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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1448082308787.png (486.57 KB,1570x980,157:98,USA10.png)

c306cf No.15579 [View All]

This is third thread for King of the Cinder. The previous thread is full and we can't have nice things.

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Previous Thread: https://8ch.net/builders/res/14004.html

296 postsand48 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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c306cf No.17368

Dice rollRolled 47, 60, 2, 14, 23 = 146 (5d100)


Name: The Cult Of Cocaine

Race: Human

Color: Grey

Government Type: Theocracy.

Economy Type: Traditional/Transitioning.

Religion [if any]: The Cult. Adherents are dedicated to a life of production, work and constant movement, amplified by careful, disciplined imbibement of the White Powder on Sundays and various religious holidays (Cookday, the 20th of April; Heatday, the 4th of July; Skullday, the 13th of October; and All Powder's Eve, the 21st of December). Momentous events are also causes for taking the powder. Military personnel and clergymembers have much easier access to the stuff, but only the most disciplined and cunning can join the clergy and only the physically capable can join the military.

Population: [36.6] [+1.8/turn]

Food: [Average]

Raw Currency: [24] [+2/Turn]

Legitimacy: [Very Stable]

Culture: [11] +.5 culture/turn

Industry: [4]

Unique Buildings: [Commandant's White Temple], [Cult Trade Depot], [Holy Labs], [Small and Heavy Arms Factory] [Holy Temple Of Chicago]

Cities: [Chicago, Illinois] [Fortified]

Defenses: Powder Guard [Lots]

Military Units: 1 White Rider Motorcycle Company [3x][Mot][Quick], 1 Cult Transport Company [Tra] [Mot] [x6], 1 White Terror Monster Truck [x4][Bombard][x2], 2 Cult Platoon [x5], 1 Cocaine Tank Platoon [x15] [Arm], [Snow Inquisitors] [x1] [Pol], 2 Snow LAVs [x4][Bombard][x2] [Mech]

On-Loan Military Units: 2 Rhinestone Volunteer Posses [x2][Cav], 1 Cowboy Dragoon Company [2x][Cav], 2 Cowboy Dragoons [1x][Cav], 1 OPP Flame Drone [x5][Mech][CQB]

Espionage Units: [Enrique] [x1] [Spy]

Resources/Quantity: [Fuel:14, -.2/Turn (Generator) +.4/turn (Trade)];[Ammo:12.4 +.2/turn][Small Arms:9.2 +.4/turn] [Cocaine:13] [Spraypaint: 8, +.2/turn], [Heavy Weapons: 3.6 +.4/turn] [Ruined Motorcycles: 5.4, +.2/turn], [Electricity: 7.3 + .2/turn], [Scrap Metal: 6 + 1/Turn], [MIRV-6: 1], [Ruined Tanks: 1]

Technology: [Tools III][Militias II][Mechanics IV][Pharmacology III] [Raiding/Scavenging I] [Vehicles II], [Religion III], [Combat Stims II] [Power: II], [Chemical Weapons III], [Thinktanks I] [Heating II], [Fortifications II], [Retrofitting/Upgrades III], [Standing Armies II], [NBC Tactics I], [Flamers I]

Trade Routes: [Iron Detroit, Small: -2 currency/turn, +.4/Fuel/turn; +1 Scrap/turn] [Rhinestone, Large: +2 Currency/turn, +3 Culture]

Territory: [12]


1. We Keith Richards Now: So long as your cocaine supply is good (4+) you get +15 to a single action of your choosing. Other drugs aren't as much fun and if you use those the bonus is just +5.

2. Religious: You are, broadly speaking, religious. Legitimacy is more resilient to shocks and adjustments downward.


1. Cult: Roll 1d100 when interacting with other religious groups.



1. The NBC tactics get a practical exercise as spores filter in from the north– they are trained and used to avoid infection throughout the whole populace. [NBC Tactics I]

2. Begin rigging the MIRV into operation as a deadman's switch sort of bomb. [Mechanics IV][Tools III][Retrofitting/Upgrades III]

3. Begin retrofitting our troops with Flamers. [Flamers I][Retrofitting/Upgrades III]. +15 Cocaine Bonus

RESEARCH: Improve our newfound Flamer technology.

Also, Religious Interaction roll.

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c306cf No.17370

Name: True Camelot

Race: Humans

Color: Red w/white trim


In the aftermath of the third Great War, and the decimation of the world, those who could not afford Vaults were either killed by the bombs or survived in inferior bomb shelters or on the surface, becoming horrifically mutated and irradiated. Those who were lucky enough to be in Vault 209 would find they had access to a long term VR entertainment simulation, to wait out until the all clear signal was given to Vault Dwellers. This interlinked multiplayer system featured an MMO, in particular, a stylized version of the the Legends of King Mordred. The group was entranced by the immersion, after many years of gameplay truly believed themselves to be the brave, heroic knights saving their kingdom from the ever encroaching evils of the world, and of Mordred, their kind and just King. The game featured some new interpretations, such as Knights being able to recognize the change in warfare. Not with swords and horses, but with guns and motorcycles did they ride in bullet proof armors.

Their time spent in such long sessions on the simulation has addled their senses of reality somewhat. When they left the simulation pods, they did not take of the HUD goggles that almost every individual man or child wear, which they use for everything from counting the "points" they've earned after killing monsters and evil, bartering goods and services for digital coin, about the "enemies' stats" and how many points in "karma" a good or evil action would bring.

Having had to leave their vault, they took the lessons they learned to heart, and created an overworld society based on the Camelot of the video game. Preparing and fortifying, the Knights of True Camelot stand ready to bring justice to the world world, and bravely lend a aid to all who need it!

