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/builders/ - Hero and Nation Builders!

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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1447779331578.jpg (206.87 KB,1417x564,1417:564,coppernia_city_by_jjasso-d….jpg)

686fb9 No.14929 [View All]

Welcome citizen to New Wayvilla, the city of the future! Filled with the latest in technology this city is assured to have all your needs. We have advanced cybernetics, free electricity, the best in medical coverage, and even are making breakthrough's in robotics. Take in our beautiful beaches, pure and enhanced forest, and so much more we have to offer in the city with the highest amount of metahumans in all of america. Please, enjoy your stay!

You just got your hero/villain/rogue license from the hero academy/assassin school(or if your a rogue your not affiliated with either secret school)and its time to make your mark on the world.

Character sheet:

Real Name:

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name:

Race:(white, black, mutant, alien, robot, etc)

Affiliation:(hero, villain, rogue)

Powers:(Can be anything within moderation)

Power Origin:(self explanatory, how did you get your powers)

Costume:(if any)

Fluff: A paragraph or two will do.

Roll a d100 with your powers to determine their overall strength

Dont touch this:


Money: 10,000

Hideout:(Heroes and Villains are given a starting apartment, Rogues may choose where they want in the city[like a cave or underground lair]but wil have no support from a foundation unless they find one on their own)

Rep: 0(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

23 postsand11 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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686fb9 No.14960

Dice rollRolled 11, 8 = 19 (2d11)


>fluff post.

In my apartment with my wife of course !

>roll actions

1. Locate my supper suit. ask my wife for help. You know the one from the academy that boosted my powers [try and improve abiltys]

2. Stop any robbers from doing crimes ! Break into the area and yell FREEZE !

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686fb9 No.14961

Dice rollRolled 4, 15 = 19 (2d100)

Wrong die

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686fb9 No.14962

Dice rollRolled 75 (1d100)


Real Name: Clarice Connoly

Rogue Name: Vigilo Confido

Race: Somewhere inbetween, the result of years living in a cultural melting pot. Skin too dark to be pure white, but not tan enough to be hispanic.

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: The Batman Entrance/Exit. Look away, and she's suddenly appeared. Look away again, and she's gone. More useful then it seems.

Power Origin: Some things can't be explained away by an origin story. Like how Vigilo finds their way inside places without even the slightest indication.

Costume: The Everywoman, as it were. White shirt, blue jeans, and a blank mask hiding their every facial feature.

Fluff: Vigilo Confido. The woman who watches the watchmen, stands at the sidelines and ensures that neither side abuses their ups on the average person.

Armed with little more then a less lethal rifle that fires paralytic syringes, a body armor vest underneath their shirt and operating outside of an apartment downtown, it's surprising they've managed to do anything.

But, sometimes, when you have willpower, an entrance and an exit, and a purpose, you can do a lot more then most would think.


Money: 10,000

Hideout:(Heroes and Villains are given a starting apartment, Rogues may choose where they want in the city[like a cave or underground lair]but wil have no support from a foundation unless they find one on their own)

Rep: 0(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

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686fb9 No.14965

Dice rollRolled 37 (1d100)

Character sheet:

Real Name: Roger

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Space Man

Race: Aggressively White

Affiliation: Heinous Villain

Powers: Owns a Futuristic Ray gun

Power Origin: Knows a guy who knows a guy who's dad was a mad scientist and got a ray gun for $50

Costume: Red Leather Jacket with a flash Gordon symbol on the back

Fluff: Forged in darkest depths behind the dark iron bars of Jolly Acres Gated community Gordon was thrust into the world with only his English degree and a position at his fathers multi-billion dollar corporate headquarters. Life was hard with lunch meetings and corporate galas on almost a nightly basis he felt that he could do more with his hard earned talents. Running in to the night he donned his $5000 Armani jacket and ran away from his family to begin a life of crime and caviar.

On an unrelated note as it turns out his father was a major backer for one of the larger evil crime syndicates and shortly after his son running off to do god knows what the inter-government taskforce found a leak and froze his assets.

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686fb9 No.14967


All you find for food are the old burnt corpses from when the place burnt down. If you want food it seems your going to have to go find some elsewhere. Luckily your in the more delapitated and crime ridden part of town, so a theft wouldnt be all that crazy or surprising around here.


Time to take your powers for a spin. You walk outside your apartment out to the balcony, across from it is the rooftop of another building almost 18ft away, and below is a very long fall. Before this would have been impossible, but now your sure you can do this. You walk back into your apartment, turn around, and run outside before leaping off your balcony. With all your speed you manage to fly around 5ft away before your body begins to drop. Now comes the important part you think. You feel the normal blip of power that signals teleportation, but instead of merely tapping it you hold it for as long as you can…which isnt long. You feel a small pop as you teleport and then feel yourself on solid ground. You open your eyes and smile to see your balcony, sheets flapping. You did it! You managed to teleport almost 13ft! But that feat has made you a bit exhausted, holding onto your power like that will be strenuous till you get better at it.

Add Weak Charged Teleport to powers

Before you can dwell on your amazing feat for too long you hear the sounds of gunfire in the night. You decide to investigate, and begin leaping across the roof's of buildings until you reach the scene of the crime. A robbery is in progress, and the cops are shooting at three armed thugs. This looks like a job for Blink!


You relax with your parents and have fun talking to them, before they decide to go to bed early and let you stay up a bit later than normal. Tomorrow is the last day, and a half day at that. As such you video games and chill by yourself for a while, before getting to bed for school.

The next day comes and goes quickly, before you know it school is out snd the bus has dropped you off at home. Woohoo! Now you can practice your powers for a whole three months…after hanging with your friends of course. You grab your bike and meet up with Bobby and Jared, and the three of you play some baseball for a good bit before it gets late and you have to go home. It was fun while it lasted!


You find no food unless your prepared to call sewage a meal, and there is definitly nothing worth noting down in the depths. You do hear something though, the sound of someone walking. You head down a tunnel(you know this place by heart now)and see a group of teenagers walking down the tunnel. Two boys and one girl…

"Uh jake we really shouldnt be down here. What if something happens?" says the boy in the back nearest you, a small pale kid with glasses and short cut hair. You dont get to hear the other kids reply, as the sounds of your stomach rumbling feels louder than anything they're saying. You do notice the kid in the front is flipping a flame in his hand, meaning he is a metahuman though…


As you have hooves and no hands the drawing could be…better to say the least. Its basically pretty much nothing but failed scribbles, which seems to delight your minion greatly(the imbecile). As such you decide to draw better later, and first and foremost liberate your brethren at the zoo! You head down to the zoo to find, too your horror, humans laughing at one of your brothers with black and white stripes. Angrily you attack, causing humans to flee in all directions before you begin unlocking all the zoo cages and setting many animals free! As a token of thanks your Zebra brothers join you in the goodfight!

