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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1447652527131.jpg (55.73 KB,379x504,379:504,1393.jpg)

72a20f No.14503 [View All]

The year is 2021 Russia has invaded the U.S and things have gone to utter shit, that is if you were one of those filthy capitalist pigs,but luckily for you, you have been born strong glorious russian citizen. However the motherland is not all it's cracked up to be the lack of freedom,the imposed curfews, the violent riots taking place every other day in the street. Russia is worse than america right now and you either have to find a way to flee your homeland safely or come up with a plot to overthrow the corrupt government pigs controlling your beloved country , our slogan used to be Съ Нами Богъ(God is with us) but nowadays you are beginning to think god has turned his back on the people. Above all else your number one priority is to not arouse suspicion, OBEY, FOR BIG BROTHER IS ALWAYS WATCHING. " ENTER OPPRESSIVE COMMUNISM THE GAME"

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72a20f No.14596


You barely had enough time to get out of there and were only able to grab a bullet proof vest and a makarov with 3 bullets left in the clip.

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72a20f No.14597


You try your hardest,bur the only thing you can find is seemingly normal conversation. You now have a small nosebleed. -5 health.

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72a20f No.14598


Brother Igor its brother Vlad ! I tell you are from sulm from way you speak. Slum brothers need to look out for each other ! Here take vodka drink and be merry.

(Actually vodka no hidden agenda)

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72a20f No.14599


Explosives went off, they've spotted you and are coming your way you are going to have to haul ass if you want to make it out of this alive.

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72a20f No.14600


Fallow noise ! Sounds like glorious Russian factories are exploding again !

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72a20f No.14601


Trust me I'm an engineer, for some strange reason people feel comfortable around you and are willing to listen to what you have to say. +10 for all rolls relating to diplomacy or conversation.

Sorry m8 no magic for you.

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72a20f No.14602


By the power of dubs you have found the source of the noise, it is not a factory,but a house you can clearly see what looks like several armed men chasing after another person.

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72a20f No.14603

Dice rollRolled 68 (1d100)


Cyka blyat! Vlad runs and slides into cover behind something durable, and looks back to see how many are after him.

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72a20f No.14604


I have dealt with worse fires before, put out fire like good Russian citizen and get closer to the men playing gun tag

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72a20f No.14605

Dice rollRolled 63 (1d100)


Name: Vladimir

Gender: Male

Ethnicity:Russians only

Age: 20

Fluff: Vladamir is good with guns, and make many guns. Ever since young Vladamir has been good at making the guns. Now many people have asked: "Vladamir how come you speak in third person?", "Vladamir, what is your family name?", "Vladamir, how come this gun shoot knives?", "Vladamir, this is rocket launcher not gun, how did you even make this?", "Vladamir, this is police, you are under arrest." But Vladamir just take swig of vodka, shove gun in hand, and shout "Revolution now Comrades!"

Main Goal: Revolution now Comrades!

to be filled in by GM:

Status: [Health: 45] [Sanity:100] [Suspicion:0]

Magic User: Roll a d100 to see how good you are and how much you know about it.


Your knowledge of guns means you lose only a third of your health in firefights add a permanent modifier to your health reflecting this.

After transmission Vladamir goes to find more rebel comrades.

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72a20f No.14606

Dice rollRolled 82 (1d100)


Igor Veselovsky








Igor is great engineer. Make many building, design many machine.

…Maybe he sometime drink too much when design machine, or sleep when need advise construction crews, but very good engineer. Good enough that Igor not throw in gulag for drink and sleep.

Igor dream of one day create grand masterpiece of engineer skill, but know that he must make same buildings over and again over. Is for greater good of revolution, Da?

Main Goal:

Igor hear other country allow for make of good buildings, even beautiful buildings. And also less risk of kill. Igor is interested in go.






Trust me I'm an engineer, for some strange reason people feel comfortable around you and are willing to listen to what you have to say. +10 for all rolls relating to diplomacy or conversation.


Brother Vlad! Is good to see you! Thank you for Vodka.

If need anything, please ask.

>now for action

Something bad has happened to a building, I can feel in my vodka organs. Igor must go find if is one of his buildings.

Maybe this time is not? They will need engineer either way.

>find a collapsing building

>help with that building

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72a20f No.14607

Dice rollRolled 64 (1d100)

Name: Yuri Orlov


Ethnicity:Russians only


Fluff: Yuri grew up an orphan in the care of the state. His love for mother Russia is boundless. He has dedicated his life to upholding the virtue of his nation and his ideologies. Not too much is known about him beyond graduating the top of his classes and his zealot like belief in communism.

Main Goal: Uphold the state.