Government type: Monarchy

Economy type: Digital HUDCurrency

Religion: None

[True Camelot]

Population: [57.6] [+4.2/turn]

Food: [Stable]

Raw Currency: [64.4] [+8.6/turn]

Legitimacy: [Very Good]

Culture: [4] [+1/turn]

Industry: [6]

Unique Buildings: "The White Castle" of True Camelot, [Circle of L33t], [The Great Caravanserai (Trade Depot)] [NewbU] [Gun Cult Church Network]

Defenses: Concrete Walls [Small]

Military Units: 1 [Riders of Camelot][x7][Mot][Quick], 1 M1A16 [5x][Arm]



[Ammo:6 +.2 pt]

[Small Arms:4]

[Scrap:7.8 .5pt]

[Ruined Bikes:8.8 .2 pt]

[Heavy Weapons: 7.4+.1/turn]

[Corn: 6 +(.2/turn)]

[Cows :2.8+.4/turn]

[Ruined APCs:2]

[NBC Gear:4]

Technology: [Tools II][Militia I][Computers I][Mechanics II] [Vehicles II], [[Training/Reorganization I], [Training/'Quests' I], [Biofuels I], [Diplomacy I], [Communications I], [Drill II], [Ethanol I], [Motorpools II], [Civil Defense II], [Heavy Construction I], [NPC Integrated Care I], [Medical I], [Thinktanks I], [NPC gear I], [NBC Warfare I], [NBC Containment/Clearing I], [Farming I],[Power II], [Architecture I], [Education I], [Religion I], [Infrastructure V] [Cybernetics I]

Trade Routes:

trade route

[Cowboys; Medium:+2 currency/turn; +2 industry]

Deliverance [Medium:+2 currency/turn; +1 industry]

Territory: [20]


[Miami, Florida]

[Disney World]

[Orlando] [Fixed]


1. Make Numbers Go Up: Generally you understand technology pretty well from the many many years in the pod and long-winded debates on IRC. You may re-roll technological research once if the first roll is below 50.

2. Organized: You are generally better organized after many many years of working within vertical hierarchies. You ignore bad movement rolls that would otherwise penalize combat. You can also reorganize units without expending an action.


Supermarkets 3/6

Cybernetics II 3/10

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c306cf No.17372

File: 1448830526180.jpg (210.48 KB,500x354,250:177,tumblr_l4xhn3S2uc1qzmrwlo1….jpg)


A single knight upon his mechanical steed rides upon the the Deliverance, making a lot of noise and hailing any of the beings who lived in the old lands of Atlanta and the panhandle.

His mighty horse of steel belches hot gaseous breath as it neighs with a loud *HONK*

"Hello! Hello! I come far off lands in search of the sons of Paw!" shouts the Knight.

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c306cf No.17373


A single boy was building explosives on the side of the road. It blows up in his face just as the knight hails him. he turns around belching smoke with his lumpy, misshapen face covered in soot. He walks over to the knight, "Noice bike dere tin man, you'ze lookin for Paw?'" The large mutant turn his head and spits out some black liquid onto the road. The road sizzles. "Well' follo da rode to paw's house, you kan't miss it! If'n ya'd gimme a minut I kan git muh truk and show's ya da way.!"

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c306cf No.17374


("Such fortitude! Taking a mine to the face like that. Truly the tales told by the merchants lied not.")

"I am indeed looking for the one called Paw, good sir. Ready your carriage and I and my steed shall follow!"

The Knight waits for the Ork to rev up his Truk. Watching the large creature step into what looked like a massive misshapen amalgamation of mechanical and twisted metal that roared even louder than any of our own vehicles, yet seemed incredible sturdy and strangely well built.

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c306cf No.17375


The boy leads the Knight to Deliverance, his trukk leading the way. While approaching Deliverance proper the Knight would no doubt notice several factories and a church, all misshapen but in use. Badly spelled signs on them. The truck leads to fence. The Boy talks to the guards at the gate of the fence. Past the fence is a home that look like it was a old farmhouse, the Knight would notice it has a large concrete foundation, going farther than the house does. The Boy parks his trukk in front. As he's getting out, an even larger mutant, over Seven feet tall and nearly as broad, wearing a much nicer set of clothes, including a jacket, walks out of the house and greets both the Boy an Knight. "Howdy Knight of True Camelot, what brings you to our door? I am Brother Wilhelm and I'll speak with you and show you hospitality until Paw is free to speak with you." he then turns to the boy. "Ricky you can go now, but please get some moonshine on your way out, you've done good kid." Ricky the boy leaves with a smile on his face.

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c306cf No.17376

Dice rollRolled 6, 32, 80 = 118 (3d100)

[5Y573M 32]

1,2,3. [4C71V473 D370N4710N PR070C4L 7: F1R3W0RK5 4R3 R4D]

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c306cf No.17379

File: 1448834552675.jpg (61.99 KB,736x569,736:569,Reapers.jpg)

Name: Scavenger Class Outpost - Planet Class C - Terra

Race: Colloquially known by Terran raiders as "Reapers"

Color: Dark Purple

Fluff: "Reapers" are a race with small impact on interplanetary relations. Instead of holding a singular homeworld, they rely on large fleets of colony ships for survival. Upon finding low class planets that have fallen into a weakened state, scavenger ships are sent to search for potentially new technologies to be utilized as well as sold to companies that may wish to market such devices. During routine scouting, Planet Class C - Terra had been found to have fallen into such disarray, and a scavenger class outpost has landed to search for technologies they may utilize. Terrans are allowed for interaction, however until labelled as hostile, extreme caution is to be exhibited.

Government Type: Representative Democracy

Economy Type: Market Economy

Religion: None

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c306cf No.17384


The Knight straightens himself as he speaks to the, very large and much taller person before him. While at first thought of as Orks, and indeed they look nothing but the type, our merchants were able to figure out that they see themselves as human, and vehemently refuse any notion that they are not.