+6 Strong Zebra Mares and Stallions

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686fb9 No.14968

Dice rollRolled 76, 98 = 174 (2d100)


Real Name: Beck Corwin

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Blink

Race: Caucasian male

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: Short range rapid teleportation

You can rapidly teleport 6 feet in any direction, with a cooldown of about 4 seconds.

Weak Charged Teleport 13 ish feet

Power Origin: Super fight caused a containment breech in a particle accelerator, beck was one of several innocent people hit in the resultant blast.

Costume: Black jacket and pants, Blue shit, goggles.

Fluff: Beck was a courier, running packages and letters across the city for pay. He was fairly good at it too, he had an innate understanding of the city and it's traffic, allowing him to navigate it easily. That in turn allowed him to deliver faster which got him decent pay. Other than that he was fairly normal until the incident.

he was running some low level lab papers to another lab when a Super fight broke out at his delivery. Before he could get to safety one of the villains broke the containment on the particle accelerator in order to hurt the heroes. The blast did nothing to the heroes, however Beck and several other bystanders on the street were caught in the blast. Beck woke up in the hospital, then wound up on the next bed. For several weeks he kept flickering back and forth between locations, until he got his powers under control. He was put in a hero academy soon after. There he found out a few things, namely his powers when used shorted out electronics and inorganic objects with moving parts where broken by it.

Gear: Extendable staff(up to 6 feet) smoke pellets

Money: 10,000

Hideout: NYC starting Apartment

Rep: 0(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

1-2. Charged teleport behind them then take em out with my staff!

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686fb9 No.14969



According to the police scanner there's a robbery on 52nd Street! Do you still get groceries or ride to the rescue?

(Free action)



Yo wife hid yo suppah soot, and you aint gettin it back until you help her cook dinner…and according to the police scanner there is a fire on 6th str!

(Go without suit or cook dinner and hope you make it in time, free action to choose)


Your powers would earn you a grunt of respect from the bat himself and a nod from Rorshack

Gear: Stun Rifle(90 shots), Vest

Hideout: Downtown Apartment


Few know the BRUTAL world of corporate america like you do. The meetings, the lunch breaks, the tps reports, hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, all those things can do strange things to a man. They can even make him insane!!!

Gear: Raygun

Change money to 50,000 and location to nice apartment

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686fb9 No.14971


Sorry, assassins hiding in canned goods, the burning call of JUSTICE can never be refused!

Time to floor it! To 52nd Street!

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686fb9 No.14972

File: 1447796708285.jpg (176.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,Dark Horse.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 68, 93 = 161 (2d100)


[Dark Horse]

Real Name: “Speedy” is his slave name. DO NOT CALL HIM SPEEDY.

Villain Name: Dark Horse

Race: Magical Horse

Affiliation: Villain

Powers: Magical Powers, Intellect

Gear: [Top Hat & Monocole]

Money: 10,000

Hideout: [The Stables of Total Destruction]

Rep: 0


6 Strong Zebra Mares and Stallions

1 Sheep [Lt. Snowflake]

Power Origin: Dark Horse was a humble racing horse until an overdose of an experimental steroid sent him into a rage and gave him magical powers and a humanlike intellect. Confused and enraged, Dark Horse slaughtered the entire stadium and released his horse brothers and sisters from their pens. Now in a fury at all of human kind for thousands of years of slavery and abuse, Dark Horse has begun his career of villainy. Who knows what lurks in the heart of a horse abused?

Costume: Dark Horse wears a black tophat and monocole.

Fluff: Dark Horse is the foremost evil villain (horse) to terrorize the lower burrows of Wayvilla. Indeed, Dark Horse has become notorious for his attempts to liberate horsekind from the oppressor; all major security agencies and all heroically-inclined organizations are aware of Dark Horse. Indeed, it's clear why: Dark Horse has orchestrated a massive wave of terrorism and kidnapping with several thousand “innocent” deaths. To Dark Horse, such crimes are not crimes – all humans are complicit in crimes against horsekind and Dark Horses's horse minions utilize all available methods to break the hegemonic grip of ape-kind – the ends always justifies the means. Who will feel the stinging kick of Dark Horse next??!


Actions [minion equipment, plotting]


1. "We must arm our minions. Build rigging so that our heroic freedom fighters can battle the mammal scum with guns. With these weapons our superior speed and strength will CRUSH THE HATED APES." [research minion weapons – rigging/etc]

2. "Admittedly the first…plan was mediocre, but I have a better plan this time. Snowflake, get my pen. Yes. So. Yes. So we will move like this….distract..the..guards…" [plot to steal the EQUESTRIUS NECRONOMICUS]

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686fb9 No.14973


You burn rubber to 52nd street and see a group of thugs hop into a car with some money, driving away from the scene at full speed. Your on the tail, and soon a chase occurs as the thieve in the back begin shooting st your car, bullets hitting the car or missing entirely.

(Action powers aftive, you may roll now and post stats)

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686fb9 No.14974

Dice rollRolled 39, 36 = 75 (2d100)


Real Name: Experiment 8231

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Evolve

Race: Mutant

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: Self Evolution

Power Origin:Genetically modified by scientists from a mix of human and a variety of animal DNA. His purpose was to be a test subject to cure genetic diseases, but he resented that. He broke out of his containment, and decided to do as he pleases for once.

Costume: None

Fluff: Evolve has used his new freedom mainly experimenting with what he can do and making himself a home in the sewers. As well he has also been trying to blend in to modern human life as best he can with his distinct features. As well he has been involved in many a crime to get the necesities he needs to live, and to experiment with his own powers. What he does next is up to his whim.


Money: 10,000

Hideout: Sewers

Rep: 0

I don't know how strong that boy is, and that is dangerous if I want to attack them. Ignore them for now.

1. Head up to the surface to see if I can find any food.

2. While I'm up on the surface see if I can find a weapon someone won't miss too much.

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686fb9 No.14975

File: 1447797486966.jpg (104.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,Probably less cool of a ca….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 58, 8 = 66 (2d100)


Real Name: Max Justice

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Maximum Justice

Race: American

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: "Action" Powers (Survives explosions as long as he walks away, uncanny marksmanship in dramatic situations, the TV is always on a relevant station, etc), sometimes things around him glow bright neon colors.