Status: [Health: 55] [Sanity:120] [Suspicion:0]

Magic User: Tychokinesis

The magic of manipulating the outcome of an event in your favor or another's unfavor is no simple task indeed whenever you decide to use this lose one third of your sanity and a fourth of your health.

Bonuses/Eccentricities:Due to your rolling of dubs you have been blessed with the power of luck add a permanent +5 modifier to all of your rolls

1. Now is time yuri. I have waited whole life for this chance. I must get armed. Go use our connections to get some gear. Weapons and bulletproof jacket.

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72a20f No.14608


You slide into cover easily with your training

looking over you see there is about roughly 20 soldiers all with guns pointed directly at the concrete roadblock you are hiding behind.


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72a20f No.14609


You're in luck it's not one of your buildings however the armed men with guns is quite alarming considering how close they are to you.

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72a20f No.14610


You acquire a makarov with about three boxes of ammunition for it as well as a small flak jacket it's not much but it'll do, as a bonus for buying from this contact he threw in an extra makarov free of charge.

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72a20f No.14611

Dice rollRolled 23 (1d100)


"Comrades, factory is close to collapse! Need to get out of under mass of steel and concrete!"

"Finish what you do quickly, for gravity does not wait!"

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72a20f No.14612

Dice rollRolled 38 (1d100)


Vlad looks out over the roadblock and lets out a grunt of annoyance. Outnumbered and outgunned, time to see if this magic can do anything. As his hand glows Vlad punches the concrete block, hoping to shatter it and send the chunks flying at high velocity at the soldiers before running to more cover

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72a20f No.14613


By the power of dubs you have saved everyone with your warning they are in your debt.

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72a20f No.14614

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d100)


>Name: Petyr Bocharov

>Gender: Male

>Ethnicity: Russian

>Age: 40

>Fluff: Petyr Bocharov, also known as "the voice of Moscow" is the state hired sensationalist news reporter and part time propagandandist.

>His job consists of inspiring the good people of Russia on television and radio towards staying loyal and true to our noble nation, and reporting and calling to arms against any news of the evil rebels and threats to the Russian people.

>While many believe him a master of words and speechcraft, the truth is. . .he just knows how to talk very well. Much of his speeches are both pre-written and censored and handed down from the upper eschelons, he just adds a touch of fire and brimestone to it.

>This the only job and claim to fame he has ever known, he is determined not to lose it.

>Main Goal: Keeping my job while working for the regime

>to be filled in by GM:

>Status: [Health: 45] [Sanity:110] [Suspicion:0]

>Magic User: Roll a d100 to see how good you are and how much you know about it.

>Bonuses/Eccentricities: -5 modifier to your health for any time you use magic

1. Head to work and see what the bosses want me to do about this and say on TV. I can imagine people are already talking about this everywhere, which means they'll want to put their own spin on this.

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72a20f No.14615

Dice rollRolled 96 (1d100)

Name: Yuri Orlov


Ethnicity:Russians only


Main Goal: Uphold the state.

Status: [Health: 55] [Sanity:120] [Suspicion:0]

Magic User: Tychokinesis


2x Makarov

3x boxes of ammunition

Small flack jacket

The magic of manipulating the outcome of an event in your favor or another's unfavor is no simple task indeed whenever you decide to use this lose one third of your sanity and a fourth of your health.

Bonuses/Eccentricities:Due to your rolling of dubs you have been blessed with the power of luck add a permanent +5 modifier to all of your rolls

Now we are armed. Go to the meeting point. It is time for rebels to die.

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72a20f No.14616


You successfully hit the road block causing several large chunks to hit three of the soldiers right in the head knocking them to the ground and caving their skulls in. Brain matter splatters over their comrades enraging them,as you slide behind a parked van you catch two bullets in your right shoulder due to the headache caused by the magic leaving you a tad slower than usual. -20 health.

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72a20f No.14617


Bossman isn't happy, in fact he's far from it and in no uncertain terms tells you to fuck right off and go back home as he's getting reports of terrorist threats popping up all over russia. Apparently government doesn't want anyone to know jack shit about what's going on so they are pulling the plug on all media.

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72a20f No.14618

Dice rollRolled 83 (1d100)

Army can deal with mad wizard, Igor must go to work.

…and submit damage report of factory, since Igor saw it.

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72a20f No.14619

Dice rollRolled 100 + 10 (1d100)


Vlad clutched his shoulder as blood started pouring from the wounds. He didnt have time or resources to bandage up, instead he attempted to use his magic again. This time he slapped the ground, causing the van to rocket up in the and(hopefully)crush his assailants, a wall of rock his new cover where he sat.

