature and a few particularly steamy love affairs with some revolutionist types in the slum-bars did the rest to cause her to join the revolution. Now, her goal is simple: crush the exploiters that had ruined her sense of self and free the exploited from the exploiters. Mina, much as her background suggests, is tough as nails from her time in the service: she carries a massive array of arms, bombs, and a small suit of aether-power armor to carry an improbably large gun – it matches manner: loud, powerful, and ungraceful.

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78c15e No.24846


>Name: Maris

de l'Espritmarteau

>Current location: Capitol Slums

>Fluff: Maris was once the son of a lower noble family. Like many young nobles he was sent to university to learn about the world and make alliances with the future generation. He quickly picked up the sciences of Aether and started his own tinkering. He may have even become recognized as a prodigy, if it were not for the eternal games of the bored nobles. Maris's family was cast down from the ranks of the nobility due to the plot of another noble house, and the rest pounced for the chance to have more toys for their games. His father and mother committed suicide, his sisters and brothers either escaped to the streets and lost to him or taken by a noble to become their play thing in one way or another. Maris escaped, having been out testing an invention of his and only hearing the news after a week from a trusted servant. He destroyed his lab and took only his working prototypes and a locket with the picture of his family. Alone on the street for a few days he was found by Mina Rivelton, and made a deal. In return for supplies and the satisfaction of seeing the nobles suffer he will create and invent weapons and machines for the revolution.

-don't fill out this-






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78c15e No.24851

File: 1457412935315.jpg (471.54 KB,1758x2346,293:391,1439494869295.jpg)

>Name: Jadewalker

>Current location: Drinking her pay away in a bar

>Fluff: The X Series was a project of a bored noble attempting to create the perfect soldier by combining human, and animal traits. The X-J8 line "Jade" was based entirely around snake traits with some variations. Designed with stealth and overwhelming physical force in mind most Jade series choose the more physical weapons.

Eventually the noble grew bored of the project and sold all living X units into the military where they worked off their selling price through service to the Empire. Jadewalker herself has semi-retired though she still has the innate lust for battle all X series were created with. She has been thinking of selling her services to people in need of a good fighter or assassin.

[Image] : Shown : Typical Jade Series






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78c15e No.24856


>Health: 5/5

>Inventory: [Apothecary Apprentice Satchel] [Weak Illegal Pills]

>Skills: [Basic Pharmacology][Basic Medicine]

>Reputation: None


Aqua Vitae Consumer: You gain +1 health from consuming Aqua Vitae in addition to any other effects (even failures and critfails. ).

Aqua Vitae Overdose: You are at -5 when rolling for exposure or consumption to Aqua Vitae. Negative results will count as a Crit-Fail. 20s still count as crit-cussess. In addition, you are at -3 when interacting with NPCs.


>Health: 6/6

>Inventory: [Aether-Powered Armor, Damaged, Ill-maintained][Rotary ILG, ill-maintained]

>Skills: [Firearms][Explosives]

>Reputation: [Revolutionaries:+][Military:-]


Military Training: As a former sergeant, you gain +3 to recruit for the Revolution and train them in a military skill you know [Or can fast-talk the GM into accepting you'd know].

Deserter: You left your post, and you left with your equipment. The Military and Government would really love to know where you are so that they may be rid of the razorblade in the candyfloss of their life.


>Health: 5/5

>Inventory: [Portable Toolkit][Small bottle of Aether crystals]

>Skills: [Recreational Tinkering][University-level Aether Theory]

>Reputation: [Nobility:–]


Persuasion: You gain a +5 to NPC diplomacy due to your noble background. You might want to destroy the class system, but your posh accent gives you advantages.

Fallen Noble House: -5 to dealing with the nobility. Posh accent and ratty clothing combine to be objects of derision. This replaces Persuasion when dealing with upper class.