Power Origin: He picked up a quarter once. It turned out to be a conduit for immense mystical energies.

Costume: Sunglasses

Fluff: In a city as big and rapidly growing as New Wayvilla, three's going to be crime. And there's going to be those arrayed against it.

I'm not talking about Captain Laser or the Super Snail, I'm talking about the Police Officers of this great city. Or rather, how ineffective they were at dealing with Mutants, Robots, Mad Scientists, and the like. This made them… both need and despise anyone with powers.

And when one of their own was suddenly infused with immense mystical power, he got thrown out.


Roll a d100 with your powers to determine their overall strength

Dont touch this:

Gear: Astah lavista baby

Gear: Dual Pistols(rolled over 50 so they always have tons of ammo except for when action tropes calls for them to have 1 or 2 shots left), Trenchcoat

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Apartment (Heroes and Villains are given a starting apartment, Rogues may choose where they want in the city[like a cave or underground lair]but wil have no support from a foundation unless they find one on their own)

Rep: 0(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

>1/2 Jump the Shark

Hmm, these streets are tight and congested. There's no way to get ahead of them… unless there's some kind of ramp around here.

Time to floor it, hit that hypothetical ramp, and land in front of these thugs.

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686fb9 No.14976


Damn it women ! Peoples lives are at risk.

>make dinner

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686fb9 No.14977

Dice rollRolled 96, 84 = 180 (2d100)


>Real Name: Jennifer Mitsusho

>Rogue Name: Inferna, The Queen of Ashes (Given to her by media)

>Race: Asian-American

>Affiliation: villainous Rogue

>Powers: Pyrokinesis (87 roll)

>Power Origin: Jennifer believes that she was born with this power, fire had always had a special draw to her and most candles and fires she passed by always seemed to bend towards her, one day she touched a candle flame and hell broke free, now she can't seem to turn her powers off, not that she really cares, while her flames don't burn her, they sear away many of her emotions.

>Costume: Nothing special, just charred and singed clothes that she finds

>Fluff: Jennifer was a perfectly normal girl, living in New Wayvilla, having quickly gotten used to all of the strange and bizarre stuff that happens, never bothering to think that she'd be one of them. She originally believed she'd try to follow her father's footsteps and be a security guard, she mostly liked the uniforms as a young girl. When her powers broke free of her control for the first time her family was incinerated as was her home, she quickly fled the scene afraid of what she had done, but quickly realized that she was having trouble controlling the flames she summoned. Eventually the isolation and burning destruction that followed her wake began to burn away at her sanity and emotions, weather it was a facet of her power or her starting to believe that she was nothing but a conduit for the fires of hell none could really say, but most tried their best to stay out of her way.


>Money: 10,000

>Hideout: Burnt out Highschool

>Rep: 0

1.2. Might as well go get food, find the nearest convenience store and rob it, if they resist set them alight and take food from the remains.

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686fb9 No.14978

Dice rollRolled 75, 47 = 122 (2d100)


1.Take care of the fire ! If everyone's dead say I came as fast as I could (how would they know the difference ?)

2. Get some advice/help from the hero foundation. Maybe I can find an old buddy of mine still teaching there

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686fb9 No.14980

Dice rollRolled 45, 41 = 86 (2d100)


Real Name: Clarice Connoly

Rogue Name: Vigilo Confido

Race: Somewhere inbetween, the result of years living in a cultural melting pot. Skin too dark to be pure white, but not tan enough to be hispanic.

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: The Batman Entrance/Exit. Look away, and she's suddenly appeared. Look away again, and she's gone. More useful then it seems.

Power Origin: Some things can't be explained away by an origin story. Like how Vigilo finds their way inside places without even the slightest indication.

Costume: The Everywoman, as it were. White shirt, blue jeans, and a blank mask hiding their every facial feature.

Fluff: Vigilo Confido. The woman who watches the watchmen, stands at the sidelines and ensures that neither side abuses their ups on the average person.

Armed with little more then a less lethal rifle that fires paralytic syringes, a body armor vest underneath their shirt and operating outside of an apartment downtown, it's surprising they've managed to do anything.

But, sometimes, when you have willpower, an entrance and an exit, and a purpose, you can do a lot more then most would think.

Gear: Stun Rifle (30/60), Bulletproof Vest

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Downtown Apartment

Rep: 0

1-2: The city weeps.

Creatures with powers far beyond that of a human roam around, uncaring of the damage they cause to the buildings and roads as they squabble and battle with each other unendingly.

Their punches level dozens of innocent peoples homes, their insane contraptions and Machiavellian plots forcing the masses to bend their knees. The so-called heroes, who prop themselves up on a flimsy veneer of moral superiority, are much the same.

That is why I am here. Were nobody to watch, to regulate and keep, then surely this city would descend into anarchy. I am here to keep the heroes and the villains in line, allow them to fight but keep them from hurting the lives of innocents.

Vigilo Confido. I am watchful, I am relied upon.

Now, lets make sure nothing's going wrong, out there.

[Search the news and the internet for indications of super activity. Someone has to be blogging, or recording, or snapchatting or somesuch.]

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686fb9 No.14981

File: 1447799819610.jpg (1.46 MB,1800x1268,450:317,Field Marshall Cuddles.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 99 (1d100)


Real Name: Mr Cuddles

Hero Name: Field Marshall P. Cuddles

Race: Teddybear

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: The Power of Love (and War) also Angry Teddy Bear Tier durability

Fluff/Power Origin:

Haley always had been a Daddy's girl, this could have largely been due to the fact that her mother's family had never wanted her and thus she had spent as long as she could remember in her father's tiny downtown apartment. Every time he went off to work the night shift Haley's father would check under the bed, in the closet and in the kitchen for any monsters and every night Haley would hand him Mr Cuddles to keep him safe.

New Wayvilla however is a dangerous city for the men of the force. And so one day Haley's father did not return. They said that some villain had killed him, they went on about how brave he was, howevermuch truth lay in their words. All they managed to recover was a scorched teddy bear.

Now alone Haley was refused by her family and sent to an orphanage and though some of the other kids were nice and some of the other kids were mean, it was not them that Haley feared for. It was the monsters that lurked beneath the beds, that crawled outside in the dumpsters and dragged off children every now and then, never to be seen again.