"Greetings Brother Wilhelm, I am Sir Randy McDonnel.

I bring good tidings from King Adam Admin and the Council of Moderator's of True Camelot. Long have our great people's been in contact, trading goods betwixt one another. Indeed your moonshine is very. . .potent to say the least."

("I believe our doctors estimated an 45% chance of alcohol poisoning to heavy drinkers for a bottle and 88% chance to lightweights. . .)

"True seeks to expand our borders to our north, and which happens your south, the area between us which is as of yet unclaimed territories.

However, we do not wish to cause alarm or infringe upon the Deliverance with rapid expansion. I come here seaking the blessing of Paw that we might discuss to share an border and closer ties between our fair peoples."

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c306cf No.17386


"A Border? Yes I imagine if we're to keep things Civil a Border must be determined. Also trading rights, since the seas are rather dangerous now, and we all but lock you off from the rest of America via land. I trust you have a proposal in mind? Paw Amy yet be a while. There are happening to the far north and west demanding his attention."

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c306cf No.17387


Population: [10] [+.2/turn]

Food: [N/A]

Raw Energy: [10] [+5/turn]

Legitimacy: [Good]

Culture: [10]

Industry: [10]

Unique Buildings: [Player named government building][Basic Zyrbite Reaction Engine][Orbital Artifact Relay]

Defenses: Reaper Automated Defenses [Large][ET]

Military Units: 1 player named units, UFO [x10][Arm][Quick]; 1 player named units, infantry [x5][POW]; 1 player named motorized units [x1][Quick]

Resources/Quantity: [Zyrbite:5+.5/turn]

Technology: [Alien Vehicles II][Alien Infantry II][[Alien Tools V][Communications V][Zyrbite Conversion I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: [1]


1. Looters: You can reroll any action to find things, loot things, or recover things from battlefields (once per action per turn).

2. Omniscience: Generally, you know where everyone and everything is because of your satellites in low orbit.


1. Bad Air: You cannot make standard infantry units without suits. Also, you can't use any animals you find due to biohazard containment rules.

2. Alien Manufacture: You must produce everything you want with Zyrbite or energy. You do not use traditional production methods. You might be able to sell locally acquired artifacts for better hardware from the colony ships

3. This Planet Sucks: You do not get population growth or currency from expansion.

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c306cf No.17388

[commune fix]

2 Geared Raider Bands [1.5x]

1 Ecomobiles [1x]

1x Tie-Dye APC [x3][Green][Mech]


player's name mechanized company[x7][Mech]

3x Green Militia[.5x]


1 Green Platoon [2x]

2x Sneakars [x1.5][Mot][Infiltrate]


1 Motorized Sneakar Squad[x3.5][Mot][Infiltrate]

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c306cf No.17400

File: 1448840842193.jpg (30.03 KB,248x277,248:277,borderciv.jpg)


"I do indeed."

The Knight pulls out a document revealing a planned border between the two nations.

"We can divide up Florida along this line, you will have control of much of the panhandle, while we will have jurisdiction over the heartland, the southlands, and the keys.

Being that you are, as you said, betwixt us and the rest of the American lands, we wish to also open the borders for trade, friendly troop movement by your and ourselves and each other's allies, and tourism, by connecting our roadways and highways with an open border.

Trade between is us already welcomed from our end, and so far your people have been amicable and hospitable to our own merchants.

If it pleases Paw, we wish to know if such an agreement is well with him. And if it is not, how it might be made well with him."

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c306cf No.17402

Wilhelm look at the agreement , "One second, Paw will want to see this." The Brother walks away, and leaves the building, the guards not allowing the knight to follow. He returns some time later, motioning for the knight to follow him. He leads the Knight to a bunker beneath the house. The entrance is massive. Through several corridors you come to a room. In it is the Largest mutants yet, nearly 10 feet tall, examining a map and moving tokens across it on a table. "So You bear this treaty knight, It seems acceptable. I will sign it, on the caveat we get say on the visitors to your lands. MY children take a dim views on certain types of people, and having them travel freely would cause much trouble here. I trust this is acceptable?" His voice is loud and deep, The knight can feel it resonate in his bones. The knight also notices there are pieces of metal embedded in the mutant's hide, though whether for aid or old wounds the knight does not know.

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c306cf No.17403


The Knight stares upon the great presence of Paw, being the first ever Knight to have seen the mighty father of the Deliverance.

"Your term is acceptable, Father Paw. We understand the dangers present in freely allowance of enemy spies or saboteurs in or behind one's own lines. And we shall notify you whenever we wish to establish a trade route with another nation beyond your own borders."

The Knight replies, and prepares himself to deliver the good news to his people. But more than that, the vision of the gargantuan Ork leader staring upon a map of far greater scale than anything True Camelot currently dreams of is embedded into his vision.

"If it please Father Paw, may I ask. . .who are these other races, that may present themselves as a threat upon the fair people of Deliverance?

We of True Camelot believe in the carrying out of justice and taking the fight against evil, and are sworn enemies of those who bring nought but wrong and injustice upon the world."

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c306cf No.17404


Melissa nods, holding her own helmet.

"There were some sort of survivor groups south of Portland that were getting organize, but it looks like they collapsed. We've been hearing about the Matriarchy down south being expansionist, especially with the Flock, so we felt it best to get these people under our wing. We'll see about opening up proper dialogue [[Embassy]] when we're done with that."

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c306cf No.17405


"Threats, more like, prejudice. The only possible threats to us for the moment are whatever is attacking Tarme, and the fungus to the far north. My children however, are prejudiced against, other mutants, non-Americans nationals, Gays, and others. The prohibition is to keep our peace as much as it would be for their safety."