Byzantine Plots: You have potential friends in high places, allies of your parents or enemies of those who cast you down - or those who did and wish to see their partners laid low as well. Beware of offers, as they may be traps.


>Health: 7/7

>Inventory: [Twin Aetheric Steel Blades][Belts, Harness, and Pouches]

>Skills: [Melee][Stealth]

>Reputation: [All:-]


Combat Moreau: Literally designed and bred for battle, you gain a +3 to your melee skills.

Curse of Moreau: -3 diplomacy with any NPC except a Moreau. In addition, critical fails risk your primal instincts rising to the surface and temporarily taking over.


As said in PM, there's no Aether Waste as such; some damaged hinterlands near the Industrial District, and the lower level sewers underneath said District can be considered to be tainted enough with Aether to mutate animals and men born there.

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78c15e No.24857

File: 1457415347781.jpg (154.41 KB,620x452,155:113,Boltik.jpg)

-fill out this-

>Name: Boltik Alsfelt

>Current location: The lower slums, local chapel

>Fluff: Boltik was never a soft man. Never a soft boy. Never a soft /anything/. He has led his entire existence in the face of awful corruption and horrors, from the moment his father died in the coal mines, the moment he learned of his mother's rape and death, the moments spent as a young orphan, the moment he was ordained as a Priest of the Church of Evalyn, The moment he wed his beloved, and the moment that she was taken from him by the plague. He has lost so much, and struggled on. The world is cruel to Boltik. But now was the time for Boltik to be cruel to the dark world that had hurt him so dearly.

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78c15e No.24859

File: 1457416034041.jpg (45.22 KB,500x335,100:67,Cutebold!.jpg)

-fill out this-

>Name: Wubber Lang

>Current location:

>Fluff: The Streets we're tough for little Wubber Lang. But years of fighting in the underground boxing pits and fight clubs has left this little bold a angry little…well, Cutebold I suppose. Abandond at a young age, Wubber had no alternatives but violence, and was moved from prison to prison for accounts of theft and assault. Using boxing as a way to work through his rage, he finally found freedom, and has decided to turn his life around. Now, his goal is clear; Become the light weight champion of the world.

-don't fill out this-






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78c15e No.24860


>Health: 5/5

>Inventory: [Icon of Evalyn][Holy Book][Blessed Steel Blade]

>Skills: [Theology][Melee Weapons]

>Reputation: [Lower Class:+]


Faith Unyielding: In actions where endurance of mind or body are important, you gain a +3 to your roll.

Those Who Seek Darkness…: You have a harder time seeing brighter sides of things, and where others might see gray you only see black.-3 to all interaction rolls.


>Health: 6/6

>Inventory: [Handwraps][Totally Not Stolen Honest boxing training manual]

>Skills: [Unarmed Melee Combat][Dodge]

>Reputation: [Criminals:+][Law Enforcement:-]


Tough Little Sealbold: You're hardier and tougher than most Moreau your size. GM will reduce damage assigned to you via combat or any physical injury.

Curse of Moreau: -3 diplomacy with any NPC except a Moreau. In addition, critical fails risk your primal instincts rising to the surface and temporarily taking over.

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78c15e No.24861


>Health: 5/5

>Inventory: [Icon of Evalyn][Holy Book][Blessed Steel Blade]

>Skills: [Theology][Melee Weapons]

>Reputation: [Lower Class:+]


Faith Unyielding: In actions where endurance of mind or body are important, you gain a +3 to your roll.

Those Who Seek Darkness…: You have a harder time seeing brighter sides of things, and where others might see gray you only see black.-3 to all interaction rolls.


>Health: 6/6

>Inventory: [Handwraps][Totally Not Stolen Honest boxing training manual]

>Skills: [Unarmed Melee Combat][Dodge]

>Reputation: [Criminals:+][Law Enforcement:-]


Tough Little Sealbold: You're hardier and tougher than most Moreau your size. GM will reduce damage assigned to you via combat or any physical injury.