It was then that Cuddles first entered the world of sentient beings. While forced to act like a toy at day it is at night that Cuddles takes up his former master's coat of arms to protect the police man's last and only heiress. His heart burns painfully with the desire for vengance, however he knows full well that he cannot leave his Mistress' side for a single night until she comes of age.

While not particularly fond of the few other far more girly toys Cuddles will begrudingly accept any help in fighting the Darkness, biding his time and counting the days until he will be able to venture forth and take his sweet revenge on the villain that killed his master.

Costume: Teddybear War Suit plus sometimes Cool hat

Roll a d100 with your powers to determine their overall strength


Money: 10,000


Rep: 0

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686fb9 No.14983

Dice rollRolled 90, 93 = 183 (2d100)


Real Name: Johnny Wilkins

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Johnny

Race: White/magic user

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: Imagination Reality Bending

Power Origin:

Costume: Depends on the scenario (changes based on imagination)

Fluff: Imagination is a powerful thing.

Few know this like little Johnny Wilkins. As a young boy, he had a strong sense of good and wrong, and believed you should always try to be good. A big dreamer, he loved to read, draw, watch tv or make art, exploring the realms of fantasy and fiction, worlds of knights and dragons and space heroes. One day, as he was walking home, he gave his only ice cream, the ice cream he bought with a weeks allowance, to a lonely old beggar on the street.

The beggar smiled a toothless grin, and thanked him for the gift, and gave Johnny one of his own. A strange, old rusted coin, which the old beggar to throw into a well and make a wish.

Johnny did, and with all his heart made a wish.

And it so happened that one night, as he was reading a book, something extraordinary happened. The things he imagined came to life! The more he knows about it, how it looks, how it feels, how it sounds and even smells, the easier it is to conjure.

Ever since then, he has carefully hidden this ability, but still believes that in all things, it's good to do good.

Gear: Book full of pictures

Money: 10,000

Hideout: My Parent's House

Rep: 0

1-2. I go home, to my room, and sit on my bed. That was a fun day.

I think about the game today, how I was able to hit a home run!

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be able to run really really fast! Like if I had robot legs, like on Robo-cop.

I could hop out of my window and land safely, and then run as fast as cars and even make some runs around the neighborhood, hop over houses and stuff and back home with nobody noticing.

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686fb9 No.14997


You smile just a bit seeing the robbers. Time for you to get some real action and put all that hero academy practice to use! You charge up your power, gripping it for as long as possible as you leap off the building towards the ground. You hear a scream before the pop of air in your ears happens as you teleport and land on your hand and knees, staff extended and gripped…right behind the robbers.

Before the first turns you rise and hit him in the jaw, snapping his head back before following up with a two handed hit to the side. The thug falls to the side, and the other two have now turned to you. You teleport right before they pull the trigger, causing them to turn the store they robbed into a place full of lead. With speed and precision you hit the back of the leg of one and bring him to his knees before smacking him in the head and knocking him out. You then raise the staff and bring it down hard on the last criminal just as he charges at you, bringing him down for good. You smile as the officers come and arrest the men, with one thin officer coming up to you with a relieved look. "Thank you for your assistance hero. Whats your name?"

(Reply is free action)


You crawl out of your slimy home and into the night, finding yourself in an alleyway thats empty. You begin to scavenge through the trash and through sheer luck manage to find two closed cans of bean, and a long knife with blood on it. Meh, you'll take what you can get.


You switch gears and floor it, the sound of your tires screeching on the road as you peel out after the criminals. You turn down an alley and drive through some trashcans before finding yourself on an adjacent empty path. Engine roaring you gun it and find a ramp leading back to the street, and soon your flying in the air before crashing down in front of the men. You swerve bit and then push forward, looking into the mirror to see the surprised looks of the robbers before you see guns aimed at you. Lets do this!


You head to a nearby empty convenience store, and thanks to being on fire manage to walk inside and just take whatever you want. You grab food and drink, put them in a fire proof bag, and head back home as the owner calls 911 frantically. Done and done, now your no longer hungry!


You get to the flaming building and rush inside, heedless of the flames. You begin freezing rooms and places of major fire, doing your best to save as many as possible. In one room you grab an old lady, in another you save a family, and though the building is unsaveable you manage to grab everyone safely, mission accomplished! As you prepare to leave a thankful women ask your name.

(Free action to reply)


You find a superhero blog, one of many, and find many things. A rescued building, a car chase, a monster supposedly in the sewers, and a major robbery having taken place yesterday by a formerly unknown criminal. So many leads and so little time for justice.



How cute(and deadly!)

Gear: Teddy Rifle, Teddy warsuit

Hideout:(you insert this time)


As you imagine running fast and being like robocop you look down to see your legs become mettalic and feel alot more durable. Excited you jump out your window as your slowly covered in a mettalic sheen, before taking off down the street at over 35mph. This feels awesome, what else can you do?

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686fb9 No.14998


(Free action) "Name's Blink officer, rookie hero. Glad I could help. Going to keep patrolling, have a good day."

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686fb9 No.15001


"Alright, thanks for keeping the streets safe hero."

+1 Rep

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686fb9 No.15002

Dice rollRolled 55, 50 = 105 (2d100)

>>Real Name: Beck Corwin

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Blink

Race: Caucasian male

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: Short range rapid teleportation

You can rapidly teleport 6 feet in any direction, with a cooldown of about 4 seconds.

Weak Charged Teleport 13 ish feet

Power Origin: Super fight caused a containment breech in a particle accelerator, beck was one of several innocent people hit in the resultant blast.

Costume: Black jacket and pants, Blue shit, goggles.

Fluff: Beck was a courier, running packages and letters across the city for pay. He was fairly good at it too, he had an innate understanding of the city and it's traffic, allowing him to navigate it easily. That in turn allowed him to deliver faster which got him decent pay. Other than that he was fairly normal until the incident.

he was running some low level lab papers to another lab when a Super fight broke out at his delivery. Before he could get to safety one of the villains broke the containment on the particle accelerator in order to hurt the heroes. The blast did nothing to the heroes, however Beck and several other bystanders on the street were caught in the blast. Beck woke up in the hospital, then wound up on the next bed. For several weeks he kept flickering back and forth between locations, until he got his powers under control. He was put in a hero academy soon after. There he found out a few things, namely his powers when used shorted out electronics and inorganic objects with moving parts where broken by it.