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72a20f No.14621


With both makarov's in hand you easily navigate to the meeting point to find your comrades engaged in a firefight. Three of your comrades lie dead on the ground. Their skulls appear to have been smashed in.

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72a20f No.14622


Your boss is absolutely in love with your report, apparently his brother was working in the factory that collapsed and because you successfully warned the people inside he got out safely. The bossman wishes to give you a promotion and a weeks pay in advance.

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72a20f No.14623

Dice rollRolled 6 + 5 (1d100)


Name: Yuri Orlov


Ethnicity:Russians only


Main Goal: Uphold the state.

Status: [Health: 55] [Sanity:120] [Suspicion:0]

Magic User: Tychokinesis


2x Makarov

3x boxes of ammunition

Small flack jacket

The magic of manipulating the outcome of an event in your favor or another's unfavor is no simple task indeed whenever you decide to use this lose one third of your sanity and a fourth of your health.

Bonuses/Eccentricities:Due to your rolling of dubs you have been blessed with the power of luck add a permanent +5 modifier to all of your rolls

Atrocity!!!! Find the man who did this and kill him. He might still be near. Make sure to move under cover.

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72a20f No.14625

Dice rollRolled 37 + 5 (1d100)


Time for Tychokinesis. I have no bad luck here

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72a20f No.14626


You focus and pour all your power into this one attack and launch the the van up a good 20ft in the air before it comes hurtling back down straight at the middle of the group of soldiers crushing half of them to death. The rock wall you made in place of the van is made of pure obsidian, this feat of magic however has costed you dearly as you now suffer from a severe migraine as well as a nosebleed. -10 health

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72a20f No.14628

Dice rollRolled 39 (1d100)

Friends! Comrades! Do not fight, here Vlad will help

>use steam magic to make sight impossible then rescue rebel Comrad

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72a20f No.14629

Dice rollRolled 87 (1d100)

>Gender: Male

>Ethnicity: Russian

>Age: 40

>Fluff: Petyr Bocharov, also known as "the voice of Moscow" is the state hired sensationalist news reporter and part time propagandandist.

>His job consists of inspiring the good people of Russia on television and radio towards staying loyal and true to our noble nation, and reporting and calling to arms against any news of the evil rebels and threats to the Russian people.

>While many believe him a master of words and speechcraft, the truth is. . .he just knows how to talk very well. Much of his speeches are both pre-written and censored and handed down from the upper eschelons, he just adds a touch of fire and brimestone to it.

>This the only job and claim to fame he has ever known, he is determined not to lose it.

>Main Goal: Keeping my job while working for the regime

>to be filled in by GM:

>Status: [Health: 45] [Sanity:110] [Suspicion:0]

>Magic User: Roll a d100 to see how good you are and how much you know about it.

>Bonuses/Eccentricities: -5 modifier to your health for any time you use magic

1. Guess I'll take the day off then!

Call up a meeting up with my other friends from the media and spend some time at the bar, since we're all probably not busy today. Chat about, and maybe figure out what is going on. All of us here are versed in information.

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72a20f No.14630


As you go to search for the culprit you look up and find a minivan hurtling towards you, the sheer shock from this event has caused you to not be able to dodge it in time leading to you being knocked into a nearby building with the minivan trapping you there. You are positive your legs are broken as well as several ribs. You are now in excruciating pain. -45 health

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72a20f No.14631

Dice rollRolled 59 (1d100)



Vlad is dizzy, in pain, hurt, and just managed an impressive feat of magic for his skill level. As such he gets up and runs, hoping to use his knowledge of the streets to escape his dissarrayed pursuers and find a rebel doctor and arms dealer to patch him up.

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72a20f No.14632


The steam rolls in obscuring the enemy soldiers vision long enough to let you get to where the other rebel is and then dissipates leaving you stuck with him. +45 suspicion for helping a known rebel.

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72a20f No.14633

Dice rollRolled 72 (1d100)


Any - suspension becuase I took out the fire ?

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72a20f No.14635


Odd it seems the phone lines are down, something is clearly going on you turn on the radio and find nothing…dead silence something is clearly going on and whatever it is you don't like it.

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72a20f No.14637


Dubs check em, you get to negate the effects of that magical feat as well as catch up to the fleeing rebel comrade.

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72a20f No.14638

Dice rollRolled 40 (1d100)


>Gender: Male

>Ethnicity: Russian

>Age: 40

>Fluff: Petyr Bocharov, also known as "the voice of Moscow" is the state hired sensationalist news reporter and part time propagandandist.

>His job consists of inspiring the good people of Russia on television and radio towards staying loyal and true to our noble nation, and reporting and calling to arms against any news of the evil rebels and threats to the Russian people.