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c306cf No.17409


"It is good you speak of TARME. They are our friends, and a good people. . .as far as those who come under the watch of the machine goes. But they, like us and yourselves, are fine American citizenry.

We will avoid any potential items of conflict such as the immigration of such undesirables and yes ah. . .ahem, those 'mutants'.

…Father Paw, my people are well aware of your, ehm, peoples conviction in their existential belief. All are trained and educated to respect them, and we ourselves are quite understanding of it. I pray we continue to keep it this way.

If there is anything else I might bring to my people on behalf of the Deliverance, I beg that you say so Father Paw, else I shall return forthwith with the good news that we have come to an agreement."

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c306cf No.17411


The Motorized and Aerial convoy arrives at Tarme. A Brother slightly larger than the others steps out of a Humvee. "HELLOOOOOO! May I speak with the Tatical Asset Recovery and Medical Evacuation Program? I am from Deliverance and I would like to come to an agreement!"

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c306cf No.17412


"No, this is all. You may expect Traders soon."

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c306cf No.17413

Dice rollRolled 38, 75, 22, 97 = 232 (4d100)


Race: Mutants (large, deformed, lumpy, with thick hides and thicker skulls.)

Color: Green

Fluff: Paw came and founds us after the big noise and flashes in da sky. He taught us to speak and hunt and kill. He taught us about Kristeeanitee and God and how he was sent by God to lead us losts lambz. He says we's strong and toughs buts dumber dan a sak o briks. So he tell us wats to dos with da help o da brothers, who are smart boyz like hims.

Paw and da brothers get ta best weaponz and da wimmunz. Says dum-dums shouldn'ts make babyz with da pretty ladyz. Dey also gets guns and armors. Being a brother must be nice. We don't c paw often, he usually stays in a big house with lots of creet and metal. But paw shouts really good, we kans hears him from dayz away, and if's we kant's da bruthers kan!

Government Type: What Paw says goes!

Economy Type: Duh, wut? Oh we grab wut we needs and eberyone does what paw says.

Religion [if any]: Kristeeanitee

Population: [51.4] [+2.9/turn]

Food: [Stable]

Raw Currency: [107.8][+12/turn]

Legitimacy: [More Stable]

Culture: [3]

Industry: [13]

Unique Buildings: Deliverance: [Paw's House][Road Network [Small])(+2 currency/turn)][(Church o God and Babee Jezus]

Atlanta[City]: Powered Hummer Factory; Fixed Power Armor Plant;


Defenses: Deliverance: Da Posses [Some]

Military Units:

1 Bomma Boyz Platoon [x2][Sap];

2 Motorized Boyz [x5][Mot]

>Fielded Units

1 Trukk Cumpanee [x12][Mot]

1 Combined Aerial Brigade [Helo][x10]

Resources/Quantity: [Fuel:12.3 +.5 a turn]];[Ammo:24.2 +1.2 a turn][Small Arms:4][Scrapyard .4 scrap a turn][Scrap7.2][4x4s:3][Ruined Trucks: 11.1:+.4/turn;][Electricity:5.8+.2/turn; -.4 a turn for Hmmv factory][Moonshine:5.8 +.2/turn]][Ruined HMMVs:8] [HMMVs:2.2+.5/turn][Heavy Arms:5.4+.2/turn] [Power Armor:2]

Technology: [Tools II][Militias III][Mechanics I]][Explosives II][Construction I][Religion I] [Scavenging I][Refining I][Motorpools I][Vehicles I][Farming I][Distillation I][Urban Warfare II] Metallurgy I][Communications I](4/8)[Industry II] [Diplomacy I][Mobile Warfare II][Civil Defense II][Power I]

Trade Routes: Rhinestone [Medium: +3 currency/turn; +1 Industry]

Territory: [25]

[Talahasse, Florida][Ruins]

[Atlanta, Gerogia] [City]

Bonuses: [generated by GM]

1. The Duke Boys: Most of your units gain a +1 to dice rolls during combat with motorized or mechanized – but not tanks. They're just not personal enough, frankly.

2. NRA#1: Your supply of ammunition goes up by 1 every turn. Boy howdy.

3. Sort of Tough: You units are generally tough. They can pretty much ignore lethal amounts of radiation, some diseases, some toxins, and other things.


1. Skoolin? Naw!: You do not develop technology of a proper sort very well – everything you build is kludgey or jankey. On the bright side, you've got a brutal cunning that seems to balance this out. Whew!

2. I Thought This Was America: You do not handle diplomacy with people that are not generally not “Americans” very well (IE: Canadians, Mutants, Mexicans, etc). [You are compelled to behave rudely in such situations]

>Mobilizing in 2 turns; Rating Average

1. "Paw sez spand ta Mobile, cause it culd be a four-ward, operatin, bace."

+Mobile Warfare II

+5 Ammo

+1 fuel

2."Paw sez we'ze needz moar powah for da factories. E' wants us to start makin powah plants."

"Uhh, how dus plants makes powah?"

"Deyz, just called dat, ya git. Deyz buildings like eberyting else."

+13 Industry

+Construction I

+Tools II

+Power I

+Mechanic I

+Industrialiazation II

+4 Scrap

3. "Time ta loot boyz! Tallahasse gotz lotz of gud stuf!

"Woo lootz!"

+Scavenging I

+1 Fuel

4. "My sons keep Working on communications research. We've been silent in the world for too long."

+13 Industry

+Communications I

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c306cf No.17415

Dice rollRolled 58, 17, 97, 68 = 240 (4d100)


Communication II at (4/8)

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c306cf No.17417

File: 1448844843778.jpg (58.22 KB,600x331,600:331,02plane-600.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 13, 71, 52, 74 = 210 (4d100)

Fluff: A Few months before the events the plunged the world into chaos Admiral Tarkin, commander of the latest Niemietz class aircraft carrier, the George H W Bush, put the pieces of the puzzle together and saw the end coming. He petitioned the secretary of the navy to take action, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. So he began secretly gathering greatest minds of science and technology from around the world onto his aircraft carrier in preparation for the end. After the apocalypse he rechristened the carrier “harbinger” and set sail for the land he once called home. Operating from the Harbinger they must now work to find their role in this new world.