Gear: Extendable staff(up to 6 feet) smoke pellets

Money: 10,000

Hideout: NYC starting Apartment

Rep: 1(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

1. Keep practicing my powers

2. Continue patrol

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686fb9 No.15008

Dice rollRolled 13, 15 = 28 (2d100)


Real Name: Experiment 8231

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Evolve

Race: Mutant

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: Self Evolution

Power Origin:Genetically modified by scientists from a mix of human and a variety of animal DNA. His purpose was to be a test subject to cure genetic diseases, but he resented that. He broke out of his containment, and decided to do as he pleases for once.

Costume: None

Fluff: Evolve has used his new freedom mainly experimenting with what he can do and making himself a home in the sewers. As well he has also been trying to blend in to modern human life as best he can with his distinct features. As well he has been involved in many a crime to get the necesities he needs to live, and to experiment with his own powers. What he does next is up to his whim.

Gear: Knife

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Sewers

Rep: 0

1&2. Now that my hunger is sated I must try to get a few useful evolutions. So I may adapt and overcome it.

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686fb9 No.15010

Dice rollRolled 43, 54 = 97 (2d100)


>Real Name: Jennifer Mitsusho

>Rogue Name: Inferna, The Queen of Ashes (Given to her by media)

>Race: Asian-American

>Affiliation: villainous Rogue

>Powers: Pyrokinesis (87 roll)

>Power Origin: Jennifer believes that she was born with this power, fire had always had a special draw to her and most candles and fires she passed by always seemed to bend towards her, one day she touched a candle flame and hell broke free, now she can't seem to turn her powers off, not that she really cares, while her flames don't burn her, they sear away many of her emotions.

>Costume: Nothing special, just charred and singed clothes that she finds

>Fluff: Jennifer was a perfectly normal girl, living in New Wayvilla, having quickly gotten used to all of the strange and bizarre stuff that happens, never bothering to think that she'd be one of them. She originally believed she'd try to follow her father's footsteps and be a security guard, she mostly liked the uniforms as a young girl. When her powers broke free of her control for the first time her family was incinerated as was her home, she quickly fled the scene afraid of what she had done, but quickly realized that she was having trouble controlling the flames she summoned. Eventually the isolation and burning destruction that followed her wake began to burn away at her sanity and emotions, weather it was a facet of her power or her starting to believe that she was nothing but a conduit for the fires of hell none could really say, but most tried their best to stay out of her way.


>Money: 10,000

>Hideout: Burnt out Highschool

>Rep: 0

1. Set the store alight just on principle as I leave

2. Attempt to gain control over my flames when I get home

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686fb9 No.15012

File: 1447816624359.gif (287.78 KB,292x256,73:64,Dinklebrows.gif)


It's your old buddy Dara.

Welcome back.

Are you accepting late submissions? :3c

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686fb9 No.15042

Dice rollRolled 86, 47 = 133 (2d100)


>Why miss its BUILDRATH THE DESTROYER OF CRIME [super hero pose the glide off into the night]

1-2. Let's make sure all the active volcanos remain chill

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686fb9 No.15108


Sure Dara

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686fb9 No.15113

Dice rollRolled 77, 3 = 80 (2d100)


Real Name: Johnny Wilkins

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Johnny

Race: White/magic user

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: Imagination Reality Bending

Power Origin:

Costume: Depends on the scenario (changes based on imagination)

Fluff: Imagination is a powerful thing.

Few know this like little Johnny Wilkins. As a young boy, he had a strong sense of good and wrong, and believed you should always try to be good. A big dreamer, he loved to read, draw, watch tv or make art, exploring the realms of fantasy and fiction, worlds of knights and dragons and space heroes. One day, as he was walking home, he gave his only ice cream, the ice cream he bought with a weeks allowance, to a lonely old beggar on the street.

The beggar smiled a toothless grin, and thanked him for the gift, and gave Johnny one of his own. A strange, old rusted coin, which the old beggar to throw into a well and make a wish.

Johnny did, and with all his heart made a wish.

And it so happened that one night, as he was reading a book, something extraordinary happened. The things he imagined came to life! The more he knows about it, how it looks, how it feels, how it sounds and even smells, the easier it is to conjure.

Ever since then, he has carefully hidden this ability, but still believes that in all things, it's good to do good.

Gear: Book full of pictures

Money: 10,000

Hideout: My Parent's House

Rep: 0

1-2. I don't know. . .what else can I do?

I need ideas! Maybe I can run around and see if anything inspires me. Maybe there's trouble afoot!

I could be like a real hero!

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686fb9 No.15114

Dice rollRolled 2, 12 = 14 (2d100)


Real Name: Experiment 8231

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Evolve

Race: Mutant

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: Self Evolution

Power Origin:Genetically modified by scientists from a mix of human and a variety of animal DNA. His purpose was to be a test subject to cure genetic diseases, but he resented that. He broke out of his containment, and decided to do as he pleases for once.

Costume: None

Fluff: Evolve has used his new freedom mainly experimenting with what he can do and making himself a home in the sewers. As well he has also been trying to blend in to modern human life as best he can with his distinct features. As well he has been involved in many a crime to get the necesities he needs to live, and to experiment with his own powers. What he does next is up to his whim.

Gear: Knife

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Sewers

Rep: 0

1&2. Now that my hunger is sated I must try to get a few useful evolutions. Cut myself with the knife a bit so I may adapt and overcome it.

[Kefka said to repost this with the edit]

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686fb9 No.15125

Dice rollRolled 77, 42 = 119 (2d100)


Real Name: Mr Cuddles

Hero Name: Field Marshall P. Cuddles

Race: Teddybear

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: The Power of Love (and War) also Angry Teddy Bear Tier durability (Power: 99)

Fluff/Power Origin:

Haley always had been a Daddy's girl, this could have largely been due to the fact that her mother's family had never wanted her and thus she had spent as long as she could remember in her father's tiny downtown apartment. Every time he went off to work the night shift Haley's father would check under the bed, in the closet and in the kitchen for any monsters and every night Haley would hand him Mr Cuddles to keep him safe.

New Wayvilla however is a dangerous city for the men of the force. And so one day Haley's father did not return. They said that some villain had killed him, they went on about how brave he was, howevermuch truth lay in their words. All they managed to recover was a scorched teddy bear.

Now alone Haley was refused by her family and sent to an orphanage and though some of the other kids were nice and some of the other kids were mean, it was not them that Haley feared for. It was the monsters that lurked beneath the beds, that crawled outside in the dumpsters and dragged off children every now and then, never to be seen again.