Curse of Moreau: -3 diplomacy with any NPC except a Moreau. In addition, critical fails risk your primal instincts rising to the surface and temporarily taking over.


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78c15e No.24862

-fill out this-

>Name: Isaiah Ackley

>Current location: A poor bar in the Capitol


Isaiah ain’t no good talkin man. ‘E ain’t no rich man. Isaiah just a man whose good at hittin stuff, and puttin down drinks. One time, sommun gave ‘im a buncha money an’ told ‘him ta get some modif’cations. So ‘e gottim self a fansy shmancy metil arm, to hit stuff betta. Cause thats what ‘e does: hit stuff good.

-don't fill out this-






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78c15e No.24863


>Health: 6/6

>Inventory: [Bottle of Cheap Strong Booze][Oil Lubrication Kit]

>Skills: [Unarmed Melee][Endurance]

>Reputation: [None]


Fansy-Shmancy Metil Arm: You have replaced your dominant arm and hand with an experimental Aetheric Steel Automail. You take no health when someone hits the arm, and deal extra damage when you hit someone with it.

Fansy-Shmancy Repair Bills: Your experimental Automail can be temperamental, with a chance of breaking down in combat [Lower half of Failure spread], and needing some nasty repairs when on a Critical Fail. When the Arm needs repairs, it's dead weight.

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78c15e No.24864


You may post. Anyone who wishes to join after, please poke me on IRC.

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78c15e No.24868

File: 1457425754302.jpg (67.61 KB,564x797,564:797,ec6f4012b9fed1ea329c66bde3….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 17, 11, 16 = 44 (3d20)


Name: Mina "The Brick" Rivelton


Current location: Mina's House, The Capitol Slums

Fluff: Mina is a former Imperial sergeant gone rogue to join the revolutionists. During one of the numerous uprisings of the poor, her unit was called in to suppress rioters with live rounds. While she did her duty, Mina felt ill afterward and eventually decided to abandon her post; from here subversive literature and a few particularly steamy love affairs with some revolutionist types in the slum-bars did the rest to cause her to join the revolution. Now, her goal is simple: crush the exploiters that had ruined her sense of self and free the exploited from the exploiters. Mina, much as her background suggests, is tough as nails from her time in the service: she carries a massive array of arms, bombs, and a small suit of aether-power armor to carry an improbably large gun – it matches her manner: loud, powerful, and ungraceful.

Health: 6/6

Inventory: [Aether-Powered Armor, Damaged, Ill-maintained][Rotary ILG, ill-maintained]

Skills: [Firearms][Explosives]

Reputation: [Revolutionaries:+][Military:-]


Military Training: As a former sergeant, you gain +3 to recruit for the Revolution and train them in a military skill you know [Or can fast-talk the GM into accepting you'd know].

Deserter: You left your post, and you left with your equipment. The Military and Government would really love to know where you are so that they may be rid of the razorblade in the candyfloss of their life.




1. Mina starts her recruiting drive. In her manner, she stands on top of a local slum bar and gives her speech. She gestures forcefully, speaks fully, and generally makes a good show of it – she's been practicing in front of a mirror! [Recruiting:+3]

2. After that, Mina tries to talk up any local revolutionist faction leaders to try to get the skinny on local activities against the empire. [Planning/vulnerabilities]

3. Mina leaves her equipment with Maris to repair it. "Thanks Maris, you're a real pal. I'll buy you a beer tonight or something!" [Have Maris fix the equipment]

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78c15e No.24880

Dice rollRolled 18, 17, 6 = 41 (3d20)

1. Hit on a barwench. I like to see them squirm when they realize just what is flirting with them.

2. Well, fun time is over I should go look for work. Maybe my old captain in the military could help me out. Ol' Iron Jake has always had his fingers in a lot of pies.