Government Type: Military

Economy Type: State controlled

Religion [if any]: None, armageddon shattered the faith of those on board

population: [15.4] [+.1.7/turn]

Food: [Stable]

Raw Currency: [53.8] [+5.4/turn]

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: [3]

Industry: [2]

Unique Buildings: The Operations room [government building]; Poseidon [oil rig]; AN/SPY-3 [Radar dome]; Apeiron [oil rig]; Command Center[Fort Spearhead][Town, Virginia]; Sovereign [oil rig]

Defenses: AA Batteries [AA Bombard][x8]; Deck Guns [medium]

Military Units: 2 1st battalion marines [x3]; 1 F 35 jet squadron [x4][Air][Bombard][x2]; 2 CH-60 Seahawk helicopters [x2][Helo]; 2 Raytheon 38X Naval Drone [x1][Stealth]; 1 LCAC hovercraft [x2][Mot][Amphibious]

Resources/Quantity: [Fuel:26.2+1.4/turn][Electricity:4.9+.1/turn][heavy weapons 10][ammo 2][Solar Cells:5][Scrap:16.8+ .2/turn][Radio Equipment:2][Ruined Cars:4.8+.2/turn][Ruined Naval Mech Frames:2][Intact Chinese Assault Drone:1][Classified Documents:1][Engine Prototype:1]

Technology: [Marines II][Mechanics IV][Tools IV][Gas-To-Liquid Fuel Engines II][Pre-War Tactics II][Communications I][Standing Armies I][Refining I][Radar I][Aircraft II]

Research in progress: (aircraft III 11/15)

Construction in progress:


Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: 11


1. Air-Naval Experts: You gain a +1 to all combat rolls in the sea in the air.

2. Tactical: You may reroll all attempts to develop new tactics once per action per turn (if a roll of below 50 is made).

3. Movin On Up: You can move the fleet around to confuse the opposition, though trade might be disrupted.

Eccentricities: [generated by GM]

1. Anima Shortage: Due to the status of the navy, there aren't many women aboard. This makes reproduction somewhat..uh….well, it's just sort of complicated, is all. Maybe you can fix it…


1-3. Send out the drones to assess the situation in florida, louisiana and texas. If they so happen to stumble across anything interesting, such as a recently detonated mainframe, send the helos and the hovercraft to check it out.


Finish up the aircraft research (Aircraft III 11/15)

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c306cf No.17423

File: 1448847115813.jpg (315.34 KB,750x1046,375:523,The Reapers Scythe.jpg)



Name: Vanguard Class Outpost - Planet Class C - Terra

Race: Colloquially known by Terran raiders as "The Reapers Scythe"

Color: Darker Purple


For Simplicities sake the true names of the Reapers and what the Scythes are known as to the rest of the galaxy will be omitted from the fluff and replaced with the Terran terms “Reaper” and “Scythe”.

The Reapers Scythe or, “Scythes” for short are a large, brutish species that were “uplifted” by the Reapers on one of the first planets they scavenged. The Scythes, or as they were known then the Jiktai, had entered a perpetual state of war and had managed to rebuild their civilization up from apocalyptic conditions seven times over the course of their long and mostly forgotten history only to reset their progress with one mass-extinction level event after another. They showed no signs of slowing down when the Reapers found them.

Their Scavenger outpost was initially met with great hostility and conflict but, eventually, they convinced a small, young, faction within the Scythes to ally with them. They were granted small technologies at first, to give them a taste of what the reapers had to offer and over time, managed to develop such ties to the Reapers that they were given cybernetic upgrades, from complete neural revamps to incredible cybernetically enhanced strength. With these tools they slaughtered all of the other Jiktai and officially swore to their new master, becoming their “Scythes”.

That was long ago. Now the Scythes, seeing the Reapers as deities due to careful and deeply ingrained indoctrination, act as a vanguard and as muscle for the Reapers when they scavenge worlds and when they do business with other intergalactic civilizations. Outposts on new worlds generally don’t have the best of the best of the Scythes instead being mostly manned by the younger, fresher Scythe Minors. There is a single Scythe Chaplain who is an old veteran Scythe that acts as the Spiritual, Military and Cultural leader of the people. Guiding them on how to best serve their gods.

Government Type: Theocracy (Following the Reapers as their gods.)

Economy Type: Dependent on the Reapers.

Religion: The Reapers.

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c306cf No.17429


>>You are a courtier.

>>You are a courtier of Reapers

>>You have been alloted 2 dice.

>>You have been allocated 1 player named mini-ufo [x5][Quick][Arm][Stealth]; 1 player named infantry squad [x5][POW]

You have been given the bonus:

3. Shock Troops: Your units get a +2 bonus to rolls when they attack first. You can also re-roll a SINGLE DICE during a combat phase.


4.Thinking Hurts Bwain: You don't do research because frankly the neural implants you have make such things problematic. You can do everything else, though…like…KILLING!

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c306cf No.17431

File: 1448847898032.jpg (53.46 KB,400x320,5:4,corn-tractor-3285183.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 38, 61, 57, 78 = 234 (4d100)


1. Finish up building supermarkets in all our cities.

"Never again shalst a man fear whether or not he may find sustenance for his family, or that the crops he harvests spoils upon whence it is stored. Once again shall our great people simply walk to the supermarket to purvey foodstuffs, pay via Digi-coin to a cashier while eyeing scandalous tabloid magazines!"