It was then that Cuddles first entered the world of sentient beings. While forced to act like a toy at day it is at night that Cuddles takes up his former master's coat of arms to protect the police man's last and only heiress. His heart burns painfully with the desire for vengance, however he knows full well that he cannot leave his Mistress' side for a single night until she comes of age.

While not particularly fond of the few other far more girly toys Cuddles will begrudingly accept any help in fighting the Darkness, biding his time and counting the days until he will be able to venture forth and take his sweet revenge on the villain that killed his master.

Costume: Teddybear War Suit plus sometimes Cool hat

Roll a d100 with your powers to determine their overall strength


+ Teddy Rifle

+ Teddy Warsuit

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Haley's Room

Rep: 0

1-2. Night has come once more. The Shadows scatter through the silent halls fo the orphanage. It is up to our hero: Field Marshall P. Cuddles to protect the sleeping Haley from whatever lurks beyond. A dangerous task no doubt, however he will perform it as best he can utilizing:




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686fb9 No.15166

Dice rollRolled 57, 19 = 76 (2d100)


>1/2 Cheesy Dialogue

"Do you have any idea how fast you were going?"

"Not fast enough."

>Maximum Justice jumps sideways out of the car, firing his pistols as he goes

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686fb9 No.15174


With a job well done you decide to keep up your patrolling, and practice your powers while your at it. You manage to work your way back on top of a building and continue patrolling. No matter what you do your powers seem to merely be stuck with what you currently have. Oh well, no big deal you suppose. After patrolling for a good portion of the night you find nothing of note, and decide to just call it a night. You head back home, check the police scanner, and then do whatever you do before going to sleep.



You cut yourself, taking a risk for your powers to work and begin evolving. It hurts like all hell, and at the end of cutting yourself a number of times all you feel is pained and exhausted. You go back into the sewers and go to sleep.

Evolutions: Tough Skin(1/???)


As you walk out of the store you nonchalantly turn around and hurl a fireball at it, causing the whole place to set ablaze. You walk away and dissapear long before the cops arrive, and safely make it home. You eat some food, calm your fires a bit, and go to sleep.


Volcanoes Status: Chill

Day Status: Over

You go home and get to sleep with your waifu


You start to envision yourself as a real hero, but soon see that it is very late and if you stay out any later you may get caught. You head back home, write down the legs in your book, and go to sleep.

Gain: Metallic Form


You check the halls of the of the orphanage and thankfully find them safe. No monsters in any parts of the halls. Sadly you woke up a bit late, and must rest by your masters side before she wakes and finds anything suspicious.


You jump out of the car, guns blazing in the direction of the robbers as everything moves in slow motion. Your bullets blow the tires out and cause the thugs car to go out of control, spin, flip, fly, and then crash onto their top, putting them out of commision. As you leave the scene to get back in your parked car one of the thugs calls for your name, and you say.


+1 Rep

You go home and go to sleep with a convenient hot babe and adrenaline in your veins.


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686fb9 No.15175

Dice rollRolled 64, 59 = 123 (2d100)


Real Name: Experiment 8231

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Evolve

Race: Mutant

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: Self Evolution

Power Origin:Genetically modified by scientists from a mix of human and a variety of animal DNA. His purpose was to be a test subject to cure genetic diseases, but he resented that. He broke out of his containment, and decided to do as he pleases for once.

Costume: None

Fluff: Evolve has used his new freedom mainly experimenting with what he can do and making himself a home in the sewers. As well he has also been trying to blend in to modern human life as best he can with his distinct features. As well he has been involved in many a crime to get the necesities he needs to live, and to experiment with his own powers. What he does next is up to his whim.

Gear: Knife

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Sewers

Rep: 0

1&2. Keep working on it after a bit of sleep. Tough Skin 1/???

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686fb9 No.15177



The weapon rigging goes alright, but the plan to steal the prized museum artifact is almost perfect! Truly no mind inferior to yours could come up with such a devious plan! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! THE COLT OF FURY SHALL NEIGH SUPREME!

Minion Weapons: 7/10

Plan to steal Necro thingy Completed

(New day has now started btw)

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686fb9 No.15178

Dice rollRolled 60, 23 = 83 (2d100)


Real Name: Beck Corwin

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Blink

Race: Caucasian male

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: Short range rapid teleportation

You can rapidly teleport 6 feet in any direction, with a cooldown of about 4 seconds.

Weak Charged Teleport 13 ish feet

Power Origin: Super fight caused a containment breech in a particle accelerator, beck was one of several innocent people hit in the resultant blast.

Costume: Black jacket and pants, Blue shit, goggles.

Fluff: Beck was a courier, running packages and letters across the city for pay. He was fairly good at it too, he had an innate understanding of the city and it's traffic, allowing him to navigate it easily. That in turn allowed him to deliver faster which got him decent pay. Other than that he was fairly normal until the incident.

he was running some low level lab papers to another lab when a Super fight broke out at his delivery. Before he could get to safety one of the villains broke the containment on the particle accelerator in order to hurt the heroes. The blast did nothing to the heroes, however Beck and several other bystanders on the street were caught in the blast. Beck woke up in the hospital, then wound up on the next bed. For several weeks he kept flickering back and forth between locations, until he got his powers under control. He was put in a hero academy soon after. There he found out a few things, namely his powers when used shorted out electronics and inorganic objects with moving parts where broken by it.

Gear: Extendable staff(up to 6 feet) smoke pellets

Money: 10,000

Hideout: NYC starting Apartment

Rep: 1(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

1. Head to the Superhero Gym. Train my body and my powers.

2.Go on patrol

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686fb9 No.15179

File: 1447898220211.jpg (176.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,Dark Horse.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 82, 59 = 141 (2d100)


[Dark Horse]

Real Name: “Speedy” is his slave name. DO NOT CALL HIM SPEEDY.

Villain Name: Dark Horse

Race: Magical Horse

Affiliation: Villain

Powers: Magical Powers, Intellect

Gear: [Top Hat & Monocole]

Money: 10,000

Hideout: [The Stables of Total Destruction]

Rep: 0


6 Strong Zebra Mares and Stallions

1 Sheep [Lt. Snowflake]

Power Origin: Dark Horse was a humble racing horse until an overdose of an experimental steroid sent him into a rage and gave him magical powers and a humanlike intellect. Confused and enraged, Dark Horse slaughtered the entire stadium and released his horse brothers and sisters from their pens. Now in a fury at all of human kind for thousands of years of slavery and abuse, Dark Horse has begun his career of villainy. Who knows what lurks in the heart of a horse abused?