3. While I'm in the military barracks I might as well see if there is anyone around who wants to spar a bit.

>Name: Jadewalker

>Current location: Drinking her pay away in a bar

>Fluff: The X Series was a project of a bored noble attempting to create the perfect soldier by combining human, and animal traits. The X-J8 line "Jade" was based entirely around snake traits with some variations. Designed with stealth and overwhelming physical force in mind most Jade series choose the more physical weapons.

Eventually the noble grew bored of the project and sold all living X units into the military where they worked off their selling price through service to the Empire. Jadewalker herself has semi-retired though she still has the innate lust for battle all X series were created with. She has been thinking of selling her services to people in need of a good fighter or assassin.

>Health: 7/7

>Inventory: [Twin Aetheric Steel Blades][Belts, Harness, and Pouches]

>Skills: [Melee][Stealth]

>Reputation: [All:-]


Combat Moreau: Literally designed and bred for battle, you gain a +3 to your melee skills.

Curse of Moreau: -3 diplomacy with any NPC except a Moreau. In addition, critical fails risk your primal instincts rising to the surface and temporarily taking over.

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78c15e No.24881

Dice rollRolled 3, 16, 18 = 37 (3d20)

Name: Isaiah Snodgrass

Current Location: Capitol

Fluff: Isaiah is from a farming family, and as a child, he was very ill, so ill that he would have died without aqua vitae – which his mother bought for him at great personal cost, and afterwards grew distant from him. He did not know whether it was because of the price she paid to save him or the way he changed after his illness, but either way, there was nothing to do but go forward. Isaiah now lives in the Capitol, apprenticed to an apothecary, peddling dull drugs and saving up for university, where he hopes to learn the secrets of the Aether – and what it did to him, or didn’t.

Health: 5/5

Inventory: [Apothecary Apprentice Satchel] [Weak Illegal Pills]

Skills: [Basic Pharmacology][Basic Medicine]

Reputation: None


Aqua Vitae Consumer: You gain +1 health from consuming Aqua Vitae in addition to any other effects (even failures and critfails. ).

Aqua Vitae Overdose: You are at -5 when rolling for exposure or consumption to Aqua Vitae. Negative results will count as a Crit-Fail. 20s still count as crit-cussess. In addition, you are at -3 when interacting with NPCs.

1. Attend to my lessons in pharmacology – I can at least get all of my master’s secrets before I move on.

2. Once he sits down for his nap, experiment a little with some of the formulae to try to make better recipes for basic drugs.

3. Take my shift at the counter, sell drugs to idiots, and pray for something interesting to happen.

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78c15e No.24883

File: 1457463715205-0.jpg (58.79 KB,800x380,40:19,Dr-Grordbort-Presents-The-….jpg)

File: 1457463715245-1.jpg (380.71 KB,900x1271,900:1271,Dr_Grordbort_Victory (2).jpg)

>Name: Sir Frederick Herbert Williamshire VIII

>Current location: The Intellectual Gentlemen's Club at the Imperial Academy of the Arts and Sciences


Hunter. Adventurer. Soldier. Ladies-man.

Sir Williamshire is a professor at the Imperial Academy of Arts and Sciences who made his fame as a great explorer and adventurer, going on long safari's through the Dark Continent encountering all manner of wild beasty and savage native. Taking with him his fantastic Aether Oscilator Oiliphaunt Rifle, a fine Imperial weapon for a more civilized age, he traveled into the deepest jungles to find and hunt the creatures of the Dark Continent, and is personally responsible for finding 47 new species of monstrous beast, all charred beyond scientific recognition!

His fame grew even more so when the Zwuhu wars arose after a Zwuhu warband savagely slaughtered an Imperial regiment at the battle of Island-Water. Sir Williamshire took up the call, enlisted as a captain and served in the war valliantly inspiring his men to victory. Tales of his exploits soon found themselves printed into paper which made him a national celebrity and war hero to the beloved people back home, telling tales of his adventures.