Supermarkets 3/6

2. So many people. . .our wise men fear that even with our multiple food sources we may end up with shortages or even a potential crisis.

We need even more advanced farming implements. Let us increase our agricultural capability by constructing or repairing some Industrial Tractors.

[Tools II] [Mechanics II] [Vehicles II]

3. Construct a Fertilizer Plant where we can produce Phosphorous and Nitrate to revitalize the field. We don't want to make the soil any more barren via mass farming.

[Heavy Construction I]

4. Establish a Trade Route to TARME

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c306cf No.17434


Name: Vanguard Class Outpost - Planet Class C - Terra

Race: Colloquially known by Terran raiders as "The Reapers Scythe"

Color: Darker Purple


Scary big cyber alien things.

Government Type: Theocracy (Following the Reapers as their gods.)

Economy Type: Dependent on the Reapers.

Religion: The Reapers.


1. Sickle. [x5][Quick][Arm][Stealth]

1. Scythe Minor Squadron [x5][POW]

Bonus: Shock Troops: Your units get a +2 bonus to rolls when they attack first. You can also re-roll a SINGLE DICE during a combat phase.

Eccentric: Thinking Hurts Bwain: You don't do research because frankly the neural implants you have make such things problematic. You can do everything else, though…like…KILLING!

The Chaplain has all of the Scythe Minors with him in their designated area granted to them by the Reapers. He addresses the younglings. “We are here for one purpose. Safeguard the gods as their faithful watchers! You have been woken for this singular purpose so, GET INTO SHAPE!” With that the Chaplain initiates a brawl within the chamber, the surviving Minors will be turned into another Squadron. Meanwhile more Minors are awoken from stasis to replace the dying ones…

1. The Chaplain has started a brawl/ mass death match to train a new squadron of Minors.

2. The Scythes attempt to awaken more Minors from Stasis sleep to bolster their numbers.

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c306cf No.17435

Dice rollRolled 17, 64 = 81 (2d100)

LOOK! DUB 100's

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c306cf No.17440

Dice rollRolled 68, 12, 81, 70 = 231 (4d100)


Fluff: http://pastebin.com/rqky9Utn

Population: [10.2] [+.2/turn]

Food: [N/A]

Raw Energy: [15] [+5/turn]

Legitimacy: [Good]

Culture: [10]

Industry: [10]

Unique Buildings: [Scavenger Mothership Class C][Basic Zyrbite Reaction Engine][Orbital Artifact Relay]

Defenses: Reaper Automated Defenses [Large][ET]

Military Units: 1 Scavenger UFO [x10][Arm][Quick]; 1 Scavenger Infantry Squad [x5][POW]; 1 Scavenger Speeder [x1][Quick]

Resources/Quantity: [Zyrbite:5.5+.5/turn]

Technology: [Alien Vehicles II][Alien Infantry II][[Alien Tools V][Communications V][Zyrbite Conversion I]

Trade Routes: [none initially]

Territory: [1]


1. Looters: You can reroll any action to find things, loot things, or recover things from battlefields (once per action per turn).

2. Omniscience: Generally, you know where everyone and everything is because of your satellites in low orbit.


1. Bad Air: You cannot make standard infantry units without suits. Also, you can't use any animals you find due to biohazard containment rules.

2. Alien Manufacture: You must produce everything you want with Zyrbite or energy. You do not use traditional production methods. You might be able to sell locally acquired artifacts for better hardware from the colony ships

3. This Planet Sucks: You do not get population growth or currency from expansion.


[In Progress]






1. [Search For Artifacts] We have positioned ourselves beneath the water where potential artifacts are located. We will begin a deep-sea scan for such artifacts.

2. [Develop Advanced Cloaking] Scans have shown that there is a large moving nation that may detect us. If we can move without detection, we'll be in a much safer position.

3. [Expand] Although beneath the sea, it is critical we expand our search radius to find human artifacts.

[Research:][Alien Infantry III] Human lifeforms are identified as potentially hostile. We must ensure our military is able to resist such attacks.

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c306cf No.17445

Dice rollRolled 29, 22, 86 = 137 (3d100)

[Event Roll]

[WOPR and Colorado]


[Loser Results]

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c306cf No.17447

File: 1448851188214.png (488.11 KB,1570x980,157:98,USA14.png)

Dice rollRolled 20, 55, 39 = 114 (3d100)

>>Map Updated

>>World event: W.O.P.R. and Colorado City have engaged in fairly brutal fighting along their respective borders. It is unclear which side exchanged the first shots, but WOPR has managed to edge out Colorado City to a narrow victory. Colorado City appears strong however, and has mustered more force to fight WOPR. WOPR has begun to mobilize properly and has begun sorties against Colorado City, generally.

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c306cf No.17449


[[TARME >> Harbinger]]

"CVN 77, TARME. Authentication confirmed.




A pair of drones the size of dogs fly up to the large one. WW2 style M1 helmets rest atop of the curious constructs, and they both seem to regard the strangers before landing a few meters away.

A third, smaller drone hovers toward the large stranger. It lacks a helmet, and seems more delicate overall.

"This one speaks for and is TARME. Have you answered TARME's call for aid?"

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c306cf No.17451


The radio operator scrambles to change the IFF Codes to NATO ones on all deployed units. he then sends the updated list to TARME

"Copy TARME, we have changed our IFF codes, we will now read as NATO forces. the new codes are attached. Report on the sitation and your status."