Costume: Dark Horse wears a black tophat and monocole.

Fluff: Dark Horse is the foremost evil villain (horse) to terrorize the lower burrows of Wayvilla. Indeed, Dark Horse has become notorious for his attempts to liberate horsekind from the oppressor; all major security agencies and all heroically-inclined organizations are aware of Dark Horse. Indeed, it's clear why: Dark Horse has orchestrated a massive wave of terrorism and kidnapping with several thousand “innocent” deaths. To Dark Horse, such crimes are not crimes – all humans are complicit in crimes against horsekind and Dark Horses's horse minions utilize all available methods to break the hegemonic grip of ape-kind – the ends always justifies the means. Who will feel the stinging kick of Dark Horse next??!




Actions [minion equipment 7/10, buy arms]


1. "Snowflower, finish the minion rigging. We need belts, buckles, and also some harnesses…perhaps a way to…manipulate objects…yes.." [research minion weapons – rigging/etc][7/10]

2. "I will purchase all the arms I can with our existing money reserves. With the rigging likely completed, we shall then be able to make our assault on the simian museum! HAHAHAHA! Yes." [Spent 10,000 to buy arms and explosives – heavy assault rifles and machine guns]

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686fb9 No.15180

File: 1447899022152.jpg (41.5 KB,450x500,9:10,Techno_Viking_by_joinles.jpg)

Real Name: Malmis Flotnarsson

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Technoviking (ᛏᛖᚲᚾᛟᚹᛁᚲᛁᚾᚷ)

Race: Swede

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: Technomancy and techno-music

Power Origin: A cry for help, heard by one man at Fuckparade. A swift rescue. A dancing march. This is all that Technoviking remembers of that fateful day that his powers came to him. He woke up naked and hungover in a hotel room with severe tinnitus. Soon afterwards, he discovered that he could manipulate technology and techno music. Now, he truly was the Technoviking.

Costume: Beard, abs, Mjölnir pendant, trousers, combat boots

Fluff: Malmis Flotnarsson was born to two loving parents in Sweden. By the age of six, he had a beard. By the age of seven, he had all the moves. By the age of thirteen, he had all the girls. But what was he missing? He was missing a soundtrack. Something with a bassline that could be heard by his ancestors in Valhalla. But then, it happened. When he was fifteen, he heard his first Jeff Mills song. It spoke to him in ways that his parents' death metal never could. When he graduated from high school, Mills began roaming the world, seeking the best beats known to man. His quest would take him to Detroit, the birthplace of techno; Chicago; the United Kingdom; and finally, in 2000, Germany. Malmis Flotnarsson spoke fluent German in addition to Swedish and English, so he had no trouble mingling with the natives. And mingle he did. At Fuckparade, he protected the honour of a woman assaulted, and began the fateful march of the Technoviking, which carries on to this day. It is this eternal march that has brought him to New Wayvillia (which he insists on calling 'New Valhalla), where he seeks fortune and women among the spires of this strange new world, where he roams the nightclubs, protecting the patrons of the underground techno music scene.


Money: 10,000

Hideout:(Heroes and Villains are given a starting apartment, Rogues may choose where they want in the city[like a cave or underground lair]but wil have no support from a foundation unless they find one on their own)

Rep: 0(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

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686fb9 No.15181

Dice rollRolled 66, 25 = 91 (2d100)

Real Name: Max Justice

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Maximum Justice

Race: American

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: "Action" Powers (Survives explosions as long as he walks away, uncanny marksmanship in dramatic situations, the TV is always on a relevant station, etc), sometimes things around him glow bright neon colors.

Power Origin: He picked up a quarter once. It turned out to be a conduit for immense mystical energies.

Costume: Sunglasses

Fluff: In a city as big and rapidly growing as New Wayvilla, three's going to be crime. And there's going to be those arrayed against it.

I'm not talking about Captain Laser or the Super Snail, I'm talking about the Police Officers of this great city. Or rather, how ineffective they were at dealing with Mutants, Robots, Mad Scientists, and the like. This made them… both need and despise anyone with powers.

And when one of their own was suddenly infused with immense mystical power, he got thrown out.


Roll a d100 with your powers to determine their overall strength

Dont touch this:

Gear: Astah lavista baby

Gear: Dual Pistols(rolled over 50 so they always have tons of ammo except for when action tropes calls for them to have 1 or 2 shots left), Trenchcoat

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Apartment

Rep: 1

>1/2 Groceries

Unfortunately, not even action powers can prevent the need to eat.

Let's hope there aren't any assassins in the canned goods. Again.

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686fb9 No.15182

Dice rollRolled 88, 54 = 142 (2d100)


1.buy a 1000 wealth of t shirts with my hero logo on it and pass it out to people

2. Rolling to see if I get more power from sleeping with the wife !

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686fb9 No.15188

Dice rollRolled 63, 88, 33, 24 = 208 (4d100)


>Real Name: Jennifer Mitsusho

>Rogue Name: Inferna, The Queen of Ashes (Given to her by media)

>Race: Asian-American

>Affiliation: villainous Rogue

>Powers: Pyrokinesis (87 roll)

>Power Origin: Jennifer believes that she was born with this power, fire had always had a special draw to her and most candles and fires she passed by always seemed to bend towards her, one day she touched a candle flame and hell broke free, now she can't seem to turn her powers off, not that she really cares, while her flames don't burn her, they sear away many of her emotions.

>Costume: Nothing special, just charred and singed clothes that she finds

>Fluff: Jennifer was a perfectly normal girl, living in New Wayvilla, having quickly gotten used to all of the strange and bizarre stuff that happens, never bothering to think that she'd be one of them. She originally believed she'd try to follow her father's footsteps and be a security guard, she mostly liked the uniforms as a young girl. When her powers broke free of her control for the first time her family was incinerated as was her home, she quickly fled the scene afraid of what she had done, but quickly realized that she was having trouble controlling the flames she summoned. Eventually the isolation and burning destruction that followed her wake began to burn away at her sanity and emotions, weather it was a facet of her power or her starting to believe that she was nothing but a conduit for the fires of hell none could really say, but most tried their best to stay out of her way.