Perhaps his most famous act during the war, he and his section found themselves surrounded in a Zwuhu village while on patrol. All the men of the village where at war, and so they thought they might find refuge and commander some supplies when to their shock the Zwuhu villagers tried to attack his unit! Such a barbaric people to use their own women and children armed with spears for violence even when all of their fighting men where at war! Thanks to the heroic efforts of his men, and of course his brilliant leadership, they successfully held themselves against 1200 of the devilish Zwuhu villagers, standing proudly above the piled corpses of the savages. For this heroic act, he earned an Imperial medal.

Alas, the Zelu war is over and it's that time of season when hunters are barred from safari in order to clone more monsters. With no wars to fight and hunting season a half year away, Sir Williamshire retires to the capital a war hero and a veteran to rest and ressuply and talk of his deeds with other fellow men of learning at the Academy.


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78c15e No.24888

File: 1457472245979-0.png (175.55 KB,468x315,52:35,VictorianNobleman.png)

File: 1457472245979-1.jpg (44.99 KB,700x450,14:9,Aeronaut.jpg)

I had no idea how much I wanted this until now.

>Name: Cuthbert Von-Albion

>Current location: Somewhere in the glass towers of the city

>Fluff: There's only one way to live in this city, and that's above it all. Whether literally, or figuratively, anyone who can rise above the squalor and riffraff of the city can enjoy life, and enjoy life is exactly what Cuthbert Von-Albion IV plans to do. Born into money, Cuthbert received all the training a young man could need in his father's estate. He was taught economics, strategy, swordplay, and manners. Only now has he become an adult, and he longs to spend his days doing what he pleases, be it "slumming" amongst the downtrodden upper middle class, or sitting back on a yacht above the clouds, getting a pleasant tan, drinking tawny port, and reading some book or another. However, there is one obstacle which lies between him and a life of comfort, namely, his father. Now to say that his father is the obstacle is not entirely true, but it is his father who told him that he would need to learn the names of all of his foremen, and involve himself in his father's lucrative enterprise, which produces airships, motor-carriages, and daily household gadgets. His most important mission is to "Live among the downtrodden, and learn that every small decision that you make up here has an enormous effect on the lives of those who work for you. They make you money, and you need to care for them, as one might care for a machine." So, on this particular day, he finds himself taking the sky-trolley down to the bowels of the city, with nearly everything but the needs of the people on his mind. If he must live in the lower city, it should be an adventure!

-don't fill out this-






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78c15e No.24890

Dice rollRolled 14, 6, 1 = 21 (3d20)

-fill out this-

>Name: Isaiah Ackley

>Current location: A poor bar in the Capitol


Isaiah ain’t no good talkin man. ‘E ain’t no rich man. Isaiah just a man whose good at hittin stuff, and puttin down drinks. One time, sommun gave ‘im a buncha money an’ told ‘him ta get some modif’cations. So ‘e gottim self a fansy shmancy metil arm, to hit stuff betta. Cause thats what ‘e does: hit stuff good.

>Health: 6/6

>Inventory: [Bottle of Cheap Strong Booze][Oil Lubrication Kit]

>Skills: [Unarmed Melee][Endurance]

>Reputation: [None]


Fansy-Shmancy Metil Arm: You have replaced your dominant arm and hand with an experimental Aetheric Steel Automail. You take no health when someone hits the arm, and deal extra damage when you hit someone with it.

Fansy-Shmancy Repair Bills: Your experimental Automail can be temperamental, with a chance of breaking down in combat [Lower half of Failure spread], and needing some nasty repairs when on a Critical Fail. When the Arm needs repairs, it's dead weight.

1. “Gimmeh ano’er one o’ too. I stil tirstee.” [Drink excessively]

2. “Who d’ ya tink ya lookin at?” [Start a bar brawl]

3. “Herd 'bout anyun who mite wan' som'tin' hit?” [Ask bartender about jobs]

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78c15e No.24893

>the name alone

How could anyone say no?