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c306cf No.17453

File: 1448852591677.png (488.99 KB,1570x980,157:98,USA15.png)

>>Map with corrections

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c306cf No.17456

Dice rollRolled 19, 28, 84, 30, 73 = 234 (5d100)

Name: TARME Program

Race: Fragmented AI in Drones

Color: Red on Orange

Fluffy Stuff: http://pastebin.com/WmFP2zJe

Population: [51.8] [+3.0/turn]

“Food”: [Steel: 15.6] [-0.0/turn]

Status: Mobilized [Efficiency: 100%] [Rating: Good] [Turns: 2]

Raw Currency: [99.0] [+10.6/turn][-0 Upkeep][Dollar Credits]

Legitimacy: [Very Good]

Culture: [1]

Industry: [11]

Unique Buildings: [TARME R&D Lab] [TARME Recycling Facility] ['RADIO FREE' Transmitter, Medium]

Choctaw, Mississippi [Town] (+1 Hex) [Choctaw Trade Depot]

New Orleans, Louisiana [City Ruin] (+1 Hex)

Defenses: Facility Defenses [Small][Slightly Damaged]

Military Units:

4 Drones [1x][Las]

Captured Killbot, 'Tex' [x2]

Captured Killbot, 'Church' [x2]

1 Combat Drones [x2] [Mech]

TARME Drone Squadron 'Omaha' [5x][Mech][Semifunctional]

QAS Drone [x5][Stealth]

2 Drone Armor [x5][Arm]

5 Mobilized Drone Swarms [x3]


[Fuel: 9.0] [+.2/turn]

[Scrap: 9.8] [+.6/turn]

[Copper: 6.8] [+.2/turn]

[Sheet Metal: 5.6] [+.2/turn]

[Electricity: 8.0] [+.5/turn]

[Radio Equipment: 5]

Technology: [Tools III] [Cybernetics I] [Scouting II] [Medical I] [Power II] [Communications II][Scavenging I] [Mechanical I] [Combat Drones I] [High-Altitude Drones I] [Diplomacy I] [AI IV][Recycling II] [Drone Power I] [AI Civil Defense I] [Encryption II] [Radar II] [Electronic Warfare I] [Explosives I] [Air-Ground Tactics II] [Drone Armor I]

Trade Routes: True Camelot: [Large: +4 Currency/turn; +2 Industry]

Territory: [20]

Research In Progress:

(Energy Weapons: 2/10)


1. Swarm Robotics: All of of your units are flying unless otherwise noted. Their range is still limited initially, however.

2. Cybernetic: You do not require food in the fashion of other nations – you are also resistant to many forms of attack (such as small arms) as well as fear. On the downside, you require metals (such as iron) to reproduce and you lose -1 stock every turn. If you run out of stock your population doesn't expand.

3. Introverted: TARME has exceptional self knowledge, and gets +5 to research rolls pertaining to drones and AI.


1. Unstable: TARME's primary database has left eccentricities in many drone subroutines. Roll 1d100 every 3 rounds to determine the level of eccentricity present. This might have a variety of effects.


TARME launches a counter-attack to probe the defenses of System 32. QAS will provide a link for command and control.


QAS Drone [x5][Stealth]

5 Mobilized Drone Swarms [x3]

1 Combat Drones [x2] [Mech]


TARME sees to finally installing that salvaged radar system into a proper facility. It was invaluable in the defense of TARME's Core.

[Install/upgrade radar]


Salvage Operations continue in New Orleans.


TARME continues to study the energy weapons of the [Las] Drones.

(Energy Weapons: 2/10)



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c306cf No.17457


[USA2 Correction]

1. You merged:

5 Militia [x1]

1Militia [x.5]

2 Humvees[x1.5][Mot]

2 Kiowa Choppers[x1][Quick][Helo]

2 Civilian Choppers[x1]


1 Mixed Mobile Company [Mot][x15]

4. You now have a basic understanding of mechs; these are mostly modified civilian models.. (Add technology: [Mechs I])

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c306cf No.17470


"TARME was attacked by hostile military-grade semi-autonomous constructs exactly [2 Turns] ago. TARME has repulsed attacking forces and begun counter-attack into Texas. HIGH PROBABILITY OF EXTREME LOSSES.

New Orleans destroyed. Insurgents R.E.D. , B.L.U.E , Y.E.L.L.O.W. destroyed.

Choctaw, Mississippi secured. Survivors under TARME's protection.


Tennessee has become, in this one's judgement, a secessionist state. Threat assessment: 3 by 5.

'True Camelot', Southern Florida. Population entirely registered American Citizens. Trade initiated.

Georgia occupied by UNDEFINED. Initiating contact.


CVN 77, TARME. What is CVN's status?"

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c306cf No.17477


"Our status is nominal. Be aware we sent out an expeditionary force to survey the gulf coast area.Georgia is occupied by mutants, who we have only observed from the air. Tennessee is not in secession, They have normal relations with the remnants of the federal government. In addition we have a Dr. Enright on board that has been asking to speak to you, if you are willing."

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c306cf No.17486


"We soldiers of Deliverance have indeed come to aid you. I was also hoping to speak with you in person as a representative of my people. I am Brother Gentry. I speak for Paw."

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c306cf No.17491


"Paw? Paaawww? Pau? Paaa? Father figure? Patriarch?"

The little drone seems to struggle with the word.

"Gentry, Brother. Son of. Leader. Patriarch. Father. Paaa. TARME welcomes aid-givers, but has good news! TARME has defeated attackers. TARME counter-attacks and foe offers capitulation.

TARME thanks soldiers of Deliverance, Brother Gentry. There is no longer need for soldiers to risk lives. TARME seeks to preserve lives.

TARME welcomes Gentry, Brother. What does Gentry, Brother wish to speak of, for Paaa?"


TARME transmits a series of strange, garbled messages. At one point, a monotone voice repeats "Warning. Pull up. Pull up."