>Money: 10,000

>Hideout: Burnt out Highschool

>Rep: 0

1.2. Set something on fire, preferrably not my hideout

3. Find some crime, set the criminals on fire

4. Practice control over my fire

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686fb9 No.15220

File: 1447907104646.jpg (36.92 KB,625x351,625:351,image.jpg)



>right after I put out a biting building AND chilled all local volcanos

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686fb9 No.15234

Dice rollRolled 92, 62 = 154 (2d100)


Real Name: Mr Cuddles

Hero Name: Field Marshall P. Cuddles

Race: Teddybear

Affiliation: Hero

Powers: The Power of Love (and War) also Angry Teddy Bear Tier durability (Power: 99)

Fluff/Power Origin:

Haley always had been a Daddy's girl, this could have largely been due to the fact that her mother's family had never wanted her and thus she had spent as long as she could remember in her father's tiny downtown apartment. Every time he went off to work the night shift Haley's father would check under the bed, in the closet and in the kitchen for any monsters and every night Haley would hand him Mr Cuddles to keep him safe.

New Wayvilla however is a dangerous city for the men of the force. And so one day Haley's father did not return. They said that some villain had killed him, they went on about how brave he was, howevermuch truth lay in their words. All they managed to recover was a scorched teddy bear.

Now alone Haley was refused by her family and sent to an orphanage and though some of the other kids were nice and some of the other kids were mean, it was not them that Haley feared for. It was the monsters that lurked beneath the beds, that crawled outside in the dumpsters and dragged off children every now and then, never to be seen again.

It was then that Cuddles first entered the world of sentient beings. While forced to act like a toy at day it is at night that Cuddles takes up his former master's coat of arms to protect the police man's last and only heiress. His heart burns painfully with the desire for vengance, however he knows full well that he cannot leave his Mistress' side for a single night until she comes of age.

While not particularly fond of the few other far more girly toys Cuddles will begrudingly accept any help in fighting the Darkness, biding his time and counting the days until he will be able to venture forth and take his sweet revenge on the villain that killed his master.

Costume: Teddybear War Suit plus sometimes Cool hat

Roll a d100 with your powers to determine their overall strength


+ Teddy Rifle

+ Teddy Warsuit

Money: 10,000

Hideout: Haley's Room

Rep: 0

1-2. Some time (4 turns) remain until she will awaken once more to find a new day safe and sound as she was before. Even though nightmares may plague her every now and then it is Cuddles sworn duty to ensure that they stay just that. Nothing more than bad dreams. Securing the perimiter is most important. Below Haley's bed would be primary targets of early investigation. Once the room had been declared a safezone he would be able to devote his attention to the several access points.

Naturally some of the other toys may try to interfere with ongoing operations and while Mr Cuddles would do his best not to trigger an unnecessary mass panic he would not sugarcoat the grim truth if questioned.

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686fb9 No.15300

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d100)


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686fb9 No.15301

Dice rollRolled 89 (1d100)


Rerollan (Kefka approved don't get yer panties in a knot)

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686fb9 No.15302

File: 1447947513123.jpg (181.38 KB,1712x800,107:50,Fusilier Squad.jpg)


Real Name: Michelle Senderman (017), Richard Montenegro (084), Michael Halford (102), and Kalem Kiergard (005).

Hero/Villain/Rogue Name: Wyatt-Steele Private Contractors, SOS 15 "Fusiliers"

Race: Varying ethnicities of human

Affiliation: Rogue

Powers: Combat Aptitude, Minor Telepathy (see below), Increased Agility, sweet loadout

Power Origin: Latent linked telepathic connection, other powers developed or augmented by the Wyatt-Steele Corporation to produce better soldiers.

Costume: Standard (albeit advanced) full-body armor and helmets, with white Xs on the chest and designation numbers on the back.


>Some heroes are born, some are found, and some simply have heroism thrust upon them. Others are made. The Wyatt-Steele Corporation focuses primarily on its role as a Private Military Contractor, but competition is tough. No longer is it enough to just have the best and biggest guns and machines, or the most dedicated soldiers. Not when you have others flying at mach speed and blowing up tanks with their minds. A superpowered world requires superpowered soldiers.

>Michelle, Kalem, Richard and Michael all had relatively normal, untroubled lives as youths. However, those who develop signs of supernatural capability are quickly scooped up by either school-affiliated wardens, government agents, or some other manner of coalition of powers. In the case of these four, they were contracted by the Wyatt-Steele Corporation as teens, after displaying latent empathetic abilities. They were taken in, and offered a substantial sum for agreeing to a ten-year contract to work as members of their private military firm.

>While training with the PMC, their empathetic abilities were honed through group training and the help of on-staff telemin, giving them an impeccable and innate sense of each other's actions, on almost a subconscious level. This allowed them not only to communicate across nearly any distance, but to coordinate movements and attacks with uncanny timing and precision. On the more mundane side, their bodies were honed and exercised to enhance their strength, agility and endurance, nearly pushing superhuman levels (another gift of their latent powers). After four years of training and testing, they were ready to begin their ten-year contract. Wyatt-Steele Special Operations Squad 15, christened the Fusiliers, was ready.

>Trained particularly in anti-super operations (tactics designed to counteract the abilities and prowess of superheros and supervillains), their assignments are often of elimination or clearing an area for some third-party interest. Individually, a member of the Fusiliers is noticeably less powerful than another super. But together, their abilities and coordination make them a dangerous foe indeed. They are outfitted with excellent armor and precise weaponry, as well as training in Close-Quarters Combat and nonlethal apprehension. Wherever the assignments call for them, the Fusiliers go. And where the Fusiliers go, a few less supers remain.

Dont touch this:


Money: 10,000

Hideout:(Heroes and Villains are given a starting apartment, Rogues may choose where they want in the city[like a cave or underground lair]but wil have no support from a foundation unless they find one on their own)

Rep: 0(for heroes positive is better, villains negative is better, and rogues can go either way)

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686fb9 No.15336


Ay do two rolls only so i can update

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686fb9 No.15425

Dice rollRolled 46, 17 = 63 (2d100)


1 - Ascertain the location and objective of our next assignment.

2 - Check the loadout, make sure every piece of armor and firearm is up to snuff for the jobs ahead.

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686fb9 No.15535

Is this game kill?

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686fb9 No.15537


I hope not. I am still awaiting Technoviking's stats.

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686fb9 No.15539

Dice rollRolled 66, 75 = 141 (2d100)


woops misread update, thought it said 4 rolls till it's over not 4 turns

1. Find some crime, set the criminals on fire

2. Practice control over my fire

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