>While many believe him a master of words and speechcraft, the truth is. . .he just knows how to talk very well. Much of his speeches are both pre-written and censored and handed down from the upper eschelons, he just adds a touch of fire and brimestone to it.

>This the only job and claim to fame he has ever known, he is determined not to lose it.

>Main Goal: Keeping my job while working for the regime

>to be filled in by GM:

>Status: [Health: 45] [Sanity:110] [Suspicion:0]

>Magic User: Roll a d100 to see how good you are and how much you know about it.

>Bonuses/Eccentricities: -5 modifier to your health for any time you use magic

1. Wow! They are really locking everything down aren't they.

Well, a reporters work is never over. And I really don't have much to go home to right now.

I think I'll take a walk downtown, and maybe get some juicy news I can report on.

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72a20f No.14639

Dice rollRolled 60 (1d100)


To be filled in by the player:

Name: Vlad Vladerbelt

Gender: male

Ethnicity:Russians only

Age: 21

Fluff: I da brother of many shall help my comrades in most best Russian style ! Alcohol induced fire magic! To long have I work in factory. I make cheap Booz and I get to have no drink of it ! Bah, I shall stand it no more.

to be filled in by GM:

Status: [Health: 40/45] [Sanity:100] [Suspicion:45]

Magic User: Roll a d100 to see how good you are and how much you know about it.



Immune from poison

Expert at fire magic you can probably burn people to ashes with so much as a flick of the wrist. With advanced knowledge of water magic you now have control over steam and alcohol as well enjoy your powers.


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72a20f No.14640


You manage to somehow run as fast as you can, but as soon as you duck into a back alley to find medical help you trip and fall. Lose one point of health. You get back up and continue onwards finding someone willing to help however you don't have enough money to pay him all your money was back in the now collapsed building that was your safehouse.

The woman offering medical aid says she is willing to accept a favor or rather payment in another way after she patches you up.

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72a20f No.14641

Dice rollRolled 57 (1d100)


"Deal, I shall do you your favor after I am healed and supplied my comrade."

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72a20f No.14642

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d100)


Well time to crawl my happy ass to a doctor. Mother Russia will be saved another day.

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72a20f No.14643

Dice rollRolled 78 (1d100)


A promotion is wonderful, but bossman may want to hold on to pay. Igor has feeling this will not be isolated incident, and budget will be needed.

Anyway, is time for Igor to work! And will happily do it, now that BORIS can not order Igor around now.

…What buildings has Igor been asked to design today?

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72a20f No.14644


The woman patches you up and removes the bullets from your shoulder making sure to disinfect the wound by pouring vodka into it. +45 health

After she is done patching you up she tells you exactly what she meant by favor and drags you into a more secluded spot in the alley


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72a20f No.14645


You cough up blood and are having trouble breathing, you feel like you are going to die at any moment now…stuck between a rock and a hard place you perish. Your last thoughts are of your friends,family and country. Your death will not be forgotten, you will be forever remembered as a innocent victim of the rebel uprising.

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72a20f No.14646


You check the schedule and are surprised to find your name is not on the list, upon further inquiry your boss left a note for you stating you've won an all expense paid trip to hawaii. Your co-workers tell you to enjoy your time off you deserve it.

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72a20f No.14649

Dice rollRolled 83 (1d100)


( ° ʖ °)

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72a20f No.14651


Loud moans are heard in the street and a few hours later you emerge victorious so too does your new…friend she whispers in your ear and pulls you back in for round two, after all is said and done she leads you to a cache of med supplies and weapons allowing you to grab a three grenades, a OTs-14 and a desert eagle to replace your makarov as well as approximately ten boxes of ammunition for both of your new weapons.

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72a20f No.14660

Dice rollRolled 49 (1d100)


Gather up my stuff and search for another safehouse after thanking my lady friend.

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72a20f No.14713

Dice rollRolled 25 (1d100)

Name: Sashka Sokolov

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Russians

Age: 21

Fluff: Sashka was the daughter of a University professor, before he got Disappeared. She spends what time she doesn't spend drinking at the local bar encrypting and decrypting messages–a skill her father taught her–for a fee. She dreams of leaving for Latin America, like the Nazi's of yore. As such she's gotten a Brazilian wax and Soviet-themed bikini picked for whenever she's able to make the trip.

Main Goal: To Escape!

to be filled in by GM:

Status: [Health: 45] [Sanity:100] [Suspicion:0]

Magic User: Main Water, sub air, combo ice.



Try to find a business partner for illegal bootlegging operation. Escape will not fund itself now! Use secret notes to avoid getting caught.

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