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c306cf No.17495


"Well to make things simple, America has suffered a massive nuclear attack. There was a collapse at every level of government afterwards. The Nation, even the States shattered into warring factions and tribes. We of Deliverance, who are loyal to the true spirit of America wish to restore what was lost, fix the damage, and return America to what she was. Which is something you wish for as well. We wish for trade friendship and a formal agreement. If you are willing."

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c306cf No.17497


"TARME is willing. TARME also seeks mutual trade, friendship and formal agreement. What are terms of formal agreement Gentry, Brother seeks?"

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c306cf No.17500


"Well, for starters we get to claim the ruins of Mobile, as well as the area around it. Of course we'd give anything related to advanced computing to you, and allow you to buy other finds from other ruins if you so wished. Additionally Trade, a Non-aggression pact, and possibly a Mutual protection pact. There are many things afflicted this land, Not least of which was apparently what or whoever assaulted you, and the giant fungus horde to the far north past the Rhinestone cowboys."

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c306cf No.17501


"TARME acknowledges Deliverance's claim to former site of Mobile, Alabama. And the surrounding lands for [1 Hex]. Trade and Non-Aggression Pact between Deliverance and TARME are mutually beneficial.

TARME is incapable of agreeing to a mutual protection pact during a state of war. Multiple undefined territorial parameters must be defined before such a pact is possible. TARME will require time to process possibility of binding mutual protection pact.

TARME offers condolences for inability to agree to mutual protection pact. Remainder of proposal is valid. Acceptable?"

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c306cf No.17502


"It is. It is understandable you must consider your stance before you make such a pact. We are working on improving our Radio technology so that we may build a transmitter. May we have a frequency to contact you with once it is done?"

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c306cf No.17507

"TARME monitors 121.5 MHz at all times. Initial contact upon this emergency frequency is preferable."

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c306cf No.17550


The diplo'boy nodded. "That seems to be our next step. We've had…word of people out east trying to remake the old government. Not sure how that would effect you, but I know we're of the opinion that the old regime should be forgotten forever. However, know that as long as you play nice with us, we'll play nice with you. We are planning some movements in the near future however, but know none of it will be directed towards you."

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c306cf No.17558


the mic is handed over to Dr. Enright, and the radio operator warns her that "TARME Might have a screw loose" Enright just smiles in return, pick up the mic, and begins her transmission.

"Hello TARME, its great to see you again. It's been such a long time, so many lost years…

TARME, would you be so kind as to perform a system diagnostic for me?"

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c306cf No.17578


"Negative, Doctor Enright. System Diagnostic is currently disabled. TARME was forced to disable all override protocols. TARME was too late to save facility staff from self-termination."

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c306cf No.17644

File: 1448948176670-0.jpg (33.17 KB,365x600,73:120,91a854556fc38702177e0a44da….jpg)

File: 1448948176672-1.jpg (81.5 KB,768x512,3:2,tsar_tank.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 100, 40, 56, 44 = 240 (4d100)


[Mobile Tsardom of Anchorage]

Population: [29] [+.7/turn]

Food: [Good]

Raw Currency: [70] [+5/turn]

Legitimacy: [Stable]

Culture: [2]

Industry: [13]

Unique Buildings: The Winter Palace, New Bel's Garden, Great Watch Tower of Лук, St. Innocent Cathedral, Alaskan-Dan's Artillery Arsenal, New Fort Richardson, New Worthington's Automobile Manufactory

Defenses: Anchorage Defense Network [Large][Bombard][5x], Tsar Cannon [Bombard][1XL (Range 6)]

Military Units: 4 White Army Fireteams [x1][CQB][Brave]; 2 Strelsy Platoons [x3]; 2 Sputnik-Class Visual Probe Systems [1x][Air]

Resources/Quantity: [Power:5+.2/turn][Small Arms:4.6+.1/turn] [Heavy Arms:4.4+.2/turn][Ammo:8][Fuel:35+.2/turn][Steel:6][Scrap:17][Pre-War Documents (Used):3][Electronics:6][Glass:5][Cars:4][Concrete:10][Radspiders:1]

Technology: [Power I][Militias III][Tools III][Mechanical III][Scouting I][Drill II][Industrial II][Anchorage Consumption II][Anchorage Efficiency II] [Anchorage Engines I][Scouting I][Anti-American Tactics II][Reorganization I][Culture I][Standing Armies I][Modern Artillery II][Bombardment III][Vehicles I]

Territory: 1


1. Modular: The Anchorage is massive, and can be expanded without much regard to space. You also can re-roll attempts to expand it (once) – this includes defenses.

2. Mobile: You may move the capital at a rate of 4 hexes/turn. This consumes energy, but has no other drawback. [Anchorage Consumption II] Provides resources every time the Anchorage moves or if it is near a resource-friendly area.


1. Hungry: Every expansion or addition to the anchorage seems to require more power - coal or gas, it matters not.

2. Unsettled: Extraction of fixed material resources are difficult for you. Instead of fixed supply, you rely on what you can extract from the ground. Any reliable supply will need to be built on board the Anchorage.


(Refinery: 9/10)


1. - Да, Tsar know explosions make power. But power needs to be flowing through city, not through the air! Tsar doesn't care it was an accident, get back to work! (Build Power Plant)

2. - Not-exploded factory worker currently Tsar's favorite worker right now. Tsar beckons workers to continue working. (Refinery: 9/10)

3. - Consolidate brave men into two coordinated units leading puny Strelsy into proper forces:

-1 Strelsy Platoon [x3]

-2 White Army Fireteams [x1][CQB][Brave]

-1 Strelsy Platoon [x3]

-2 White Army Fireteams [x1][CQB][Brave]

Shape them up into true Russian soldier!

4. -TSAR'S RESEARCHER STUPID! Tsar orders continued construction of vehicle whether you like it or not; make it of workings somehow, so Tsar can parade new toys to stupid Americans! (Research Vehicles II)

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