Yesleniya Petrovich

>Current location:

Swank-Ass Pad


Social Engineering has always fascinated Yesleniya, and without ethical review boards or paternalistic "morality" thrust upon the Sciences, she has pursued an Ultra-Darwinist agenda in her own way by attempting to find the Übermensch–the Super Man instincts she believes to be locked inside of (a select few) normal humans by society, propriety, and constraints of common ethics. She will go to any lengths to achieve unlocking the Übermensch in her subjects. Even if they do not survive, she can gather data and try, try again.

-don't fill out this-






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78c15e No.24897

Dice rollRolled 10, 3 = 13 (2d10)


-fill out this-

>Name: Boltik Alsfelt

>Current location: The lower slums, local chapel

>Fluff: Boltik was never a soft man. Never a soft boy. Never a soft /anything/. He has led his entire existence in the face of awful corruption and horrors, from the moment his father died in the coal mines, the moment he learned of his mother's rape and death, the moments spent as a young orphan, the moment he was ordained as a Priest of the Church of Evalyn, The moment he wed his beloved, and the moment that she was taken from him by the plague. He has lost so much, and struggled on. The world is cruel to Boltik. But now was the time for Boltik to be cruel to the dark world that had hurt him so dearly.

>Health: 5/5

>Inventory: [Icon of Evalyn][Holy Book][Blessed Steel Blade]

>Skills: [Theology][Melee Weapons]

>Reputation: [Lower Class:+]


Faith Unyielding: In actions where endurance of mind or body are important, you gain a +3 to your roll.

Those Who Seek Darkness…: You have a harder time seeing brighter sides of things, and where others might see gray you only see black.-3 to all interaction rolls.

1) Begin holding mass at the market square for all those who wish to listen and repent.

2) At night, we shall purge the darkness on our own. Stalk the allyways looking from crime and corruption

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78c15e No.24905

Dice rollRolled 13, 3, 11 = 27 (3d20)


>Name: Maris de l'Espritmarteau

>Current location: Capitol Slums

>Fluff: Maris was once the son of a lower noble family. Like many young nobles he was sent to university to learn about the world and make alliances with the future generation. He quickly picked up the sciences of Aether and started his own tinkering. He may have even become recognized as a prodigy, if it were not for the eternal games of the bored nobles. Maris's family was cast down from the ranks of the nobility due to the plot of another noble house, and the rest pounced for the chance to have more toys for their games. His father and mother committed suicide, his sisters and brothers either escaped to the streets and lost to him or taken by a noble to become their play thing in one way or another. Maris escaped, having been out testing an invention of his and only hearing the news after a week from a trusted servant. He destroyed his lab and took only his working prototypes and a locket with the picture of his family. Alone on the street for a few days he was found by Mina Rivelton, and made a deal. In return for supplies and the satisfaction of seeing the nobles suffer he will create and invent weapons and machines for the revolution.

>Health: 5/5

>Inventory: [Portable Toolkit][Small bottle of Aether crystals]

>Skills: [Recreational Tinkering][University-level Aether Theory]

>Reputation: [Nobility:–]


Persuasion: You gain a +5 to NPC diplomacy due to your noble background. You might want to destroy the class system, but your posh accent gives you advantages.

Fallen Noble House: -5 to dealing with the nobility. Posh accent and ratty clothing combine to be objects of derision. This replaces Persuasion when dealing with upper class.

Byzantine Plots: You have potential friends in high places, allies of your parents or enemies of those who cast you down - or those who did and wish to see their partners laid low as well. Beware of offers, as they may be traps.

1. Fix Mina's equipment. She should take better care of her shit.

2&3. Go see if I can find some metal and other supplies to work with for my inventions.

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78c15e No.24914

(At max characters. Will try to update later today, but might be delayed until Thursday. HolyFire, you have 3 actions, only used two)

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